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spicy boyfriend — storage - Printable Version

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Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

rolls on top of dev <333 it's the man, the myth, the legend

asdfghjkl my dad can barely even handle his phone so i can't relate, but i hope your old man didn't come in and snatch it away and was just "no sinning allowed" && i love the most fight me

(08-06-2018, 01:21 PM)dream link Wrote: [div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 65%; font-family: timesnewroman; font-size: 10pt; text-align: justify;"]bro i love boy what a good boy heheh get it

now these are the vibes i get from this good ass joke

Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

[Image: 5hR5vXz.gif]

beautiful with a glare and sharp teeth
———————「 loner / tags / plot / @ guppy 」 ———————


Re: roaring 20s — storage - dreamiplier - 08-06-2018

god i love your coding so so much lemme steal it uwu jk lmao

don't worry lmao he isn't home, when it's around 5 i gotta YEET off though


Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

asdfghjkl pls, if you wanna steal some of these stale codes go for it bc 90% of them will probably go unused eventually wheeze
or i can make u a code if you'd like ; o

&& i swear i,,, every time i talk to someone, i'm always like "fuck i got a vine for this" or smth like that and it truly shows how much i cannot have a normal convo without the aid of vines or memes

also just gonna yeet some of my classic pinterest boards here gotta make one for boy
I. markipoo character
II. noodle star
III. soft boi who used to chomp others
IV. tree hugger
V. some dads need sleep

Re: roaring 20s — storage - dreamiplier - 08-06-2018

:o i might hit you up on that offer when the jintro jin & intro lmao comes out here soon

MOOD SAME but it's mostly markiplier references or bts references

oh yesss pinterest boards are what i live for
i have 1.2k pins on my jin board & i somehow have 141 followers
im so good ha

Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin rhoncus erat a dui posuere, eget suscipit sapien imperdiet. Integer finibus massa risus, dignissim ullamcorper dui porta eu. Maecenas gravida lorem ac nunc fringilla, ultricies lacinia neque malesuada. Curabitur sem eros, vehicula at finibus ac, iaculis sit amet metus. Maecenas condimentum, purus vitae volutpat posuere, nibh urna viverra risus, ut posuere sapien.

BOY —————————————
Chocolate bar gummi bears gingerbread chupa chups candy candy canes I love brownie cookie. Liquorice tootsie roll icing chocolate bar. Cookie jelly beans liquorice apple pie liquorice gummies. Jujubes caramels jujubes jujubes macaroon jelly. Pudding jujubes danish chocolate cake. Sugar plum lemon drops cake pudding sugar plum marshmallow wafer caramels cookie. Cotton candy jelly-o cake tootsie roll cookie I love. Pudding pudding cookie fruitcake. Pudding caramels cake croissant. Marshmallow cake sesame snaps sugar plum topping topping. Gingerbread I love cake cheesecake candy I love gummies toffee. Pie muffin soufflé croissant.

Macaroon lemon drops dessert sesame snaps cookie. Gummi bears tiramisu ice cream tiramisu cotton candy sweet chocolate bar tart. I love donut I love sesame snaps cotton candy gummies tootsie roll. Cookie sugar plum I love bear claw I love lemon drops jelly-o lemon drops. Chocolate bar cotton candy carrot cake powder wafer sweet roll croissant. Lemon drops candy canes I love pie ice cream croissant. Pie wafer sweet roll. Cheesecake tootsie roll wafer danish sesame snaps liquorice icing. Jelly-o gummi bears cheesecake. Liquorice dessert ice cream pie tootsie roll cake. Danish marzipan apple pie chupa chups sweet I love toffee. Tiramisu cotton candy macaroon biscuit carrot cake caramels. Cake powder cookie cake gingerbread caramels pudding lollipop wafer. Jelly gummi bears I love candy jelly "I love..."


Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

finger guns bc if u need a "simple" code, im ur dude
&& all my boards are just for characters, except for one which is for me, which surprisingly got a follower im concerned for the person who did so. but dream?? pinterest famous?? can i get ur autograph : o

dabs bc i forgot that mobile users might need percentage width fancyposts and i do not feel like using nasty ass percentages for the boy fancypost

Re: roaring 20s — storage - Cheeters - 08-06-2018

zooms @ the speed of light and clingsto guppy
i love you,,

Re: roaring 20s — storage - guppy - 08-06-2018

screeches bc it's my lovely ma, cheets, ilyt

boy might be going to the typhoon or,,, some other clan that ain't tangle (bc im saving up a special lil' boy for tangle)
- brainstorm some ideas for bubbly lil' sunshine child named esther (who might be hella wild when she's a teen/young adult and supernatural af at night - prob also goes 'feral' at night and attacks peeps)

Re: roaring 20s — storage - Cheeters - 08-06-2018

gasp a guppy baby in the typhoon? i shall cherish boy with all my heart