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tanglewood feedback - Printable Version

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Re: tanglewood feedback - toboggan - 08-07-2018

i’m happy that my comment on serious topic actually got well-received for once (lol) Smile. like i said, i do like discord, it allows me to interact with people more quickly, and i can set up plots with other people a lot more quickly. but if the discord were to be shut down, even just momentarily, the ooc-plotting game will get a lot better.

i also agree with the one by impy about about long posts being ignored.

the only problem with taking down the discord would be the people stuck at work, and those on vacation, who use discord as a means of communication with their friends. i’m sure it’s obvious that chatting on discord is way more handy than chatting on the site, as BoB is a forum website, and discord is a chatroom designed for quick reaction. if a person was on lunch break, it’d be more likely for them to want to use discord than the site, as it’s more likely for someone to respond on discord than on here (that being said, that could possibly be subject to change with the shutdown of the discord).

i know the situation is bad, but i think, for now, a warning would be best, and if stuff doesn’t improve, then we move onto the taking down business.

Re: tanglewood feedback - cyantist - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]throws my feedback in quite late;

I think that longer threads or threads w/ newer members tend to get ignored, which is a big problem. I joined recently and I've struggled to get responses from the majority of the clan, not to mention that there seems to be a clique amongst the group of roleplayers that have obvious been there a while. That is my observation, but the Discord seems to be heavily favoured in certain members' favour/direction which can come across as pretty alienating to new people.

Another point would be that Tanglewood itself seems stale? There are no current plots going on and the territory and setting isn't used to it's fullest potential imo. The mutated swamp could cause side effects & kick off plots with mutants, but the clan seems to be in a lull IC which I think also needs to be addressed as well OC.

Re: tanglewood feedback - impy. - 08-07-2018

Yes, that’s a big point of concern for me! There are no IC clanwide plots besides the july mask vigil. The other traditions are spaced out (ie: the lunar festival only happens once a month, along with the mask vigil I believe). There’s nothing that happens on a (bi)weekly basis that would maybe pull in interest and fun plots. And it’s one reason it’s keeping me from posting myself, besides my own work schedule currently. There isn’t anything interesting going on, there isn’t much IC drama besides The Rosebloods just dropping us to enemies.

And this isn’t meant to be nasty at you, Tricky, trust me lol. I know how busy a band schedule can be it’s rough. But even if you’re busy, other highpositions could run an idea by you and do it themselves rather than waiting for the leader to.

Re: tanglewood feedback - madster - 08-07-2018

i'm actually gonna say i prefer discord to stuff in the ooc board. you're not really chatting in the chat threads most of the time- it sometimes takes hours for responses on the chat threads. using discord allows for more... idk how to say it, but like. natural conversations and it takes less effort to talk to people and it's just more convenient for a lot of people

but i do agree that tanglewood is really stale- there's just not much going on

Re: tanglewood feedback - axiom - 08-08-2018

so i'll start off with positive feedback because i do like tangle's ideas! the traditions specifically are great - love how the mask ritual is a cool thing to do every month, i love the ideas of customizing your own masks, ect. i also like the simplicity of the ranks bc tbh sometimes i don't want a group that has different divisions/guilds bc my character wouldn't jive with that setup.

but i will ditto a few problems that have already been said
- hard to get into ooc community
- long posts being ignored sometimes
- discord is weird

but i'd like to maybe bring up a bit more of a controversial topic bc the discord is weird in that sometimes topics that are aren't lighthearted at all are played for laughs/jokes. it makes me really uncomfortable to see something that literally caused a massive genocide and personally affected my family mentioned offhandedly in the same manner as a personality quirk. it isn't acceptable to joke about sexism or racism in a public chat form, and it shouldn't be acceptable to joke about something that devastated an ethnicity.

Re: tanglewood feedback - lexasperated - 08-08-2018

i'm gonna go ahead and slide my feedback right on here:

first of all, the concept of tanglewood is really amazing to me. i love tanglewood's vibe, setting, and traditions. it's overall theme is something that i personally find wonderful (kudos to whoever made tanglewood because wow, god, i love it). what initially pulled me in was the fact that it's such a stark contrast to the other clans that makes it really unique, something that stands out. a radioactive swamp, threats potentially lurking in the marshes, mASKS, and more that i found while reading through the guide.

the execution, however, is a little off-putting. i don't mind the medium pace of the clan, but it feels like it never really goes anywhere. like impy said, there aren't enough events or focus on traditions that really give muse. the july mask vigil hasn't even started yet, and it's already august. again, what drew me into tanglewood was its traditions, and i think it would really help to bank on that!! put more focus on it, really allow it to breathe in the threads, that sorta thing.

oocly... tanglewood has been a bit... unwelcoming. another reason why i joined tanglewood is because i saw a post in plotting before about how tanglewood has a really good ooc community but, so far, it's been really hard to see that. it's daunting trying to jump into established groups and it shouldn't really have to be that scary. as mentioned previously, there have been ooc/ic mixes as well, which makes it really hard to rp in tanglewood as a whole. i've personally found it difficult to post in the board because i'm afraid of that mix when i shouldn't need to be. and whenever i'm on the discord, it feels like everybody's walking on eggshells and it just really makes a stiff environment.

i love the concept of tanglewood, and i would definitely like to see it flourish. there just needs to be an improvement with how it's handled - and not just for hp's. everyone (yes, including me too) should make that individual effort to lift tanglewood up from its current situation. it has so much potential and i'm 100% willing to help it get there.

Re: tanglewood feedback - Luciferr - 08-11-2018

Just jumpin in here to say if any of y'all have felt I've been unwelcoming as fen at all please do let me know (goes for my other chars as well) and while I try to get to all threads, I will admit I've lost muse for fen hence why I stepped down and now hes more or less MIA atm - so apologies if I ever missed anyone while he was still out and about (and the manner in which I write fen, idk if hes intimidating? but thats just him ICly kinda with his backstyr etc I Hope I never put anyone off? :c )

as for the discord thing, I'll admit I use it more than the OOC board v much because its easier in function, easy to organise and everyone responds faster if theres a pressing question - which is great for me in case I feel real inspired/musefull for a certain plot - which with me isn't often - and I get faster responses unlike how OOCly which usually takes much longer would leave me to loose muse fast on that due to that longer reply time? but that might just be a me thing.

heck i'll be honest saying I probably wouldn't have stuck in tangle so long without the OOC community in the discord? but that was back in the early days so idk if its changed in the time I've been absent at all.

this is just my two cents but yeah I do notice the plotting threads everywhere aren't super noticed? idk - and that tangles is kinda stagnant in the way of events etc, though I'm no real help there since I'm not a huge thread maker oof

and I will say this is from a perspective back circa early july so idk if anythings gone down/changed drastically recently to cause OOC community distress

Re: tanglewood feedback - raz - 08-11-2018

coming in as a regular rper and tanglewood hp, if anyone with negative feedback feels that i've been/contributed to the ooc problems please pm me and let me know.