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Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - axiom - 08-06-2018

© lexasperated
Quantum's brow raised as she listened to Jericho and Atbash's next statements, quietly thinking that allying with Tanglewood might be the stupidest suggestion she heard from the blind tomcat. She can admit that his other points hold merit, though; she comes around to the idea of holding an alliance with Snowbound, even if she knows just by looking at Atbash that they'll certainly be useless in a scrap. Still, Quantum realizes now that trading groups need much more allies than she'd probably be comfortable having; used to living in a warlike, tightly bonded group, she hesitates to count any of these spineless merchants as her friends.

"Will Snowbound help us if we get attacked? So far, your group has performed quite terribly when threatened, if you'll excuse my bluntness," Quantum remarks, her tone drier than the desert. She knows a little bit about the conflict between Snowbound and Typhoon, and the rumors certainly lower her opinion of the woman even further. With a flick of her tail, she added, "I'm also curious how soon you'll drop us as allies if we don't measure up to your sky-high expectations - isn't that why you dropped the Typhoon? From what I hear, they invested far more into the alliance than you, yet you still made a mockery of their sacrifices. Quite frankly, I think we might make wonderful allies - if I felt I could trust you." The tigress holds no punches, though her voice is free of any venom. Instead, she simply lets the truth speak for itself, though it's wrapped up in her scathing candidness.

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-06-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Atbash was quite shocked about Quantum's confrontation, and it was written all over her face as she heard the other female speak. The Savannah stared back for a couple of moments, jaws agape as she tried to come up with an answer. "I, uh..." She started out, forcing herself not to do a number of nervous ticks. She was the leader, she should be more practical than this. "The only reason we had an alliance with The Typhoon - to my knowledge - was because of Jacob and Pincher dating." Atbash replied, trying to puff her chest out as much as possible to show she was taking charge here. That... honestly probably wasn't working out too well, since it was clear in her eyes that she was still pretty shocked and afraid that Quantum confronted her. "The Typhoon is a warbound group, whereas we are peaceful. I cannot support a group that has different ideals than us." Although she did recall Pincher mentioning something about them being allies for support if, say, Tanglewood attacked. But even so, it was better for Snowbound's interest to be allied with groups with the same ideals in her opinion. Supporting The Typhoon would be like supporting her brother again, and not because he was there, but because they had aggressive beliefs and she was doing nothing to stop them. She couldn't stop them, just as she felt she couldn't stop Caesar from what he was planning. But the difference between The Typhoon and Caesar was that she could have stopped Caesar, but didn't.

"But to answer your question regarding if we would aid you in war, yes, absolutely." Atbash responded. "If you seek out help, we will help you and I will try to provide what is asked of us." There. She was honestly hoping this was a satisfactory answer, and she wanted to give this leaderly facade up, but she also had to show Quantum she knew what the fuck she was doing. If this random group was aware of what had happened with The Typhoon, it was likely the others did as well, and that could hurt Snowbound.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - galexiux - 08-06-2018

  Cry huffed. She knew this would come up. Jacob. The worlds worst leader. She shut her eyes, listening to both leaders talk. Keep your mouth shut..... keeeep your mouth shut. She opened her eyes. "It doesnt help the traitor also left for the typhoon and left us alone in a time of weakness." ... god damn it.



Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - Dimitri - 08-06-2018

DISHONOR! Dimitri seemed to recoil as the alter shouted in his head. Delta had a tussle with a typhoon and the protector was still not happy about it. DISHONOR!! There was a build-up I’d pressure in his head, the alter trying to force her way out. THERE IS NO HONOR AMONG PIRATES! THEY ARE NOTHING! JACOB IS NOTHING!

"I- I’m sorry guys. I need to go.” Dimitri, his fur starting to change, turned and ran off before Delta could make a scene.


Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - madster - 08-06-2018

he sensed dimitri pass him as he approached, and turned- what was that about, he wondered? no matter. the alabaster feline kept walking towards the sound, eyes shut as he focused on the focus. ugh, all the talk of war made him excited, but at the same time it cemented the fact in his head that these clans were all just the same- violent idiots.

he scrunched up his face. "in all due respect- you're seeking an alliance with us, right?" he asked, giddy tone. "you came into our territory and now you start insulting us?" he grinned now, enjoying the drama. "honestly.. way to make a great first impression! i'm a big fan of watching people fuck up their alliance discussions."

he turned to atbash. "they're so rude. are you sure you wanna keep going with this?"

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - NUI HARIME - 08-06-2018


Nui smells them. Hears their voices. Yet she can't associate them with any familiar clan. They sound new.

Sunhaven, huh? How dandy. Their name speaks of flowers and sunshine and the fact that they're seeking an ally within snowbound, a group of pacifists, speaks much about them.

But there's one amongst them who does not smell of timid weakness or passive peace. She is a tiger, body rippling with muscle and eyes cold and sharp. When she speaks, her tongue is like a dagger. Blunt and honest. Slicing through the air like a blade would destroy a block of butter. She speaks nothing of the truth, and she is sincere.

Instantly, Nui decides. She likes this one.

Nui agrees with her. The polarheart herself, is no mere pacifist. She has tasted the salty tang of blood more times than she can count. Has graced skin with claws and toppled lives with menacing efficiency and a gleeful cry of victory and sadistic joy. She does not look the part though. Devil dressed in laces and frills. She carries her parasol, tucked into her heart shaped collar. Her visage is that of teeming childness and innocence.

Quantum speaks the hard reality.

Snowbound had submitted to the typhoon. Had rolled over and exposed their belly and neck, pleading and whimpering like a dog would to a far more experienced foe. As much as she hated to acknowledge it, they were weak. They were basic and they were weak, and they were small. An altercation with another clan could prove deadly, and an ally for them, was effective. Nui, though? Nui couldn't have cared less. Let the enemies come. While the others would flounder helplessly, weak in their lack of violence. She'd be waiting.

"But Henri," Nui admonishes softly as she approaches, voice laced with velvet and pitchfully high. "This is no insult, nor is it a faulty attempt to start bad blood on this lady's part. It is but the mere truth, harsh as it may be. And truths do not have to be pretty."

She focuses a singular, glinting sapphire eye onto the newcomers, smile still fatefully carved into her dainty maw.

"If we so hastily consider the hard truth to be a defamation and turn them away because of that, it would speak poorly of us. We just have to accept these mistakes, and make up for it. It is then that we can strengthen ourselves."

//mobile. Excuse any mistakes <3

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - arcy - 08-06-2018

Well, wasn't this a diplomatic discussion gone to shit? Izuku had been listening nearby for the time being. He hadn't approached, largely because he was wary and it seemed to be under control. Today was not a good day for Izuku. But. Izuku wasn't just going to listen to this, especially not when Nui is agreeing. The dragon allows himself a soft growl as he slides out from where he's resting, settling himself besides Atbash. He looks wary. Jericho seems friendly enough to him, but Quantam's needless aggression has him on edge. He'd met plenty of people like her. He'd been like her for a while, when he was on her own.
"We wouldn't have held up in a battle against the Typhoon." Izuku says flatly. His tail wraps around his talons as he sits, regarding the Sunhaveners and, yes, Nui, equally as flatly. Sure, they could've been better allies. And yes, they could learn from their mistakes. They already had been. They had an ambassador system, now. "We can't hand out alliances like candy like you seem to think we can, either. I understand where you're coming from, but I'm personally not too inclined towards it with how you're confronting us," He tilts his head. Maybe he's acting a little cold. Very cold. Izuku wasn't usually like this, but it wasn't uncommon for him to close off in more stressful situations. Though the alliance was, of course, up to Atbash. He wouldn't argue against her decisions, since she knew best and all that. .. Still, he allows himself a soft sigh. He won't escalate the situation. He shouldn't. But he's already spoken and he's gonna get yelled at. Izuku allows Atbash an apologetic look. He .. doesn't tend to think about his words a lot these days. No wonder he kept on getting into trouble.
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - axiom - 08-07-2018

© lexasperated
The tigress stands in front of the lot with increasing disappointment as she reads the cowardice on Atbash's face and hears their offended tones. Save for the one-eyed woman, she is quite certain that they all dislike her immediately after her question. In turn, she instantly dislikes them for their thin skin and stubbornness to admit their poor political choices. Instead of a justification, all she hears is more excuses. She glances at Nui, a silent sigh passing from her black lips. "Thank you, it isn't often to see someone choose harsh truth over coddling others' feelings," she remarks, disliking the rest of the Snowbounders more, almost on principle. Sunhaven may be softer than Quantum is used to, but she enjoys the luxury of free speech, as most people there have thick skin.

She turns to Atbash, ignoring the others. If they think her asking questions about past political decisions is confrontation (as the maine coon said) or rude (as the other did) or so offensive they needed to leave, then she knows there is no point in trying to speak with them. "Yes, I understand you and the Typhoon are different and that the decision was made by only your leader. But you stayed with them for days while humans invaded your home, right? All of you choose to stay with a bunch of warmongering pirates for safety, draining their resources and allowing their leader to die in the fight to save your home. As far as I've heard, not a single one of you decided to flee and stay with the Ascendants - another one of your allies, one who isn't warbound and is far more similar to your ideals than the Typhoon. So, clearly, you were all comfortable enough to stay on their land and eat their prey and live among them - yet now you claim they are incompatible with your ideals?" the tigress pushes, her voice smooth and devoid of hostility. She is genuinely curious; she wants to find a rational reason for all of this, to understand why these tribesmen now act so hostile towards the pirates when they did nothing but receive benefit after benefit from the alliance.

"From an outsider perspective, your claims are contradictory. In fact, I think the Typhoon had a right to be angry and demand resources back from you; they invested time and energy into a one-sided alliance, only for Snowbound to break it off before giving anything back in return," she continued, idly tapping her claws on the ground in a restless motion. All of this political talk made her head throb slightly; the huntress isn't used to standing around discussing matters, as she'd much rather just settle this with a quick brawl and move on. Turning her head, she took a deep breath before she puffed out a smoky exhale and finished, "So, can you see why your promises seem weak to me? Can you prove that your political decisions are rational and not just the result of incompetence or insensible choices? Because there is no reason to your politics right now - it would have been more honorable to stay allies with the Typhoon, yet because you allied with them and then turned on them... it makes for two black marks on your record."

Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - galexiux - 08-07-2018

  The crow was fuming. She huffed, her face steamed red. She stomped on the ground once, trying to rid her anger before she exploded but it was no use. She sharply whipped around. Hey lady!, she screeched, Might I remind that your sorry asses came to us. If you don't want our damn alliance you can swiftly fuck off. she would not sit here and have her home insulted like this. She would not sit here and be belittled by some jackass that thought they could waltz up and expect worship from them because they backed out of one war to protect people. She would not sit there and watch it happen, even if she had to fight the damn woman herself.

  To think this small group would walk up to their doorstep and ask for friendship and then turn around asking for a check was despicable. They were being used. Cry was feeling slightly better after yelling at the tiger, but she knew the fight was far from over. This would ultimately put another "black mark" on their record, but Snowbound was better off without this alliance. They could handle themselves just fine with a bit of training. The only reason they backed out of the Typhoon war was simply becasue none of the creatures here were trained to fight. She was... working on that.

//ic opinions


Re: EVELYN ➵ sunhaven visitors - madster - 08-07-2018

henri was amused. this was fun! he wanted to poke holes in everyone's arguments, but he decided he'd align himself with the snowbounders that were anti-alliance with sunhaven. on a personal scale, he honestly agreed with them. although he was loyal to nobody, it was clear that the sunhaven member was acting strange- especially if she really wanted an alliance with snowbound. she was ruining her own chances.

"mmm... yeah. you wanted an alliance, right? this is the wrong way to get one, dearie. now that you've got us against you... might as well apologize to your clan you couldn't secure an alliance, because the way this is going i can't see a rational reason that atbash would want to be allies with you." he grinned.