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⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - Printable Version

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Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 08-13-2018

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but because occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?

On the other hand, we denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are so beguiled and demoralized by the charms of pleasure of the moment, so blinded by desire, that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble that are bound to ensue; and equal blame belongs to those who fail in their duty through weakness of will, which is the same as saying through shrinking from toil and pain. These cases are perfectly simple and easy to distinguish. In a free hour, when our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents our being able to do what we like best, every pleasure is to be welcomed and every pain avoided. But in certain circumstances and owing to the claims of duty or the obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted. "The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle of selection: he rejects pleasures to secure other greater pleasures, or else he endures pains to avoid worse pains."

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - Cheeters - 08-14-2018

screams bc i am in love™

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 08-14-2018

fjdkdjeod thANK YOU
I'm super excited for him it's been so long since I played a not horrible person kinds character

Notes while I write
— a little of an airhead
— socially awkward?
— confused, can't remember anything about land probably saw a tree and was "the fuck is that shit"
— curses Tastefully
— acts pretty passive, mostly just doesn't give a fuck, chill and relaxed doesn't really care
— he's supposed to feel bland, asyli, stop freaking out. I want him to progress as a character after being found-never had a reason for being interesting before now
— cries a lot
— Fun Uncle™
— drama queen
— panicked gay
— talks to fish
— looks like they could kill you, is actually a cinnamon roll who could still probably kill you
— ocean man, loves the water with their whole heart
— lowkey sad? Apparently their parents hated each other and died, his brother lost his family, is now getting married, he has nieces and nephews and he probably feels like so much of his life has been robbed from him
— LOUD he's L O U D
— hi the last time he flirted it was with a whale he has no idea what the fuck is happening
— insecure? He's kinda ugly so like?
— everyone's favorite night light
— when he fights he goes for the throat, kill or be killed bitch there's no sparing in this house
— scared of spiders

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 08-15-2018


Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 09-08-2018

[glow=#B8B8B8,6,300]⸺ i won't admit it but i'm not too well
i'd burn this city but you can't burn this hell ⸺⸺⸺[/glow]
[glow=#B8B8B8,6,300]( chernobyl & information & they/it & plotting & guardian of nature )

[glow=#B8B8B8,6,300]⸺ lookin' like a tramp like a video vamp

[glow=#C6C6C4,6,300][i]⸺ i won't admit it but i'm not too well
i'd burn this city but you can't burn this hell ⸺⸺⸺[/glow]
⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆ ⋆

[glow=#B8B8B8,6,300]⸺ i won't admit it but i'm not too well
i'd burn this city but you can't burn this hell ⸺⸺⸺[/glow]
[glow=#B8B8B8,6,300][i]﹙ chernobyl & information & they/it & plotting ﹚

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]
bc i needed to save this:

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 09-08-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]Active with:
— Chernobyl

— Shintaro
— Marhada

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - DEATH - 09-09-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth; width: 450px; padding: 0px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px; font-size: 8pt"]
— Death | No real name, will respond to death in all languages.
— Sexless; Agender [They/them], doesn't care about pronouns.
— Asexual Aromantic | Not currently interested in relationships.
— Varies in age | Ageless spiritually/mentally | Not born, simply was.
— Enjoys roaming, flaky | Member of the Rosebloods | Official d/milf
AKA: The Pale Rider, Angel of Death, Grim Reaper, Horseman.

— Single | Formally married to Fuckboy [He was cronched by trolls]
— No romantic feelings | Uninterested but craves companionship
— 1/4 The Horsemen of the Apocalypse | 1/2 Oldfucks | 1/3 Primordial.
— No biological parents | Generation one | No apprentice or mentor.
Trusts: God, Amara, Dean & Sam Winchester, Lirim, Fuckboy, Darisam.
— Will not initiate relationships or flirting, if they do it's mostly teasing.
Children: Snappingbones, Corpsebride, Darium Break, Hope Break, Duncan Vantas, Sayonara Lullaby Break, Gaylord [& Danny]

— One of the three preeminent ( known ) beings; alongside Darkness ( Amara ), Light ( God/Jason ). Preeminent simply means that these were the creatures that first came into being before the creation of the universe itself; Death is unsure if they are older, as old, or younger than God themselves. In the end, just know they're fucking old.
— They were not born, they were not created, they simply were.
— Death has always believed everyone to be equal and, to them, there is no clear definition of who is evil and who is good as it is not their job to judge someone. A child and a mass murderer stand on equal ground for Death and while to some that may seem a little strange it makes perfect sense to them; it is not their job to determine who is righteous and who is a sinner, in the end it's their job to reap everyone regardless of what they are or what they have done.
— They are the oldest of the Horsemen, however, they do consider the younger horseman something like family... it's simply a difficult concept for them because their definition of family and mortals is different. They enjoy the other Horsemen's company but they know in the end they will die. They aren't exactly friends with them and have always maintained a pleasant professional relationship with them because that's the most they can offer, they have no desire to remain close as they know bad things happen when Death becomes far too close to [ War & Famine & Pestilence ].
— For a long time they considered God and Amara to be their only friends, however, after locking Amara away to protect the stability of the universe and the deception of God on their entire relationship with Fuckboy... Death is painfully alone now. Of course they have their children but it's difficult to be close with them when you know they're abominations that shouldn't really exist and because of your past transgressions no longer wish to have contact with you. Death's lonely as fuck and the only other friend they had was Lirim and they don't know where the fuck they went. Shit's been hard.
— Death's own power and immortality mean little to them, they aren't a being that constantly dwells on what they are but takes life as it is. They know everything will one day die, they aren't stupid enough to believe that everything with exist forever. They will one day reap the universe and then themselves. It's a humbling factor of their personality, they don't desire to be better but to simply be.
— Now, let me shout this from the roof: Death is not a bad guy! They don't believe they're evil, they don't want people to see them as awful because they truly believe they are good. Well, as good as a true neutral can be but they just... they just hate that everyone hates them, you know? They believe themselves to be a reprice from life, to be peaceful and necessary for the balance of the world to continue; their job is not something of darkness, Death believes that it is natural and that mortals must accept their fate. They adore life, they do, and it breaks their heart for everyone to look at them—at what they do—and make judgement; they find the souls of mortals to be the most beautiful thing they have ever seen, they don't want to destroy you but to simply move you onto the next world. Honestly, they're about one insult from sobbing in the bathroom.
— Death is bound to no one, they're a strong independent bitch. No god, angel, or other supernatural beings own or control them—Death simply allows them power. It is the reason they can be apprehensive around death gods and various other reapers because they assume they have control when, bitch, that's not how this relationship works. They are the pawns, not death.
— Death is death. They are the embodiment of it, not simply a herald or other conductor.

— Currently appears as an extremely emaciated albino saluki, wears a soft black collar with "Fuckboy" written over the tag because why not. They're heartbroken the trolls ate the one good person in their life; I refuse to let these meme die.

— death is a complex character, although, for a character that is actually the very personification of death itself i'm not sure you would have expected anything less than complicated. death is not this sinister, cold, cruel, brutal or disgusting being that so many would assume, no, they are... caring in a sense; caring in a way that a mother would fawn over a child. while i will admit they are incredibly apathetic, that idea usually only extends to the decisions and actions of the mortals - they don't care who loves who, who hates who, why you are fighting war, why this or that matters at all, they simply do not care about selfish problems like that and are likely to be a little sarcastic and sometimes rather annoyed by them. they just like to watch the world, they have no desire to become involved in it like so many would think of them; no, they enjoy sitting back, smelling the roses and simply watching as the mortals go about their everyday lives - it's amusing and peaceful for them and they have no desire to ruin it. i can say that if anything gets way too dramatic for them they will outright insult somebody but that's just because they quite frankly cannot handle it, they find it utterly ridiculous that people focus so much on such small things. they're passive and will not fight back in a situation if they do not feel like they have to, insult them, berate them, accuse them, do whatever you please but death will simply stare at you and possibly tell you how whatever you said was wrong and then move on with their lives as they don't like being held down. which, leads into the fact that death... does not really get close to anybody, they don't form friendships or relationships as they don't exactly feel the need to - they know the outcome of everything and they don't like wasting their time, blunt as it is. well, that and they have a certain desire for someone to earn their respect - something that is rarely done and something that so far has only been given to god and the winchesters and... no one else. it is just difficult for them to respect when they know everything about everyone and it takes a special kind of stupid to gain the acceptance and trust of death itself. outside of that death is just really chill, they enjoy playing with children more than anything, maybe stuffing their face full of pizza or just going day by day in the same that they have before - they take it slow, they have no need to rush anything.

— Impossible mentally | Legendary Physically | Advanced training.
— Will not start fights | Will not finish fights | Mostly just takes it.
— Prefers not to kill, they will always show their opponent mercy.
— Attack in bold underline WHITE
— Ask for capture or injury | [member=295]DEATH[/member] or [member=294]ASYLI[/member] for plotting.
— May powerplay peaceful or nonviolent actions.
— Can only be killed with their own scythe; doesn't really die.

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - DEATH - 09-09-2018

☠ they have all known powers, which they have mastered; although, they do have powers that are strictly specific to them.
☠ immune to telepathy, even by other omniscient spirits; their mind is impossible to connect with in the same way that death is not fully understood; they have the power to block people and to allow them in.
☠ nigh-omnipotence | mastered.
☠ nigh-omniscience | mastered.
☠ necromancy | mastered.
☠ memory manipulation | mastered.
☠ teleportation | mastered.
☠ touch necrokinesis | mastered.
☠ invisibility | mastered.
☠ conjuring | mastered.
☠ earth element | mastered.
☠ thermokinesis | mastered.
☠ affiliated with water.

figure out which ones i can buy and how much it's finna be
+ note, death doesn't enter fights and doesn't battle with their powers
they're not a dick they'll just take the beating

Re: ⋆・*・゚turn your back on mother nature ⌠ storage/dump ⌡ - ASYLI - 09-09-2018

also note: Death from FF & BB and now BoB is still the same death
they remember everything but it's like entering a new universe for them
they know it's different but they're not really. concerned about it?