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There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - Printable Version

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Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-04-2018

Clans were a violent bunch. When his brother first gave him valuable information before stationing him in the clans the other had made sure to state that most of them acted like barbarians. They were constantly at war with each other, sometimes over the dumbest things here and there. They had an incredibly strange way of thinking, as they always seemed to trust one another. Killua thought that whatever his brother told him actually ended up making him laugh out of consideration that he had never heard such ridiculous notions and yet his brother was being serious the entire time that he was givnig him the briefing. Realizing that, he had shut himself up so that he could listen to all of the information that his brother could give him. Not like it would be hard to gather information of the place that he was going to end up joining as everyone was completely open to the idea of giving information as long as one was a 'joiner'. Killua used that to his advantage and made it seem like he was a joiner to several different clans that he came across. Asking information that he would need to know, such as who was in charge and what most of the territory was like. From there, Killua would make himself disappear without a trace and he doubted that others would have even cared to remember him on the account that there were so many animals that wanted to join all the time. It made little to no difference for Killua as long as he got whatever he wanted. After all, everyone there had just treated him like a kid. Killua had plenty of experience when it came to the clans, and he had to admit that almost all of them were the same. They either just had animals that carried diffrerent personalities, but all of them had the same agenda. There were groups that were constantly giving other clans trouble, and have the time the clan wouldn't try and do anything about it because starting fights were 'wrong'. Only way to end a fight in Killua's mind back in the day was to end a fight with a fight, and whoever the stronger was, was going to survive. The assassin had been through several wars with the clans, and watched the way that they fought. Sloppy. That was an accurate word to describe the fighting style that all the clans had. Some of them were far too cocky for their own good when it came to the clan that htey were in. Not realizing that there were others that were stornger than themselves out in the world. They attacked recklessly and without even any single thought or a plan that they could come up with. The wildcat didn't have to even remotely be careful against fighting those that weren't even treating the battle like a real battle. The assassin never lost a battle while he was in the first clan that he was stationed in. He was able to get his mission done without a hitch, killing the leader. Which had been easier said than done because the other had tried to transform into a dragon to try and intimidate him. Killua was too quick and his claws were capable of piercing thick scales if he put them in the right place. One leader down, and he was given another job in another clan. Without even looking back, Killua left and went onto the next group. Fairly similar to the one that he was in right now, covered in snow and there were different islands that were floating around for some strange reason. Killua was supposed to kill the leader, and so he began to gather information on those that lived in the place. At this time the clan was in a war against a group that considered themselves to be incredibly dangerous. However, half the time they would just leave bodies on the border as a means of a scar tactic. It left Killua unphased. When one finally arrived on the border to try and challenge others to a fight, Killua was able to wipe the floor with him. Was this what the clan was afraid of? They were lightweights! At least compared to the likes of a Zolydck in the assassin's mind. He decided to ignore the group out of the fact that they never seemed to shut their mouths and annoyed the hell out of him. Then he went back to his mission, to try and kill the leader.

For once in his life though, Killua had failed a mission. The other matched him practically blow for blow until she held her trident up against his throat. Killua thought that he was going to die right then and there. He was afraid yes because he didn't want to die. The leader, however, ended up letting him go. Which caused more confusion and frustration that he would have originally thought. He was still an assassin after that though and turned to the group that was at war with the one that he was stationed in. The ones that he considered to be far weaker than him in every regard of the term. He targeted one of their high positions, dispatching the other within a matter of seconds and leaving nothing but a pile of flesh on the ground. Sure showed how tough they were. Then while he interacted with the clan that he was stationed in, their mindsets began to change his mindsets slowly but surely. His brother soon got involved and met him in order to punish him for failing his mission and not wanting to be an assassin anymore. Killua was nearly killed, but he was able to survive. Just barely. The scars from that exchange hidden underneath his slightly long fur. The clans were never a nice place to live, and yet despite this several creatures decided to flock to places such as this one seeking solitude without realizing what they were getting themselves into. The wildcat had known this for the very beginning and didn't expect anything different from the groups that surrounded themselves. Maybe if the loners did a little bit of research before making a final decision they wouldn't feel like they had been betrayed when it came to joining the group. His attention had obviously been on the lynx more than the children, as he would consider the lynx to be a little bit more of a threat. She was a mother after all. He had seen angry mothers before. He flicked one of his large white ears as he shrugged his shoulders at the other's response. "With the way that these groups work, practically anyone can just say they want to join and you're free to do whatever you want after that. The same happens with Snowbound, so if you want to live here just decide to do so." Killua spoke in a calm tone. He never gave into consideration whether someone joining would actually be beneficial to the clan or not. It wasn't his business as he never felt like he belonged in such groups with the way that he had been raised. He was still young and had a lot to learn when it came to social interactions. In other words, they were going to be accepted into the group regardless. He had to admit that they were an interesting looking family. When Cry spoke though, he looked out of the corner of his eye at the avian. He didn't care what the other said, but knew that this was just going to stir some issues. Safe? Of course, it wasn't safe. It was a damn clan after all. Killua rolled himself over on his back with a sigh, his limbs pointed upward as he wasn't looking at the group. "She's only saying that because we got attacked recently." A pauce. "That's how all the clans are, there's bound to be battles and fights no matter where you go. So if you aren't prepared to have to deal with potential threats, threats that one would have to deal with even when being a loner anyway, then none of the groups nearby are probably for you guys." Killua explained in a logical tone.

These places were wild. There were going to be threats. There were no paradises except in fairy tales. Only children could believe in such. When Killua heard the snarl though, the fur across his body immediately bristled. Who the hell did the guy think he was snarling at them. The assassin rolled himself back over and got up onto his own paws. A low growl escaped his own jaws as he looked at the canine. Did they think they were the enemy? Then they were idiots themselves. "Who the hell are you snarling at? We aren't the type to just attack you because you have your opinion so knock it off already. If you want someone to fight got to the damn Typhoon or Tanglewood." Killua knew of the other clans while the rest of his clanmates didn't. It was easy for him to recognize that the Typhoon and Tanglewood were the more violent groups. While the Ascendants and Snowbound were the more peaceful ones. After all, he had visited all of them. The wildcat, of course, wasn't threatening the wolf. He was just clarifying that the other had his facts wrong. His sapphire blue eyes narrowed in a dangerous manner, and yet despite that, his body language showed he was a clam and he wasn't about to threaten them either. Killua could care less what the family decided to do. They could go live alone themselves, or stay here. It made no difference to him. 
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - ghostpact - 04-04-2018

keeshond. snowbound. gatherer. tags.
Ecto looked from her brother to the others approaching them, face bright upon realizing these could be her new friends and their new clanmates. It had sounded so exciting and fun. They seemed nice, at first, at least. She bounced closer to her mother, ready to spout a hundred different questions. When Raine said her name, the keeshond lifted her chin, as if indicating without words that she was, in fact, the 'Ecto'. And everything seemed like it would be okay. The small wildcat was saying they could join if they wanted and she was thinking about all the fun things she and Kayn could do around Snowbound. Their mother could finally rest and she could play as much as she wanted and make so many friends there. Until the raven arrived, she was a wiggling fluffy ball of excitement. Her dark eyes widened at the avian, smile dipping just slightly. It wasn't safe. Why wasn't it safe? She glanced at the others. It didn't look not safe to her. They seemed so friendly, maybe besides the bird who was just trying to scare her. Right? She jumped when her brother growled, though and her bright features fell to worry and fear. If he didn't think it was safe, then maybe Cry was telling the truth. That left her upset and scared. The small dog gave a quiet whimper, wide eyes now glanced between Kayn and Killua.

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - Sweetopia - 04-04-2018

Everything was so far good, until a petty argument broke out between some other cat and her baby boy. Giving a ticked off look, hoping for them to just stop; Time passed and her wish was never granted. 'Looks like I'm stepping in to save others asses again.' She rolled her eyes and gave a haughty hiss. She was not playing this game today, she was too tired for fighting.

"You two, cut it out; my baby is just a bit protective over me and his sister. But anyways it's nice to meet you child." Raine gave a soft bow to the albino serval, giving a now caring smile. "Please apologize Sugar-Kayn, that wasn't very nice." Scolding her children was hard for her, but she had to so no fights would go too far.

Killua seemed a bit mean, but maybe in the end she could bond with the child.

//lynx mom is triggered, + ic opinions

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - JERSEYBOY - 04-05-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; color: black; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;"]Oh boy, oh boy. What was going on here? It was hard to say, as he had arrived to the party rather late, but it looked like the Three Musketeers were being interrogated by none other than Killua and a few others. What else was new? But, when things started to heat up, Jerseyboy gave a 'tsk' and proceeded to casually stroll on over. He flickered his olivine gaze to one of them, the dark wolf-looking fella, and he snorted, "Ey, kid- pull that stick outta' your ass. Nobody's out to get ya'." Some of these guys were just natural assholes, but it was no reason to get fired up. Jersey just wanted to diffuse the situation before it got any worse- he knew that two hostile teenagers going at it wouldn't make for a pretty fight.

His gaze swept over the rest of the Snowbound members. "You think we could not start any shit today, maybe?" He eyed Killua on that last note, twitching a whisker. He knew that the serval wasn't exactly in a fighting stance, but he noticed the look in his eyes. He also remembered how he engaged that Ross-guy in a rather hostile manner. He could try to defend himself all he wanted, but Killua was no saint. The kid was a little brat- and if you asked him, he needed to loosen the hell up.

( ic opinions )

Re: There's not a single thing| Open, 3 Joining |I need to tell you anymore - melantha - 04-05-2018

[div style="max-width: 600px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]melantha looks significantly better as compared to when she first arrived. after a good couple nights' rest and some robust meals, she actually looks alive. sandy golden fur is groomed to perfection, and her sagacious green eyes shimmer with an inner fire. the fire of youth? of determination? who knows? all that matters is that she is now far from death's doorstep and is ready to get out and explore a bit. the plains are the perfect playground for a young huntress. herds of elk and deer roam the distant forests, and the air is crisp and clean. mel definitely is not wanting for things to do. she should feel ecstatic. she should feel happy, optimistic, relieved, anything except how she is feeling now as she gazes out upon the landscape. all she can think is that her siblings would like this place. stella always loved the snow... no, she should not think of her family now. it will only serve to sadden her, not fill her with the determination to survive long enough to find them.

turning her attention back towards the outside world, the lithe wildcat begins her exploration of her new (temporary) home. after an hour or so of chasing rabbits and climbing trees and rocks, mel found herself drawn to the border where she had nearly fainted upon only a few days before. on the plains, it is cold and windy, so sounds travels fast and far. it does not take long for melantha to become aware of some fort of confrontation a bit further to the east of her current location. despite her large paws and considerable bulk, the girl is silent in her movements. instead of travelling in a straight line, her course of approach zig-zags as she ducks from cover to cover, keeping a low profile. her family used to fight all the time, and she witnessed quite a lot of arguments during her time alone in the wilds, so she is not particularly disturbed by the growing tension around a considerably large group of animals at the border. she immediately picks killua out in the crows. if he is there, he is probably causing the argument. at least, that is the impression he gives her.

intrigued, mel creeps closer, drinking in the unfolding events with squash green orbs. the word "safe" is thrown around quite a bit, and she soon gathers that this is a conflict between blunt opinions and paranoid minds. whatever it is, she does not have the time to hear people argue. "i'm not quite sure what is going on, but you folks must have traveled a long way, so come get some food and drink and then you can decide if this is someplace you wish to stay," she almost lectured them on the fact that nowhere is truly safe and anyone can crush your windpipe when you're not paying attention. it's just the way of life. but at least living in a large group provides extra eyes and more amenities so life can be more leisurely. the young girl is starting to get emotional—mel can hear the whimpers. she is not quite sure how to handle it, and cannot decide if she should say something or just mind her own business. the mountain lion eventually figures that no one is gonna want to be comforted by some stranger, so she leaves the matter alone. "my name is mel, by the way," not melantha. too much time would be wasted trying to sound out all the syllables.