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SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - Printable Version

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Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - madster - 07-30-2018

it was still cold. henri heard the voice of atbash and slowly made his way over, shuffling through unfamiliar territory. he rather liked atbash- she was a good, kind leader, and he felt bad that he was supposed to see her as a toy to play with. he hadn't decided how he'd do it, yet, so he was harmless. right now, he was still a little innocent disabled person with no ill intentions. he was perfectly safe in his facade.

he sat near the fire, unable to see it, and the sight of him was weird- a pure white cat seemingly staring directly at the fire, glassy eyes widening. hearing the call for people, he rose to his paws. he'd offer to go send an invite to the moonlight vale, his clan, but couldn't do it alone or else it would take him a year to get there.

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - ★ HAZEL - 07-30-2018

with grace in your heart and flowers in your hair
Hazel didn't travel. At least, not really. She didn't count the month between home and the Ascendants as "traveling," more...aimless wandering in no specific direction. The concept of traveling between clans was a lot scarier than it should have been, but with lack of training, Hazel was too well aware of how vulnerable she was. But she supposed if it was with a group of her clanmates, it was better than going alone. Besides, the actual details of the event enthralled her plenty enough to make the journey. Because a bonfire? Marshmallows? Stories? Her idea of a good time, right there.

Tail curled over her hindquarters with excitement, she ignored the trail of variscite and picasso marble stones popping up in her wake and puffed out her fur, grinning against the chill in the air. The Ascendants were still arriving, so the only current recognizable member she could locate was Suite, who was talking to a Savannah cat. Presumably, someone important, if the air about them and the manner in which they talked were any indications.

Hazel trotted over, somewhat shy at the prospect of talking to someone unfamiliar and important. "Heja! Hic est frigus. It's chilly here." Hazel observed, the Latin spilling off her tongue in her nerves. She glanced at the fire, eager to sit near it and warm up, but not quite ready to leave Suite when she didn't know anyone else. "You have a beautiful home." She tacked on, turning back to Atbash. 

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - SOCKING - 07-30-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you
the air was cold. too cold for her to be here. frigid, though her pelt protected her to some extent.

the trudge to snowbound's territory was a long one. while she was used to crowded vegetation and muck that pulled at her ankles, she wasn't used to having to drive herself through the dredges of snow, clearing a path for herself. the gal floundered, and promptly huff.

her leg was healed-- though not fully. it was easier to put all four feet on the ground, though the chaser had to constantly remind herself that far too much strain could end up in breaking her leg again.

but the warmth of the flame that flickered near the gathering was warm. it was soothing and it certainly did chase away the chill in her joints.

"what's up snowies?"
the feline greeted casually upon arrival, mane dragging against the ground and all. she probably looked the least dignified. "i'm stocking from tanglewood. what's been going on in snowbound so far?" there was another question on her tongue-- perhaps to ask how they got used to the weather, but that would be a redundant question. people adapted all the time. it would be like a stranger asking her how she got used to navigating a deadly swamp full of bog water and harsh creatures, carrying all kinds of diseases.

this was her first time in another clan's territory, and she was here to represent tackywood. perhaps not the best representative, but she was here nonetheless, in all her rickety glory.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - Morgan - 07-30-2018

Morgan joined the party next, wearing his mask as usual. He greeted Atbash and Suiteheart - both familiar faces - and stepped toward his fellow Tanglers next to make his presence known. "You two doing alright?" He looked between both of them, then out into the distance to see if anyone else was approaching. "I'm here if you need anything. If something happens, I'll protect you both."

He approached the feline seemingly staring at the fire. "Hello," he said, sitting near the lone cat. "I'm Morgan, from Tanglewood. Who're you?" He had already tried to memorize as many different presences as he could, but he figured meeting various group members would be something a Deputy ought to do.


Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - VIGENERE CIPHER. - 07-30-2018

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - madster - 07-31-2018

the warmth of the fire was nice, henri decided- it was a pleasant change from the constant chill of snowbound. of course, he was dangerously close to the flame, but he was unable to tell. as he was about to take another step, he heard somebody approach him, and he quickly turned, stepping back instinctively. the voice introduced himself as morgan, a tanglewood member. henri had never heard of them, and he tilted his head. then somebody else approached, and introduced himself as vigenere cipher. cipher. immediately, his mind raced back to caesar and a grin spread across his pale face. "cipher, huh?" he couldn't exactly declare his servitude to caesar in front of snowbound, so he didn't say anything else.

turning his attention back to morgan, keeping the grin on his face, he spoke more. "hiya! my name's henri!" he was unnaturally charismatic, and there was something off about him. "oh, my glasses?" he asked, moving to take the sunglasses off, revealing dull, marble-like eyes. "i'm blind, hahaha! it's a gift from my savior," henri was rather passionate about his savior, his belial. his whole reason for existence was to convert the gullible and take their lives from them. "i can't see anything, but that's okay! i'm pretty skilled at navigating," he reasoned, although anybody who truly knew henri would know that he was in fact shit at getting around. "snowbound is rather lovely, is it not? it's nice and cold and everybody's so..." dumb. "kind to people like me!" he referenced his disability, winking. 

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-31-2018

(watch me disappear)
Funny how she gets herself into situations, sometimes. With her recent departure and return, she's further driven a wedge between her and her clanmates, enough that she doesn't know who to approach in the hustle and bustle of the mass gathering. She finds herself, instead, a spot near the back of the crowd - far from the fire and far from the food, pulling the ratty deerskin pelt tighter around her shoulders. She's going back to old habits, she knows, but she isn't sure how she's supposed to get out of it if everybody has only woven themselves tighter around each other and the period of her disappearance.

Everything's exactly the same. They're all linked together, she's convinced that she can almost see it - and then there's her, lone little Versailles separate from the pack.

She doesn't have the strength, courage, or even motivation to try to insert herself into the equation, so she voluntarily stays out. It's easier, she thinks. It's easier not to try than to try and have herself be shot down. She doesn't know if she can even handle it anymore, the feeling of being pushed away; she keeps herself away, instead. At least it's her choice. At least it's something that she can control. As lonely an existence it may be, it's not too far from how she used to live her life - by herself, with no one to lean on.

Re: SHINE BRIGHT LIKE A DIAMOND // open, new tradition + Mass Gathering - ATBASH CIPHER. - 08-01-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Wow. Atbash couldn't help but be in awe at how many people were showing up and how everyone was getting along. It was like something she had always dreamed if she was honest; a peaceful gathering, and it seemed to actually be working. With the amount of people gathered, the Hailcaller figured it was a better time than never to go ahead and continue on with the rest of her plan. "Ah, attention everyone!" Atbash called, standing up briefly on her hind legs before she stumbled awkwardly backwards before sitting down again. Hopefully that got peoples' attention. "It's time to kickstart the main reason I've called everyone together: to share scary stories!" A smile formed on her face as she announced this.

Atbash let that news settle in before she went ahead and continued on, "I'll start. In these woods, I've heard rumors of a creature known as the Misigniebig." Man, that was... a mouthful, if she was honest. This wasn't so much as a scary story as a rumor she heard from passing and visiting NPCs, but hey, it was still scary to her nonetheless. "This creature is a huge horned serpent that lives in a lake, much like the one right next to us." She looked over at the icy lake, as if trying to look for this aforementioned creature. "This creature is believed to eat animals just like us. I heard that it is especially busy on nights such as these, and sometimes you can hear the ice crack as it searches for an unsuspecting traveler." Unfortunately, luck was not on the Hailcaller's side tonight and she couldn't exactly make the ice crack herself, but hey, she was trying!
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi