Beasts of Beyond
we are ready for a street fight — p - Printable Version

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Re: we are ready for a street fight — p - ghostpact - 07-19-2018

The sting pulled Simon from his daze just as the television went back to its scheduled programming. He blinked rapidly, hand going to his cheek. "What the hell!? What'd you have to go and do that for?" he asked, obviously not completely sure what happened in the last ten or so seconds. He looked to the plate, skirting around Soap as he moved to it. He was mostly being dramatic, but he was also never sure. Maybe he'd said something offensive again. "Yeah, just throw this shit anywhere," he said with an eye roll. He picked up both plates, half the meal and the other half on the floor. "At least some of it's still good." He slid both of them onto the counter before walking back around into the kitchen to grab a trash bag.