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NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - Printable Version

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Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - arcy - 07-31-2018

Oh, would people stop getting so close to him when he's working? He gives Kirishima a mildly exasperated look, tail giving a little sweep. He doesn't seem too upset, though. Izuku didn't get upset often, least of all at his classmates, or -- no, his friends. He couldn't really exclude Atbash from that category, now could he?
A few other people show up, but Izuku doesn't worry about them, not for the moment. The shiba is talking. Wolves. Wolves attacked him. Strange. And then he's .. apologizing. In Japanese. to who? It's making him nervous, and Izuku's ears flatten back as he attempts to murmur back assurances in what he assumes to be both their native languages. Japanese, he means.
"Uh -- I can't move him yet, but I need some things to warm him up," Izuku cuts himself off from his murmurs to make a request to the clanmates he is really not paying attention to right now. His claws are a little busy to  conjure anything up. He needed, like .. blankets. Tea? Hot chocolate? Hm .. not right now,, once they got back. Uh .. he needs to deal with the compound fracture first, right? He'd done some research into those after the incident with Killua. Lucky him. It still makes him kind of nauseous to look at. Izuku may be able to deal with this, but damn, he didn't deal with it well. Izuku sighs, and then shuffles over to, gently, place his claws over Shion's broken leg. He needs to -- push the bone back into place. Will it heal the way it should? Fuck if Izuku knows, they don't have surgery here. His claws aren't quite as steady as he'd like them to be, but he'll take what he can get, and he manages to get it in after minute of trying his best to keep his claws as steady as possible and try and keep Shion from moving it at all. He manages to set it after a bit of fumbling, and he needs to do .. something. Uh. .. Splint it? And the exit wound. He needs .. uh. Izuku frowns as he reaches for his bag. Marigold? That'd be good. Uh .. he didn't have the broom stuff right now. He'd have to make some when he got the time. Otherwise, he'd just have to make stuff into tea. Izuku sighs. He needs, uh. .. Sticks. For support. He had those, right? .. He's not sure. But, after fumbling and slathering marigold over the wound and spending a moment bandaging it, he realizes he .. doesn't. "Uh. Sticks or something rigid. For support." He explains. So they can move him. .. Does the canine have a concussion or, uh, other broken bones or something? .. The ribs do look a little wrong, but he doesn't want to test it while he's here. There's not a ton to do there, either. So, for now, he just sets on putting the marigold poultice over the bleeding wounds and .. cobwebs would be better. Izuku really needs to figure out how to stock up. "Cobwebs, too," Izuku says in the tone of someone who is just really, really tired of all of this. He should have some of this stuff. But he doesn't. How tiring. He .. probably has to do that, too. But for now .. stitching? Do they need stitches? Fuck if Izuku knows, he doesn't even have the dexterity to safely do that right now, never-fucking-mind.
//sorry its 2am yall this Sucks
[glow=black,2,300]I WONT BE HERE LONG AT ALL [/glow]

Re: NOT YOUR HERO ¤¤ open - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-31-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
"I'll get sticks and cobwebs," Atbash replied, trying to broadcast her message to the other Snowbounders gathered so they wouldn't go off and bring the same supplies in at once. Although then again, it wouldn't hurt to have extra, would it? With that, Atbash quickly went off, walking as fast as she was able to in the snow. Sticks weren't that hard to find, although opening her mouth to grab them sucked. Cobwebs was a bit harder to find, and maybe that was because Atbash was in a hurry, but once she found some, she would quickly run back as fast as she could to where the others are.

"Are these enough?" Atbash asked, feeling a little bad about trying to talk to Izuku telepathically like this. He probably had a lot of shit going through his mind right now, and somebody invading his mind just to talk to him probably didn't help. But then again, he probably wouldn't want her reopening the wound, would he?
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi