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places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - Printable Version

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Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - S. Mortem - 08-03-2018

The blue tortoiseshell had been following after her daughter, but in an attempt to stay far enough behind so that she would remain undetected, she lost the smaller feline. Good going, S.

It doesn't take her long to realize where she is. The Typhoon. There's a group ahead of her, and she immediately spots Mosa perched on top of Prestige's head. Smoothly, she keeps along her path - a beeline straight for the duo. It occurs to her that she should introduce herself, considering, but for the time being she's intent on her daughter.

"Mosa," she murmurs as she draws near, placing herself at Pres' side and peering at the girl through yellow eyes. "I was worried about you... Good to see you at least found your way to Pres." There's a fleeting smile that forms at the corner of her lips before it turns more neutral, attention finally turning to the gathered Typhoon members. What a first impression. Maybe she should have thought the situation out more, but she also doesn't care enough to backtrack. Mind as well introduce herself now. "I'm Sola, the leader. I'm not here to interfere, as I was just searching for my daughter-" Oh God, that makes her sound like a bad mother. "-so Pres can still... handle this."

It's weird, having her here, especially with all of the talk about The Rosebloods being ruthless. She's not - not completely. Perhaps Sola has a temper and is often driven by the want for vengeance, and perhaps she's rather petty and bad at making friends, but... she's not completely ruthless. Not under the current circumstances, at least.

Considering her comment on allowing Pres to still handle these political matters, she takes a few steps back, lingering behind him, focus moving back towards Mosa. She's not planning on saying anything else unless she's addressed, mainly because she doesn't want to take control of the situation.

ooc me: aggressively tries to do what sola would Actually do

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - PINCHER - 08-04-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Allies. God, they were not something Pincher was fond of especially with the stunt that Snowbound had pulled on the Typhoon last time. Pincher's crew had been claimed as not worth their connection despite the times they had aided, hosted events, and even allowed them to come into their land to find shelter after the humans had infultrated the ice-cold shitfest. He had not minded the breaking but he had grown irritated by how his crew had appeared in the eyes of Atbash, stating that they had not been helpful. Bullshit. His envoys actually visited and Atbash had not once sent ambassadors for him and yet he had been patient. Now, that patience had worn thin and the male would no longer seek alliances unless one gave his crew respect for their hard work and dedication. Already Sunhaven had arrived to offer their trade but Pincher had not been fond of how quiet and a pushover the leader had been to the point that one of his subordinates had been the one speaking more to him than the small bitch. If one wanted to impress him, they better put fucking work into it.

The muscular figure of Pincher was behind his desk when someone had decided to enter and state the news about another group making a presence. Pincher's hooded piercing gaze was locked onto his paperwork, clearly not interested as he had better shit to do until he heard the brief description of the group that named themselves the Rosebloods. Finally, a new group that wasn't goodie-goodie though he wondered if they were a warbound group that sought no mercy on anyone that wasn't an ally like the Typhoon did. He stopped reading and mumbled a quick thanks before deciding to halt on his work and head over to the border where everyone had begun to clutter around. The towering tattooed figure of the dark storm gray jaguar walked through the sandy hills, his jaws clamped around an unlit cigarette as he brushed past his crewmates, glancing towards Desperado and Vandal who had luckily taken care of the situation while he had been absent for the beginning. His attention than fluttered over to the Rosebloods, tipping his head down to lock his relentless glacier blue stare onto the others, facial features cool and collected, not a single muscle out of place to show emotion.

However, upon seeing a child scamper to join the adviser for the Roosebloods, a tiny smirk of warmth flickered on his lips, the tension in the air lessening as Pincher had always been fond of children. "Pleasure to meet you, Summermimosa. I'm sure you'll be a fearsome pirate legend in the future." He stated, low rumbling voice holding a trace of lightheartedness before he turned to focus on Sola and Prestige. He gave a light nod towards their direction as he stated "Names Pincher. Captain of the Typhoon. And concerning a possible alliance between our two groups, I would need to know who you are allied with or seeking an alliance with? I can't ask for fighters when I will be fighting a possible friend of yours." He tipped his head ever so slightly to he side, his scarred back slowly declining to the ground as he went into a sitting position, his long onyx black tail twitching behind him.

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - emil - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]prestige couldn't help but break his focus upon sola's arrival, head swiveling around to her and ears perking. seemed she'd been following as well, though hadn't meant to interfere. the tom smiled lightly at her before returning his attention to the group, eyes locking onto pincher upon his approach.

"pleasure to meet you." the adviser murmured. "we have no allies, and as far as i know the typhoon is the only one we are seeking." he paused. hopefully sola had his back on this; it would be embarrassing to propose an alliance then be shot down by your leader. prestige flicked his tail, and though he wanted to turn back to sola again in search of support, he opted to keep going. he could handle this. "though if anything changes regarding potential alliances, we will be sure to let you know."

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - ROSEMARY - 08-04-2018

The name of the group makes Rosemary like them automatically - Rosebloods, it sounded quite magical with an undeniable undertone of darkness to them. Walking over to join the group, the ocelot eyes the strangers with curiosity, though not much showed in her constantly blank expression. Her four eyes, however, move about quite rapidly to analyze them all; this flurry of motion gives her excitement away, though even this doesn't last for long as she makes a point to cut her curiosity off before she can unease the strangers.

She glances at Pincher for a moment, drawing internal parallels between him and Sola - she knew him for a good while now, enough to know he proved himself time and time again as an effective leader for the Typhoon. She thought of him as, perhaps, the best that a male could possibly do at leadership; though, in her heart, Rosemary does consider him reckless and that suits the pirates just fine. But the Rosebloods, she can imagine, is less reckless and far more proper, especially with a female leader at the helm. Based on what little Sola has said thus far, Rosemary supposes she likes to lead with dignity from the shadows more than in the open - a leadership strategy that seems entirely different from what she is accustomed to in the Typhoon.

Prestige's answers jar the ocelot out of her thoughts and back into the little meeting here now. She tilts her head to the left as she considers if she has any questions - as the head soothsayer, she feels her responsibilities to the Clan with every injury she treats and every herb she carefully prepares. And that's one thing she doesn't like about allying with the Rosebloods; she wants to treat less wounds, and that goal is hard enough when plenty of their members seemed to make a living out of clumsily hurting themselves in the most ludicrious ways possible. She hasn't seen many battle wounds; she certainly doesn't want to see more, but allying with another warlike group might increase their wounded.

"How often do you plan on calling on us for battle support? Do you have enough medics to support your own war efforts, or will you expect help with that?" Rosemary asks, her tone insipid and flat. Regardless of the urgency in her head, she never could convey her feelings all that well, and this seemed one of the worst examples when her mind felt alight with passion but the emotion never quite made it to her expression. She knows that fledgeling groups usually have trouble getting healers - the Typhoon, even established as it was when she first joined, didn't have any for a few weeks. Even now, the ocelot does most of the work here, and she is starting to buckle under the pressure of providing as the sole medic for such a large group.

Rosemary doesn't think she can handle healing even more wounded, especially not wounded from another Clan's memberbase. She certainly won't have time to help train them, especially given that she'll need to train the next generation of medics here once she finishes selecting them.
[Image: Om9iAuf.png]

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - emil - 08-04-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]prestige shifted is attention to rosemary, ears twitching at her questions. "we won't be asking help from you for a while, i'm sure. we're still regathering ourselves and have yet to promote any healers, so i don't think we'll be picking any fights until those positions are filled." the tom responded lightly. it was a problem, not having healers, as most of the rosebloods were reckless and eager to get back into the violent swing of things. he knew that soon enough some would show up though, and until then he just hoped no one had plans to start raiding places. pres flicked his tail idly and let out a quiet sigh at the thought. if anyone got hurt, they'd have to heal their own damn selves.

/ rip my muse

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - Luciferr - 08-04-2018

"The endless Void, The gazing abyss, The bottomless ocean of horror...
It coiled itself around your tender heart."
"And if we were called upon I presume a measure of the spoils garnered from a raid we helped in would be portioned to us?" the Typhoon didn't exactly work for free given They did so like to perform raids for resources or mostly valuables and less just wanton bloodshed - at least for most of them, not that they didn't all enjoy a good fight every now and again, but the main goal was usually some sort of item acquirements so far.

that or plain old revenge - he'd frowned on what he'd heard snowbound had done after he'd left them to wander before rejoining the Typhoon and frankly found no love for his brief at one point home.

needless to say the dragon appreciated their frank honesty himself - it was always refreshing when they didn't dance around the subject or play to too much politicking due to conflicting allies or such.


Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - PINCHER - 08-05-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher remained silent while the others questioned the Rosebloods, his cool cyan blue gaze flickering towards Rosemary as she inquired on the subject of healers. His left her black ear twitched as he gave a small silent nod to her point, understanding that Rosemary couldn't do all the work by herself. Hopefully the promoted would be around and show their passion for healing. He glanced up as Lucifer decided to chime in, the dragon now shifting to the inquiry of raids and what they were able to gain from. He knew that his crewmates weren't entirely too fond of sharing but he knew they would cooperate if things were equal.

"Alright, it seems that the Rosebloods and the Typhoon may hold a possible ally relationship. But I need to speak to the rest of my crew because we all vote on these sort of things. I will visit Rosebloods once we decide." Pincher explained, his relaxed form tending up ever so slightly but due to him thinking of planning the discussion sometime soon. He wasn't one to believe that he had all the power to say who could be the Typhoon's ally or not, it was the crew that deserved the power to choose especially with the hard work they invested into their home.

( mobile )

Re: places we won't walk / rosebloods visitor - emil - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: arial;"]"the rosebloods don't usually raid for treasures so much as we do simply for the fun of it. a majority of the time i'm sure your group would be taking the most loot home with you." the adviser informed lightly, eyes drawing warily over the dragon before returning to pincher. he bobbed his head in agreement. "fair enough. it's been a pleasure meeting you all," prestige turned to his leader next, eyes glancing up to mosa, still perched upon his head. he offered the woman a smile. "shall we?"