Beasts of Beyond
one drag for my sorrows ;; joining - Printable Version

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Re: one drag for my sorrows ;; joining - Morgan - 08-10-2018

Morgan nodded to thank Delilah as she gave their names to the new Tangler. "Of course you can join. It's nice to meet you, Cavalrychoir." He turned around to scan the Tanglers around him before adding, "I doubt we'll have much trouble getting you to town. There's plenty of us here already."

Re: one drag for my sorrows ;; joining - cavalrychoir - 08-12-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:100px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:trebuchet ms;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:5px;float:left;"]CAVALRYCHOIR—
Cav stiffened slightly as the air around her shifted, blinking his eyes a few times before flattening his ears a bit. She did tell him to call her by her first name, he hasn't forgotten. His slip of the tongue landed him a scolding from the smaller feline though all seemed to be forgiven when he brushed against her. "Yes, I'm sorry." He mumbled an apology as he lifted his gaze back to her once more as she continued to speak, revealing how she got her injury. Ears perking up, he bit down hard on the inside of his mouth to hold back a growl. A cage? Here? Why were there cages? He had many questions but he decided to hold back on voicing them for now. And he was glad he did as her playful question was shot his way. "It sounds stupid when you say it aloud." He grumbled, shifting his eyes to look elsewhere as his ears lowered ever so slightly in a guilty manner. Instincts told him to cut down anyone who inconvenienced or did him wrong so it was normal to jump into a battle without notice. However, fighting an inanimate object was kind of... dumb.

Even if he wanted to continue, he couldn't as small paws were placed on his lips to quiet him followed by a promise to speak on a later date. Nodding his head, Cav's dark eyes looked to each individual as Delilah said their name. When she finished introducing them, he dipped his head. "A pleasure." He meowed solemnly, wondering if he could learn to trust these individuals. He hoped he could. Being by himself and not having to worry about keeping up appearances was nice, but he felt being able to rely on another felt even better. It was a terrifying though, though. To trust another completely- to allow yourself to be so vulnerable... It goes against everything he was taught. Then again, if it does contradict what he's learned from his tribe, chances are it was a good thing. He decided to cling to this revelation in hopes that it is true. As she continued, his expression flashed with mild shock before going back o something more neutral, albeit, tail twitching in a sheepish manner. If he hadn't hesitated when he saw the petals, she would have been his lunch. It hurts him to think he would have killed her without a moments notice. Lifting both his paws, he sighed as he placed them on his face. "Yes... I'm very sorry." He apologized once more, shoulder's drooping in defeat. He'd rather not think about that time and was thankful when Delilah spoke again. Once again, he was caught off guard. Invisible brows furrowed in concern as dark luminaries dropped to the ground. Thinking for a moment, he replied quietly. "Yes." It wasn't completely true, though. He was able to meet Delilah and through her he was able to join Tanglewood. So maybe life wasn't as bad as he thought it was. Too bad he didn't know how to put it into words.

Returning his attention back to Morgan, he nodded his head once. Town? Was it an actual town or did they just call it such? He suppose he'll find out soon enough.

Re: one drag for my sorrows ;; joining - IVAN Z. BRAGINSKY - 08-13-2018

IVAN ZIMAVICH BRAGINSKY ✧ russian bear dog — regent — tags[/color]
Ivan's body had been ruined by injury and war, mind ruined by disease. He knew his memories for right now but they were already deteriorating and slipping out of his paws. Anakin had given them back to Ivan for setting him free from his curse, but at what cost? A dying bear with nothing left? Ivan... thought of himself more and more as an old man waiting to die alone. He held the memories of people and an entire clan forgotten by time and disappearance.
Such memories filled him with bitter anger as to what could have been. If Alfred had stepped down? If he had usurped Alfred? If his mind's shackles were not placed on it by his disease?

The old bear rumbled out of the radioactive swamp waters, green algae clinging to his fur and dripping wet. Maybe he swamp in it out of pure poor judgement, stupidity, or trying to make him die faster. Zimavich's single eye focused on the stranger, brow furrowing in confusion and releasing a humpf. He drooled and panted, steps heavy and sinking into mud, getting between his claws and the toes of his feet. He was weighed down by the weight of his dirt, filth stuck to a winter pelt and matting his fur tenfold. The old scars were still there- the missing ring of fur, the stabbing wound on his shoulders, the lacerations down his left side. Accompanied by new ones- the bite mark the Emperor had giving him on his neck as Ivan crushed the leopard's ribcage with bear paws. The gashes traveling down his stomach and his body sore all around.

He approached the joiner now, purposefully getting up close until he was near nose to nose with the lynx, teeth bared from his hanging open mouth, breathing hot air on the cat. "CavarlyChoir..." His eye flicked back and forth trying to remember something. He huffed, blowing hot air into the stranger's face. His head tilted, maybe just trying to make the joiner aware of his size. "Were we friends?"
© madi

Re: one drag for my sorrows ;; joining - cavalrychoir - 08-13-2018

[div style="background-color:;border:;width:100px;overflowConfusedtretch;font-size:8.5pt;color:darkred;text-align:left;text-transform:uppercase;font-family:trebuchet ms;margin-bottom:-10px;margin-left:5px;float:left;"]CAVALRYCHOIR—
Cav had heard Zimavich before he saw him. His paw steps were heavy and though the soft ground absorbed most of the sound, the advancement of a large creature was hard to ignore. Dull red eyes shifted from the newly acquired acquaintances of his clan members to the bear that made his way towards him. His coat was matted and messy, sporting the dull colours found around their territory. Not only was his fur a mess, but he was covered in wounds from previous battles; Cav could relate there. He wondered if Zimavich's scars were from good intentions rather than a ceaseless bloodthirsty rampage. Some were new, however, which told the lynx he was still very much capable of defending himself. That was good. He seemed like a worthy opponent in battle and made a mental note to ask the other for a sparring session whenever he had time. No... He should hold back on fighting for now. He didn't want to wake old habits that he finally managed to put to sleep. Once he has a better grasp on himself, Cav'll ask then.

Blinking slowly, he rose to a sitting position as he watched Zimavich come close - too close. Cav didn't move, however, as hot air was blown onto his face. Narrowed dark red optics met with a single purple one as he held his ground. If this was a battle for dominance, the demon was more than happy to oblige. As much as he wanted to think as such, he wasn't sensing any hostile or troublesome intentions from the canine and thus, visibly relaxed. "No," he answered after a moment of silence, keeping his eyes on him. "However, I... I wouldn't mind being your... Friend." His voice was deep and serious, a reflection of his personality, but the pacing and the occasional shuffling of large paws clearly indicated this wasn't something he was used to and he was doing his best not to sound as awkward as he felt. He wasn't sure if he trust himself enough to hand friends, but he was comforted in the idea of being friends with Zimavich. At least if Cav stepped out of line, he could trust the canine had the ability to swiftly detain and possibly kill him. With that being said, he'd at least like to know the name of the individual who has the power to forcefully keep him under wraps. "And you are?"

Re: one drag for my sorrows ;; joining - DELILAH. - 08-14-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Delilah tensed up at the voice she heard, immediately freaking out internally. A big, scary creature- a bear, supposedly- had walked over to greet Cavalrychoir, and she was tense about it. The small pink feline bunched her shoulders in fear, before scooting herself behind Cav, sakura petals receding from her pelt in rapid amounts from anxiety. She was never good with dealing with things bigger than her, especially if she had never seen them. Magenta eyes wavered, before she glanced back up, shocked that Cav would ask someone to be his friend.