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tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - Printable Version

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Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - NUI HARIME - 08-10-2018

[div style="width: 360px; font-family: verdana; color: #FB9B85; text-align: left; padding-top: 15px; padding-left: 10px"]I AM IN CONTROL!

A meet and greet. One of those dreadfully delightful, awfully boring things where they sat in a group and spoke tiny little facts about themselves. Painfully mundane. Painfully and ickily sweet.

She had spotted them minutes prior,  ankles captured by snow and feeling terribly bored and chilly. She could hear the din of voices, silhouettes of clan mates with things clasped between their paws and claws. Some ordinary. Some not.

Nui decided to return with a gift of her own. Carried between her fangs, attached to a twine rope swathed around the neck of a phial, contained a mouse heart. The pulpy mouse of flesh had turned a dark carmine from it's days of sitting within its frozen water confines. Perfectly encased. Perfectly conserved.

It was a morbid decoration, but to each their own.

Nui had to do something with the lives of prey she extinguished. What was not eaten or used for her crafty work was kept as a souvenir. A trophy. A crude reminder of her work.

The polarheart eased herself into the circle, perching amongst powdery snow. A self satisfied gleam found it's way to the deep, vivid hue of her ocean blue eye. And it sparkles. Almost mischievously.

"Hello~" A cadenced, feminine voice flexes through the air. "My name is Nui Harime. I've been here for a few weeks, I should say. Not very long. Not a month or so like some of ya'll," Her gaze sweeps around the crows momentarily.

She holds her gift before her, proudly, and brandishes it. "I've brought a frozen mouse heart. Don't worry. It was one hundred percent non sentient. It's lovely, I promise. If anyone wants it..." She fixes a toothy grin onto her face; one that stretches her cheeks, before Henri catches his attention with his generous offer. This is where she completely trails off.

Eyeballs. Juicy. Succulent. Squishy eyeballs.

And they could be all hers...!

If no one else is willing to take them, that is. She sounds that eyeballs are up to anyone else's speed. Such ordeals are taboo. But not for Nui.

And taboos feel so good.

She'll be the first. The first to take the offer, regardless of what anyone else might think. The moment the alabaster feline speaks up she practically leaps at the opportunity.

"Ooh! Ooh! Ooh! I'll take you up on that offer, Henri love. You're serious, right?" Her eyes shine with a hopeful gleam. She could, of course, procure eyes from her own hunts. But cat eyes are special in their own type of way. Just the right size and texture, and the irises are so beautiful... Perhaps, if she gets them, she'll use it one of them as a deep, beloved souvenir. Or better yet; another as a freshener for her hot cocoa.

Nui imagines it. Eyeball swirling in a river of heated chocolate and milk. It would taste heavenly.

Just thinking about it sends a lovely shiver up her spine. Barely noticeable. Not a full body shudder, but it still floods her blood with a sense of joy.

As thanks, she can even help him take them out. Is she not a generous friend?


Re: tea for the tillerman + mass m&g - HEARTEYES - 08-11-2018

[div style="width: 45%; margin: auto; font-family: Verdana; font-size: 11px; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify"]Clancy is next to arrive, movements stiff as he approaches the group. He didn't know how to integrate himself into the conversation, marveled at the fact that this was happening. Gathering together was not allowed in Dema, and they were careful about it in the Banditos. The sight of his new clanmates gathered together sends a daffodil yellow through his veins, a cautious joy that he's finally able to be with people. He listens to the sounds of their voices for a few moments, the mixture of colors soothing the seed of anxiety in his chest. The tabby comes to stand beside Divertimento, his compass sitting heavily in the forest green jacket he was wearing. Would that be what he offered up? It was really the only thing he had, other than his jacket, and he couldn't give that up.

His head whips to the side when he hears what Henri and Nui offer, scarlet red fear coloring his vision. Were they really going to gauge out his eyes? Was that molly really offering a frozen mouse heart? The tom starts to shuffle away from the two animals, heart beating fast in his chest. It was too much like the punishments in Dema, banditos with their eyes clawed out, tails cut off, toes and whole paws cut off. Did the rebellion send him to a place like Dema? Was he tricked? Clancy tries to calm his breathing, desperately glancing away from the two to see the others' reactions, finding familiar faces in the small crowd. They wouldn't actually let that happen, would they? This little tundra town seemed so peaceful, at least in the short time he had been there.

His breathing starts to mellow out, fear turning into a buzzing anxiety colored salmon pink. He tries to make himself look smaller, cuddling into the collar of his coat, paws shuffling into the snow. Even if he is worried about the conversation going on to his side, he should introduce himself too, right? He could offer his compass, too. It didn't have much purpose for him anymore.
  • "Hello, everyone. I'm Clancy. I have a compass, if anyone would like it. I've been in Snowbound for, uh, a day."
He laughs nervously, trying to keep his introduction short.