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storageee - Printable Version

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Re: storageee - axiom - 06-22-2018

Ideaaas before sleep

- multi headed animal that has linked brain so multiple senses on repeat
- third eye boi
- boi grew up with no vertical or horizontal stripes
- feral character that doesn't understand time like theory for animals
- hive mind

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[Image: V1QH.gif]

[Image: latest?cb=20160516021105]

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Re: storageee - ROSEMARY - 06-22-2018

[i]she held her hands and told you to wonder
how you'd fit in the land if the waves held you under
typhoon ★ nercro mambas ★ ocelot ★ four eyes ★ twin tails ★ info

Re: storageee - axiom - 06-22-2018

utahraptor ★ 1,000 lbs ★ 6 ft tall ★ feral ★ #raptorsquad
[Image: tumblr_inline_npv98zHG5P1t9ku6x_500.gif]

Re: storageee - axiom - 06-24-2018

[glow=black,10,300]the moment i get you in my veins[/glow]
[glow=black,10,300]i'm taking over the world[/glow]
delta & hati grimm & rosemary roux

Re: storageee - axiom - 06-26-2018

[glow=#23110c,2,300]THE MOMENT I GET YOU IN MY VEINS
———— delta & hati grimm & rosemary roux

Re: storageee - axiom - 07-01-2018

hati ---
- check if need to reply to nayru thread
- reply to injuries thread
- reply to healer training lesson
- reply to meeting

rosemary ---
- reply to rosemary teaching connor thread

- do something ???

Re: storageee - axiom - 07-06-2018

[Image: tumblr_np37y7Afdu1tc7u7qo1_500.gif]

[Image: tumblr_na1xx3bpx41sfet3to1_500.gif]

[Image: tumblr_nv8py3J1ah1slvqiko1_500.gif]

Re: storageee - axiom - 07-06-2018

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tellus nunc, dapibus vel dapibus non, convallis maximus tellus. In quis leo eu tellus consequat faucibus in pulvinar arcu. Ut sed erat sit amet tellus aliquet vehicula. Morbi a mattis diam. Fusce vestibulum libero quis nisl pharetra, nec pellentesque nisl facilisis. Sed dictum tempus ex porta dignissim. Suspendisse nec diam vitae nisi semper fermentum nec eu orci. In urna ligula, pulvinar ut tortor in, vehicula dictum quam. Ut vitae neque mauris. Morbi lacinia enim non sapien interdum fringilla. Donec blandit suscipit justo. In ac euismod ex, sed aliquam urna.

Duis molestie neque vel ipsum malesuada auctor. Integer eleifend ipsum id tellus ultrices eleifend. Vivamus ultricies at lectus non pharetra. Morbi mollis eros et tincidunt scelerisque. Duis tristique dui velit, volutpat aliquet nisl tempus non. Etiam tincidunt eget nibh non consequat. Pellentesque in lobortis sapien, ut lobortis metus. Suspendisse lectus quam, porttitor ac dapibus euismod, eleifend ut odio. Etiam dapibus nec ipsum a rhoncus. Cras convallis pharetra malesuada. Donec laoreet enim vulputate velit viverra, et sagittis ex ultricies. Quisque porttitor, quam in pulvinar vestibulum, elit ante aliquet libero, et iaculis tellus nisi in urna. In elementum leo euismod, volutpat nulla eget, volutpat dolor. Fusce sed ligula eget orci aliquet dictum.

Pellentesque ut elit ac neque varius volutpat sit amet in augue. Pellentesque egestas tellus eros, vel molestie nulla tempus nec. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu interdum nisi. Nullam eget tristique ligula, non tincidunt nisl. Integer placerat magna ac elementum commodo. Pellentesque mauris urna, fringilla vel nunc viverra, rutrum egestas sapien. Duis rhoncus laoreet semper. Vivamus quis ligula sit amet turpis facilisis euismod. Maecenas sollicitudin malesuada nibh, a interdum dui pulvinar sit amet. Integer felis nulla, placerat nec dui quis, tristique luctus nibh.

Curabitur quam massa, pulvinar ut egestas non, placerat eget nunc. Phasellus ut interdum enim. Sed malesuada lectus et gravida malesuada. Duis sit amet commodo libero. Aliquam suscipit efficitur turpis, vel commodo sem hendrerit nec. Sed a orci id eros consequat volutpat sit amet vel nisl. Integer fringilla nisl dolor. Vivamus eu imperdiet ligula. Suspendisse neque mi, auctor quis consectetur sit amet, placerat quis odio. Integer posuere convallis purus et tempor. Nam eu quam euismod ligula gravida rutrum.

Nulla tincidunt eleifend nisl vel rutrum. Integer varius sem vitae tempus ullamcorper. Pellentesque ut leo sem. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed id dictum eros. Mauris vulputate urna quis ante bibendum, sed consectetur enim faucibus. Integer tempus elit non lectus imperdiet, viverra pellentesque lorem elementum. Donec imperdiet auctor ipsum ut elementum. Mauris non enim a tortor rutrum maximus. Morbi quis luctus magna.

Re: storageee - axiom - 07-06-2018

[glow=black,10,300]mama, i understand why you're mad[/glow]
[glow=black,10,300]and it hurts to accept who i am[/glow]

Re: storageee - ROSEMARY - 07-19-2018

She smelled the blood from a ways off, though it took her a little while to join the two lions and the growing crowd of pirates. Rosemary could instantly see why - their metallic pelts made for quite a show in the harsh tropical sunlight, and she wondered if they felt hot with all that metal against their skin. The ocelot's ears twitched, as three of her eyes converged on the injured lion with half-squinted eyes. How... interesting. Besides Goldie's habit of getting terrible wounds, she never saw such terrible wounds on the territory before. The sight of such agony in both of their faces overwrote her curiosity about how it was that the uninjured one seemed pained.

But it did more than that. She felt a stirring inside her mind, a quiet pressure that teased her consciousness and made her ears burn with heat. Gritting her teeth, she focused on her breathing and pushed past the unwelcome sensations with sheer willpower. Her choice to heal remained stronger than her innate sadism, no matter how much she felt the clawing need burn inside her head.

She'd almost forgotten about it, in truth. She never needed to think about it in the Typhoon, where nobody seemed to get grievously wounded - well, nobody that spoke to the aching pressure inside her head. She only ever knew it to stir when an attractive male... she pushed the thoughts away. The pale wildcat knew she needed to focus on anything but that. This was one occasion where she hated her relentless curiosity. How she always wanted to dissect these feelings when they surfaced, which only caused her to slip deeper and deeper into its grasp - like an ant so busy with honey that it inadvertently sinks into it and drowns.

Her heartbeat thudded in her chest, as an almost glazed look appeared in her orange-amber eyes. Regardless, she looked at the two strangers with a neutral expression - her only sign of discomfort being a restless adjustment to the satchel strap that crossed between her shoulder blades. "I'm Rosemary Roux, the head healer in the Typhoon. If you're planning on resting here a while, I can take a look at those wounds for you," she spoke, her fuzzily apathetic and strained voice overwriting any emotional expression she would've conveyed. She usually hated that part about herself, but now? She found herself thankful for it.

It didn't change how she felt, though. How she felt her heartbeat quicken under every inch of her skin, throbbing in her carotid arteries and pulsing in her toes. Her ears flicked once, twice, thrice as she tried to clear them of the heavy heat that settled in the thin flesh. Her sadism - no, she - practically burned with the need to sink into the abyss. To bathe in those torrents of blood and dig her claws into the gaps of flesh. She needed it. She starved herself of this ambrosia for so long, surely just a taste...? No.

She blinked. Her jaw clenched. And her eyes narrowed, in frustration and impatience at herself. Fuck these choices she constrained herself with.
[Image: dark_folk___deco_divider_by_thecandycoating-da9wot6.png]