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『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - Printable Version

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Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - alexander - 08-19-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]It was strange to hear someone other than Rialto or Catheryn calling for them. Alexander is laying under an umbrella at the beach when Adrien calls for them, one eye opening to glance in the direction his voice came from. The kitty seemed to have his panties in a bit of a twist about something. Sighing, the vampire pushes themselves to their feet, careful to keep the umbrella over their head. This better be good - they were having a good time pretending to get a tan.

They're surprised to see Adrien and a bloody Jikai, a twinge of hunger alighting in their stomach at the sight of the man's injuries. They look around at all the rubble, wondering just how in the world the witch could have gotten himself in such a mess. They come to couch down beside Adrien, offering the younger boy an arched eyebrow and a sly smile. "You called?" There really wasn't much that Alex could do, they were no doctor, and Jikai got on their nerves just enough that they would be hesitant even if they were.

Turning to look down at the injured man, Alexander frowns, free hand holding their chin. Flirting on his death bed? "Kitty's a little young for you, Ji. Didn't see you as the furry type, either." They comment after a moment, laughter in their words. They reach out to drag a finger across the witch's arm, gathering the stream of blood there. They wink down in the man's direction as they bring the blood to their lips, making a show of licking it off. Getting back to their feet, they hum in thought, twirling their umbrella in their hands. "So, should I get Pip or Ezra? Maybe I'll leave 'n take kitty cat here with me. You have some magic, don't you?"

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - miss ririchiyo - 08-19-2018

18 Y/O

"I have the tendency to continue talking even when people don't want me to, so that isn't a problem, sweet cheeks." He chuckled lowly, moving to get to work on the wounds he saw. With a few herbs in one hand, he grinded them into a pulp after he had properly cleaned the witch's wounds properly, pasting the herbs on after he had sewed any major wounds up. With a few dabs of antibacterial cream, Chat then wrapped the wounds, before checking for any broken bones.

Chat wasn't a doctor, but he was sure the guy needed a lot of rest and a cast. "I can't really make a cast for your leg, bud, but I can try to make one out of a shit ton of gauzes?" Adrien's voice came through, as he gently patted the wound before using a sharp claw to cut through the fabric of the male's shirt. "Hey, mind you. I'm not trying to strip you for fun or anything, but I need to see your chest." He teased, winking towards the wounded male before he bandaged any open cuts on the male's chest or arms.

When Alexander's voice had rang out, Chat's ear twitched. Leave him there? "Uh, sorry dude, but I'm eighteen, aaaand.. This is my house, so I'm not leaving a visitor behind, yeah?" He replied simply, sending the other a wink for a moment before he turned to move and sit on the floor beside the bed, ruffling his hair. "Unlike some of the people here, I don't leave victims behind, even if I hate them. That's not what heroes do." He muttered softly, rolling toxic green eyes. Chat never really let annoyance show, as he was naturally optimistic, but Alexander really was getting on his nerves and he just arrived.

At his mentioning of Ezra or Pip, Adrien shook his head, ears lying flat against his cranium. "We'll see how well I did by tomorrow. If he's dead, that goes to show I shouldn't be stitching up wounds. Then you can let the Doctors bitch at me, yeah?" He joked, scratching his head with a pointy claw.

//meanwhile chat just flirts back bc he has no limits to flirtatiousness

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - teef - 08-20-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

oh geeze I suck at reading. his injuries were basic stuff that adrien took care of well, the most concerning is the loss of his right leg from below the knee. the second most concerning are gashes on his thigh and chest. (that one is a give or take lol)

jikai smiled when adrien spoke, listening aptly, the witchling forcing himself to not react to the needle going through his flesh. the most worrying was his leg, where he knew he had lost half his limb or so. he could fight the panic from that, his chest tight with fear even as he talked with adrien, finding himself enjoying the sudden pet name.

he chuckled as adrien cut into his shirt, the black fabric tearing easily under pressure and strain. [color=#151B54]"awww. well, if you ever want to look that close, just give me a shout. just cover the leg with salve and herbs. hnnn ... shit ... agh. well, missing a leg certainly lowers the amount of fun."
he coughed out, eyes on the ceiling for a moment as he focused himself.

hearing alex's voice he groaned, "really? taunting me?? I thought better of you." jikai almost snarled, barely keeping the venom out of his voice as he looked at them, baring his teeth with a wave of pain as he watched them make a show of licking his blood off their finger. "sorry to break it to ya, but furry all the way. mmmm. almost tempting me to poison my own blood now." he growled, huffing as he attempted to flip the bird at alexander.

he closed his eyes again, making a startled noise when xiaoxiao hissed from right beside his ear, the otherwise gentle python curled up and waving as she stared at alexander, her jaws open in as threatening a pose as she could manage. he chuckled, reaching to stroke her back scales, sensing her aggression and uneasiness at not knowing anyone around him. he sighed, "my magick doesn't work like this. it's not strong enough. no matter how many charms or potions I put on it, my leg wont heal." he nearly snarled, eyes dark.

I still ly, it's too easy to have ji and alex not get along //

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - alexander - 08-20-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Alexander huffs at Chat's response, burgundy eyes lifting from Jikai to give the boy an amused look. "You're eighteen? You look like you're twelve." They shoot back, standing up from their crouch, casually stretching their arms. They glance around Adrien's house, seemingly unimpressed by what they say. They thought furries were a little more colorful with their decorations, or maybe that was just their tastes peaking through.

When Jikai speaks, they look back down at him, snickering. "You thought better of me? You should have expected this." They roll their eyes, choosing to ignore the witch's next sentence. They really didn't need to know he was furry all the way, and poisoning his own blood was just ridiculous. They turn back to Adrien, looking over the work he had done for Jikai's wounds. The kid wasn't a doctor, and Alex didn't want to see their current source of entertainment die off to early. Alex had to be the one to punch Jikai's lights out, not a damn house. They shake their head, stepping away from the pair, hands on their hips. "I'm not waiting until tomorrow to see if your amateur patchwork held up. Witch looks like he's gonna lose that leg. We're gonna get one of the doctors and take him to the emergency room." Their voice turns from the lighthearted teasing from moments before to something more stern, eyes turning from the window to look back at Chat.

"I'm going to go get Pip or something. Try not to jump his dying bones."

&& [member=1976]PEREGRINE[/member]

Re: 『 rose c(o)lored lenses 』- injury - teef - 08-20-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

jikai groaned deep in his throat, closing his eyes, [color=#151B54]"remind me about that next time I have a house land on me, alex. maybe next time it'll be you who figures out where i am in the rubble." he mumbled, tone teasing but perhaps not all together.

he breathed out weakly, closing his eyes. "what, worried about me now, alexander? don't worry, my charm won't be diminished by scars, it might add more to it!" yeah, he was probably rambling and knew he was. not that he was going to stop anyways.

chuckling slightly at alex's comment he gave a soft quip, "what would you do if he did?? not that I would be much fun like this though  ... nah, i would need to be healthy enough." he murmured, letting his eyes close long enough for his mind to drift and the desire to sleep to battle his senses and reflexes. "hey ... please talk. I'm gonna fall asleep if we don't talk. I  mean there are... many different ways to speak, and I'm proficient in many languages ..." he snickered, opening one eye to look at chat where he sat beside the bed, "dont feel bad, you did your best, cutie. not like I'm gonna drop off the edge of the earth. I was an idiot trying to fix an old house. dont worry about it, young'un. thank you for helping me." he murmured, putting his hands against the mattress to sit up, the world spinning as xiaoxiao wavered at his side, the python concerned as he gripped the sheets while he fought for his vision. he gave up, swearing under his breath at the pain in his ribs. he hated being so vulnerable!