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of monsters and men [ desperado ] - Printable Version

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Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]personality element — ( wood )

The element wood is masculine and considered less yang than fire. Wood’s planet is Jupiter, the largest planet, symbolic of wood’s growth in springtime. Wood’s season is spring, the time of planting seeds, beginnings, and new growth. Wood corresponds to the three earthly branches of springtime: Tiger (February), Hare (March), and Dragon (April). Wood’s direction is east. Wood’s position on the feng shui ba-gua represents ancestors and family relationships. Wood’s symbol is an azure Dragon. Although wood is a less yang element, it can exist in either a yang or a yin state. When wood expresses masculine yang energy, its color is green and is symbolized by a pine tree-sturdy, upright, and enduring. When wood expresses feminine yin energy, its color is blue and is symbolized by the flexible bamboo that gently bends with the wind. Wood qualities are bold actions, planning, initiating new projects, idealism, imagination, compassion, and competition. Wood types possess decision-making skills and the ability to create change. From an Asian perspective, the go-getter, do-or-die, pioneering spirit of American culture is very wood. The challenge for a wood type is to learn to control anger and channel it into positive work that benefits all people. The emotion associated with wood is anger. Other wood emotions are tension, criticism, discouragement, regret, excitement, dislike of self and others, negative judgment, and repressed anger related to thwarted affection.

From the perspective of public administration, wood types are proactive and always take the lead, which often make others jealous of them. The little conflicts are very common but they should beware of breeding disasters out of accidental conflicts. When it comes to entrepreneurship choices, wood people are suitable for some high-strength and high-intelligence jobs due to their outstanding vigor. At the same time, they have the diplomat's quality. For the wood types, they'd better not get involved in handling a dispute because they may escalate the dispute due to their hot temper. Since they have good physical strength and strong explosive power, however, they often occupy the overwhelming superiority in sports and wars with strong confrontation. The career of wood people generally goes well but they may suffer a setback due to their suspicion and caprice. Such people tend to yield to the blow of failure, thus leading to the low ebb of career or failure of recovering after a setback; they may even give themselves up as hopeless and do some stupid things to ruin their future. Male wood people are masculine and they can generally win the love of females if they can persist to pursue despite their rugged faces. Female wood people also look like tomboys who are not elegant, so they often have an unhappy love and marriage because of poor look and hot temper.

Wood element personalities tend to be ambitious and are explorers. They feel most content when they are traveling in some way. Whether it is traveling around the global or on an introspective journey of the inner self the Wood personality will be happiest. Wood element types can speedily assess most situations and spring into actions. At their peak they can rush from one task to the next hardly taking a breath. Onlookers often feel exhausted just watching them in action. Wood element personality types can become extremely frustrated by a lack of action or banal tasks or challenges. This frustration and being idle can be quite toxic for wood types. They frequently eat while doing other things and they tend to use stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol and even drugs to keep active or relax. In full flow wood element personalities can be inspirational to those around them. The can motivate work mates and team mates with their all-action approach and good sense of humor. When they become frustrated by not being able to progress their plans their energy becomes blocked leading to feelings of anger and negative emotions. Unless the wood type can find a means of venting this frustration it can lead to headaches and emotional disorders. Physical activity such as sport or indeed a good row can help to unblock the energy channel. In such circumstances the wood element type will revert to their usual resourceful and humorous personality.

Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]archetypes
( rebel ) — 53% - the rebel is comfortable throwing caution to the wind—and bucking the system—if that means getting their point across.
( advocate ) — 29% - the advocate is the one everyone wants on their side. In the name of justice, they are not afraid to challenge authority or speak up for others.
( caregiver ) — 18% - friendly, sincere, and compassionate, the caregiver finds their reward in helping others. No one could ask for a better best friend.

Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]relationship info
( friendship - easy ) — It is fairly easy to befriend Des, as his friendly and easy-going attitude often makes it easy to acquire a wide range of acquaintances. He never shies away from a new friendship, eager to have everyone he meets feel important enough to have someone, even if that someone is just plain ole' him. His friendships are strong, but sadly also extremely fragile at the same time. Despite having very little boundaries and being eager to even jump in front of a bullet for his friends, there are topics that are so fragile to Des that if they are broached with the wrong attitude, he won't hesitate to drop anyone he considers a friend. He is kind, but not weak, and has ever capability of beating someone up if he feels like it. Des is a bit of a rough character, with a foul mouth and who often engages in friendly banter with anyone and everyone he comes across, but he's a good man beneath it all who just wants everyone to feel wanted.

( romantic - impossible ) — It is very hard to get Des to engage in any romantic relationships due to multiple reasons. The first and biggest reasons stems from his underlying trauma regarding any sexual advances from anyone, and he views all romantic advances as possible warning signs that someone wants to use him again. He acts like he wears his heart on his sleeve, but in reality it is extremely guarded, and he'll never tell you something that he doesn't feel is unimportant to his being. It is, therefore, nigh impossible to have Des feel any sort of romantic attraction towards another individual unless he trusts them completely with his entire life. Anything less than that and, although he might have a crush, he will refuse to engage in anything. He is experienced in sex for rather sorry reasons, but extremely inexperienced in romance, although he is naturally a charmer and gentleman and a gentle lover. All romance plots must go by adomania first. This is an extremely picky area.

( familial - depends on circumstance ) — Des is extremely wary of any kinds of familial bonds given that they are far more serious than friendships, and perhaps even more serious than romances can be. He wants a family, to have someone he can look up to as a parental figure, and to take care of little kiddos that he can call his, but is afraid of being abandoned yet again once he finds them. He isn't impossible to convince, however, as he desperately wants someone to call his family despite his better judgement, and therefore will often see others as family without even realizing it. Adomania is heavily invested in finding these kinds of relationships for him.

( enemies - hard ) — It is very difficult to get Des to hate your character, as he has a very forgiving nature in hopes that others will change their ways. He is far from a push-over, but he won't call others anything more than rivals unless they convince him of a good enough reason to hate. This is usually if anyone tries anything funny with his family, or when they make any abusive/sexual advances towards him without his clear consent.

Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-01-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]natal chart

— ( scorpio sun ) Scorpio is nothing, if not fierce! The 8th Sign of the Zodiac, the Scorpio loves a good fight, and can give ‘intensity’ a run for its money (worth). Well, to put it simply, the Scorpions are strong, commanding, intense, passionate and zealous. Driven, dedicated and loyal, they also are ambitious and security-loving. Inquisitive and ready to learn, Scorpio individuals are intelligent, motivated people, who can contribute amply to any project. However, it is noteworthy that if the strength of the Scorpio-born lies in these qualities, his/ her deepest weaknesses too are rooted in them. Yes, these charming individuals don’t like to quit, and their impassioned efforts are to die for. Yet, this same ‘never say no’ attitude becomes painful, when the Scorpio takes and treats every ‘no’ as an insult. And, when an otherwise beautifully ardent passion gets misdirected and becomes fanaticism, the Scorpio-born is, as always, sadly unstoppable. This, though, is not to say that Scorpios are fearsome or negative. On the contrary, Scorpions are lovely, dependable friends and awesome lovers. Soft at core as they are, they happily bow down to the wishes of their beloved and kids, and are open to bend backwards for their (family’s) happiness. Sensuous in love and willing and caring in all their sweet bonds, Scorpio individuals make some of the best mates, unless, of course, their vengeful sides are stirred. Betrayal is the word and expression, Scorpio-borns hate and cannot take prettily. If someone truly gets in Scorpios’ way, they lose their temper, and get revengeful. In short, they need a plenty of own space. All said and done, Scorpios are fearless beings and keep moving on, as they are determined to succeed. Their aura of mystery and secretiveness makes them akin to a magnet – someone to whom others will, invariably, be drawn.

— ( scorpio moon ) Here comes the intensity! Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the Scorpio moon sign have a deep desire for transformation. Much like the Scorpio Sun sign, a Scorpio moon sign individual burns with passion and desire. Strong sexual chemistry is important to feeling loved for a Scorpio moon sign. You need to know that you’re attractive, and feel quite strongly about the intensity with which you’re attracted to others (or even repulsed for that matter!). When it comes to real desire, it’s either black or white for a Scorpio moon sign. In other words, there’s not a whole lot of room for Fifty Shades of Gray, unless of course there’s a bedroom involved! If your moon is in Scorpio, chances are you possess a need for extreme trust and security from people in order for them to gain your loyalty. It could seem as if no one is ever able to give a Scorpio moon sign everything they need. Scorpio moon sign individuals want to help transform other people, too, and give them permission to be vulnerable. Scorpio moon signs are all about perma-bonding, developing a deep sense of trust so that real, raw emotions can be dealt with and shared between two people. Symbolized by the Scorpion and its stinger, if your moon is in Scorpio, chances are you operate well in crisis situations because you’re already familiar with darker emotions. Ruled by shadowy Pluto, the only real pitfall to the Scorpio moon sign is that they’re not always able to express their emotions in words. A Scorpio moon sign’s feelings can have a tendency to overtake them in a visceral, all-consuming way. Scorpio moon sign individuals can also go for long periods of time being solitary, and then suddenly end up in a soul-stirring partnership that lasts a lifetime.

— ( gemini rising ) People with Gemini rising tend to be friendly, communicative, flexible, indecisive, unsure, liking to do two or more things at once, witty, clever, very active mentally, high-strung, temperamental, nervous or anxious, talkative, superficial, and always ready for something different. There may be two distinct sides to you as Gemini represents the Twins. You have a strong need to communicate what you already know and to learn more. You enjoy reading and traveling as they both give plenty of scope for picking up new knowledge. You need variety and can be the jack of all trades and the master of none. You tend to go wide – for breadth, not depth. You may appear confident, but you can lack self-confidence and inner sureness. You love to talk, both with your mouth as well as your hands.

Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]quotes and shit
— I sat with my anger long enough, until she told me her real name was grief.
— Molten eyes and a smile made for war.
— You were forged in fire and you rose from the ashes, murder and mercy rolled into one; you long to be just honeyed skin and soft curls, but beneath it all your blood boils fiercely. You were born with heaven and hell already in you.
— family ain't who you're born with, it's who you die for.
— devils live among us, sometimes within us. When you’re damned either way, give them hell.

Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-02-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]depression / suicidal tendencies / self harm — ( trigger warning )
Despite almost never seeming like it, Des is heavily depressed. He hides it all underneath an easy smile and laugh, underneath honeyed words and clever quips that deflect all of the attention from off of his own problems towards those of others. He almost never engages in conversations about himself, something that anyone that spends enough time with him can easily pick up. No matter what the topic is, he almost urges others to speak about their own experiences rather than question his own, as anything regarding his life and his past bring up memories he doesn't want to speak of and push him closer to the edge that he doesn't want to jump off of. The more he thinks about the past, the more distressed he gets, until he becomes the very thing he doesn't want to be and becomes more void than he is human.

Whenever humor doesn't work, Des either smokes his troubles away or drowns his sorrows in the copious amounts of alcohol he has stashed away. If he does not have any of these on hands, he gets extremely anxious and can be easy to anger to the point of excess violence, especially if the individual questions his motives, or pokes at his issues during that time. Despite his regrets, Des is not above murder when his void and demon part comes out.

Des used to actively self-harm in visible ways, mainly cutting and through fire. Some of the scars on his body are from these instances, although most of them are from other reasons. He has taken to less-obvious means of punishing himself, however, ones that'll once again divert the attention from him. He often takes high risks, taking the bullet for anything or anyone he finds worthy, and flirting just a little bit too close to death to feel the pain without having others worry about him inflicting it upon himself.

Likewise, Des is often constantly in pain through the crosses he wears on his body. Because he is not a full demon, the full influence of holy items does not kill him but still causes extreme discomfort and, at worse times, pain. He purposefully dons them as a result, constantly feeling like he deserves nothing better than it.

Des has already attempted to kill himself multiple times in his life, although each time he either stopped himself or was stopped by someone else. It is not uncommon for him to want to drink himself to death or to simply fade away without having anyone else care about him, but at the same time the constant need to redeem himself causes him to give up the effort at the last moment. He often fantasizes about dying a hero, however, in battle protecting someone worth protecting.

Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-03-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]tarot deck

major arcana
( judgement ) - reversed: no self awareness, doubt, self-loathing
The reversed Judgement card can mean that you doubt and judge yourself too harshly. This could be causing you to miss opportunities that were awaiting you. The lost momentum causes you to fall behind in your plans, which can make it difficult to move forward. This means that you should not be cautious, but you should be moving forward with pride and confidence.Another reading of the Judgement reversal card can be a push to take time out of your busy routine to reflect upon your life to this point, and what you have learned so far. You are most likely not giving yourself the time or space to fully think about the matter and learn the lessons you need to to be able to progress with awareness. You could also be too critical of your past actions, so you are not giving yourself the forgiveness to move forward. The mistakes that we have made in the past are learning tools, so they help us move though life. Focusing too hard on these mistakes can cause us to trip and fall.

( the sun ) - upright: joy, success, celebration
Because of your own personal fulfillment, you provide others with inspiration and joy as well. People are drawn to you because they are capable of seeing the warm and beautiful energy which you bring into their lives. You are also in a position in which you are capable of sharing your qualities as well as achievements with other people. You radiate love and affection towards those you care about the most.  The card shows that you have a significant sense of deserved confidence right now. Life is currently particularly good, and the sun is shining your way as you reach the goals that you set. The Sun is one of the cards in the tarot which provide nothing but good feelings and fulfillment.

( the moon ) - reversed: confusion, fear, misinterpretation
A Moon reversal in a reading can sometimes indicate that the darker and more negative aspects of the moon are present in your life. It could represent confusion and unhappiness - you want to make progress, but you are not sure what is the right thing to do. You must deal with your anxiety and fears by overcoming them, for they are like shadows in the dark. It is time to believe in yourself and move forward. The moon reversal meaning indicates that you are in an intuitive period or you have recently battled confusion, anxiety, and self-deception. It could be that you are misinterpreting how you have been feeling however you are starting to improve on this. Another reversed moon meaning is that the forces of the night that are bringing you confusion are starting to dissipate. You have started managing your fears and anxiety. Whatever negative energies you have been facing are slowly fading away. It presents a liberating experience as you discover the positive side of things.

( the star ) upright: hope, faith, rejuvenation
The Star brings hope, renewed power, and strength to carry on with life. It shows how abundantly blessed you are by the universe as evidenced by the various things around you. It may not be directly evident at the moment, for this card follows the trauma of the Tower card. Remember that you hold within you all that you need for your fulfillment - the only thing that you need is courage. For this, you have all reasons to rejoice. To see this card is a message to have faith, for the universe will bless you and bring forth all that you need. To receive the Star in your reading means that you have gone and passed through a terrible life challenge. You have managed to go through this without losing your hope. While you suffered, you perhaps were not aware of your own strength, but you are now perhaps recognizing that the loss helped you discover your own resilience and inner power. It is only now that you can really appreciate all that you have.

( the tower ) - reversed: delaying disaster, fear of suffering
When you get the Tower card reversed, you can feel some crisis looming along the horizon, and you are struggling as much as you can to try and avoid its manifestation. What you have not realized is that these breakdowns can be beneficial in breaking down your reliance on something that is false. The tower is built on faulty foundations, and it must fall. Though the destruction will be painful, the humbleness resulting from it can bring us peace. What you relied on will no longer be there for you. Do not take this as a drastic and depressing change, it is time for you to become more self-reliant.

( temperance ) - upright: middle path, patience, finding meaning
In moments where there is anxiety or great stress, you have been able to remain calm throughout. You are a person who has mastered the art of not letting things get to you, and this allows you to achieve much progress in all areas you seek out to explore. The Temperance tarot card suggests moderation and balance, coupled with a lot of patience. Where this card appears, there is the suggestion that extremity in any situation is to be avoided. The Temperance card implies that you have a clear vision and know what you want to achieve. This is an indication of higher learning, which is a critical attribute in the journey of life. It reflects that you have found peace with what you are doing and everything is unfolding as it ought to. The Temperance card, in relation to other people, shows that you are able to adapt and work in harmony with your community, your coworkers and your loved ones. Your calmness in all matters gives them comfort and puts them at ease. Temperance may also indicate a time to evaluate and re-examine the priorities you have chosen. This will help you create a balance between your outer and inner self. At the end of it all, you will find greater purpose and meaning in your actions, for her message is that we cannot live fully in either.

( death ) - reversed: fear of change, stagnation, holding on
The Death reversal meaning is still about change, but that you have been resisting it. You could be worried about letting go of the past, or you could not be sure of the changes that you need to make to go forward. Resisting the change and holding onto the past can limit your future, which can cause you to feel like you are in limbo. You should take some time to assess the ways that you have been approaching changes in your life. You may find you have been halting the changes that you need due to fears of the unknown. While you can still be afraid, you should trust that you are taking the right steps and move forward. Life moves on, so fighting passing time is only going to leave you with regrets. Death does not have to be a card of regret, especially if you heed its warning.

( hanged man ) - upright: sacrifice, martyrdom, release
The hanged man understands that his position is a sacrifice that he needed to make in order to progress forward - whether as repentance for past wrongdoings, or a calculated step backward to recalculate his path onward. This time he spends here will not be wasted, he does this as part of his progression forward. His upside down state can also symbolize the feeling of those that walk a spiritual path, for they see the world differently. Where there are others that do not understand the need to sacrifice, you see it differently. This is a natural course of action for you as you walk the path alone. The Hanged Man card reflects a particular need to suspend certain action. As a result, this might indicate a certain period of indecision. This means that certain actions or decisions which need to be properly implemented are likely to be postponed even if there is an urgency to act at this particular moment. In fact, it would be ultimately the best if you are capable of stalling certain actions in order to ensure that you have more time to reflect on making critical decisions, this will ultimately be the best. This is a card which is mainly designated towards waiting and suspension. This suggests that this might be the thing that you need to do in order to achieve success or to wait for the proper opportunity. Keep in mind that taking action is not always the best solution and in certain cases refraining from doing so might bring you just as much, if not more benefits.

( justice ) - upright: cause and effect, clarity, truth
The decisions that you make now have long-term effects in all things, both for yourself and others. There will always come a time where you will be judged. The Justice tarot card appearing in a reading signals that a judgment will be made fairly and accordingly. The decisions that you have made in the past will be carefully weighed with fairness. Your feelings around this card may differ depending on your situation. If you have been wronged, this card's appearance may bring you relief. On the other hand, if your actions caused pain to others, this card serves as a warning. Her appearance represents a chance for you to change your actions now for a better future. When a tarot card reading shows the figure of justice, it is time to account for your actions. Another meaning of the Justice card is truth. Truth must come to pass, and this cannot be found from the mouths and gossip of others. Instead, it's based on facts. Learn the truth about others and yourself, speak and know the truth before passing a judgment. During a reading, when you see the Justice Tarot card, you need to be fair in all your deeds. By following the right procedure to learn the truth, you will understand what your tasks are. Another meaning of Justice Tarot card during a reading is to symbolize that attention is needed. It could be about your life, career or just an important decision that you need to make. If you have been unsure about something, it is time to get a solution once and for all.

( wheel of fortune ) - reversed: no control, clinging to control, bad luck
When the wheel is reversed, it means that luck has not been on your side and misfortunes have been following you. When it's associated with this card, you must understand that these are due to external influences that you cannot control. Like the wheel, our luck and our fate is always in motion, and sometimes we are on the bottom. Be assured that the wheel will turn again, and you will be okay again soon. What you shouldn't do however, is cling to the illusion of control. Perhaps in this turn of the wheel, the lesson is to learn to let go and release. There are things that cannot be moved by human will and action alone. When we do not let go, it can bring only more suffering, for you may blame yourself for actions that could not have altered the situation. When we learn to accept, we also learn to forgive ourselves. We learn to move on, and move forward - and eventually, we learn that this feeling of acceptance can push the wheel again forward, and move it towards a new cycle.

( the hermit ) - reversed: loneliness, isolation, lost your way
When reversed, you are perhaps in a situation where you'd like to be alone; there is nothing wrong about that. However, there is a possibility that your seclusion may become harmful to both yourself and others. Though the Hermit sets forwards with noble intentions to search for his inner truth, his path inward may also be filled with great danger. Going inward may lead to madness and the abyss, for the unconscious is filled with images that he may not yet understand, lurking and waiting to lure you ever inside. Like a man that gets lost in his own dreams, the hermit may find himself stuck in a world of his own, alone, trapped, unreal. You must learn to balance your need for truth with connection to your fellow human.When it comes to work, the hermit reversal meaning refers to your preparedness to get to the bottom of something that has been troubling you for quite some time now. There is searching to be done, and it will be your responsibility to ask the question that will allow the other people to understand the circumstances.

( strength ) - upright: bravery, compassion, focus, inner strength
When you get the Strength card in an upright manner during your tarot reading, then it shows that you have inner strength and fortitude during moments of danger and distress. It shows that you have the ability to remain calm and strong even when your life is going through immense struggle. It also shows that you are a compassionate person and you always have time for other people even if it's at your own expense. Getting the strength card means that you are a very patient individual who is likely to accomplish anything that they put their mind to. Your resilience will greatly aid you, and your fearlessness means that you should have no issues speaking your mind. This card also indicates this kind of compassion will always be rewarded with having a lot of stability in your life either presently on in the near future.

( the chariot ) - reversed: lack of control, lack of direction, aggression
The reversed Chariot's appearance in a reading can help you become aware of both your aggression, and your lack of willpower. It may either be saying that you are lacking in focus, motivation or direction, or that you are being warped by your obsession with your goals. In the former case, let the Chariot be a reminder that you can emerge victorious as long as you can gather the courage to do so. In the latter, your impulses may be another factor that you must rein in. To see the Chariot in reverse may suggest that you need to come to terms with the fact that you cannot always be in control. The Chariot reversal meaning can also be an indication of lack of control and direction over your life. You are at the mercy of the opposing forces and the obstacles, and cannot seem to muster the strength to take over. You are taking everything lying down, and life is dragging in any direction that it pleases. It should serve as a wakeup call and reminder that you will need to tighten some loose ends and take charge of your destiny.

( the hierophant ) - reversed: rebellion, subversiveness, new approaches
When you see the Hierophant in reverse, it may mean that you are feeling particularly restricted and even constrained from too many structures and rules. As a result, you have lost quite a lot of control as well as flexibility in your life. You have a particularly strong will and desire to go ahead and regain control as well as to break free from the shackles of convention. You are tempted to try unorthodox approaches or to function in a way which defies social ties and norms. The Hierophant reversal meaning is mostly about questioning certain traditions and making sure that whatever it is that you do is the right thing for you in this certain moment.

Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-19-2018

[align=center][div style="font-size:14pt;line-height:.9;font-family:georgia;padding:8px;letter-spacing:-.5px;color:black;"][ I walk through the valley of the shadow of death ]

Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="font-size:14.4pt;line-height:.9;color:#000;font-family:impact;padding:8px;letter-spacing:.7px"]WHAT'S A GOD TO A NONBELIEVER [color=transparent]--
[ WHO DON'T BELIEVE IN ANYTHING ][div style="font-size:7pt;line-height:1.2;color:#000;font-family:arial;margin-top:2px;margin-bottom:5px;letter-spacing:0px;margin-left:0px;text-align:center"]"DESPERADO" - THE PITT - MEMBER - INFORMATION

Re: we could be runaways [ desperado ] - adomania - 08-21-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; width: 55%; line-height:115%; text-align: justify;font-family: calibri;"]human au information
— around forty years old, although he looks older due to stress
— wanderer, does odd jobs here and there to get by but is by no means poor
— has a fortune still inherited from Lirim, although he doesn't spend it a lot
— usually stays around germany, his birthplace, but also likes places that are hotter and goes there on vacation
— owns both a car and motorcycle, prefers the latter
— knows many forms of combat from his time both as a gangster and from mercenary work, but prefers remaining safely on rooftops and is most skilled in sniping
— knows japanese, english and german from his parents
— since Lirim was part of the Yakuza, has a Yakuza tattoo spanning more than half of his body (both sleeves, entire back and leaking into the front/his legs without covering them completely)
— muscular, especially in the arms, and tall (6'1'')