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(tame the fire in you)
Vandal is... excited. Excited, and maybe a little jealous. She was supposed to have a ceremony, a wedding - she had it all planned out with Aegroixe before they had even gotten engaged, forming between whispered giggles and wishful thinking in the middle of the Jotunheimr night. Flowers, they knew, would be everywhere - flowers making up Aegroixe's dress and Vandal's gauntlets, flowers framing the aisles and the walkways, flowers in her mane, in her eyes, in her heart -

I'm happy for them.

She hasn't had much sleep. Between helping with decorations, cooking dishes, and making sure that her brother is alright, she's a little worse for wear - she still tries her best to make herself look not as sleep-deprived as she actually is, though, which includes a rather long ritual that she starts as soon as Pinch is satisfied with how the venue looks. She starts by giving herself a thorough bath, scrubbing out everything that she could until she knows there's nothing left hiding underneath her pelt. With a dab of fragrant oils here and a gentle brushing there, she finishes by wearing a steel-gray vest and a wine-red bowtie around her neck (the one that has nice, maroon fleur-de-lis patterns giving the cloth texture).

When she's sure she's ready, she makes her way back to the venue before the ceremony could even start, slipping into the front aisle where the rest of the family that isn't part of the walk sits. Her neon eyes are bright as she keeps her gaze plastered on Pincher (oh her brother, her brother is getting married), but there's an undercurrent of mourning sparkling in the depths of her chasmic pupils telling a love story lost to the oblivion of death.

I'm proud of you, Deniz.

Her gaze lingers on his expression before scanning the crowd, taking note of mostly familiar faces with the exception of Jacob's family, who she's never seen before. His brother doesn't seem to have taken a liking to her brother, and she makes a mental note of it for the reception - hey, in-laws are in-laws, right? Her gaze deviates from him and tries to locate Deldrach, but can't seem to pick the jaglioness out from the crowd. She tries not to frown at that, and instead focuses her attention on the other side of the aisle, eagerly anticipating Jacob's own appearance.

Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - Verdigris - 08-02-2018

  [font=trebuchet ms]Paper knew almost nothing about weddings.

  As far as he could tell based on what he had heard, a wedding was meant to signify that the two participants would stay together for the rest of their lives. He had thought it was fairly normal for mated pairs to stay together, though; there were exceptions, but typically if you got together with someone, especially if kids were involved, it only made sense to stay together. Maybe that was just typical jackal behavior, though, and not typical of the animal kingdom as a whole.

  Besides, if Pincher and Jacob were confident enough in the strength of their relationship to host a big ceremony with all the bells and whistles it entailed, knowing that if their marriage fell through everyone would see it, then more power to them. He could respect that, for sure, even with his lack of experience in such matters.

  Paper owned little in the way of wedding attire, but he had, at least, left his bag- and the ruby inside it- back at the remnants of his hut. It was a bit... tacky to carry all his belongings to this location, and it was fair to assume no one would steal anything given that almost everyone was attending the ceremony. He had washed and groomed his fur thoroughly, a difficult task given how much of it he had, so that it lay flat and clean rather than sticking up everywhere.

  The only thing he wore was the locket that Gold had given him, understated but effective. (Not that he would have taken it off anyway.)

  Once he looked at his reflection in the water and affirmed that he was presentable- his fur was clean, tamed, and dry enough not to drip water on the sand- he made his way over to the deep sea dome. As he entered, he halted for a few moments to take in the scene. Pincher had spared no expense, between the origami cranes, the glowing lanterns, the white carpet, and even the floating flowers.

  Finally, Paper found his chair- at the end of the second aisle, one seat away from the center- and took a seat atop it, watching the altar closely. If Pincher looked his way, he would offer a wink of his yellow eye. The Captain was clearly nervous, and while he couldn’t blame him, he could at least try to help calm him.

Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - bubblegum - 08-02-2018

[Image: 7f280a5c2524cfb62918733213c9d5a4-dc3bso1.gif]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
goldie had spent the morning getting ready, constantly second-guessing herself and her choices. she had prepared an outfit in advance but now she couldn't help but wonder if it was good enough. did she look okay? was it too much? too little? should she change it a lot or a little? she wanted to be perfect. she ran around, constantly swapping things out until she finally started to settle on something as her brother came to visit her in the morning.

to be quite honest, she knew very little about weddings. true love was only something she heard about in stories, but now she saw it, and her papa and mister dad were the ones experiencing it. and they were happy. she was so, so happy. she wanted so badly for them to be happy. now she got to see them experience it with each other. that was so good.

the fact that it was mister dad, of all people, too, made it even better. the man had taught her so many things before papa and him were even together. he was already a father in her eyes for a very long time by now, but she never thought it'd be appropriate to call him that. it may be rude to papa. but, now she had plenty of reason. he was genuinely going to be her dad. she was so glad.

and with all of that, she got to be the flower girl! she didn't really know what that was before recently. but, from what it sounded like, she has to throw flowers around while walking in front of mister dad. except, lucky for everyone, she was corrected before she got ready to pelt flowers at people. nope, she just gently dropped them along the aisle. that's less fun, but whatever. she still was happy to be a part of everything.

goldie had settled on wearing pale yellow bandages over her legs and back, which were the only places where the burns were still very visible and needed covered. the rest had scarred over and were fading. she wore a necklace with a yellow feather on it, her signature blue feather earring, a blue bow tie on her tail, a bundle of yellow flowers around her neck, a light red pearl necklace on her left front leg, and a pale blue corsage on her right. with all of that, she deliberately sprinkled glitter on her body, making her quite literally sparkle.

so, the sparkling girl watched warmly as jerseyboy, apparently her new uncle, moved towards the altar. after this, she would begin to approach, walking with connor as she began to slowly and delicately drop petals along the ground. a blissful, loving expression was upon her features as she silently walked along, scattering flower petals. she seemed to glow with happiness and warmth as she did this, moving to stand on the side of the altar with connor once complete.

Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - charrie graveyard - 08-02-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]A month ago, if one had told Connor he would be adopted by a pirate and carry the pearls in said pirate's wedding, the robotic feline would have scoffed. At that point in his life, he didn't have a family- he didn't have anyone, but in a matter of weeks, everything had changed- for the better. No longer was he tied to a mission, destined to spend his life wandering from place to place. No... he was a Roux. Family was his life now, and he was just fine with that. He wouldn't want it any other way.

Now, Pincher... Pincher was someone that had become extremely special to Connor. From the first day they met, the tabby had felt some sort of bond he couldn't quite describe in words. The captain had become a father figure for him, someone he cared for and looked up to. In his opinion, he couldn't think of a better match for Pinch than Jacob and as the male finished tying the bow tie around his neck, adjusting his white collar, he felt a strong sense of happiness and pride for them both. Today was a good day.

Taking in a deep breath, Connor would give Goldie a sideways look, a smile on his maw as they made their way down the aisle together, picking up the pillow containing the two pearls. Once they had reached the end, he would settle silently next to the younger she-cat, tail curling over his paws as he waited for Jacob to make his appearence.


Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - Beatles. - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family:arial;"]Weddings. What bright, joyous occasions they were. There was lights, music, and smiling faces all around, and it was all in the honor of the couple themselves. Vito couldn't say that he had ever been to a wedding before. He hadn't exactly married Jacob's mother; in fact, the situation had gone south after Jacob was birthed. His mother had been a lovely female, but apparently he hadn't known her as well as he thought. In the end, it had been just him and his young son. He loved the boy so much, and because of that, he had no other choice but to give him up for someone else to raise. Vito dabbled in much too dangerous business to drag Jacob along with him. He had hoped and prayed to the heavens that the boy would turn out alright.

And he had.

Vito was proud that his son was taking this step in his life. It had been surprising for Jacob to come out as gay to him, but it was no cause for concern. He figured that he should be more concerned about the man he was marrying, but so far? He seemed like a nice fellow. As long as he promised not to hurt him and to always protect him, then Vito couldn't ask for much more.

The Italian wolf stood at the beginning of the aisle, a tie snugly fit around his neck. Everyone else had started to descend down the walkway, including Jerseyboy, who didn't exactly look thrilled. He'd have to talk with him later, but he knew how stubborn the young man was, so he wasn't all too surprised that he was acting a bit pouty. He grinned softly upon seeing Jacob for the first time in his wedding attire, and he stepped forward to meet at his side. Giving a single nod to him, he stepped forward and began their long-awaited trip down the rows. Vito was one to stay out of the spotlight and away from attention, especially since he wasn't acquainted with most of these people, but right now he was doing this for Jacob.

Once they reached the head of the aisle, Vito turned his head to the husky and affectionately nuzzled the top of his head before padding towards his reserved place to sit.

Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - rochelle - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]Her mind never really wandered towards the romantic scheme of things. Weddings and partnership, love and commitment, they were never things she took time to consider. Not that she didn't want to, her mind did flutter at the thought of having someone beside her forever, but her head was always in a different space, looking to accomplish something else, to achieve rather than desire. Truly, she had never attended a wedding until today, always thinking she'd only ever go to her own wedding, or her children's weddings.

See, that was her dilemma, she always foresaw these things to happen, like getting married and having a family, but she never actively pursued it. She thought that, with time, those life goals would just come easy and be completed without hesitation. In reality, it was ending up to be very different. She had never felt intimate enough to someone to want to be with them forever, even though Fischer was as trusting as she could be. She loved, she cared, and sometimes she did desire, but had never been rational enough to validate those feelings, to pursue any of it.

Maybe that's why Vandal was with Deldrach now. It was a fleeting thought, an intruder to her calm mindset. What a silly thing to think, to think of romance and weddings and to get reminded of Vandal and Deldrach. That was incredibly inappropriate to think ... she didn't think she still had to scold herself like that. But even as the feeling past, and the thought vanished from nearby memory, Fischer felt a bit cold, a bit pale, stepping towards the dome. Her gait was hesitant, trying not to brush too closely with others, but also showing how distant she was in thought, so far away from the island in her mind.

And again she's disciplining herself in her mind. Why can't she just shrug this feeling ... whatever it is, off of her? On a day such as this, so very important to the Captain and Jacob, as well as their families, why can't she sober up herself from this peculiar concoction of emotions. But she's stifled by the presence in the room that she can feel when she enters the dome. Though she can't see it, the elegance, the intimacy of the moment is hanging right over her, and it eases her, sheds her of her doubtful feelings and nurtures them into feelings of solemn joy for the couple. It was a refreshing moment that balanced her, letting the Privateer feel normal again.

Fischer had done her best to get ready, with no one to reference off of how to appear at a wedding. So she kept it simple, grooming herself beforehand, perfuming herself with some ripe bergamot, and sticking a bundle of baby's breath between her left ear. The black smoke had taken a seat towards the back, knowing she wouldn't be missing anything no matter where she sat. She was mildly upset she wouldn't get to see how everyone in the bridal party looked, but she was happy either way, heart taken away by the sweet lull of the music, and the comforting scents of her crewmates surrounding her as she spectated.


Crap. She knew that she was late. So very late, to her own father wedding. She couldn't believe that she was late. She wanted to get there early, before anyone else. But of course, she had been late. She had to make sure that she was looking very adorable. She didn't want to look like crap at her own father's wedding. That would be horrible. She didn't really want to dress herself up too much, as she was still pretty just the way she was. However, the one thing that she did was put a bow around her neck. The bow was black, which almost blended in with her fur. The bow was facing the opposite of her head. She was happy for her father, but she didn't really understand marriage at all. What was it like to be loved by another? Sure, she had her parent's love, but that was different. She knew that there was something special about the love between her father and Jacob. She had come to love Jacob, but in her own way. The bengal cat came up beside her aunt Vandal, as she looked up toward her father. She gave her father a smile.
TAGSKatherine Roux-Cipher of The Typhoon PLAYLIST

Re: FOR THE DANCING & THE DREAMING ✨WEDDING - jacob w.c. - 08-03-2018

[Jacob watched as Jerseyboy, Goldie, and Connor all went out before him. He took in a deep breath, his stomach twisting even more ash he slowly stepped up as each one went out. He could see that it looked like nearly the whole of the Typhoon had showed up and he couldn't help but smile. He may not be a pirate, he may not even agree with them, but he knew enough to know that this was the best crew possibly in the entire world. He wasn't sure if he was qualified to say that but it certainly felt that way. Jacob wasn't a fool. He wasn't blind to the injustice that Typhoon sometimes served, with his soon-to-be husband being the leader of it all, but he was at peace with it. Jacob was convinced that, when it came down to it, Pincher was a great man.

He loved his family and his friends more than he had possibly seen anyone love anyone else before. It was in his own way, of course, but there was no doubt in his mind that Deniz loved him and every single member of his crew and family. He was brilliant, often speaking of things that even went over Jacob's head. He was brave, especially when it came to maintaining the safety of his crew and family. He was loving and romantic and charming and attractive and all the other lovely things one would want a partner to be. But was he a good man? Jacob would say that, yes, of course he was. He was a good man in the way that only men who've made poor moral decisions could be. Men like his Babbo, who stood by him today, and men like his Pa, who he hoped was looking down in approval. He wasn't sure that he would or not but he hoped that, wherever he was, he was happy that Jacob was finally happy. That he'd finally gotten the happy ending they both wished for.

Deniz being a good man or a great man was not nearly important as the other factor that went into why Jacob had chosen to marry him. Jacob loved him. Not even in a purely emotional way where when he saw him he got warm fuzzy feelings in his stomach (although he often did) or even in a physical way where he just thought he was extremely attractive (although he did). He loved him in the way that he knew that he'd do anything for him without a moment's thought, that he'd do anything to make life easier for Deniz but not because he thought he'd get anything in return. It wasn't because he thought he owed him some sort of debt, as he had when they first met, but it was because he trusted him more than anyone and that whatever decisions he might be making, were probably for the best.

He knew there were likely limits to that but he knew that for some unexplainable reason (if he were to listen to the spirit that sometimes liked to sneak into his mind, he were to believe it was through destiny), Jacob would die for the man without even a second thought. Not because he wanted to see him the next morning or because he wanted to spend another moment with him but because this world, the one where Deniz existed, was definitely better than one where he wasn't and Jacob couldn't bear the thought of that kind of world. If he were to sacrifice seeing Deniz again to save him, he'd do it. His life and happiness were far more important than anything else to Jacob and he would do anything to preserve it. That was the way that he loved him.

Today was all about that. Today was about why he loved him and the fact that he loved him so much he was more than willing to spend the rest of his life with him. He could tell his big brother wasn't particularly happy but, honestly, Jacob hadn't even been sure he'd show up so things were off to a good start so far. He glanced to his Babbo has the man arrived beside him and he looked down the aisle. How could just a few steps look so far away? He smiled at the man before they stepped forward, making their strides down the aisle as he saw his husband for the first time that day. Jacob could already feel tears pricking at his eyes, an uncontainable smile spread across his maw. Finally, they came to the end and Vito stepped to the side while he stepped up, coming to a stop across from his mare. He looked only at Deniz, unable to look anywhere else as his full attention went to the man before him.