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MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - Printable Version

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Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - tori - 08-05-2018

"There' reason?" Should he have been here, at another interrogation? No, probably not. But despite his age, Alex just wanted to know what was going on between his home and the antagonizing group by the sea. Anything beyond this point could be blamed on the incident with Jacob, and it would all become a personal, violent game. Was war usually personal? He didn't know, maybe Washington did, but he did not want to bother them. Never did.

Alex moved to the other side of Hazel, taking notice of the ground splits and the colorful minerals everywhere. They were pretty, distracting enough to the root cause of their very existence. This was not an interrogation he felt he could intervene in, after all, Caesar was not innocent like Jacob, and certainly not someone who didn't deserve what they were getting. He let out a soft sigh, trying to find some sort of reasoning the Typhoon could possibly have for this whole thing. And yet, he found none. "Were you that bored with your life?" That particular sentence was typically a cynical one, but he wasn't being cynical at all, he was just so very tired.


Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - CAESAR CIPHER. - 08-05-2018

At a new voice, Caesar’s head tilted and he looked over at Alexander. His ears flicked once more upon seeing him and the demon gave a shrug. ”If you don’t count fun as a reason then no, there is not one.” He replied before chuckling at the other male’s next question. ”I suppose you could say that, yes.” The Typhoon was boring, this earth was boring, this universe was boring. It’d be much better if everything was on fire!


Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - rhosmari - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Something was irritating her, something was causing a twitch in her neck, a jerk of her head to the right and then the left as if she had an itch she just couldn't scratch. Her muzzle curled slightly and her eyes closed. She barely even heard what her capture said and her eyes opened. They looked darker, more menacing and her jaws parted to exhale a breath she didn't even know she had been holding until now. There was that sound again, that steady tapping. Rapping against the concrete flooring over and over again. It was maddening and she had had enough. Rather he gave the information to her or not didn't seem to matter to her anymore and she looked at the creature that didn't care and had called it fun. It was FUN! A chuckle left her muzzle as she moved forward then, gaze settling on the broken thing before she gave a careless smile. Well, for her this was going to be fun. The idea of killing her enemies was always a grim prospect and she didn't know when it had become fun for her but being able to outsmart those who tried to take her own life was a simple game.

Her paw came up and she grabbed his face with ease, forcing him to look at her then. Not those around her because at the end of the day they weren't going to get anything out of him. It was more distress after more distress and she had had enough of it. "Fine. You don't want to give me answers. That's okay. I'll find out on my own. If you think your leader is scary then you don't know what true terror is. You've made a dangerous enemy." Then without thought her other paw came up, balancing on her hind legs as she grabbed his head and suddenly twisted his cranium swiftly and hard in the opposite direction. A hard and satisfying snap sounded out as the body dropped to the ground in front of her. Death could come slowly or suddenly though with either outcome she didn't care.

-permission was given to powerplay

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-05-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
Interrogations were basically inside of protocol if they needed information to keep someone alive. There were a couple missions where they would kill everyone int he base and just take the information that was inside of base because of its computers. But if they didn't find anything then it was their own fault that they couldn't further their investigation because they had decided to kill everyone. Usually, with the missions that they were given, it meant that they shot first and asked questions later because they had been given a specific task. A task that usually dealt with acquiring objectives or other material that they could use to better the program in itself. It was a difficult job, but to a rookie, it had been a fulfilling job because he believed they were helping the world by doing what they were doing. That he was actually accomplishing something instead of trying to fight on the ground. He had been so naive and would never be again. Either way, Washington noted the reaction of others that were around when they entered, obviously curious about the creature that they had managed to capture.

Washington didn't seem to be all that phased by Caesar's reaction about his death. To Washington, demons didn't exist and it was some crazy title that those gave themselves to try and be intimidating or make it seem like they could never die. He had heard the line before when they had captured one of the insurrectionist's leader and he read the transcript of the interrogation that was done. He was a demon that would come back to haunt them. Blah blah blah he had heard it all over the four years that he had worked with the program. Just because he said that he would basically come back to life, or at least hinted at it, Washington knew that they could simply do a silent raid on the group and gather more members that would be willing to talk to them. It would make their lives easier if the other wasn't going to talk. By not talking, he put everyone else at the threat of being killed, and they couldn't come back to life either. Everything was a vicious cycle, and Washington kept his mouth shut as everything was being conducted. Carolina knew how to ask the right questions, and since the Freelancers were here it meant that they would be a force to reckon with. He blinked his golden and blue eyes as the other continued to refuse to answer questions and it seemed like the other had attacked Thea.

Now, Washington wasn't protective of everyone, but that didn't mean he had morals either. The reason why they had joined the military was to protect the families that couldn't protect themselves. He knew as soon as the other said that, it was either going to be him or Carolina that was going to kill the Typhoon member. The other wouldn't be able to escape the likes of them, and Washington could make it gruesome by simply standing on his head and crushing the other's skull. Still the other didn't say anything and Bastille didn't bother to try and stop Carolina either. Obviously the other probably approved, and he figured that the other would know how this would end up with. The others death. Washington was used to seeing death and killing others with a neutral look on his face because he didn't care about those that they killed. His attention was drawn back toward Carolina though as the serval continued to tap her claws. He had seen her do it before and it seemed to be a habit of hers. He had a couple theories as to why she constantly tapped her claws, but whenever she did it, it didn't mean anything good. The prisoner didn't answer Carolina's last question, and it was obvious that they wouldn't be getting anything out of him.

Carolina's body language ended up changing though, and there was something off. He knew his fellow Freelancer as someone that was calm and collected during times like these and was a killer that didn't brag about it. They obviously were both killers, but still. A frown would finally find its way onto his face as he watched the change in her actions. What was happening? The other seemed to be enjoying torturing the other. Now, he could see her excitement when she was fighting someone, but this.... was too sadistic. A shiver crept up his spine but his body movements didn't show that it happened. It was something small that others may not be able to catch, but he knew that there was something wrong. Then the sound of a neck-snapping brought him out of looking at Carolina, and he didn't even flinch as the animal was killed. It was the animals fault. Maybe if he had talked, he would have lived just a little bit longer.

Washington sighed though that they didn't end up getting any information that would prove useful. He made his way over toward where the now cooling corpse was, looking at Carolina, but still keeping his distance. [b]"Where should we bury the body?" Washington questioned, as it was better to not let Typhoon know that they simply just let someone die by the hands of them. It would mean that they would lead a counterattack if that happened. "We should probably establish a recon squad to get the lay of what their territory is like without giving up our position." Washington stated calmly. It was standard protocol. Recon was the best way to get any information that they needed, and if they could destroy some territory along the way. Would that be possible though? He wasn't sure with the way everyone was now, and he was going to need to talk to Carolina later about what that was. Or simply let it fester and let was getting that was get worse. He craned his own neck to the side until he heard a crack before shifting his paws.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18:

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - rhosmari - 08-05-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]Satisfying, why was it so satisfying to hear his neck snap like that. Such a sharp and definite sound that there was no way to say anything other than that was death. Her eyes just looked down at the body as she looked at the lifeless corpse, not even really seeing it. Her head tilted to the side for a moment and she was just still, breathing slow and steady and the tapping had stopped. It was just silent save for those that were there and had witnessed the scene. Her ears slowly pulled forward as if she were waking up from some kind of dream though some would say that this was more a nightmare than anything else. And then Washington's voice lifted up into the air, breaking that quiet, that stillness and she narrowed her gaze before turning to look at him. His first question was a puzzlement to her. Bury the body? Her head tilted to the side a bit and she allowed a small smirk to pull at the corner of her muzzle before she moved to look at the body, shifting the legs here and there before giving a light sigh. "We aren't going to bury it. I have some other plans in mind and besides I doubt we need to bury the enemy at all, they can have him back." She'd give him back to them.

Though she was definitely curious of what Washington was talking about. Standard protocol. Indeed they did need to make a reconnaissance team to go and scope out the Typhoon territory. They had gotten information on them as they were a pirate like group and it was most likely that they lived on some remote island as thieves tended to isolate themselves from others. But she figured that Bastille would want to approve of such a plan. They were members after all and they couldn't just go off and do things at their own pace. "Agree, put one together if Bastille says it's okay. I've got something to do." With that said she grasped the corpse by the back of the neck, head lolling and she walked off with it.

Re: MIND ON ME - open; captured Typhooner - | AGENT WASHINGTON | - 08-05-2018

Agent Washington
former human - freelancer - manipulative
They were murderers. Not like anyone else in this group knew about it of course. But if they told them the number of people that they have actually killed it would probably bring up certain issues. It wasn't like they could have or even use guns here though, so they didn't really have all that much to worry about in Washington's eyes. At least that's what he would like to tell themselves. Washington didn't take great joy in killing others. The only reaosn he took the life of others was because that was expected of him. That's why he was there in the first place. He was there to be a soldier and soldiers shot those that were going against them with no questions asked. He did exactly that, but he wasn't some sick person who enjoyed killing others. He was fairly certain that he could speak for the rest of the Freelancers in that term. They didn't care about who they killed, they just knew that they were going to kill someone. He never witnessed any of the Freelancers laughing to themselves as they killed someone. They were professionals and did their job, most of the time, in a professional manner.

They didn't like to mess around when it came to killing others. It was their job, yes, but that was all it was their job. He would kill someone if he didn't get answers himself, but to do in such a manner to say that he liked hearing the sound of broken bones would never be something that he could use to describe what was going on inside of his mine. Sure, he had gone through a bit of insanity during the failed implantation, but that hadn't been his fault but instead the fault of the organization. And he felt pain and nothing like happiness. Washington knew that there was probably something going through Carolina's head since she came back to life, but he never thought that it was going to be something that could be considered serious. Everything got better over time, and he simply believed that Carolina would get over whatever she was going through. Washington knew what it takes to win a war with strategy, and giving the enemy information was the last thing that they needed to do, even if it was about their own soldier that could have been killed in battle. Of course, the others could assume that the other was never captured, and instead assume that the group did kill them, which was the more likely option as they didn't seem to care if they killed their members or not.

The Freelancer could care less about the lives of those that could be killed in this war, as it wasn't their problem so why were they helping them? It would be a means of a trust, and since they were able to take on the other animals with almost ease, they could end the war quickly. Now if they had the weapons they had while they were humans, Washington would know that this war would already be over. The armored smilodon still had a frown across his facial features when the smirk seemed to come back onto her face. That couldn't be right, why was she enjoying herself so much? It felt wrong in the pit of his stomach, and his shortened tail lashed behind him. Hearing her words though, Washington immediately shook his head. This wasn't strategic at all. [b]"You can't return his body to them. It's better that they never realize he died or that he went missing at all. That means they'll take longer to form another raid.

Giving them the body back will simply give them a reason to attack again and we don't even have a strategy when they do."
Washington said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Because it should be. Carolina wasn't thinking properly, because they would just be putting more of the civilians in danger by doing something that rash. She agreed for him to form a reconnaissance squad, but then she started to pick up the corpse and make her way out of the observatory. Washington moved his way so that he was standing in the serval's way, his side slightly showing the other Freelancer. His pupils were narrowed in slits like any other cat, but no one could see the frustration behind the helmet he wore. "You can't take its body back. It will make the situation more complicated." Washington said, almost as if he was giving some type of order. Did she not realize what she was trying to do? It simply made no sense, and he was desperately trying to get her from doing so. If she ran around him with the speed that she still had, he wouldn't be able to grab her in time thanks to the broken arm that he still had.
Tags | Updated 07/27/18: