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with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel yawned, giving her pelt a shake. The stillness surrounding the clan over the past few days was nearly suffocating, sinking into her skin like the lack of voices in her head. She felt like the entire clan was holdig its breath, waiting for...something. The air was dead, sound still...the atmosphere was just dead. She felt little motivation to do much more than sit outside and watch the day pass.

It was nearly a surprise to see the number of people gathered; maybe it was because she had forgotten how many members there were, or maybe it was because it had been dead silent for the past thirty two hours. The girl tucked her paws underneath her, stifling another yawn as she turned her eyes towards Bastille. He looked nearly as tired as she was, which...actually, that made sense.

There was a lot of news - buddy systems, for one, which sounded interesting. Hazel would be paired with Peri and Harland and Inu - three of which she knew. She hadn't met Inu, but she didn't mind; she was sure she could get along with them, too. The idea of buddy systems was exciting, anyway.

Then the promotions and demotions, and...yikes, ow. Hazel winced. Her activity probably deserved that. She was around like, every other day, so...valid. She sucked in a breath, praying no one was looking at her oddly. It didn't matter anyway; Hazel was already latching on to the next thing Bastille was saying.

Two kids...two children in the basement. Hazel's jaw worked, despite the fact she knew he wasn't going to hurt them. She was already itching to go visit the kids, just to make sure they were, in fact, okay, at least...emotionally. Hazel lost herself to her thoughts, wondering if the children were freaking out, or if they were hungry or scared -

Suddenly a whisper crawled up her spine, and the fur stood up on the along of her neck. Hazel sat up, thoughts derailed. She hardly heard what Bast said for the way she was looking around, eyes suddenly finding Peri as she interrupted and --

Pitch black.

Hazel yelped, immediately feeling the pressure of absolute darkness pressing down on her chest. Never mind the faintly glowing auras pulsing in the gloom - she had already fallen down that hole. It was too much like the closet at home, reeking of chemicals and blood. Hazel was fully prepared to take half a step back and hit a wall. She was spiraling, rapidly, wishing she had something to ground herself before it got too out of control; the earth was near ready to snap - just a few more seconds -

Then her eyes adjusted. Pitch black smoothed into fuzzy shapes, and she blinked, sucking in a breath. Aura's became recognizable. Sound began to pound against her eardrums. She could vaguely feel Bastille's surprise filtering through, though it did little to settle her nerves.

"Everyone - " Hazel's voice faltered for a moment, and she paused. People were freaking out, and things might escalate into a full blown panic if someone didn't do something. "- everyone calm down. It's probably just a power outage, or something like that." I hope. Hazel could feel the anxiety pouring off the restless souls around her, and it was scattering her mind, itching at her pelt. If people got too worked up, she was likely to fall right back down that hole. "We just need to find a different light source."



[div style="background-color:#806A71;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Terrified eyes darted side to side, and Oni backed up, ears swiveling as he heard the hushed, scared voices of his group mates. Were they going to die here? What if.. What if the doors never opened again? Dashing over to a nearby window, the small kitten tried to look through for his mother, his ears straining to listen to her voice. She had left, she had left him inside. Why did she leave? She should have never left.

Now he was stuck here.

Onision jumped down from the window, skidding across the floor as his eyes strained to see in the darkness, catching Hazel's form in the distance. He padded over, ears flicking back. God, he should be strong like he always was. But he was scared shitless. He never did like the dark. He never liked pitch black darkness, with screams of terror around him.

He had to find a way to get out.
"Roy?" Oni called out for one of the leaders of his buddy group, his ears flicking forward as he tried to listen for the black bobcat, or even Vi.


Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - rhosmari - 08-06-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]She never been to a meeting before, opting to stay out of them because she hadn't care about any of the information that was coming from the Ascendants. Before she had not been a member of theirs so it was easy to just let Washington do his thing and go to those meetings because he would just relay the information back to her. But now things were different and as she had steady lived her and moved about doing her daily routine she had run into a few members she had her interests about. She'd even died here. Not because of one of them but because of one of her own and that was tough. She still had nightmares of her death and she still kept to herself but for the most part she was more...around them. Bastille had approached her about becoming a member again and she finally decided to do just that. It would probably make them happier anyway though that hardly changed anything about how she would still see the place. Yet, here she was among strangers listening to a male whom she still wasn't sure about as he spoke out about some buddy system. What was that even for? Her eyes sparked a certain amount of stubbornness though when he spoke about her being in his group. A snort left her throat and she rolled her eyes. What sort of fate would put her with Bastille of all creatures? Probably one that was laughing right now.

Regardless she accepted it. Keeping silent as he rattled off more news, and she was half listening and half not. She didn't see the reasoning when it came to the hierarchy of them. It was really none of her business who moved up to what or who lost their ranking because of mistakes or life in general. Her chest swelled with breath before she shook herself, pulling her ears forward a bit when she Wash was dropped to Guardian which she didn't even know he had a rank to begin with and Church was demoted. But what surprised her the most was her own promotion to Guardian. Why? Had Bastille gone mad? Her gaze flashed up to look at the male, puzzled especially after his comment on killing captives. What did it matter if she killed them? The enemy and she was about to say as much but he moved on with his list of things. Some news about Sunhaven and them being allies now and ceremonies and what not. None of which was too important to her and then came the exciting stuff. The assholes of the day, Typhoon. The mention of them alone made her muzzle curl into annoyance but what luck though. Bastille had the leader's kids. An idea formulated in her mind and she rose to her paws to speak up about it. "If he doesn't accept, we should at least kill one of them to show that we aren't messing around." Make sure he understands his mistake.

They all made mistakes but this one was the absolute worse for the enemy. Not for the Ascendants. Her head tilted to the side a bit but she had no time to make anything else come forth because of the sudden electrical pulse that snapped out the lights. The sudden blaring sirens that flared to life and then to make matters worse she heard a clicking sound. Locks snapping closed. Trapped. Trapped. Her mind buzzed with the word as she whipped around to look at the entrance she had just come in from and suddenly she was running toward it. Unaware that she wouldn't be able to get out of here. But she wasn't scared for herself. The freelancer hardly experienced fear. No her concern was for Washington. He was going to be out there alone and she huffed jaggedly as she slammed her shoulder up against the door over and over again. Bruising the skin and muscles. It hurt, and it hurt worse as she continued but that door was thicker than she would ever be able to knock down. He wild amber gaze snapped to Hazel and she scrapped her claws against the ground for a moment shocked that this had even happened. The glow in her eyes heightened a bit before she shook her head. "Does anyone have any kind of light around here? Really, we need to find a way out of here. We need to get out." She hissed sharply before turning her head back to the door but she made no move to try and do anything again. Her shoulder pained her and she limped back a bit. "Is there not any emergency power? Generators that can be powered on? Something?!"

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - Owlie - 08-07-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Anakin had... felt a disturbance in the Force. Either something going wrong or someone calling his name. Maybe a bit of both?Whatever it was, he really wasn’t allowed to interfere with it, and kept that in mind. It was out of his paws.

The dust shifted and the air chilled, Anakin’s glowing blue form lighting up the room like a giant firefly as the lion looked over everyone’s head.

"Everything alright in here? What’s going on?"

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - tori - 08-07-2018

So this was the next event in the Series of Unfortunate events, Ascendants edition. He'd just become used to it by now, something bad and terrible happened and everyone was sent into a panic. Did he get scared when the lights suspiciously went out? Yes, of course he was. The lights shot off. But would he panic? No, no he wouldn't.

He just....admitted defeat.

Alex looked up when the lights went out, having been listening to the meeting without a word. He furrowed his brows together, the distressed cries of the others in the room becoming more and more of a headache as they continued. He didn't want to be trapped in here until he wasted away either, but the panic would only cause more of itself.

His ear twitched when soft blue light washed over at the very least a portion of the darkness, and he turned to see the form of Anakin materialize into the chaos. "Lights went out, power's gone." He answered simply, listening to the others bang on the door.

So, buddy group with Washington? Looks like he'd be interacting with the intriguing yet intimidating armor clad soldier after all. Not that there was much of a complaint, he respect them for whatever reason, the specifics were a bit vague. But he did know seeing them made him want to be a stronger, tougher individual, and they hadn't said two words to him. Cooper on the other hand was a sweet dude, "dad barbecuing with a funny apron on" material. It was an interesting balance, he wondered how the two would work together or even get along.

"Oni!" Blessed be a canine's scenting ability, it was the only way he could have been able to locate anyone like this. He squeezed past a few other clanmates, tracking down the fearful kid nearby Hazel. They were gonna get killed in an environment like this. "Stay right here, you'll get hurt if you try to navigate in the dark."



Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - Roy Mustang - 08-07-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
When Roy made his way over to attend this meeting, the possibility of the observatory loosing power didn't come to mind. The bobcat made his way over as usual, taking a seat in his regular spot as he looked over towards Bastilleprisoner. Ears pricked, the male listened intently to the Astral Seraph's words, his attention mainly caught at the mention of the buddy system. So, he's leading a group alongside Versaillespalace. Roy didn't know the panther that well, actually they probably haven't spoken once before, so this should certainly be interesting. His blue eyes scanned the crowd for the panther momentarily, thinking of the members assigned in their group- Onision, Beverly, and Cass. Just like Vi, Roy didn't know those three that well- without a doubt he's about to walk into this group blind. Though, he hopes to get it relatively under control- there was probably a reason why he was paired with members he didn't know. Who knows if he'll trust any of them that much, but hopefully the buddy system will do it's purpose.

Roy couldn't help it but feel silently surprised that he didn't hear his name again during the meeting. He would have sworn Bastilleprisoner would have made some kind of comment directed at his capture with Jacob. If it weren't for everyone's interventions, Roy would have surely burned the Typhoon Dealer. He didn't realize how much his frustration and outrage drove him back there. It was all thanks to Riza for legitimately carrying him out of there- she pulled him out of the tense environment. While it was terrifying to see Riza so upset with him, at the end it helped him notice how wrong he was. He wasn't going to capture again, that's for sure.

Finally, the differences between Starrynight and Bastilleprisoner were finally beginning to show. Roy remembered being pissed beyond belief when Bastilleprisoner continued with Starrynight's peace talks, after the trouble Tanglewood cost them. It didn't feel like Bastille, and didn't make sense at the time to start an alliance with them. It felt so much like Starrynight's actions influenced the young leader, and he hoped it wouldn't sway him more in the future. And now, the future is upon them- Bastille is handling this situation far differently with The Typhoon than what went down with Tanglewood months back. Bastilleprisoner wasn't even that mad at Carolina for killing a Typhooner(he wasn't mad either, the Typhoon are enemies after all), only reminding her not to kill future captures and gave her a promotion along with it. Bastille even captured two Typhoon kids himself- which caused the male to blink in surprise for a second. What the hell are they suppose to do with children? Most children are oblivious to politics and the world around them- they're going to babysit these kids while attempting to blackmail Pincher. Wonderful.

Unfortunately, Roy didn't get to think more on the matter. His thoughts trailed away when lightbulbs above blew out, the bobcat's head snapping upwards, sparks flying everywhere. What the hell is going on? He began to wonder, before the lights flickered and flashed, before everything turned to darkness. A power outage. He thought to himself, before he froze at what he heard next. Locks licking into place, echoing through out the observatory. Well fuck, He cursed to himself in his head, throwing his simple power outage out of the window. They were locked in too, this would have been fine if the lights just went out! The eerie silence from his groupmates didn't last long, as before he knew it, panicked voices began to fill up the dark room. Without another thought, the male quickly rose one of his front paws and snapped his claws, causing a spark to ignite. Barely any seconds went by as a small flame came to life above his raised paw, like it was a candle. It wasn't a huge source of light, but it was something. Roy wasn't about to transmute a large flame without knowing who and what he's nearby(they don't need another fire, this time there would be no way out). Hopefully this can lead him and others to some candles so they can light up the observatory, and then hopefully figure out a way to fix this mess.

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - Shininglight - 08-07-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
Shining started to pay a bit more attention to things now. He could make sense of current events and remember what had happened a day or two prior. His speech hadn't changed much, unable to say exactly what he meant. But the feline was making process. Slow but steady. He gathered with his fellow clanmates and settled down near the back. Tabitha stood by his side.

A lot of new joiners apparently came around, which would make Shining's self-given task of learning names and faces quite a bit harder. Buddy assignments were handed out- he gave some extra effort to remember who he had been paired with: Margaery and Lazarus. Group A. Unfortunately, he focused on that so hard that he missed the next bit of promotions, demotions, and warnings. He overheard something about a new alliance- which was good.

Then Bast went into a rant about the Typhoon. Shining's ears fell slightly. He didn't like the language the Ascendants' leader used to talk about them. Nor did he enjoy the discussion of warfare in general. So he felt prompted to get up and walk outside for the remainder of the meeting. Tabitha of course followed suit, keeping her ever watchful eye on him. She held that aura of protection, since Shining couldn't defend for himself these days.

Suiteheart was ahead of him, as he stepped out onto the path, the nearby meadow stretching out in his eyesight. Had she stopped listening for a similar reason? Shining decided to follow her, thinking that he could start some sort of conversation. He had taken quite a few steps forward, towards the white feline, when the sirens sounded behind him. He saw Suiteheart whirl around immediately, but he took a second longer to do the same. Metal on metal screeched through the air, and Shining watched the giant vault door close and lock into place. The female had raced past him, trying to get inside, but she was too slow.

They were locked out. But that was of no concern. No, the real problem was the others locked inside. Because under the loud noises of the alarm system and grinding metal, Shine had heard the terrified screams and panicked noises of his clanmates, before the darkness consumed them.

He felt a bit short on air. Panic rose in his own chest, heart starting to beat faster. Not of his own accord, but his friend- soulmate- on the other side. They were separated, and Shining had no doubt that Lessa might be freaking out. He walked forward towards the door. Stay calm. He willed through their connection. I'm near. We will find a way out.

But how long would it take?


Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
He wasn't really the type that would like to get involved with the likes of clan affairs. Technically with the rank that he had, it meant that he should be more concerned, but it didn't feel like that either. Washington didn't enjoy dealing with the aspect of some of the animals that lived in this place and was fairly closed off. The only reason he did half of the stuff that he did do was because of the factor that he wanted to get on the good side of everyone else. The Freelancer didn't have a worry when it came to the threat that the outpost may present to him if they didn't agree with half of the stuff that they did. It was a hard thing to consider, but it was one that he had thought over and over again. Either way, his day hadn't been going all that terribly. At least from what he could gather of what was going on. He was actually starting to sleep a little bit more. Which was approximately around an hour of sleep a night but it was better than not sleeping at all. The last thing he needed with a threat that could easily deal with their group was an attack and him falling asleep during it. He was healed now, and he was going to use that to his advantage as no one in the enemy had seen him fight yet so they didn't have intel on who he was.

Some could have seen the way that Carolina fought, but she was fast enough that it was hard to predict exactly where she was going to be moving in general. He needed to get working on the gear that they had so that they could upgrade everything again. Now that Carolina had her helmet it just meant that he could adjust some things inside of it so that it could be more useful. The issue is that she wasn't capable of wearing it in her current size and that was extremely confusing to the male as to why it didn't fit her. When he arrived, his helmet fits him just perfectly fine, so hers should be the same as well. He guessed that they weren't all that lucky when it came to being in a world that didn't want them to succeed in their mission. There was always something that needed to be done, and that meant Washington would be able to focus his time and energy as no one bothered him. A couple times when someone approached him while he was working and the exhaustion that plagued his mind meant that he was quick to snap at them and their constant questions that he couldn't answer. He wasn't here to play games for the animals that didn't know anything about him. Washington was a good soldier, and he always provided results no matter the situation that presented itself. It was a skill that he had acquired during the military, and that he didn't just give half of an effort when he did something, and instead gave an entire effort when it came down to it.

Washington never wanted to think about how messed up he actually was and how much he was hiding. The soldier knew that there was also something else that Carolina was hiding, and he hadn't gotten a chance to talk to her about it. Killing someone was something that was easily known among someone like themselves. But enjoying it? He never saw that. Okay, maybe he saw it in the likes of Georgia when he interacted with the guy a couple times, but the rest of those that were in the project just wanted to make a difference and help people. The human race needed to stick together in his world to keep them from going extinct. One thing that the armored creature didn't know about was those that were disappeared or captured. Would he be the type to go out and rescue them? Maybe. If he knew exactly who was kidnapped, he would probably save one of them as they would harbor some important information of the facility. Any intel that was leaked could make the War that they were getting themselves into a whole lot worse, but if they worked together and didn't let themselves be alone it would be an easy extermination. The former human would more than quickly kill any enemy that tried to attack him, didn't matter what it was or who they were.

Either way, he had realized exactly how late he had been to the meeting. He was always punctual. Missing a time frame could be deadly but also warrant punishment as well. He had sprinted toward the observatory while putting his helmet on at the same time. Being sleep deprived meant that the animal didn't realize how much time had gone by while he was fixing some of the wires that were inside of his helmet. While the smilodon began to make his way toward the Observatory, it was then that he started to hear something fairly loud. What was that? As he got closer, he noticed that there were no lights that were coming out of the Observatory and there were alarms that were blaring inside of the building. What the fuck? Washington didn't waste any time as panic rose inside of his chest as anxiety began to rise. He noticed that there were two figures outside of the Observatory, and he could barely hear the scared screams that were coming from behind the walls of the Observatory. Suiteheart and Shininglight. One he knew better than the other. Washington was breathing slightly heavily as he came to a stop in front of the door, having not seen Suiteheart try to lift it up. The lion-sized animal tried to get leverage with his paws and try to lift, his weight almost comparable to that of a polar bear itself, but nothing happened. What was going on?

How many were locked inside? Was it sabotage? [b]"What happened? Why did this facility suddenly go into lockdown?" Washington asked quickly as he turned toward the two domestic cats before taking a step back. Who was in there? If he got his damn radios working he would be able to know exactly who and get a headcount, but he didn't so he had no idea. Washington knew exactly what a lockdown consisted of. It happened with the ships that they were on if someone got on the ship that didn't belong there. No one got in or out, but there was always a way to lift the lockdown. It was familiar technology where he was from, but was it the same type of technology that worked here? He knew in places that held prisoners of war, if the power went out, everything would shut down in order to keep the prisoners in and to keep them from getting out. Did the generator finally shut down so that the place went into lockdown? He wouldn't be able to know because the damn thing was inside of the Observatory. "Imperia?! Carolina?! Are you in there?" Washington asked quickly, as those were the only two that he really ever interacted with except for a couple few.

He pressed his helmet toward the edge of the door so he could try and hear the voices that were echoing through. If they had schematics of the place it would make everything easier as they would be able to find access points. If he had his bioscan in his helmet fully functional, he would be able to see exactly how many bodies were behind the metal, but since the entirety of the outside of the building was metal his x-ray vision wouldn't be able to help at all so he didn't bother to turn it on. Washington tried his best to keep calm. What if they couldn't get them out? There was a chance of lack of oxygen if everyone started panicking, and there was a chance that they would easily run out of food. All of them basically being predators in the first place. They could start to death. They could die again. The simple thought made Washington freeze for a couple seconds as he craned his neck to the side until he heard his neck pop. He couldn't freak out. This wasn't the time, and this was a job that he knew how to do. It was the same as with someone taking a hostage and trying to hold them in a secure facility. He can do this. He has to. Even if he doesn't care about the death of others, there were children that were inside of there. He wouldn't let them die, and he wouldn't be left alone again.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: I DON'T GIVE A FUCK | MANDATORY MEETING 9.5 - lessa - 08-07-2018

✯ — honestly, it's just me, brainlessly, so silly, always hoping for good to be
Breathe. Her eye good eye had been shut tightly for a moment now, before the room lit up.  A ghost...?  Her paws were still shaking.  Her lungs still seeming to fail.  Her blurry vision could not quite register if the strange figure of a lion was familiar or not.  Then fire.  Then little specks golden light.

It did nothing for the short-breathed marten.  The walls were still crashing down.  Trapped.  That's what she was.  What they all were.  Trapped.  The reasoning did not bother her quite yet.  It was hard to focus.  All she could think of was that it was dark, that even if she was not bound this time, she still couldn't make her legs move.  There was some solace in the abundance of noise.  If it had been even a fraction quieter, she might have withdrawn completely, shell-shocked.  Even so... It kept crashing down on her.

No, no, no... 'Stay calm', oh... that was not her own thoughts willing her now.  Her breath hitched, gears in her brain taking an extra second to start turning.  Shine. She stood up without much thought, stumbling, uncoordinated, unbalanced steps towards the closed door.  She did not try to push it, or hit it; no, she just pressed her forehead against the cool metal, trying to catch her breath, trying to be as close as she could to her friend, her soulmate.

Shine... I don't... How was she supposed to chase away this feeling of suffocation? Of drowning in the dark.  Of compression.  All Lessa could really remember, really think of, was the silence; somehow deafening, entrapping... She was so young then.  She had not done anything wrong.  And she hadn't liked the dark before then; she never had.  You're not alone.  You're not alone this time.

She sank against the door.  Breathe.  Slowly, very slowly, her heart did grow steady.  They needed everyone calm.  Rational.  Their healers especially.  She had a job to do.  Keep everyone alive until that door opened again.  But that was the problem.  How long was the door remaining shut?  She couldn't keep them alive if they all started to starve.  What if they did not have water, either? She could not save them from dehydration.

Memories of a famine flashed through her mind's eye, sinking her heart down all over again.  What if there isn't one? …Shine I don't know if I can... She could not fail again.  She wasn't sure she could take that.  That famine had not lasted forever but... Still, so many had died or gotten so, so terribly close and that was on her no matter what anyone said.  She'd been their shaman; their sole healer, responsible for everyone's welfare.  That was not the case here, but that did little to chase away the weight crashing down on her shoulders at the thought and memory.  She was still a healer here.  Still one of the healers in charge of maintaining health.

Her visible eye fixed on the others close to the door, on Inu.  "I-It's n-not... Opening..." She murmured, her quiet voice laced with resignation and defeat.  She did not necessarily want out, so much as have the freedom to get there, to have more light.  Still shaky, the Halo raised her voice a little, "a-are there an... Any oth-other exits?"
[div style="text-align: right; text-transform: lowercase; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px cornflowerblue; font-size: 12px;"]— lessa ren solo