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IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - Printable Version

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Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - DELILAH. - 08-15-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]"Ah, I'm late!" Delilah whispered as she shoved her way through the door, limping over to position herself beside Abathur as she usually did. Delilah had never even thought of a relationship based around bondage, she never even knew those things existed. But let's just say.. She was learning the hard way today. Through a movie. As things heated up, Delilah soon felt her face grow hotter and hotter, and soon she let out a shocked hiccup at the scene she saw. "S-Stocking! What-" She stumbled over her voice, face reddened from embarrassment. Oh my god, what was he doing to her? Jesus christ!

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - SOCKING - 08-16-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
warmth. Someone pressed into her frank, as if they were trying to dissolve into her fur. The former angel stiffened, tail uncurling from where it had been lazily snaking through the air, and wings puffing up with indignation. She was ready to snap at her mystery harasser with a venemous tongue before a familiar voice made itself known.


The confusion was replaced with recognition, and once it came, it settled in deep. Stocking flushed, grateful that her dark fur and the cabin, shrouded in darkness, save for the bright cinema screen did not betray her blushing state. But she could still feel the blood running hot, flush throughout her ears and cheeks.

She was expecting it to be awkward, but stocking seamlessly softened and relaxed into the touch. Draping an ivory wing over the male and response. Aya's teaseful little taunt drew stocking out of her speechless phase.

"You're really... Something else mouth ass," this was perhaps, the first time since she came to earth where a scenario genuinely shocked her into dumbfoundedness. All she was filled was with a bone deep sense of content and a nice amount of stimulation from malph's presence. she was never usually so blatantly acceptant of another person's company. She usually despised unwarranted physical contact with a burning passion, and stocking wondered had made her change so suddenly. Was it the medic's endearingness? He wasn't supposed to be tearing down her walls this easily, damn it! The whole scenaroo was almost akin to something out of a sappily bad romance com.

Attempting to distract herself from this troubling revelation, stocking's eyes flitted to the screen.

Outside of what she'd came here for, the movie was... Surprisingly bad. It would have been unsurprising, had she'd known its reputation. All she could think about was how hilariously ugly the humans looked,and how awful their characters were being portrayed. Christian grey seemed to have... No substance to him at all. Not to mention that he looked like some stereotypical fucker. She was finding it harder and harder to get excited for the explicit parts she came for. The guardsman hadn't been paying attention to anything else, really. The plot did not matter in here eyes.

The movie seemed to drag on; taking an obscene amount of time to get to the heated moments. And when it did-- she was almost disappointed by what she had seen.

"This shit isn't even intense,"
stocking grumbled to herself. Unless the movie happened to turn itself around with an extra sexy scene, this was really turning out to be a blunder.

"I can do better."
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: IT HAD TO BE DONE [&] wt, movie night - Morgan - 08-17-2018

At first, Morgan had to fight to stay awake. Even despite his excitement to watch something new, he found himself wondering over and over again when it would end. Once he got his bearings, he attempted to pay more attention to whatever was going on. The strange furless creatures onscreen were downright terrifying to him, and with the society at large being so alien to him, he found himself growing uncomfortable.

The samoyed considered walking out several times, but felt that it was his duty as a leader to stay for the entire thing. In the end, he got himself to fall asleep right around when things in the movie got particularly raunchy. For what little sleep he got during the film, Morgan dreamed about being with in his quiet seaside cave with Vigenere - a much more welcome setting than what the movie had been presenting.