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PLOT WITH INU?? - Printable Version

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Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - Seina - 08-05-2018

Do you think you can make? Smile

Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-05-2018

you know I want a thread with my SON

What though I have no idea xD any ideas?

Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - Seina - 08-06-2018

SORREL!! so it was here you where hiddingyou have no idea how excited i am now to get to roleplay with you again!! :O

I'm not sure either what they can do though. I don't know West that well yet and are not famillair with the game he is based from xD West seems like the type you not wanna mess with, Inu usually avoids people like that. Maybe he can get lost and West found him and is all like " you're lost?" and Inu is all like " haha me?, whaaat, no - no way, i totally..." *awkward pause* " yes i'm lost.."

or Inu accidently waking West during his beauty sleep and become a angry bear on him or something while Inu apologizes while crying like a little baby. *shrugs*

Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - MirrorEdge - 08-06-2018

I can make later today!

Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-06-2018

(08-06-2018, 05:31 AM)INU link Wrote:
SORREL!! so it was here you where hiddingyou have no idea how excited i am now to get to roleplay with you again!! :O

I'm not sure either what they can do though. I don't know West that well yet and are not famillair with the game he is based from xD West seems like the type you not wanna mess with, Inu usually avoids people like that. Maybe he can get lost and West found him and is all like " you're lost?" and Inu is all like " haha me?, whaaat, no - no way, i totally..." *awkward pause* " yes i'm lost.."

or Inu accidently waking West during his beauty sleep and become a angry bear on him or something while Inu apologizes while crying like a little baby. *shrugs*
Not exactly hiding but yes I'm here xD
True.... overall Wash is just a soldier that is kind of closed off to people and doesn't try to show that he cares about people either xD But people can develop him to where he starts to care about others. But I honestly love the idea of Wash just coming across Inu as being lost xD Because Wash would totally just sigh and tell him to follow him. While at the same time probably asking a couple questions along the way, as Wash likes to gather intel on others that live inside of the Ascendants : D
*who makes if we wanna go with that idea*

Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - Seina - 08-06-2018

Actually!! i come up with an other idea, since they are under a lockdown now maybe West and Inu could bond inside the observatory?? (unless West is going to be one of those outside) Inu is terrified of the darkness so is going to be a scared little crybaby :-> but that could work in open threads as well cx Inu might if so become very clingy to West!

but we can go with the other idea as well, i honestly think both of this ones could be interesting!! and fun cx And i also like the idea for them to become friends in the future?? like West becoming overprotective of Inu and he just like accepts it because he feels safe around West?? once he realises he not wants to eat him xD

and i can totally make!! but it will be tomorrow because Seina needs sleep, I'm very exhausted

Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-06-2018

(08-06-2018, 06:22 PM)INU link Wrote:
Actually!! i come up with an other idea, since they are under a lockdown now maybe West and Inu could bond inside the observatory?? (unless West is going to be one of those outside) Inu is terrified of the darkness so is going to be a scared little crybaby :-> but that could work in open threads as well cx Inu might if so become very clingy to West!

but we can go with the other idea as well, i honestly think both of this ones could be interesting!! and fun cx And i also like the idea for them to become friends in the future?? like West becoming overprotective of Inu and he just like accepts it because he feels safe around West?? once he realises he not wants to eat him xD

and i can totally make!! but it will be tomorrow because Seina needs sleep, I'm very exhausted

I literally just asked for Wash to be outside of the observatory I'm so sorry xD
That would have been so perfect omggg.

Oh yeah just wait till Washington starts to like everyone and becomes slightly possessive of everyone and the threats. It will, of course, take some time still as he has the soldier mentality of that 'i don't need anyone' xD But I think when Inu is afraid of him its a quick way to calm Wash down and maybe Inu will be helpful to Wash in the future when he has his episodes and all the other horrible things I have planned for him haha. Think of Wash as a harder and tougher Ichigo haha

Omg you're amazing! But oh gosh yeah I remember you're in a crazy time zone, definitely get some sleep buddy!

Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - Seina - 08-07-2018

how dare you

It's all fine dude!, the first idea works perfectly as well! i ended up being busy all day today so the thread will have to wait until tomorrow before i can make it. ^^'

Inu can be his hug pillow or something?? lol, Inu do have healing blood like Dimitri has so once i have the gems to buy that power Inu will probably become his personal nurse or something, haha. And no worries about the slow building friendship between them, since Inu have lost his three most importand people from ff Inu dosen't really want to get close to people since he is still under grieving (he is actually depressed even) so it will take time for him to fully accept that he cares for West as a friend, but he will end up being a worry-wrath??(i honestly don't know how to spell it right now rip ) and try to be there for him as best he can.

Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-07-2018

(08-07-2018, 05:40 PM)INU link Wrote:
how dare you

It's all fine dude!, the first idea works perfectly as well! i ended up being busy all day today so the thread will have to wait until tomorrow before i can make it. ^^'

Inu can be his hug pillow or something?? lol, Inu do have healing blood like Dimitri has so once i have the gems to buy that power Inu will probably become his personal nurse or something, haha. And no worries about the slow building friendship between them, since Inu have lost his three most importand people from ff Inu dosen't really want to get close to people since he is still under grieving (he is actually depressed even) so it will take time for him to fully accept that he cares for West as a friend, but he will end up being a worry-wrath??(i honestly don't know how to spell it right now rip ) and try to be there for him as best he can.
I know right i'm so terrible

Nah buddy don't stress about it! Real life comes first after all haha. I'm fine with waiting as most stuff with Wash takes a while anyway xD

Omg just like Inu constantly hugging Wash, and Wash doesn't want to hurt him and just tries to awkwardly peel him off. That's hilarious xD Physical touch isn't all that much fun for him haha. Screaming. Washington gets injured all the time its literally part of his character. if you need gems I can donate, i am the richest on the site my friend ; P. I almost cried when you mentioned Littlestar in Inu's post because I remember the day she died and I'm still not over it and neither is Ichi LOL. Inu is the best son and I will protect him with my life he is so precious aaaaaa but yes yes and yes to all of this!

Re: PLOT WITH INU?? - Seina - 08-08-2018

the worst of your kind

pfft, Inu can be uncomfortable if random people hugs him BUT if it's people he likes and trust he demands them xD he will be this sneakly little thing how will crawl himself up inside of thier beds at night to sleep next to them, or just snuggle himself up close to them when he can, or use them as a shield c': so yeah, expect awkward cute threads with this two in the future!! i saw that, how did you do that?? did you bank rob this site?? :O and thanks but i don't like to take others gems they have spend a such long time to save without giving them anything in return Dx yeah i cried too when i read Littlestar death thread :-: that really damaged both Inu and Dimitri honestly!!
and uhm, you will probably have to get yourself a helmet and a sword and sheild then because in the future Inu's life is going to HELL, hehe, i have big plans for Inu >Smile