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wait a minute + open, hurting london - Printable Version

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Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - london r. - 04-02-2018

It was difficult not to panic when one could see blood leaking out of their chest as it was with London. This weakness of hers was truly terrifying. Though she did not believe the would would be severe enough kill her, it was a rather eye opening moment. She should be more careful, perhaps it was bad that she wanted to trust those around her. Perhaps she should not be trying to make friends at all, if her first attempt turned out like this. Oh, but that would be truly heartbreaking. This was just an unfortunate turn of events, nothing more. Next time she would not have to briefly fear for her life.

Killua seemed to snap the girl out of her daze, and the albino would look up as he spoke to her. Lay down? Yes, perhaps that was a good idea. She watched the male's nimble paws work with the gauze, stretching it across the laceration. It did not feel too nice, actually it rather hurt, but it would make her better in the long run. Giving a weak nod of her head, the girl would apply pressure to the injury, wincing at the added pain of her paw on the raw skin. "Thank you." the girl would call out, a smile briefly falling upon her features as she watched Killua move away from her. Part of her wanted him to stay, his presence was comforting, even if he was barely more than a stranger.

Even Cry had left her, both of them facing off against that horrendous creature that had caused all of this. How brave they both were, defending her, although technically they were defending all of the Snowbound. Who knew what would have happened if this lady had entered their camp. There would have been a couple more injuries, surely. Tears clouded her vision, making it difficult to keep watching, but she supposed watching the fight would not exactly help her stop panicking, as Killua had instructed. So the girl would close her eyes, melting into the snow. She would have to find a way to thank both of her defenders, they were both being so brave, putting themselves in harms way. Maybe she should take this moment to figure out the best ways to do just that, and drown out the world around her.

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - Guru - 04-03-2018

'Well fuck.' A call of agony ripped through Guru as metal claws ripped through her back leg's tendons, causing the female to slight herself and fall to the floor. The caracal caught herself on her paws before she could sink any further into the floor to expose her weakness then brought herself to her paws the best she could, only to be stuck down again. A shrill laugh left her throat between gritted teeth. She twisted around. A harsh gaze and a devilish grin was plastered upon her lips mischievously.

He wanted to talk? "Let's talk then, boy," she cooed back. Guru offered him a quick search up and down, only to gaze back up at him with an uncaring gaze. "What's got you so egotistically violent?" Her paw aimed to brush at his cheek lightly, only to pull away if he moved. "Daddy never gave you support, so you ran away or something like that...?" Snaking out of her mouth, her tongue licked the outsides of her muzzles gently, only to come back in when she spoke again. "Maybe a lover gone rouge...?" She offered a grim crane of her head.

When he was phased, she would slip from underneath him and then began to trot off quickly with one leg tearing in the breeze as the rest did the work. Sadly, she did not realize he had teleportation. Nevertheless, it was a good attempt for her to escape before this maniac threw her under the bus.

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - | KILLUA ZOLDYCK | - 04-03-2018

(star if you wanted! Killua could drop Guru off in the Typhoon and leave a note to what she did c: )

He was an assassin yes, but that didn't mean he didn't kep himelf proper to an extent. The assassin didn't enjoy the feeling of constantly having blood clotting on his fur. With how white his fur was, it just meant that it would ultimately end up staining his fur if he didn't clean it off quick enough. Which was the worst when he was trying to hide only to have a spot in his fur ruin his stealth completely. There were some things that the assassin didn't even want to try and get into. Killua could handle being covered in blood, but ultimately, he was going to have to wash himself off before doing anything else. Which was something that he did quite often, as it made it easier to constantly hide his scent once he cleaned himself off. It made it so it was almost impossible for him to shed as well. The assassin could deal with being around a bunch of corpses that had been in the sun for several days. He, of course, wouldn't want to really step in the likes of the bodies, but he didn't mind being around corpses, having been around them since he was little. The wildcat could deal with having a creatures organs and flesh in between his paws. The one thing that he couldn't take though was the aspect of bugs that would get far too close to him. He remembered that his adopted sister had ended up having a pet that was a tarantula, while at the same time she ended up adopting a bat as her son. Which was strange for Killua, but he wasn't about to dictate whatever she did with her life like what his family had done for him when he was younger. He refused to be anywhere near the spider, not because he was afraid of the spider biting and killing him, it was more of the factor that the number of eyes on the arachnid was enough to give a shiver down his spine. Most bugs usually gave him the creeps, not that he would openly admit it. There was also the fact that he didn't enjoy being around worms either. They were sliming and he remembered that he had to eat one while on a job because he was slowly starving. He would never be doing that again for a very long time. He had a couple other irrational fears here and there, but when it came to gore that assassin seemed to be perfectly fine no matter what kind of form it ended up happening. He was still an assassin and had the capability of taking out high priority targets if he wanted to. The wildcat has been the one to kill two clan leaders before and a couple other high priority targets. What did the Typhoon think about sending one creature alone to try and stir something up? In the middle of a territory where there would more than likely be other animals in the area instead of just lonely creature that wanted to walk alone by itself. What if the caracal had decided that he was going to be her target? Well then this situation would have been completely different and he probably would have killed her. But he wasn't here to kill her, and there were too many eyes that were looking at him at the moment. He couldn't kill the Typhoon member even if he wanted to. The cry that the other let out when he ripped through her tendons nearly made his heart skip. He tried his damn best to ignore the sound. He really did. But instead, it made him felt victorious. Happy. He had managed to hurt her to the point that she actually felt pain and wasn't the type to express that kind of pain immediately either. He shouldn't feel this though. He had been through this before. It was like clockwork. Killua ignored that for now because it wasn't something that mattered with the slightly larger animal that was underneath his paws. His arm and his claws covered in her blood that he didn't really seem to care about. His facial expression had moved to something that was cold and neutral. Nothing she could say would get her out of this situation.

He noticed the way the other looked him up and down and tried to analyze him. He knew this tactic. He had done it before. A smirk spread across his lips. "Sorry hag, you aren't exactly my type." The assassin would be quick to shoot back toward the other, the tip of one of his ears flicking as she started to talk. Oh, here she goes. He watched her paw, and he recoiled slightly at the thought of her touching him, a disgusted look on his face. He wasn't here to play any more games anymore. Once she was finished talking, Killua couldn't help but let out a laugh. Daddy issues? Not even. He enjoyed the presence of his dad, as the other was the most logical one in his family at the moment and allowed him to do whatever the hell he wanted half the time. He didn't know what love was, so he didn't lose anyone that he cared about. Which simply meant that he was alone in this world. "Nice try. I'm not some poor sap that's wallowing in my own sorrow." Killua scoffed at the female. Kill her. A familiar voice finally decided to make its entrance in the back of his mind. As soon as the voice spoke in his head the serval's grip seemed to tighten around her body for a split second, not dealing any more damage, but the pressure would be there. His eyes flashed black for a couple of seconds. The reason why his actions had been particularly violent was simply that of the factor that someone from a distance was manipulating his emotions for the way he once used to be. Killua was a killer after all, and killing the female underneath him wouldn't be all that hard. Just a flick of his paw. He knew the way. A pained hiss escaped his jaws as he shook his head as if trying to shake the damn voice away, and he managed to compose himself from killing the caracal there. But because of this, he ended up getting distracted thanks to himself. He felt the female's body move underneath him, and she started to head back toward the border of Snowbound. His claws flexed into the ground. He wasn't going to be distracted like that again. With the leg she had now, it was impossible for her to outrun something like him unless she had some sort of power. Running probably wouldn't work again as she would be prepared for that. The assassin would then turn on his invisibility and then would aim to use his teleportation to land onto the caracal's back, hoping to flatten her to the ground. He turned on his invisibility so that the other wouldn't be able to see him teleport, and if that worked, he would aim to grab the female's scruff and slam her against an adjacent tree. he would have to strain himself slightly due to her weight, but he would manage nonetheless. The purpose of slamming her against the tree was simply to knock the air out of her and not cause other injuries. After that, he would aim to place his paw on the female's neck, turning off his invisibility at this point. "Leaving so soon? The fun just started." The assassin growled angrily as his tail lashed behind him.
snowbound -- apprentice -- male -- 8 moons
[sub]template © olivan 
Tags | Updated 03/26/17:

Re: wait a minute + open, hurting london - Guru - 04-08-2018

She sped off, but it was no use. It was quick. All of his attacks landed perfectly and she grimaced as soon as the first hit.He slammed her down upon the tree and his paw grabbed at her neck's scruff. She let out a snarl in response, but remained calm as her muscles loosened. Guru expected this one to kill her. Supposedly not though. "Do what you want to do to me now, eh?" she joked lightly. Her words were sharply hissed in a sarcastic tone, but she kept her posture light still. "The little rascal can even watch."

//apologies, i've been super busy!! + that'd be nice!! + left this short under the assumption you'll be dragging her there, plus you can powerplay as needed