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Atbash's August CDC Tracker - Printable Version

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Re: Atbash's August CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-11-2018

What Does Your Character Want Most in the World?

    This question was surprisingly difficult to answer. Atbash supposed she didn't want a whole lot, though she did want her family to be whole again. She wanted Snowbound safe and happy. She wanted to go home again. Perhaps these are selfish things that she wanted, but they were things that she wanted nonetheless. Atbash was an extremely private person when it came to her feelings for the most part, so of course the things she wanted were matters that perhaps didn't matter to others.

    Atbash wanted her family to be whole again. She hated how her brothers acted aggressive towards one another and how she was always somehow pulled in the middle of their fights. Atbash hated how willing Caesar was to hurt her just because he got a kick out of it. Atbash hated how Vigenere was so hateful towards Caesar and distrusting of him, despite them being littermates. All Atbash wanted was things to be normal again, to where she would be back home in Dimension FiveX with them. Everyone always said that 'home is where the heart is', but sometimes Atbash didn't believe that. After all, her heart was still with her brothers, and the fact that they weren't by each others' side was awful. Atbash wanted to go back in time and prevent everything that happened, starting from when Vigenere was selected to be apart of the Guard, because that's where everything started. Caesar had been jealous of Vigenere, which slowly grew to be resentment, and Atbash hated that. Atbash knew if she went back in time and reversed everything, that she would still be stuck in the Seventh Tier and likely sold off to some male, but she didn't care. At least she would have her brothers by her side until then.

    But Atbash couldn't go back in time, that was simple. Despite being a dream demon, she had no abilities to be able to do that. If she had, it was likely she would have been selected to be the Shaman's Apprentice, but alas, Atbash had no such abilities. She was stuck in the present and she had to deal with the present, with the present being the tribe she led. Snowbound meant mostly everything to her by now, although she still wanted to be with her family again. Snowbound was the closest thing she had to family, and she had to settle with that. Atbash didn't like seeing her family upset, and she always tried her hardest to come up with solutions to things that happened in Snowbound. And sometimes those decisions aren't always the best, as evident with the drama that happened with The Typhoon. Luckily though, Snowbound had recovered, but that still didn't stop Atbash from second-guessing herself even more now. Atbash wanted Snowbound safe and she wanted everyone happy, and those things were hard to achieve, especially if everyone had different views. But that wasn't going to stop Atbash from trying her damn hardest.

Word Count: 496

Re: Atbash's August CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-12-2018

What is Your Character Afraid Others See in Them?

    Honestly, Atbash was afraid of a lot of things. She was afraid that others would judge her for being female, mostly due to how she was raised back home. Females weren't regarded as high figures there and she was honestly used to being treated as a lowlife there, so when Jacob and the others treated her as normal, she was pleasantly surprised. When Jacob promoted her to Flurryhost, Atbash had been shocked. Back home, she would have never been considered for anything, and when he approached her to step up in his place, words couldn't describe how she felt. Even though she has been leading for about a month now, Atbash couldn't help but feel like people were still judging her, solely for being female. After all, when has a female ever been known to lead something?

    Atbash was also afraid of others perceiving her as weak. It wasn't secret that she wasn't very confident in her leading abilities, and she knew that her tribemates saw the way she looked whenever she was contemplating a decision. It was hard to hide such a face, since Atbash truly and honestly doubted almost every decision she made, in fear of being judged. Of course, her inability to make decisions by herself could be seen as weak, since she relied on her tribe's opinion on things. A leader should be confident and unafraid to make her own decisions, but Atbash couldn't find herself doing that, ever. She was too nervous about every move she made and it was painfully obvious. Atbash hated it and yet, she couldn't find herself fixing it. She wasn't even sure if she could.

    It was clear Atbash wasn't made to be leader and that she had always been a follower. She couldn't even protect herself whenever Caesar attacked her - twice - and she knew he was only doing that to prove a point. Honestly, Atbash was surprised nobody tried fighting her for the rank of Hailcaller just because of her inability to protect herself. It wasn't like she could fight, because she knew nothing about fighting properly. Instincts only got you so far. She was glad nobody had challenged her yet, because it was likely she would just step down if she got too distraught over the situation, and that was another thing she was afraid of people seeing in her - stress. Atbash was afraid people would notice how much stress she was in and use the opportunity to target her and force her to step down.

Word Count: 422

Re: Atbash's August CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-13-2018


    Atbash had always loved the way stars looked, and you'd think she would be tired of them considering she had practically lived among them in her Home Dimension. But that was the thing: there was a difference between living among stars than living on a planet, that relied on a star for its warmth and at night, showcased a lot of stars in its sky. Living in the tundra meant that skies were clear at night and there was no light pollution, which meant that the amount of stars that lit up the night sky was incredible. Atbash loved to stargaze at night and you could often find her on top of her cabin staring at the stars when she had restless nights. In fact, her love of the stars was her reason for coming up with the Mass Gathering event, as she used it as an excuse to enjoy the stars on a place outside of camp, where the only light source would be from a bonfire.

      Although it didn't really come up often, Atbash is a good person to come to whenever you're wondering about constellations. Since she liked to stargaze so much, she learned of the different constellations in the sky, and since Snowbound has such an unpolluted sky, she could see so many of the constellations that lit up the night. Her favorite constellation was Pisces, despite being a Virgo herself, mostly because of how faint the stars looked. Pisces was one of the most hardest constellations to find in the sky due to the fact that the stars that made it up were so far away of Earth and yet, it was so pretty. It was hard to explain, but Atbash felt a strange connection with the constellation that symbolized two fish. Perhaps she thought of those fish as her and Cry, or her and Vigenere, or her and Caesar. Atbash wasn't sure why she liked that specific constellation so much, she just knew she enjoyed seeing it at night whenever she was able to find it.

Word Count: 345

Re: Atbash's August CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-14-2018

! Small trigger warning in the second paragraph for a brief mention of rape !

What Was Your Character's Childhood Like?

    Despite what it may seem, Atbash did have a fairly normal childhood. Or, well, as normal as it could get being a female in the Seventh Tier. All females, regardless of what Tier they were born in, were treated differently than males - the Shaman and Queen included. But the Seventh Tier is the poorest Tier in the Dimension and they were known for being more aggressive towards females, mostly due to the struggles of living in such a poor area. Atbash stayed with her mom most of the time and usually stayed at their den, but occasionally she would go with her mom to the market. The market is where they bought all their food if their father couldn't make any that night, though her mom went there practically every day due to the size of their System (which basically translates to 'family'). Living in such a poor area plus having three kids was rough, and Atbash couldn't imagine the amount of stress her parents were going through to take care of her and her brother.

    But for the most part, Atbash was treated normally and was sheltered from the outside world. Perhaps that was a mistake on her parents' part, because she never was truly exposed to the way people treated females. Her mother always told her stories of how she had to protect herself often whenever going to the market, in fear of being attacked or raped. But Atbash herself never really had to deal with it herself, due to being sheltered. And the days she went to the market, she was never allowed to leave her mother's side - for a good reason. Unfortunately this would cause Atbash not to know how her Dimension truly treated females, and perhaps that was a good thing in of itself because it means that Atbash was never abused or mistreated by anybody. She had a happy life.

    As children, Atbash had always been close to her brothers. They were carefree like most kids are and often played around in their father's field. Atbash had always been closer to Caesar than she was with Vigenere, due to Vigenere appearing as the most mature and often leaving to learn from their father about tending to the field. But that didn't mean she didn't love him any less; she just had been closer to Caesar than him. They had always been close to one another and Atbash took their closeness for granted, because she never would have believed that they were separate like they are now. She never would have thought that Caesar would become the monster he was today, because of how close they were as children and how adventurous he had been.

    Then the time came when Vigenere got selected to be apart of the Guard. Atbash had been so happy for her oldest brother, but she noticed how upset Caesar looked. She was there for him whenever he got angry or upset about him not being Chosen, and often talked to him and tried to cheer him up. And honestly, Atbash thought she had succeeded in calming him down and convincing him not to try the tactics he thought of, but he ended up attacking the Shaman just like he had talked to her about. Atbash had been shocked and hurt when she heard about this from the Guards that were escorting both of her brothers, and eventually escorted them to the outer reaches of the Universe. She couldn't believe that, despite her attempts, Caesar still went off and did the things he promised he wouldn't. It hurt knowing that he just shrugged off her thoughts like that, despite them being so close as kits.

    Atbash wanted to go back to the time when they were innocent, carefree kids. She wanted her brothers to be close again and she wanted to be with them until the end of time, just like they promised all those years ago. But now, Vigenere was in Tanglewood and had a high position there, whereas Caesar lived in The Typhoon and has proven that nothing has changed about him. He was still aggressive and acted on impulse, and clearly despised both Vigenere and Atbash. She was hurt by this, with words unable to describe how she felt about him being so different than how they were as kids. The only thing Atbash could say, however, was that she wanted things to go back to that time.

Word Count: 744

Re: Atbash's August CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-15-2018

Who Does Your Character Go to When Hurt?

    At first, Atbash would have told you she went to her brothers or her mother. Her brothers were always the closest to her and tried to sympathize with her the most, whereas her mother would try to offer comforting words, but always end up reminding her that she would have to get used to being treated much more harshly by other people. Even as they got older, Atbash always went to her brothers, though whenever Vigenere was Chosen to be apart of the King's Guard, she just started talking to Caesar. Caesar had started to grow distant from her and only really talked to her when he was upset, but she didn't care, because usually talking to him distracted her from whatever was bothering her. After Caesar destroyed their Home Dimension, Atbash got closer to Vigenere, but then he chased her off.

    Now in Snowbound, Atbash would have said Cry. The raven had been there for her since she joined and was the first person to know about her past. It was a good way to actually get the stress off of her chest, and Atbash was thankful that Cry was willing to talk to her, even if Cry herself didn't offer a whole lot about her own past. Atbash understood that; after all, they still had been strangers. Then Cry disappeared, and Atbash had to talk to Jacob about things, mostly due to the whole human situation. But Cry came back and Atbash was able to talk to her closest friend again, and things had been easy for a while. Cry actually started opening up to her, too.

    Then Cry disappeared again and Atbash was almost stuck with nobody to talk to. But that wasn't true; she had Dimitri and Izuku. Atbash couldn't recall if she told Izuku what was up with her family but by now, it probably wasn't hard to piece things together. Izuku was always understanding and quiet, though that may be in part due to in being a Frosthealer. He was expected to be the tribe's therapist of sorts, but even if he wasn't, Atbash was sure she would talk to him if she had to. Dimitri was somebody who knew her past now, though that was only because Atbash felt obligated to tell him due to him talking to her about his mental disorder. She trusted him, though; trusted all of his alters.

Word Count: 401

Re: Atbash's August CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-16-2018

How Does Your Character Feel About Their Appearance?

    Once upon a time, Atbash loved the way she looked. Her family was practically a hues of yellow, with her father being tan in color and her mother having more of a brownish pelt. Vigenere was a yellow color, while Caesar was a tad darker, while Atbash had an orange tint to her own pelt. It was a pretty strange combination and it honestly didn't make sense genetically, but hey, they were demons - what made sense anymore? Besides, Atbash liked their strange pelts and how they stuck out because it made it easier for her to identify her brothers.

    But now, after everything that's happened to her, Atbash hated how she looked. One of her ears was charred and she bore scars on the right side of her neck and her right shoulder. It was hideous and Atbash wished she had been able to protect herself just so she wouldn't have gotten these scars. Hell, her own pelt was a mess, with how patchy the fur grew back from where it had been burned off. Atbash no longer had a sleek pelt that she used to have and no matter how many times she washed herself, fur still stuck up at an odd angle and didn't match the way she used to be. It felt weird, feeling the wind tug at those patches that stuck up.

    And now, after the takeover, Atbash no longer had an eye on the left side of her face. The she-cat was horrifically scared at this point, and she wondered why anybody would ever like her now. She was a disgrace to Snowbound, mostly because her eye being ripped out wasn't from a war or something, it was from her cowardly ways. Stryker had taken over Snowbound due to them being so pacifist and "turning a blind eye" as he said, to those whom harmed the tribe. And it was true: Atbash didn't want to fight back other people whenever her tribe got hurt, in fear of losing more members of the tribe. She supposed that could be seen as heartless now, but she truly did care for her tribe's wellbeing. But in her decision, it cost Atbash her eye.

    Atbash wanted to look normal, she really did, but without having the ability to possess new bodies or shapeshift like most demons could do, she didn't have that ability yet. Besides, even if she did, the scars would just transfer to the bodies so she wouldn't be safe from them no matter what she did. They were almost tied to her soul now, and it sucked. Atbash wanted to be pretty again, even if being beautiful was never an important thing before. Besides, having scars usually meant you fought in a lot of battles - like Vigenere - when her scars were just caused by her inability to protect herself. She couldn't even admit that was the reason they were there, how sad is that?

Word Count: 490

Re: Atbash's August CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-17-2018

! Small trigger warning in 3rd paragraph for gore !


    Atbash was no stranger to blood, believe it or not. She was no murderer and definitely did not like harming people, but that didn't mean she never saw blood in her lifetime. During her childhood, her and her brothers always ended up with cuts and scrapes, but those are just minor things. Their mother occasionally came home bloody and covered with scratch and bite wounds from her trips to the market, and their father occasionally broke a nail or something working in the fields. So Atbash definitely was no stranger to blood, however that doesn't mean she liked seeing it shed. Whenever she caught sight of the bloody, burning corpses of her townsmates, Atbash wanted to hurl. They hadn't deserved to die, to be in such a state, to feel that much pain just because Caesar was upset over not being King of the Dimension.

    Atbash remembered her parents bleeding from their burn wounds when she came across them in their collapsing den, and her own burn wounds from where she lept through the flames to be with her parents. Unlike most creatures, dream demons blood vary based on what Tier they had been born into, and Atbash and her System's blood was black. All of the Seventh Tier was, but that is besides the point. Atbash remembered seeing the blue blood staining Caesar's body as he returned from murdering the King, seemingly proud of what he had done. It disgusted Atbash and she was sick of seeing all the bloodshed he was causing. It was wrong.

    Atbash thought that being on Earth would save her from seeing bloodshed and she thought joining a pacifist clan would make her chances of seeing blood even less, but she was wrong. Not only just from Caesar attacking her, but over the takeover. At this point, Atbash was used to seeing her own blood, so she barely paid any mind to the blood slowly trickling out of her neck from where Stryker had a hold of it. What she hadn't been expecting, however, was Stryker outright taking an eye. The lion grabbed on her eye and pulled, ripping tendons and nerves from it, and her blood spewed out from the socket. Pain shot through her like electricity, and she was faintly aware of her body twitching in pain in Stryker's grasp. Her entire body went numb at this point and once he dropped her, Atbash allowed herself to pass out, her head laying in a pool of her own blood.

    Upon waking up in the medicine den, Atbash realized that most of the blood had been cleaned off her, however some dried pieces of the tar-looking substance still clung to her fur. It almost blended looked like the spots she had covering her body and the only way you could tell it wasn't actually part of her fur pattern was in the way that her fur stuck up in clumps. The mere shock of her eye being ripped out had caused her to black out, in addition to the shock. But honestly... Atbash wished she had died. Death was much better than facing whatever she had to deal with now with the takeover.

Word Count: 533

Re: Atbash's August CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-18-2018


    Atbash discovered Caesar's true plans whenever he had been talking to her over being upset with Vigenere being selected for the Guard. It has been a few months since their eldest brother had been Chosen and left with the Guard, and yet Caesar was still angry and bitter over it. Atbash tried soothing him, explaining that Vigenere was the oldest; of course he would be Chosen before he was, but Caesar refused to listen to her. "I should be there." Caesar had always insisted with a growl. "I'm more powerful than he could ever be." Atbash didn't believe that, she didn't want to believe the rumors that spread throughout the Dimension. The rumors stated that Caesar was a monster, that Caesar could kill them all at the flick of his tail, but Atbash didn't - couldn't - believe them. Caesar was the baby of the family, of course she wouldn't want to think her youngest brother was capable of such things. He was just angry and misguided was all, confused by all the whispers said about him.

    One day when Caesar was talking to her, the demon had let it slip that he wanted to murder the Shaman for starting those rumors, sending their System into being shunned by the rest of the Tier. Atbash had been shocked to hear him say such things, and she made him promise that he wouldn't do that after she calmed him down. Or... she thought she had calmed him down. Not a couple hours later, Caesar and Vigenere were both being escorted by the Guard back home, clearly pissed off about something. Caesar was absolutely enraged about being carried by a lion, whereas Vigenere looked angry at Caesar. Atbash soon learned that Caesar had attempted to kill the Shaman and failed, forcing their System to be exiled and Vigenere dismissed from the Guard. Atbash was utterly hurt whenever the Guards said this and escorted the entire System - their parents included - to the outer reaches of their Dimension where the other Outcasts were.

    Then cue Caesar's plan about attacking the Court and murdering the King. By this time, Vigenere had grown bitter at the Guard for not listening to him and insisting that because he was related to Caesar, he wasn't worthy of being in the Guard anymore. Guilty by association, Vigenere had explained to Atbash. He looked absolutely hurt by the Guard's actions, and that hurt soon grew into anger, so of course when Caesar began spouting about this wonderful plan he had, Vigenere was all for it. Atbash felt like she had to join in, so she did and supported Caesar, like she had always done. A couple days later, Vigenere had talked to his girlfriend, whom was the Princess, and told Atbash that she, their parents, and him could return to normal if they just lived normally for a few weeks, although Caesar couldn't join them back in the Seventh Tier. Atbash asked if Vigenere would return to the Guard and he said no, but at least they were going to be normal again, right?

    Caesar hadn't taken the news well. He got angry at them for ditching his plans the day before he executed it and called them traitors, nearly attacking Vigenere himself. But he just left the scene and continued talking to the other Outcasts and when the day came, he went through with his plan. He killed the King and slaughtered the Court, and eventually set them Dimension to flames. In a last act of 'kindness' (it was really just Caesar trying to manipulate them again), Caesar saved them from rotting with the Dimension and pulled them out of it with him. Vigenere and Atbash refused, sending Caesar away. Eventually the two came to Earth and stayed by each other's side, until Vigenere decided he had enough and chased Atbash away, claiming that he needed time to think. Atbash ran off, having no idea where she was heading.

    Then she discovered Snowbound. There were rumors of a tribe living in the tundra and Atbash followed the NPCs' directions and eventually came at the tribe's border and was soon accepted. Atbash had been relieved that Snowbound had been so welcoming, but what kind of surprise was that? They were a pacifist group after all. But she wouldn't change her decision for the world, because now she was leading them, discovering new things about herself almost every day. Including the fact that she could lead, despite her insecurities. After all, Snowbound was thriving, right?

Word Count: 763

Re: Atbash's August CDC Tracker - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-24-2018


The sound of cackling fire echoed in Atbash's ears as she ran, her heart pounding with fear as she forced herself to continue on running. Vigenere wasn't far in front of her, his gaze focused on the sights in front of them. She knew what he was thinking: We have to get there before he does. Not only because she had telepathy, but because that was her own thoughts. She and Vigenere had to beat Caesar to their parents' den, because if not, they were going to be left to rot with the Dimension. Atbash couldn't understand what caused Caesar to snap like he did, despite all of the talks they had together. He promised. The she-cat thought to herself, feeling tears form in her eyes as she ran. He promised he wouldn't do this. And he did, that was the horrible thing about this. Caesar promised her that he wouldn't go after the King, that he'd abandon his plan, but he did the exact opposite and he succeeded.

    By now, the King was dead. The only reason Atbash knew was because of Vigenere, and the fact that their Dimension was on flames. If Caesar hadn't succeeded in murdering the King, then his lackeys wouldn't have ran off and set everything on fire, along with Caesar himself. Vigenere told her himself that he saw the King's dead body, having just arrived just as Caesar impaled him. Atbash closed her eyes, not wanting to think about that mental image. Focus on Ma and Pa. She thought to herself, flattening her ears as if she was trying to block out the sounds of the flames that she and Vigenere were running past. The mere heat of the flames hurt her, and she was glad that they were running, because standing in one place definitely wasn't going to help matters.

    Atbash nearly bowled into Vigenere as her older brother skidded to a halt, stopping right before their den. "Vigenere, what -" The she-cat started to speak before cutting herself off as she let her gaze travel to their home. The den was already ablaze, with the wood starting to break down. It's going to collapse! Atbash realized, her heart skipping a beat as she heard the sound of wood splintering.
    "We're too late, we have to -" Atbash could hear Vigenere's voice over the roar of the flames, but she was already dashing forward. She had to make it through. Their parents had to survive, even if it meant risking her own life. She didn't care. She didn't care. She had to save their parents. "Ma! Pa!" She cried out as she leaped forward, narrowly missing Vigenere's paw as he tried to stop her.

    Atbash groaned from where she landed on the ground, closing her eyes as her body was wracked with a pain. The flames had gotten on her fur and burned a few patches of it off, leaving the skin red and blistering. Black blood popped from the wounds, though they didn't exactly spill out of her body. The she-cat shook on the ground, her movements slow as she looked up at her parents, whom were cowering in the corner of the den. Her mother - a beautiful brown tabby - was leaning against her father, a tan serval. Her mother's body was covered in blood and burns, whereas her father seemed to hold less injuries. Both of them stared at her in shock and worry, though her father looked more worried than he was shocked.
    "Atbash!" Her mother's worried tone cut through the sound of the flames, her bright green eyes reflecting the flames that covered the outside of their den. "You need to get out of here!" Atbash could tell how hard her mother was trying to be calm and it bothered her. It hurt, seeing her mother in obvious pain. Pain that Caesar, her own son, caused her. Atbash couldn't imagine how hurt she must feel, knowing that her own son was the cause of this. Atbash shook her head in response to her mother's words, slowly rising to her paws and gritting her teeth as pain shot through her body. She limped towards her parents and collapsed in front of them, letting out a whine as she did so, "You have to come with us. Please."

    "You need to save yourself." That was her father speaking now, and Atbash could see the fear that shone in his brown eyes. His tone was calm despite the emotion that was being shown in his eyes and that was something to admire, if Atbash wasn't too worried about getting them safe and sound. "We'll be fine."
    "No you won't!" Atbash cried back, closing her eyes again as tears fell from them. Did they not realize what was going to happen to them if they stayed here? What was going to happen to the entire Dimension? "You'll be killed. You have to come with us, please!" She tried to grab her father's paws, but he shuffled backwards as far as he could, avoiding his only daughter's paws. "Please!" Atbash cried out again. She couldn't leave them. She couldn't just sit outside and watch their den fall in on them, crushing their parents, assuming the flames didn't burn them alive first. If they had to suffer, then so did she.

    Her father leaned forward and tried to gentle shove her away with his muzzle, but Atbash let out another cry of alarm and clung to his forearms, before the sound of wood splintering again made her attention snap back to the entrance of the den. Her heart skipped another beat as she realized that this was her last chance to convince her parents to leave. Atbash's head swung towards them, tears pouring from her eyes as she cried out to them, "Ma, Pa, please, we have to go." She was trying to urge them the best she could, but they seemed to have already accepted their fate. Why? Why would they listen to her? Why did they want to die here, left to rot with the Dimension? Had Caesar really shock them that much? Atbash's father shook his head and silently pulled him off her and shoved her towards the entrance of the den, and before she could react to anything, Atbash felt teeth grab the scruff of her neck and begin pulling her out.
    "NO!" Atbash screeched, trying to claw at the ground in an attempt to stop whomever was dragging her away from her parents, but her attempt was fruitless. The last thing she saw before her body was forced through the flames once more was her parents' sorrowful, pained look, and that hurt worse than the pain she felt from the burns all over her body.

    Atbash felt the grip on her scruff loosen and the she-cat immediately collapsed on the ground and sobbed into her paws, the realization that her body was covered in burn wounds finally hitting her. Her entire body felt like it was burning, and some of the previous wounds had opened up more and were bleeding more, staining her fur with black.
    "Atbash..." It was Vigenere speaking to her in a quiet tone, which send anger through her. Atbash jumped to her paws, wincing as her body screamed at her to stop and glare up at her oldest brother. She was still crying, but she didn't care. He pulled her out of the den and now their parents were going to die!
    "They're going to die!" Atbash yelled at Vigenere, flattening her ears. Her brother had his own wounds to deal with she noticed, but he didn't seem to pay any mind to them. Then again, she supposed she didn't entirely notice hers now that she was focused on the anger she had for Vigenere. "We could have saved them!" Vigenere only shook his head in response and Atbash laid back down on the ground, unable to stand up any longer.
    "I'm sorry," Vigenere spoke again, slowly moving towards Atbash once he realized she wouldn't lash out at him. "Pa told me to. I can't... I can't let you die too, Atbash," His words were choked and she could tell. Her own words were caught in her throat, mostly due to her crying. "I need you. I can't lose another sibling. I already lost one,"

    Atbash knew he was right. She knew there was no way of saving their parents, no matter how hard she wanted to. It was either her or them, or risk Vigenere's life as well. Atbash buried her head into her brother's body and continued to sob, unable to control herself anymore.

Word Count: 1,485