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ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - Printable Version

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Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - Mama - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]“I will go as well,” her voice rose within a faint murmur, given no edge for there seemed no need of it. She was new amongst the ranks of the Dawnguard, when compared to the two others who held the title beside her she was inexperienced in this, slowly getting the hang of things as she grew accustomed to the new duties upon her, but this she could do.

From the beginning she had been expected to fight and die beneath the banner of another, listening to each command without complaint for there was none who might speak against him, yet she had done such and felt the pain of claws upon her, saw the end of a life she had dearly loved. This was something different, however, no man with images of grandeur that spoke of the status of God but one she was forced to think of upon friendly terms, consider something akin to an ally though no such title was awarded him nor the group he hailed from. This act was not for the Pitt nor their members, it was for herself and that of the fool who so readily threw himself to the lions, to protect him and gather more upon this group, learn what exactly made them so vile.

Briefly Ishayu found her gaze turned towards Quantum, wondering how she might take her words for the two were different in many ways, stark when compared to one another, but the want to protect those around them was strong, a mirror within each. Yet were they not on the same level, equal with no other but Jericho above them now, and so the only thing that might make the serval back down was a discussion or the word of the Helion himself. "I know some medicine myself so I might help with this, if you are willing to have more than one." And I do not trust you. Though the words never left her lips they seemed clear within the twist of her mouth, a frown drawn across the stark white maw, maroon eyes hard as she too approached, never hesitant as she closer the distance between herself and the uninvited guests upon their doorstep.

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - rhosmari - 08-20-2018

Something else about the situation was making him a bit anxious and he didn't now why. Something was bothering him and he couldn't quite place a paw on it but he decided to at least try and ignore it for the sake of making a good impression with the group they had become trading partners with. Though he still though it was a bad idea considering the fact that Quantum just said they were slave holders. How could they be friends with a group that looked at other beings as property? It left a bad taste in his mouth but he kept that to himself before he glanced over to the tiger whom had already spoken about her going to the Pitt with whatever healer decided to go. He would have spoken up to go as well but that would leave them without any Dawnguards if they both went so that just made him think his place was here instead. He wouldn't jeopardize Sunhaven, not that they had any enemies to begin with. Shaking his head from his thoughts he looked to Samuel and Mama who both had volunteered to go before he gave a light nod of his head. "Alright, lets wait and see what Jericho says about the situation. I think two is a fair amount tae go and aid ya." They both seemed to have some good knowledge on their shoulders and he was pleased to see the helping effort really.

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - jericho - 08-20-2018

Goodness, it seems he's rather late to the party.  The little tabby can hear the muffled voices in the distance long before he arrives, and from the sheer number of scents (and the fact that a couple of them are foreign) is enough to pique his curiosity and draw the tiny Helion forth.  White paws limp lopsidedly to a halt and honey eyes flicker across the group, ears pricked as he struggles to tune into the conversation and figure out what he's missed thus far.  Jericho is rather sheepish for his tardiness, cheeks flushing lightly as he offers up a warm albeit polite smile.  The Pitt needs healers?  He pauses for a heartbeat, trying to figure out what else has been said so far and who has volunteered.  His attention drifts to Sam, Ishayu, and Quantum, blind gaze following and then suddenly returning to the strangers.  "Oh, um, o-of course!" the ginger tabby speaks up with a hurried nod.  They've plenty of other Divines, Jericho's sure, and though he's rather busy being leader he's more than willing to work overtime temporarily if needed.  Either way, they should be fine letting go of a couple clanmates for a day or two.  "I-I'd, ah, volunteer myself but I ought to stay here with my clan.  Besides, Samuel and Ishayu are plenty knowledgeable."

/this is so short n bad bc i was rushed sorry!!! just wanted to post smth quick to give the go-ahead

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - melantha - 08-20-2018

How much longer must she stand here and be stared at by a bunch of people who hate her on principle? Not to say that she blames them, because she would hate herself too--does hate herself, actually. But that is not exactly relevant to the situation. The point is that while Melantha completely understands why the people of Sunhaven are reluctant to place trust in a creepy blonde robot with "I wanna dissect you" eyes, the young puma just wants to go home. Home to the desert, not the Pitt. Although it's a bit convoluted and complicated, Mel really only serves Yes Man because she wants to remain where she feels most comfortable. The wildcat is built for the desert heat, and if staying means that she must assimilate to the resident culture, then so be it.

Silence hangs over the tawny predator as not one, but two Sunhaven creatures agree to train some Pitt members how to heal or whatever. Melantha is not stupid, however, and easily recognizes the blatant distrust behind each of their eyes. The male is a bit more subtle than the female who absolutely radiates power. But mostly disgust. Suddenly, Mel becomes a little self-conscious. She took a bath this morning as she does every other morning...but does she smell bad? Or maybe the woman is making that face because she hates the Pitt. That is probably the most likely option.

The strong arm shifts her weight, beginning to grow more and more impatient. And then finally, finally, the little leader cat shows up. He's very cute, and very small. Usually leaders tend to be larger than life, either in looks or personality or both but Jericho is tiny and soft spoken. It is intriguing, to say the least. But Melantha is young, and she cannot stand to be here any longer. "Wonderful. Can we leave now?" this is spoken softly, directed towards Esklav. Jericho receives only a polite nod of gratitude.


[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 540px; min-height: 9px; font-family:timesnewroman; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]Two would not be much of a problem. If trouble arose, they could be dealt with swiftly enough, even if he was to prevent any scuffles from breaking out in the first place. So, he accepted with easy affirmation ― "yes," ― his ears twitching lightly as new sounds traveled to him from nearby. The next (and last, he hoped) to arrive was ... their leader. Perfect. Jericho was tiny and not the most graceful animal he had ever set his eyes upon, being most obviously blind and bashful besides; a unique combination of attributes for the leader of a powerful group to hold. "Thank you." Esklav said.

To his side, Melantha seemed restless. Unfortunately for her, he had all the patience in the world. "How forlorn you must be. I'm afraid that's to be expected by following me around. Perhaps you should have chosen someone more entertaining? Toga? Yes Man?" a tease, and nothing more. Although his smile had long since fallen away, there was a twitch at the corner of his mouth that itched to spread.

He waited a moment for emphasis before beginning to back away. "Follow me, if you will. And do try to keep up."

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - Mama - 08-20-2018

[align=center][div style="width:400px; font-size:8.4pt;line-height:1.1;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:3px;margin-bottom:3px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:justify;"]Words linger upon the edge of her tongue, sought to be snapped at this stranger who dared to speak as though he were permitted to freely give command to her, one not of their group, unwelcome in this place no matter the deal they had in place. For a time she allowed it to stew, this burning anger which roiled about her stomach, but forced it back in the end knowing it was not her place. It did not matter her feelings on this, she was to do as told, nothing more.

“Thank you Jericho,” leaning in close to the Helion she spoke to him alone, glad this situation could be sorted finally and that he had been alright with her going. If it had ended with him barring her from doing so it would have ended somewhat differently, though for now she forced a smile to touch her lips, rising to look to the pair, wondering as to what this experience might offer her. Might it be a chance to learn more of this group and their ways or leave her scarred and ruined, shown the error of her ways?

Stepping forward she made no further remark, simply falling in step behind Esklav, casting one last glance over her shoulder to be sure Samuel was following as well. If need be she could do this alone, her skills in healing were enough that she could do just that, but she would be rather annoyed if it was just her in an unfamiliar environment.

Re: ANYWAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - axiom - 08-22-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress glanced at the blind leader, not surprised that he elected to stay behind - they just recently entered a peaceful agreement with the warlike group, after all. Not to mention, every time she saw the tabby, he was up to his eyeballs in work and management jargon. So, she shifted on her paws as she glanced at the leopon warpriest, her vermillion eyes narrowing a tad skeptically before she nodded.

Following in step with the pale puma, her tail-tip curled as she kept herself calm and alert. Until five minutes ago, she'd no idea she'd volunteer herself as a bodyguard - but she considered the unexpected parts of heading the warfare guild the most important. Like hell she'd let anyone wander into the Pitt without someone keeping watch over their back.

[ yuk post ]

Re: ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS [―] THE PITT - rhosmari - 08-24-2018

The feeling was strong within him, the idea that this was wrong and that this was dangerous shook his grey skinned form. But he couldn't say anything, not if he wanted to cause a scene and right now he didn't think he wanted to do that. Jericho had already spoken and had allowed for Samuel, Quantum, and Mama to go and yet he was so worried for their safety in a group that didn't care about the freedom of other creatures and saw them as mere things. Why were they trading partners he didn't know but he also had faith as well that Quantum would keep them safe. She was much more reliable than he was and or could ever be and so he watched them start to walk off, gaze holding his concern. Claws dragged against the ground as his ears pulled back a bit and he glanced over to Jericho hoping the other could sense the anxious emotions in him before he took a deep breath and shook his head a little bit. Maybe he was over reacting which could be possible but he was just not happy about the circumstances. Why couldn't they come here and learn in Sunhaven where they could keep a close eye on them? Frowning a bit he moved a little, tail shifting as he narrowed his gaze just a little bit. "All of ya be safe now."