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BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - Printable Version

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Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - candorosa - 08-01-2018

Oh, a meeting? He had heard the call for them before in Tanglewood but he just stayed in his little den instead of checking it out. He wondered what it was about. Kauko hesitated for some moments before settling down a little ways away from Henri. He listened, eyes widening a fraction in surprise at his welcome. As for the rest of the announcements, well, he would try to participate and he didn't know who the Typhoon was so the words didn't mean much to him. Kauko wrapped his tail around his paws as he waited for Atbash to continue.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - Kink - 08-02-2018

[Image: 11ierg9.jpg]

Ears would prick forward at the sound of AtBashes voice, more interested in the words than I was the fact that she was calling out. A Meeting? I’d never attended one of those before, but it sounded interesting- interesting enough that I stood up from my precarious perch on the edge of my cabins roof, where I balanced gracefully for a moment before stepping off the side and dropping to the ground. I landed in a powerful crouch, slipping into a brisk trot toward the Snowbound leader easily enough. I learned early on that I had some sort of feline genetics mixed in me somewhere. While I was absolutely ‘wolf’ to look at, there were things like my retractable claws, strong night vision, and the agility and flexibility that no normal canine should have.

I took a seat at the back of the crowd, figuring I’d block most of their views if I tried to take a spot closer up by the front, and set my amber gaze on the female up at the front speaking to us all. She announced a bunch of events that I did my best to make sense of, figuring the race one might be something I could check out. I liked to run around and do shit like that, so it was worth a try. Besides, I still hadn’t really made any solid friends here yet despite having met a bunch of people, so maybe doing that could help?

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - Leigh - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 45%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: times new roman;"]♡ — The routine really did feel good again. The pretty vulture would touch down near the few that had recently arrived, nodding his head softly to announcements. Trouble with Typhoon? He wanted to think it would've happened eventually, but not for a valid reason, as harsh as that was. Not paying debts was valid grounds for such a thing, so Magika would stay neutral on the matter. It was over. It hadn't involved him. He didn't need to know much else, despite the nosy voice in the back of his head begging for more information on the topic.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-02-2018

i know i should stop believing
i know there's no retrieving
Alright, this seemed like enough people. Atbash straightened up a bit as she looked over at the Snowbounders continuing to gather. "Alright, promotions! I'd like Nui to step up to Polarheart, congratulations!" She said with a smile, trying to catch Nui's eyes as she spoke. Next, Atbash would looked for Izuku and Tsuyu, her eyes shining. "For titles this week, I am giving Izuku and Tsuyu the Blizzard title for rescuring Kirishima from The Typhoon." With that, the Hailcaller would hold out the bear pendant for Izuku, and in her other paw was the pendant as well as a necklace for Tsuyu. After they got their respective accessories, Atbash would frown. "Although Cry has returned from absent for a while, though it is due to other reasons not related to her personality or being absent. I can't go into detail. I'm sorry." She loved the raven, there was no doubt about it, but this had to be done.

Atbash scanned the crowd, as she had one more unattended business to attend to. Catching the form of Stryker, the she-cat's black eyes narrowed into slits as she let out a telepathic growl, "Stryker. You are exiled from Snowbound for attacking Izuku." Her voice was stern and unnaturally cold, but this had to be done. Stryker's actions would not go unpunished; attacking a tribemate was the upmost example of treason in Atbash's opinion. "You have until dawn to pack up your things and leave my territory."

> [member=1463]NUI HARIME[/member] has been promoted to Polarheart! Congrats!
> [member=183]izuku[/member] and [member=1262]TSUYU.[/member] were given the Blizzard title and the bear pendant for rescuing Kirishima! Congrats!
> Cry has been demoted for various reasons, but she can earn her spot back!
> [member=1738]Stryker[/member] has been exiled and has until dawn to leave Snowbound.
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - madster - 08-03-2018

huh. so it seemed everybody else waited for promotions, so he decided to say. nui certainly deserved the promotion- she was rather hard working, if not a little strange. he had heard of the rescue mission, and somewhat longed to one day be apart of something like that, if not just to see his caesar. there was also styker's exile, and henri didn't really know him so he had no reaction.

the strangest thing was cry's demotion. it didn't seem related to activity, which he rationalized was the usual case... so it was strange. "ah, congrats, nui!" the male said, faking a grin, before dropping it.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - NUI HARIME - 08-03-2018

nui harime — female — polarheart — eaglehunter — hard physicality
promotion? what a funny little thing. ranks mattered little to the snowbounder, but she couldn't deny the feeling of being recognized was a pleasing one. the feeling of pride was not an unorthodox sensation to the girl's heart. but she did not allow herself to bask in it, only offering atbash a small little smile that did not display teeth, but stretched across her features.
"thank you love!"

another to congratulate her was henry; the alabaster felidae's face familiar to her. but his smile did not last long. nui knew sincere and she knew insincere. she knew it well, and she knew how to play fauxness.

still, a fellow clanmate failing to be excited by the current going-ons of the clan was no big occurrence and no reason for alarm. people would be naturally monotone. people would be naturally un-enthused. she did not blame him.

the meeting was far from over, still. izuku and tsuyu's efforts had not gone unnoticed within the leader's eyes. it was a reckless, impulse mission, but they had succeeded nonetheless, injuries not withstanding.
"good job, izuku and tsuyu. you've earned it," venturing into the lion's den. she's addled jealousy. she should have joined them. not for the fame or the glory or the title, but from the rush of adrenaline and the struggle that came from facing off with the enemy. the blood, the sweat, the urgency. the two youngsters had returned to snowbound injured, exhausted and absolutely disheveled. she wanted to meet the people who could do that to them.

stryker was an issue of utmost importance. a traitor to snowbound. she sensed it in the way atbash's eyes hardened, her gaze flitting to him in righteous fury. nui followed that gaze, but her eyes failed to cloud over with hatred and mistrust. instead those beady sapphire irises gleamed with interest, curiosity lurking openly on her features. but her mind rushed like the torrents of a stream, inquiry echoing in her head as to why the lion would attack izuku.

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - Stryker - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 60%; text-align: justify; font-size: 11pt; font-family: georgia;"]☣ — Stryker's eyes glazed over, signaling his end. How disappointing. Things couldn't of lasted longer... All things came to a stop eventually and his fulfilled destiny was received. There was no going back. He wanted freedom from this restrictive place who turned their eyes against the rage of the world around them all for... peace? They called it peace but it was nothing. Turning a blind eye against their allies being attacked was pitiful, so he would show them what would happen when things were ignored. Chaos would come to them personally.

The white lion's eyes narrowed at Atbash, head craning as he did so. "Pitiful, yet interesting," he lowly grumbled. "You take action against things within in your home, yet do nothing when your fellow allies are attacked by your enemies." A paw raised up, scratching at his chin. His neon eyes lowered from the stand, searching around at those who were gathered around him. Did anyone think the same way as him? Did anyone want to take action against those who burdened them instead of living in this peaceful hell? Surely, his views were skewed, as he did hurt a fellow member of theirs, but his overall point was defending against those who wronged them... which Snowbound was not doing. "Peace is a joke." If they truly wanted peace, they would fight for it. Though, it seemed that directly contradicted the meaning of the word.

Paws remained glued to the ground. "I'll leave as soon as one of you powder puffs wants to drive me out of here with their claws bared and aiming for the throat." A smirk grew upon his lips. His split tongue playfully slipped out of his mouth, flickering at his audience tauntingly. Would they attack him or remain peaceful and resort to other options? Truly, he was curious. "Or are all of you too buddy-buddy to grow out of your pussy-whipped ways?" With that, he lied back and let them decide their next actions. After all, during all that monologuing they had time to think!

Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - galexiux - 08-03-2018

  Cry groaned quietly under her breath. What a drama queen. She slowly started to crawl up behind the lion, her talons silently scraping across the floor. She had to do all the dirty work in this place. This damn place couldn't defend itself from self centered pricks like this asshole so she did all the dirty work herself. Everyone here was too soft to do it. She didn't want anyone else to do it. They didn't deserve to. They deserved to have a happy life and simply live out their days in peace. That's why they came here.

  The crow slowly opened her wings, as to not create sound, before she jumped up and flipped over Stryker's head from behind, aiming to claw for his eyes as he smugly lied down. She screeched, pecking at his brain with her hard beak. Get the hell out of my home!! She screamed at him, cawing directly into his ears over and over. Was she probably going to get attacked for this? yes. could she die? possibly. Would she be yelled at by atbash? Definitely. But this guy hurt Izuku. Izuku of all people. She wanted to do much, much worse to him.


Re: BULLETS AND BLUE EYES || Meeting 8/01 - NUI HARIME - 08-04-2018

nui harime — female — polarheart — eaglehunter — hard physicality
stryker was right to some extent. peace was a joke. how fragile it was. how easily it could be shattered.

the lion's disregard for the dangers of acting nonchalant in an enemy clan is... alarming to say the least. even in a throng of pacifists, there would always be the one to strike first. the daredevil. the hidden warrior amongst the crowd of sheep. he was testing them-- taunting them, and nui wondered if stryker genuinely believed that there was not one amongst them with a single violent bone in their body.
he was sorely mistaken.

and he was given them permission to drive him away with tooth and claws and killing intent. a dangerous mistake in deed.

"I'll leave as soon as one of you powder puffs wants to drive me out of here with their claws bared and aiming for the throat."

without hesitation, ivory claws slide from their sheathes, claws flexed. thirsty for blood. her belly flutters, body quivering like a leaf in the wind as a quiet little shiver goes up her spine. she can't contain herself, the felidae bursting from her skin with a savage, sanguinary aura that tingles with otherworldly killing intent. no one couldn't blame her for this blatant invitation, could she? her teeth demands blood; demands to be satiated.

how nice of him to let her have a go... how.. how glorious! how sweet of him! she was just so grateful that she wished that she could pinch his little head right off.

his size does not daunt her. how could he, when he has allowed himself to cockily relax in the presence of the enemy. she is lithe and more agile than him; his hide made to be easily pierced. let him believe that he is safe in his size.

her heart feverishly thunders against her ribs with the anticipation of bloodlust, and for the first time nui thinks she might faint! this is too much for her poor soul to take. she finally has her chance. and she? she quakes. not with fear, but comfort and ecstasy at the great things to take place. blood rushes to her head like thunder, drowning out the sounds.

cry is already attacking, ebony talons aimed for the offending lion's irises. she doesn't have to worry about dropping her mask before these clanmates. she can handle herself. nui is made to kill, bones tinted in destruction and foreign origin. something within her groaned and lusted for this chance, her inner leech rousing itself from within veins. she stands stiff, forcing her joints to lock together, the threads within her nearly bulging from her skin. a hitched breath, and then she contains herself, forcing the threads back down. she can't help that the sight of battle is exciting and-- keep it together nui.

she was made and bred for bloodshed, and her body demands she have it.

in an instant, like a spector, she de-materializes rapidly, cutting the bounds of reality only to reappear once more, flickering onto the lion's back in the second it takes for one to flutter an eyelid.

nui wastes no time. her limbs move to hook vicious, needle-like claws into the lion's unprotected flesh and rip open a wound betwixt his spine. should she succeed, she'd eagerly sink her claws into his exposed skin and twist her talons like a dagger, another paw poised to tickle at the bared wound in a most crude manner. he really should know better to get her hype like this. her stomach is practically gushing with exhileration, and her ribs tighten. how kind of him to present a fight and a potential feast. she'll gladly repay that kindness. she wants to thank him, in the only way that she can, and she was anything but calm.

// w h oo ps long post