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THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - Printable Version

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Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - Luciferr - 08-05-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
Luciferus watches the babies scurry about - head tilting minutely when Vandal comes over investigating alongside Kirishima and snare before the oblivion black dragon turns his gaze back to the newly hatched raptors - utahraptors if he discerned correct.

it seemed two more had followed their first brave sister out of their eggs - one vying with said sister over the meat, good enough that he'd brought enough for them then,  he shifted less to stand and more to curl his forelimbs under himself a he sat down besides them now, overly contented like the proverbial large scaly mother hen he was apparently.

he watched one fight for 'first bite' with some amusement - noted that she'd seemed wary at first but then like all children, feral or no, had clearly come to the conclusion that foodbringer = friendly at least - or proverbial 'mom' to the small hatchlings no doubt and he chuckled idly, he didn't worry over much, common as it was fr siblings to squabble or sort such hierarchical orders out soon enough, still he peered down at her, she needed a name for such a bold personality - bold even in the egg since he remembered that fragile shell rolling towards he and his brother.

"hm, Virgo, I should think - it suits you" the dragon lowered his maw to rest against the sand, still huge in comparison to the small hatchlings but left them room to eye him as much as he scrutinised them with an air of fondness, the great dragon always did have a weakness for looking after kids after all.

his gaze snapped to the others briefly before trailing to the hatched sister and the little brother whom seemed more interested in them than food at the moment - he huffed an amused sound at that, inquisitive children seemed a thing across all species - with a questioning hum rumbling in his throat "And what names shall you carry I wonder" idly wondering if Vandal, Goldie or the others would want to offer names - though his gaze tracked briefly to Vandal, they'd done good to protect these so they could hatch, Vandal had taken the worst hit from that sea snake.

//Grey let me name Virgo - idk about everyone else? :0


Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - VIRGO - 08-06-2018

[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]She was nibbling greedily away, nipping at chunks of meat until her stomach stretched and she nearly vomited because she hadn’t realised how much she had eaten. As a mental note, there was a maximum to just how much she could eat. Regardless, the little reptile should have noticed when she was starting to get full, but it was likely that her pride and greed got the better of her, making the young dinosaur go beyond her limits until her belly unleashed a pitched burp. It made her jump in a start, wobble on her toes a little at her added weight then suspiciously look around her for who had made the sound. Her eyes narrow, not believing in the possibility that it was herself who had made it when suddenly she tilts her head at the rumbled voice of her mother above her. She blinks, not understanding a word the male said but attempting to squawk back at him with her unintelligible babbles. The now named child toddles closer towards him, puffing air through her flared nostrils when she attempts to harmlessly poke him with her claw. Virgo chirps at him again, waddling to the other side of his side of his face and observing Luciferus intently.

Although she possessed no particular way of making sense of the world, no words that could form in her feral mind, there was actually an unspoken and intangible list that was very much real in her mind. It was her curiosity that set the creature’s mind ablaze. She sees the way his body is armoured in dark ebony plates and, after having changed sides, is intrigued by the stark contrast of scarlet across his face. Virgo’s eyes twinkle. She looks at Lucifer then looks at herself, raising her feathered arms to check her own colour. Bronze. Of course, as Virgo gets older her feathers will begin to moult and her new feathers will appear. Ivory like the snow with golden tips, resembling the sand and her regal form. But, at this moment in time, Virgo was playing spot the difference and was screeching at Lucifer for failing the test, attempting to bite at his nose as both a punishment and a test to see if mother was edible. The answer, of course, turned out to be no. Regardless, he was supposed to look like her, or her look like him. Maybe, however, just maybe this was because she had only been newly hatched, that her ink-stained scales would begin growing in soon and her spines to appear. It was not too difficult to convince herself of that.

Virgo, now full and having been mildly entertained, begins to open her jaws to unleash a breathy yawn. Air squeezes out her lungs, her eyes water on instinct, and the utahraptor walks even closer to the mother dragon. She stops, bewildered and challenged. If newborns could express disappointment, then Virgo looked disappointed when she finally realised the height of the beast named Luciferus. There was no way she could clamber up the beast’s back to sleep on him, and so she scrambles beneath his wings as a substitute and begins curling herself near his body. She lies down, feet tucked in and rests her head. If Lucifer needed to find a more comfortable position, then now was the time it was too late. Virgo had claimed this spot, right next to Lucifer, and like the royalty she thought she was had proceeded to go to sleep with soft snores wheezing from her breaths.

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - EXODUS-- - 08-07-2018

★ --
Crest raised, neck outstretched as she prepared to bite down, Exodus was unpleasantly shocked as she was knocked away. Her sister behind knocking into her unstable frame and sending her crashing to the ground.

There was a rough, victimized cry of shock and anger. A shaky exhale as the young, ungraceful child began to lift herself upon her feet, only to be met with the sight of her brother, and Virgo greedily chomping down on the meaty red slab.

Huffig once more, eyes narrowed  in subtle frustration, Exodus came rushing forward to stake her next clame.

There wasn't much left of the meat. But she ate what she could, viciously stuffing her face just like her sister.

Once she had at her fill, little belly bulging with the warning of having too much to eat, she stilled herself.

And then turned to face the being that radiated motherly warmth.


She knew it by instinct. Knew it in her heart the way they had established themselves as a caretaker and a provider of food.

Exodus wobbled to Lucifer's side, tiny head craned back to peer at the massive expanse of that dark wing. Covering the rest of the eggs like a night sky.

Curiosity raised her crest once more, as, for the first time since her birth, she inspected herself. No appendages protruded from her feathery hide. No spikes sprouted from her crest and danced it's way down her spine.

Her sister had tired and fallen to sleep under the weight of her meal. But Exodus was still awake and lively as the moment she had been born, turning to inspect the newcomers with great curiosity. Head tilted, outstretched. She did not know what they meant to her. What role they played in her life. All she knew was that they were foreign... And needed to be tested.

Maw agape, the clumsy little child would attempt to clamp her weak little teeth around the ankles of one of the onlooking bystanders.

// mobile post Smile I'm leaving the bitten person vague in case anyone wants to decide their char is the one that gets bitten

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - Character Graveyard. - 08-07-2018

As more of his crewmates arrived on the scene, Kirishima had decided to relax and step out, looking at the navy-colored eggs that the young Utahraptors had hatched from and it seemed three of them were already out of their eggs. Then he felt a spike of pain shoot up one of his ankles. Steadily and calmly, he would glance downward and he noticed that one of the newly-hatched dinosaurs had gotten a hold of his leg with razor-sharp teeth.

Wincing, he would attempt to pull his leg away from the newborn female, though he would grit his teeth. She had managed to tear small parts of flesh from the limb, but there wasn't any injuries on his leg too serious. Crimson-eyes would land on the hungry newborn and he blinked. "Exodus." Kirishima would say, his gaze still on the small child.
tags :: updated 7/26:

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - CELESTE G.M. - 08-07-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:8pt;font-family:verdana;border-bottom: 1px white solid;padding-BOTTOM: 3px;"][b]"They are certainly odd looking." Temulin has never seen a raptor before but on the grounds of looking odd, she doesn't really have much to say without sounding hypocritical. Six wings and antlers on a borzoi is not a standard affair by any means. That being said, the small raptors bring a smile to her maw instead of anything else, she finds them practically adorable.

She had once heard stories about a woman raising baby dragons and united the Great Grass Plains. It was an old myth, as old as the sky according to some, but this must have been what she felt like, looking into the eyes of monsters finding them as endearing children. She finds herself wishing she had something to give them, perhaps scraps of meat or a freshly slain bird. But, since she has none, she simply observes with a pretty big smile on her maw. Temulin doesn't know who will take care of them, but she certainly wouldn't mind taking care of one herself.

Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - Luciferr - 08-07-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
maybe others would have been alarmed at the hatchlings sudden desire to attempt to chomp them, but Lucifer was old and had seen much in his long years - lives come and gone - if anything it endeared the little hatchlings to him, such spirit after all.

He huffed an amused chuckle - the way she seemed to compare herself to him, no, she didn't look like him but if anything the colour was more reminiscent of his twin, rest his memory.

His twin would never come back like the others might or were normal for their godly kin - they weren't allowed rest or paradise, yet Valk had been killed by the very being that had scarred his face so hideously - the scar that persisted no matter the form,

He didn't like remembering what that kind of power had done to his brothers soul, but he had never resurfaced again, a great gaping hole where he should be in the circle of ascendancy.

He smiled down at little Virgo nestled into his side now - even old as the God was, one never did get used to the cuteness.

'Allergic to adorableness' Ashlyn had once said, his fire spirited sister had ever fallen for anything with the pleading eyes - the one true way to finagle getting her to do something.

He watched the brown feathered female pad up to him, doing as her sister had done and quirked a brow, gently cooing at the child - his fellows could attempt to embarrass him about his apparent paternal side if they liked, Lucifer had always taken the ribbing well even as his stints when the kids liked to crawl all around his spikes.

He watched her toddle and bite Kirishima with a small wince and a low hum when the feline named her, an approving nod "a strong name - you may want Rosemary to see to that just to be safe, by the by" untreated wounds could get infectious even if it was a small scrape.

Temulin spoke up next and the dragon huffed a slight small chuckle at the Borzoi's words "no stranger than we've seen before I'm sure - case in point" he inclined his head watching the kids and his fellows, careful not to jostle the sleeping Virgo.

/this thread is so goddam fluffy + idk if anyone wants to name the third? I'd have luci do it but I don't wanna be a hog Oof.


Re: THE OCEAN LOVES THE MOON / o; eggs hatching - Grey - 08-10-2018

[ ooc ] in all honesty, it wouldn't really matter if luci named the last one but since no one has replied for some time, i thought i'd have bakugou do it so this thread can finally complete its purpose <33

He has been aware of these eggs for a while now. Though he may not have shown any interest in them at all, the size and gleam of the spherical shapes were enough to latch onto his attention. He hoped they were dragons. Big, scaly fire-breathing creatures with wings as wide as towers and teeth as sharp as knives. It was for that anticipation that Bakugou has made frequent visits to check up on the unhatched children, ensuring they had not been smashed and mauled by mischievous predators looking for a snack. One time, Bakugou had come to witness the presence of a sea viper slithering between blades of grass, flicking its tongue to taste the calmness which touched the air. He didn’t make a move then, seeing a male try to shoo them only to watch Vandal lift the serpent by her powerful jaws, being bitten and poisoned in the process. Seeing Luciferus’ large and intimidating form, Bakugou promptly turned his back and left. The eggs would be safe and even after the event, he continued to make frequent visits to note how they were progressing. It was today that Bakugou, calmly sitting atop a low-hanging tree, had let his eyes drop for just one moment.

His ears were pierced by the screeching cries of the first child, hatched and standing within the dispersed array of her broken shell. Sanguine eyes open, his nostrils flare when he settles his gaze over the downy-feathered creature. Reptilian like he had hoped, wing-like but not quite. He realises it is a dinosaur he is looking at, a puff of smoke releasing from his heavy lungs. He lowers his head into his paws, unsure how to feel and slightly irritated by the loud shrieks the utahraptor gave off from her tiny vocal cords, a painful shrill that threatens to decimate his ear drums. The volume of the child is addressed by the first Typhooner to appear, a Bengal who appears younger than he is. But her question is addressed to unintelligible ears, forgotten within the mix of voices when yet another feline appears, much older and addressing the fem by a nickname. ‘Goldie’, huh?

Bakugou continues to watch in his placid form, body lowered and relaxed atop a branch, staring at the shifting movements of Typhooners come and go like calmed waves. Luciferus appears once more, dangling a generous proportion of meat from his jaws. He lets go and Bakugou jerks instinctively, expecting a loud thud only to see the sound strangled by the screeches of the raptors and the soil beneath him. Then he watches the fight of two only-recently-born raptors, the older one pushing her sister aside to declare the first bite. He recognises the aggressiveness of the first, the aggressiveness born of self-worth and pride, and sees how perfectly the older one clashes with the impatient sister. He scrunches his nose and watches a third one hatch – a male this time with raw, bloody skin. Disgusting. He watches the cautiousness of the boy, choosing to interact with the Typhooners who surrounded them like a horrible cage rather than chase after the food.

It doesn’t take him long to direct his attention to Kirishima who appears but says nothing at first, a wariness seeming to flood his red hues. Next to appear is the ‘heroin’ herself, the one who chose to viciously attack the venomous viper, being bitten in the process. Personally, he thought it was a foolish move. He would rather have watched her throw a stick at the snake or call for Lucifer to exterminate the threat instead, to grab a snake by the tail opened her up to every bite of retaliation. Regardless, he was glad that she was there and that Bakugou needn’t deal with the situation himself. He would have likely burned the snake to a crisp but in doing so risked boiling the eggs he was protecting. His abilities were as powerful as they were dangerous as he has come to note. He’s remembered every time he’s been scolded by the UA teachers for not having self-control, annihilating a building with a single blast that one time he played ‘villain’.

His ears raise again, the male furrowing his figurative brows when Lucifer speaks up to name the oldest child. Virgo. He lets the words ring in his ears again. Virgo, Virgo, Virgo. It works, he agrees inwardly but is almost displeased that he has forgotten that these creatures need names. He isn’t quite sure if he wants to join in on the task himself either because Bakugou was hoping for dragons, not raptors, but he guesses that pack dinosaurs are just as formidable to attempt befriending. Then, his fur rises when one of the raptors bite Kirishima’s legs with a sharp, clamped grip. Without realising it, his lip was raised in a low rumbled snarl, displeased with the creature. To his dismay, his friend names the creature rather than kick the pest away for biting him. Exodus. That’s fuckin’ right, Bakugou thinks to himself, She better be fuckin’ exiled for biting Kirishima in the bloody leg. He remembers how mangled his friend looked in that wolf body and three legs.

It, however, came to attention that everyone seemed to be absorbed by the strangeness of the creatures. He watches the moment shared between Lucifer and Virgo, eyes slanted when he climbs down the tree and approaches at last with a huff. He glares at the male who seemed almost like the runt, just as unintelligible as his siblings but far more submissive seeming. ”That ugly kid right there,” the fiery cat begins, pointing a claw at the boy, ”Ament. Or Piece-Of-Shit the Third. Your pick.”