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THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - Printable Version

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Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - tori - 08-08-2018

"I have a decent grasp on these halls." Alex answered quietly to the original question, frowning when he realized that unless he stuck close to Versailles, they would lose him in the dark. And he didn't mean that in the sense that he didn't want to be walking beside the panther, he was more so concerned that her glowing light wouldn't be enough. Dark fur color in darker inky blackness wasn't a good combination for navigating a party. But this was, on the other hand, the only time his habit of wandering and isolating himself had any perks.

He flicked an ear at the sound of Melody's distress, cursing out the dark silently. Not that such a aggressive power outage had any remorse or feeling, but it would have been nice for it to have not plunged everyone into darkness, including children. Easily frightened children who got the brunt of stress's side effects. Admittedly, he should have been one of them. He wasn't even old, after all, and he used to be the one afraid of everything. Now he just....felt nothing. Maybe this was him shutting down, the ultimate level of anxiety and fear.

He smiled a little when he saw Aita was okay, hoping she at least stuck next to the only member that was radiating light. He didn't think that would be a problem, but she seemed like the bold type and god forbid they lost one of the Typhoon kids. Or any kids for that matter. "Look at you, attracting an army."



Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - MirrorEdge - 08-10-2018

"I can help. But why let the prisoners out?" It was more out of curiousity than distrust, as the Arabian leopard made her way over. Wouldn't they end up running back to the Typhoon anyways? Why get attached to somebody who'd betray you in the end? It made little to no sense to Thea, who stuggled with forming most normal attachments in the first place, let alone attachments to somebody she'd probably see as a younger sibling if she were to do so.

"And I wanna know what a bastard is, too." She echoed Melody's question, pale blue eyes settling on on Bast. "Is that a nickname or something for you?" Should she start calling him bastard too?

Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - Zjarr - 08-12-2018

[div style="width: 45%; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial; font-size: 13px;"]"Yeah, I can help y'all out too, I guess. Better than eatin' ourselves. We don't need to become the next Donner Party." The distinct form of the cyborg wolf now appeared beside the gathering group, a tired yet somewhat concerned frown upon his jaws. He himself wasn't particularly hungry—rarely did he actually eat, in all honesty. When he did decide to consume something, he ate in particularly large amounts and offered any leftovers to those around him unless the meal was exceedingly exquisite. That being said, he saw no use in fighting his Clanmates over the little scraps and crumbs of food that could be found stashed in the Observatory somewhere (hopefully).

With all contact to the outside world completely lost, Zjarr figured that the cold hands of insanity would soon touch his entrapped comrades sooner or later, and for once he felt thankful that they were near him and that he was making an effort to reach out to them. If he was going to die here, at least he wasn't to die alone and truly maddened through some classic case of social isolation.

Glancing over at the younger members inquiring what a "bastard" was, the demon forced himself to stifle an amused chuckle or his desperate attempt to scream "ME" at the top of his lungs. "A bastard is a prick and a prick is sometimes a bastard. That's all y'all gotta know."
[glow=#f24b00,2,300]how'd it get so scandalous?[/glow] —

Re: THE BAFFLED KING COMPOSING HALLELUJAH | open, finding food - MirrorEdge - 08-12-2018

"So Bast's a prick?"

That was all Thea had gotten from the demon's vague words, and the young Fireball glanced up, looking even more confused, before continuing. "So who's gonna be in which group, miss?" She had a tendency to call those she didn't know too well, miss or mister, a hard habit to drop, but not necessarily a bad one, right? The leopard wasn't too polite at times, not that she meant to be rude, more... unaware.
Template by Quill


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The point of contact from Vi is gratifying; Bastille is tactile by nature, prone to gravitating closer to those he trusted or took to, and of course his sister was on that list. Things were still fairly awkward, given they weren't entirely close yet, but he was inclined to trust and look to her by default: he felt the pull of kinship despite the distance, more so the longer she was there, the more he could note her personality and tendencies. He pushed back against her as bumped him, snorting at the start of her tease, but of course he is just as easily distracted by the arriving voice.

Bastille glanced over his shoulder at the note of "greeting" from Aita, rolling his eyes at the little spitfire. He had to admit he was faintly amused by her shameless insult, but he bit back the flicker of a smirk. The seraph got the impression she might be offended if he laughed at her hostility towards him. Which, in fairness, he probably would have been pissed off too if someone had kidnapped her at her age; even more so if his kidnappers got them all trapped indoors indefinitely. He was sorry that they were keeping her longer than intended, but he didn't suppose she cared. No matter; she could spit at him all she wanted, given that he didn't care.

[b]"Hi, Aita," he greeted idly, gaze focusing on her briefly. Try as she might to disguise the true fear underlying her words, there was no hiding her feelings from an empath, let alone one who could see her aura: there were tinges of it to be seen, and beyond that, he felt the glimmers of it wash over him as she passed him. Bast stopped himself from scowling, not wanting to scare her more by giving her the impression of being angry with her; he only was annoyed that she actually feared him, even if he more or less deserved her poor regard. Instead he simply looked away, choosing to pretend not to notice as she clearly hoped.

"The zodiac system should make it easier to navigate, even in the dark," he supplied at Hearteyes' concern, adding, "I'm pretty sure Hazel's paint glows, even, and I can bring fire." Melody had his attention then, and he offered her an amused smile at the way she puffed up to confirm her state. She did seem a bit better with the whole group there, and he couldn't stop himself from snorting in amusement at her question, followed up by Thea's. Zjarr provided a neat explanation, and he supplied dryly, "Essentially. It's not a very nice name, but I suppose Aita is justified."

Evidently he wasn't too concerned with defending himself, his pride holding up just fine in the face of children's disdain, and he was willing to admit that using children as bartering chips was bastardly indeed. His gaze shifted back to Vi as he nodded at her direction, glancing over the group idly in response to Thea's question on groups. "You can have Aita," he said generously, smirking slightly, "And Thea, I suppose," he tossed her a nod, "Alex and Mel can come with me." He was sorting out the kids, more concerned with keeping an eye on them, and added, "The Observers can sort themselves."
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