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[div style="cursor: url(""), auto; margin: 0 auto; border-width:0; width: 70%; text-align: justify; line-height: 1.5; font-family: arial; font-size: 9pt;"]It’s no secret by now that the utahraptors (who were now four months old) were indeed feral, incapable of any kind of communication with the ones around them. Virgo was no exception. At this point in time, it was no longer difficult to tell the reptiles apart by their personalities. Although the girl shared a lot of similarities to her sister, Exodus, she held a lot more of a regal stance on a number of things. Normally, it was the alpha who took the first bite of food or delivered the killing blow on rats and it was often Virgo who did so. At the same time, her newborn feathers were almost a bronze-gold and she was a little bigger than her other siblings. It made Virgo all the more legitimate as the alpha of the venandi pack. Venandi, of course, was a word that was beginning to become adopted within the speech of some Typhooners. It was to differentiate the feathered terrors by their scaly counterparts which were found within Owen’s pack. It allowed for no confusion between exchanges of words. And, by now, Virgo had begun responding to both names: the latin word for hunter, venandi, and her own name.

One thing to note about the curious, narcissistic raptor was how she could become fixated at the strangest of things. Always, like as if it were programmed within her mechanical arms and legs, she would go through a very similar process. At some point, her item of interest was that of a flower. Some Typhooners reported seeing her for hours staring the plant down, flaring her nostrils and breathing atop of it. Next comes the rowdy screeches of the reptilian beauty as she hops around the plant, wondering if it will dare to budge. Usually, she will stiffen when a breeze shifts past and causes the bud at the top to swing. Her feathered crest flattens against her head, her chest puffs undignifiedly and her tail swings in a low motion, waiting in anticipation. She shrieks at it again, daring the little dandelion to move again, but alas it does not move. She learnt the power of the wind that day, capable of moving things like spectral beings pushing and pulling. But this didn’t mean process over. Oh no, no, no. There was one last step Virgo never skipped completing.

By now, the process was summed up into three steps. The first was: is it dangerous? This, as seen with the example of the flower, was ‘solved’ through staring the item down. If it attacked her, it was dangerous and if it hurt her, it was dangerous. It was a foolproof process, Virgo always assures herself with great, unwavering confidence. The second step – is it alive – was to wait for it to move. Normally the bronze raptor will poke it with a claw, see if reflexes will govern its move or if it will react instinctually like her brothers and sisters. The third, however, was her favourite: is it edible? Yes, to the dismay and horror of watching Typhooners, they watched the girl spread her wings and tower over the plant. If the flower was sentient, it would have been shivering and trembling in fear. Virgo, eyes glinting like a predator, cranes her neck over with jaws open, consuming the flower in one move. Now if that wasn’t terrifying to watch then the Typhooner would then begin to see the child begin to hack a few coughs, clumsily trying to regain balance as she tries to eject the plant which seemed to be furiously attacking her back by tickling her throat. With a forceful squeeze of her lungs, she spits it out back to the ground.

Hissing at it, she brushes dirt over the crushed and dead flower and moves on. This was how it usually worked out, causing Typhooners to just be a little extra careful with their unique belongings. Some cared about the wellbeing of the raptors, wanting to ensure that Virgo didn't end up trying to eat the blade of a stone knife. Others, who might not have particularly liked the venandi, would keep their items away because they didn’t want dinosaur slobber all over them. Well, it wasn’t as if Virgo was capable of realizing or reading the distaste of other members. She was a barbaric child with unintelligible babbles.

What Virgo does understand, however, is the smell of food. It is always a mistake to have an array of food sitting about because its scent will always waft towards Virgo’s nose, registering in her olfactory sensors and making the girl go wild. Suddenly it becomes her mission when she begins bolting off, kicking the dirt behind her clawed feet. Her eyes are locked in front of her, following the smell when she sees the tray. Pincher’s sushi – oh no. She scrambles up, beginning her usual screechings for Virgo has yet to learn the art of surprise and therefore alerts every Typhooner of her appearance, crashing into the assortment and chomping into one of the rolls. The salmon one. Rice seems to explode all around her, food dropping to the sand as her feathered arms flutter wind against the sushi. Triumphally, she helps herself to another one, swallowing it down her throat and into her grumbling belly. Mission accomplished – her hunt was successful.

[ ooc ] since virgo is feral I thought I’d make a post to mention what others might not know about her? Long story short, she’s the ‘alpha’ of the venandi (meaning hunter in latin, the name given for the feathered raptor pack) and she’s hella dominating, first noticed in the hatching thread so I didn’t gloss over it too much. This thread is hella rushed bcI need to go to school lmao.

Anyway, hello! I’m called Grey but I’m also named Cecil, sometimes shortened to ‘Cil’ by my family. I go by any pronouns so don’t worry about misgendering me. I currently roleplay Bakugou and Virgo, and I’m in my last year of High School so expect me to have periods of time where I vanish because I’m busy. When I write, I usually aim for two to three body paragraphs when I’m having a good day. Sometimes my muse goes haywire but I never expect others to match my muse so don’t ever worry about mustering the strength to reply with a similar word count. That being said I love to write and I have lots to improve on which is probably why I have stuck around roleplaying for so long. Something that isn’t so much as a new thing for me to mention is that I’m a drama student so I tend to complain about performing a lot, whoops. I’m also an INTJ-T, a slytherin, a type five and a Taurus.