Beasts of Beyond
YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - Printable Version

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Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - CLEO R. C. - 07-30-2018

[color=#445544]"What are those things?"

The snake charmer's curiosity was unbridled, sanguine eyes wide and full of awe as she studied the raptor pair that this strange newcomer had brought with him. A new emotion had settled upon her, one that made her blood run cold as she absently lifted a paw to stroke Eshe's head. She was afraid. These creatures were larger than her - larger and stronger - and she would be a fool to not want to take extreme precaution around them. A little bit of trouble? That was far from reassuring and Cleo felt the remnants of a frown twist her lips. Owen's unwillingness to explain what that sort of trouble was left her wondering what exactly those raptors had done and more so, what they were capable of.

Nothing good, Hissed Eshe from the back of her mind, a familiar tug of something not entirely pleasant following her words. She had grown accustomed to the mamba's seemingly dark and twisted presence however, paying it no mind even as she felt as if she was losing herself the more they communicated. [color=#445544]"Is my daddy going to let you all stay?" The inquiry was asked more for her benefit, expression darkening significantly as she continued to study the sisters and their mysterious alpha.

[color=#445544]"What sorta trouble did you get in?"

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - OWEN. - 07-30-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
"They're utahraptors, kid. Try not to show too much fear around them, please." Owen barked softly, amber eyes watching the fucking massive ass dragon walk over. He was hulking, huge. "If you'll keep me, that'd be great. We'll try to stay out of trouble. My girls aren't drinking anything that could kill them, though." He muttered, keeping his cold gaze level with the others that questioned him. "They killed a few and injured a few." He replied bluntly, biting his lip gently. Owen wasn't familiar with having to deal with being asked what his girls did. They were feral animals, it was kill or be killed to them. "I'm assuming I have to wait for ol' Pincher, then?"

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - ADAKIAS - 07-30-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]Sylvina had never seen a raptor. Hell, she’d never seen a dinosaur. The prescense of one was immediately one of intimidation to a small kitten about one-hundredths of its size. The young minnow had witnessed many unique creatures in her short life frame, Lucifer, a dragon, being one of that involved. However, Sylv was not nearly as infatuated with her previous encounters as she was with the gathered predators.

The talk of the foreign group joining the ranks of the Typhoon was simply background chatter to her young mind. It was all technical stuff that never really interested her adolescent mind; she was way more interested in the physicallity of everything. Viridescent hues were focused upon the dinosaurs, her ebony pelt slightly ruffled around the hackles as a natural instinct.

The inclination to get closer from her current position besides her other siblings was overbearing. And who was she to deny her own urges? Slowly, the kitten would inch closer towards the newcomers, more towards Owen, however. He seemed to be the ringmaster of the gathered trio. Optics never leaving the Utahraptors, Sylvina would quietly speak towards the German Shepherd in charge, ”Can I pet them?”

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - Character Graveyard. - 07-30-2018

As more of the strange and smaller animals began to show up, Echo would begin to show slight signs of aggression. She would ignore Desperado and she would stare in Aita's direction as the child began to speak to Owen. Her long-tail would lash and she would turn her attention to Argus, tempted to take a few steps towards them- before Lucifer had approached.

Since he was a gigantic and tall dragon, Echo automatically saw him as a threat to her and the rest of the pack. She would let out a loud-hiss, a warning for Lucifer to stay away from her, Delta and Owen. Then her amber-eyes would focus on Sylvina as she approached Owen, causing her to babble. "Small one prey?"

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - rochelle - 07-30-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]And next to arrive was Fischer, who approached as cautiously as she could, trying to understand the situation by listening as best she could. Once she evaluated what was happening, she stepped closer, unseeing eyes staring distantly at Owen and his raptors. An unsure feeling settled in her, wary of the dinosaurs, as well as the German Shepherd that reared them. It seemed so odd, for one creature to be training, taming others. Of course, she figured the raptors would be uncontrollable and destructive without some guidance, but it seemed like trouble still occurred, as Owen had said.

There was some dread in her, thinking about the potential consequences of allowing them into the Typhoon. Of course she wanted to let them join, but Argus was right, it needed to be decided by the Captain himself. "It would be wise not to touch them, little Minnow, you wouldn’t want strangers petting you either ..." The blind Privateer warned Sylvina, as well as the rest of the young ones. Her chest felt heavy, not out of fear for the raptors, but fear of what they might do if one of the children upset them. She felt like she was walking on eggshells, idly swaying in the group of Typhooners.

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - VANDAL R. - 07-30-2018

Vandal doesn't care about the petty fight between the Typhoon and the Ascendants, she doesn't care about what they smell like or what they look like, all she cares about is that they're a threat and three of her nieces are on the border with them. It's enough to drive the protective side of her absolutely crazy with worry, and she's flying almost recklessly just to get to them in time. Flashes of nightmares, of limbs torn from bodies, of corpses haphazardly strewn across the battlefield trill loudly in her mind and she's scared - scared what might happen to them.

She skids to a stop behind her nieces. She's glad to see that they're safe and alright but eyes the others rather warily anyway. They stink, they don't smell like them - but the way that they move piques her interest. It appears that they seem to be basing their actions off of Owen, the only one in the group to talk, she figures they see him as their leader. It's almost conflicting. They fascinate her, but she doesn't want them anywhere close to her nieces. Not after what they did to Lulu.

Vandal notices Echo's look at Sylvina, and it immediately kicks her instincts to overdrive. Her wings ache to be released, wanting to fully unfurl in all of their massive glory as an act of dominance - but she holds herself back when Fischer makes an appearance. Swallowing dryly, the maned wolf wraps her wings tighter around herself but steps closer to her nieces, ready to protect them if need be. When she speaks, her voice is still strained. "Yes, best wait for Pincher to show up before we make any decisions regarding this lot."

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - OWEN. - 07-30-2018

[align=center][Image: tumblr_nra53dhqrf1uutgwwo2_500.gif]
25 m/o male german shepherd typhoon tags
[div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 12pt; letter-spacing: 0px; font-family: georgia; color: #75A29D;"]
"Hey, HEY. Echo, eyes on me!" Snapped Owen, eyes narrowing at the raptor as he snapped his head around, teeth bared in a warning. They shouldn't piss the Alpha off, especially when there were so many Typhooners here. They could kill Echo if they worked together, he knew that. Although it'd take a lot of work, Luci's dragon body could easily swamp one of his raptors if need be. He didn't want that to happen, the girls had to live a long and properous life, safe from harm. But maybe that was just a dream, he knew ferals didn't have such an easy life.

When the child inched forward, Owen leaned down, aiming to nudge the child back to her family with his nose. "No, but you can try to feed them a rat. I promise you, while I'm here, I'll make sure they don't hurt the little ones." He answered, reaching into his satchel to pull out a dead rat, passing it over to the child whose curiosity seemed to get the best of her. Might as well show the raptors off, get these fools to trust the fact that he can command them. But, he could never control them. Their relationship was based on mutual respect, and he knew that. "Not threat. Foodgivers." Owen chattered back to Echo, eyes focusing on the female raptor.

Turning around, the large german shepherd glanced over at his two utahraptor children, eyes narrowing. "Delta, Echo. Head up." Babbled the shepherd in the foreign tongue, a soft chittering coming from his throat. If they obeyed the command, he'd then pull a bigger rat out for Delta, his amber eyes resting on the child to throw the other piece of meat at Echo. "Whenever you're ready, throw it, kiddo. Make sure to toss it high for ol' Echo over there."

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - Character Graveyard. - 07-30-2018

Echo would release a stubborn hiss from her throat as she heard Owen's command- yet she would obey. Her pupils would turn into small slits as she looked at the Alpha of the pack as he tossed the rat to the young child. She knew that wasn't a sign to tell her to attack, so she didn't dare to lunge forward at Sylvina. Instead, she would chitter and lift her head up, awaiting for Sylvina to toss the rodent so she'd be able to eat the meat.

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - ADAKIAS - 07-30-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:50%;font-family:georgia;font-size:11px"]Sylvina watched in awe as Owen spoke to the raptors in a tongue she didn’t quite understand. Whatever he said definately had an affect and the kitten would stare with amusement as the two predators obeyed the much smaller German Shepherd. It was so fascinating for her tiny mind how they followed him despite their inate ability to dominate and overpower.

Looking at the rat beneath her, Sylvina would slowly sit down upon her haunches and pick it up as best as possible with her two forepaws. In an attempt as best she could for her size, the Bengal would aim to chuck the deceased rodent up and towards Echo.

(mobile post)

Re: YOU'RE SO TOXIC && open, joiners. - axiom - 07-30-2018

Her lips pull back, a slight growl rumbling in her throat as several of these creatures come forward - she smells their own pack scent on them, and she is instinctively wary. While most of them seemed too small to provide a threat, she long ago learned not to trust size, now that several of them displayed strange powers despite their unassuming mass. Tail lashing behind her, the teal Utahraptor specifically sets her sights on Lucifer, recognizing his bulk made him the greatest threat here. She snaps her gaze to Owen, though, as he sharply reprimands her sister and provides a short explanation. Still, Delta isn't fully convinced that these creatures aren't a threat.

Still, she decides to trust him - as she always does. Raising her head up, she keeps her eyes on the canine as he waves the meat around; she understands this training, obviously, and is pleased to see a decent snack in his paws. Though Delta doesn't usually bother hunting such small creatures, she won't snub her nose at a free snack. As he, presumably, threw the larger rat at her, she takes a step forward and snatches it out of the air with expertise born of countless practice. Her attention wavers slightly, though, as her dark eyes again drift to Lucifer and Vandal. She isn't interested in the kids; they're small, easy targets and she doesn't care to take them as much as Echo does.