Beasts of Beyond
even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - Printable Version

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Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - teef - 08-11-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

a smart remark made itself in his head but he kept his tongue, closing his eyes with a snort, [color=#151B54]"Oh yes. Be more careful. Well, sorry to say, but I don't do careful. That's kind of obvious considering current company."[/color=#151B54] he grumbled.

stamping his feet to wake them, he stretched his arms above his head, feeling xiaoxiao squirm as she got comfortable once more, his python reluctant to leave his neck for his waist, her cold belly scales sliding smoothly over his skin, catching his attention.

the snake was otherwise ignoring alex for the time being, focused on rialto and the particular scent that slowly rolled off of him. it tickled her memory, reminded her of long ago caresses and of warm baths in the past. she flicked her tongue once, twice, and thrice before she gave up on the mystery that the craft-skilled vampire represented. she focused on on alexander now, catching their scent easily and resting in it. perhaps a faint floral scent, but they smelt of annoyance and aggravation. ah, her master's doing, likely. curling loose around jikai's shoulders and neck she slipped into a few seconds of slumber.

jikai patiently let xiaoxiao make her observations before clearing his throat, clearly ready to make his own introduction now. [color=#151B54]"I'm toji and this is xiaoxiao, my ball python. i am older than i look, i have raised a family, and i am a witch."
he announced proudly, knowing to not tell strangers his full name in case they meant to use it against him. with time, he knew his name would actually be known, but for now he called himself toji, a beloved nickname bestowed by someone of the past. he could not remember the individual's face or name but their voice and teeth haunted his dreams at night accompanied by dreams of blood and murder.

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - Rialto - 08-11-2018

Rialto's face soured at the flippant remark. "What? I'm not jealous[i]," he complained, jealously, and stuck his nose up in the air. "There's just some people that are more charming, more attractive, and..." He gave Alex a long once-over. "A more... angelic... whatever." And he huffed. Like a jealous person.

Was it hard to get more angelic than Alex? No.

Unfortunately, Alex and Rialto were at a deadlock.

The decidedly [i]more charming, more attractive
and about equally vampiric Rialto shook it off, though with much deliberate effort, and raised his brows without a trace of fear at the stranger's next bluff. He was going to call it a bluff, because certainly they'd know what hit them if there was one person behind them once they turned their back; only, it was all too easy in these times to underestimate true threats simply on the grounds of one's own arrogance. One person could be an army. For that reason - if nothing else - Rialto never lowered his guard below where he could see it. His gaze shifted briefly to Alex, when the tension became a touch more palpable, before flitting back to the snake once it moved; its movements liquid, sinuous, tongue tasting the air.

Maybe snake charmer as an epithet wasn't far off. It was obvious, but the reptile seemed wholly at peace on their perch.

Rialto hesitated for the briefest second at the name, something confused and, somehow, sharply indistinct flashing into his senses; nothing became of it, and so Rialto only made to lean against Alex's standing form. Out of mind. They were still tense, hence he took the initiative to continue the conversation. The thing about being a witch probably necessitated them all sitting down to hear about. "Great. We can be a walking museum," he commented, gesturing between all of them with another faintly blossoming grin. "Could turn a huge profit. What do you need most; a drink, aspirin, or someone to patch that up?" He then circled a finger over his own eye to illustrate, and gave Alex's sleeve a discreet tug to get the two of them walking with the witchling following after. "You can only pick two of three, Mister Toji."

notes omg not at all ur 100% fine; rialtos just being a fooule!! im rly sorry this is  rather poopy \o/

Re: even at the best of times i'm out of my mind // intro - teef - 08-11-2018

[align=center][Image: giphy.webp]

gently jikai relaxed, his gait settling into something familiar even if he tried to cover up the hobble in his step. he watched rialto with tired amusement, golden eyes following the vampire's movement languidly, searching for something perhaps, maybe old warning bells.

he gave a quiet breath when they had turned from him, letting his legs and hands tremble as he thought quickly, [color=#151B54]'I have a death wish!!! Why did I decide it would be smart to pick a fight with one of them!? my god, ji, you are completely insane.'
he grumbled mentally, showing nothing of his thoughts on a carefully stoic face.

he scoffed slightly as rialto mentioned being a walking museum, his eyes sparkling with slight humor, "I could go for all three, but a drink and getting help suturing would be glorious. And perhaps a stolen moment to put things back in place." he responded after some thought, one hand gripping his arm with insecurity. If one looked close enough they could see that the arm had been popped out of place and that he was hurting a lot as he forced slight use from his arm, all of his muscles screaming wholeheartedly in protest.

he was unwilling to show all of his injuries but if he was to survive and learn more about his potential willing capture. all he wanted was some place safe to lay down and just sleep for hours. as they walked he winced as his stomach snarled amidst conversation, quietly adding to request something small.

he found his eyes trailing the way rialto walked, licking his lips at some push of forgotten memory. Grunting in thought he followed both quietly.

sorry tired //