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some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - Printable Version

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Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - PINCHER - 07-31-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
In the past, Pincher had been comfortable with the belief of allies and neutrals just being in the safe zone from facing the Typhoon’s mischievous side of looting and raiding. He had believed in that perspective due to how small the crew had been in the beginning but as time passed on, more and more came to the volcanic island in search for a place to call home and feel welcomed. He was able to point out former members of Snowbound, Tanglewood, and the Ascendants all come to find a space in the crew where they would fit in. Pincher didn't mind it at all, his ideology of the Typhoon being one for freedom of will and to allow anyone to become who they wish to be without being judged. There were pacifists and criminals living among each other and he enjoyed their perspective when discussions were made about anything. But with the rising numbers of the group, the more he needed to focus their resources on themselves and not for others.

The broad shouldered jaguar was checking out the outskirts of the island to ensure there wasn't anyone that had been spat out by the sea since it had a tendency of bringing mysterious creatures onto the island for his crew to find. However, he didn't find any and decided to see he was already out and might as well check the border. As he headed towards the direction, the sound of the bell rang out for any crewmates to hear and he joined into the following with his pace quickening ever so slightly as the muscular space gray male reached the crowd of his members, brushing to halt in front of them with his piercing icicle winter blue eyes locking onto the strangers. His forked tongue flicked out briefly and their scent was one he didn't recognize so a faint look of interest sparked inside his cool gaze. You said you guys were from Sunhaven? Huh.” Pincher rumbled, his low deep voice traced with curiosity as he noticed that the leader was the smaller form of Jericho. He tipped his head down, steady gaze locking onto the glazed blind one of the stranger.

Pincher didn't appeared amused or saw Jericho as any less because he knew anyone was capable of dangerous acts if pushed to the edge. Being a child in a fighting ring had taught him that, his early memories plagued with the suspicion of darkness within everyone. They were sinners, all of them in their own different ways. He noticed one of the Sunhaven members had offered a weapon for his daughter which he glanced at Sylvina before back to the strangers of a new group. ”Hate to break it to you but Typhoon does not really do neutrals. We take what we need...or want from others. The only group that the Typhoon is not taking from is Snowbound due to a peace treaty.” Pincher had not wanted the peace treaty honestly. He knew that his crewmates and him could take down the valley village easily but had decided just to focus on the Ascendants for now. Tanglewood was considered an enemy but they were pathetic and not a threat to them. Sunhaven was now, fresh and small and Pincher could already think of plans of attack but held back for now as he raised an ivory paw to scratch below his neck as the immortal added ”But we could possibly hold a deal. Depends on what you're willing to offer though.” He raised a fictional eyebrow as he flashed a charming smirk, poised and calm. He had always liked deals.

( mobile aAAA )

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - axiom - 07-31-2018

© lexasperated
Surprised at the number of people that came to observe their little message, the tigress breathed out in a huff to collect her rambling thoughts as ja'Sunna replied to their insistent questions. She cast a grateful glance over to her younger sister, glad that she saved her some words; Quantum disliked small talk of almost all forms, and - even though the questions were intelligent and not as stupid as they could have been - she didn't feel in the mood to swap pleasantries and information.

Her large paw came back to her body, brushing off a bit of crusted blood splattered on her muzzle before it returned to the ground. The walk across the half-drowned railroad tracks helped remove most of the blood that usually hung on her fur, but pieces of it still clung to her fur. The dark red splots contrasted sharply with the rest of her black and white fur; though their concentration around her muzzle only seemed to draw further attention to her fangs and vermillion eyes.

Her tongue lapped at some of this crusted blood, more out of reflex than concious effort, as she eyed Lucifer. Her ears itched just looking at him; the three dragons' teeth in each ear attested to her power as a huntress, and she longed for a proper hunt. Beach life is quaint, lovely in its quietness, but the itch to sink her teeth into a worthy quarry's throat and feel the last of its life spasm away never quite left the back of her mind. She sighed again as her vermillion eyes turned to Pincher, her expression one of guarded calculation.

"You can live most of your life taking from others, but what happens when you need intelligent minds to back you up? You can't kidnap a Clan and force them to work for you," the tigress spoke, her tone almost whimsical. She liked the pirates and their ways of not giving a shit about anything except their own people; she could understand that, as her family opperated under similar principles. "Right now, The Typhoon doesn't have friends in case you guys get hit with another hurricane or need more fighters. Wouldn't it make more sense to have just one, strong ally? Especially one that is a stone's throw across the sea," she continued, her tail flicking behind her.

She paused, shortly, before she added, "We're a trading town, and you guys are isolated pirates looking to raid somewhere. You've got to get your intelligence from somewhere, and what better place to observe your targets than while they're relaxed and shopping?" Quantum didn't even bother to look at Jericho for confirmation; she knows he's blind and can't read her body language anyway to know if she doesn't seem to respect him. And she doesn't respect him, not with his constant stuttering that sets her ears screaming.

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - PINCHER - 08-02-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher's eyebrow quirked up as it appeared that their leader seemed rather muted, something he didn't particularly like seeing as it seemed that Quantum appeared more invested in the situation. Not that he really worried since the Typhoon held a vast sea of members of all corners of the world and which is why he frankly didn't worry about allies as well as the volcanic earth being one of the most fertile types to grow resources in. If anyone needed anything, the island would deliver and Pincher had looted more than a simple fair share as he remembered sending out Solveig to steal more herbs from Snowbound and how ironic that Snowbound then came with more items, oblivious to the fact that they had been the ones to burn down their resources. That was the danger of making deals with Pincher. He knew how to slice and run, his dark mind always lurking with mischief that could bring even the largest threats to their knees. He quirked an eyebrow as he listened to the other wildcat, a small chuckle escaping his lips as the comment. "This may come off as a surprise to you but us pirates ain't as dim-witted as stories tell. I have plenty of clever minds here in my crew and kidnapping a clan has never been our thing. We're more about taking shit than bodies. Bodies are too much of a hassle." Pincher rumbled, his broad shoulders shrugging at the end of his statement.

He could already guess the alignment of the Sunhaven and knew that they would most likely find allies in soft-hearted groups like the Ascendants and Snowbound so he didn't really know why they were here but he supposed maybe they understood that they weren't the strongest group at the moment. Pincher remained humble at the idea of them becoming powerful but the Typhoon would always be a threat to anyone that wasn't on their good side. At the fact given out that the Typhoon did not hold any relationships outside their tropical island, Pincher gave a light nod at it, his mind now swimming in contemplation. "Who the hell are you allying with? If I asked for some muscle from you and you deny me because you are buddy buddy with my enemy, it seems like a waste. Don't spread yourselves too thin or shit gets messy." Pincher replied, fictional eyebrows furrowing as he glanced down at Jericho before back up at Quantum. Who the fuck was he talking to?

Pincher inhaled a clear breath of salty air before exhaling, his ivory white front paw raising to flick off some grains of sand while he listened to what she had to say. His ink black ear twitched as he dwelled on the thought before glancing over his tattooed shoulder and towards his crew before back to the Sunhaven members. "So you're offering us to use your territory as a place for plucking victims? Hmm, sounds interesting but then again, is your leader alright with this. Are you the leader?" Pincher questioned, his dark storm gray head tipping to the side as he wondering who the fuck was who and how their hierarchy worked. Pincher just couldn't say yes to the ally possibility because he followed the belief of discussing and voting within his crew about situations like these.

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - axiom - 08-07-2018

© lexasperated
She meets the jaguar's blue gaze with her vermilion eyes, pleased to hear intelligence behind his words. Her experiences with Snowbound left her sour to peaceful groups - though she reminded herself, she now lived in one - especially with their two-fronted farce. She dislikes them on principle for betraying an alliance; in the Caralho family, alliances are earned with blood and reinforced with blood time after time. To see the tiny, cowering example of a leader that pissed all over that sacred bond annoyed her to the point where she couldn't hope to articulate her hatred for such flippant policies.

"Our allies are undecided, though we are most hopeful for one with the Ascendants - Jericho wants to ally with Snowbound and Tanglewoods, but I hope I am slowly convincing him to see their pathetic nature," she answers truthfully, glancing at the stuttering male as she talks. She doesn't trust cowards that break alliances and she can't trust a group of idiots so dumb they live in a radioactive swamp. Perhaps her warlike nature chaffs too much at her; she rarely finds difficult prey to slaughter these days, and she idly draws circles with her claws in the dirt. The corners of her lips turn up in a slight smile as she adds, "Thanks for the advice," her fangs poking out as she drags the words through the air. She finds what little she knows of Pincher's politics more in line with how she, herself, thinks.

"Ah, my mistake, I was suggesting you use the natural, gossiping nature of a merchant town for reconnaissance. Even I wouldn't appreciate Sunhaven's territory being used as your hunting grounds. And Jericho is our leader - though I do tend to be more... aggressive than him," she adds with a slight tilt of her head.

Re: some might say we're armed and dangerous // o, sunhaven - PINCHER - 08-08-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently married. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Frankly, Pincher had never been fond of peaceful groups. They were all so strict about their alignment and sticking to it as well as seeking only allies with the same principles. In the perspective of Pincher, he saw it as damn right foolish. It made everything so boring and basic, nothing interesting to add to the platter and certainly would drain them to not have anyone different — making them appearing isolated and alone with their beliefs. The Typhoon didn't have any sort of specific alignment or expectation for allies, anyone was welcomed as long as they showed dedication to the relationship which is why he had not minded being allies with neither the Ascendants nor Snowbound. It added diversity, something needed if there was ever to be improvement and development for one's group. But he wasn't going to complain nor care about if they didn't want to be allies with the Typhoon, it was their doom waiting in their future — not his. So if they wished failure of being bland boring lumps of basic strict standards, he would let them have their wish.

Pincher remained silent as he listened, interested in what Quantum had to say, the corners of his lips curling faintly upwards at the statements. Oh, he liked her. He was glad that she noticed the possible potential that the Typhoon held but it appeared that the leader was dead silent on the matter and this did not please him. If a leader was interested in the politics that they carried, they speak it no matter how much stuttering they had. Already, the Sunhaven male had left a bored first impression to the demigod. His piercing frost blue colored eyes fluttered back and forth before he gave a light sigh escape his lips as the muscular wildcat stated "It seems your leader is obviously mute on the subject so frankly, that doesn't give me the impression. Sunhaven seems peaceful alignment and knowing how uptight fuckers are about that, he doesn't seem interested in investing his opinion on a possible alliance with a group considered warbound. So I have to say that I will have to turn down the opportunity for an alliance. Thanks for coming and introducing yourself to me and my crew, though." He gave a light curt nod towards the Sunhaveners with his long onyx tail twitching lazily behind him as he waited for them to get off his territory. He was rather disappointed to be honest but hell, it wasn't his problem that Sunhaven was connecting with groups that would rather fail to help them out with the Typhoon came after them. He wouldn't say that outloud though — better keep it as a surprise for them to know what happened when you weren't on the good protected side of the island.