Beasts of Beyond
i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - Printable Version

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Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - arrow - 07-28-2018

[color=black] "Aw, don't take it so hard. I'm actually pretty impressed with you lot, never seen tigers before." Arrow continued her jump from branch to branch, growing increasingly closer to the trio. She supposed now was a decent time to come down from the foliage, after all, they seemed cool enough. You could never tell with such large animals. If she'd been afraid of a dog, she was surely to be worrisome of tigers. After all, they could swallow her whole in one gulp, yeah? Not that that wouldn't be fucking awesome.

She finally settled on a tree to use as her descent, looking it up and down before jumping headlong and grasping it with her paws, digging her claws into the bark before gradually climbing down. She was still wary, but with a decent enough crowd of fellow rogues, they couldn't just swallow her up and run along. She landed with a soft plop into the mud, frowning slightly as the gross feeling. That would still take some time getting used to. "Smoked gator? Never had it either. Sounds good though, I just don't have the strength to fight an actual gator." She shrugged, taking her place beside Mira and Delilah. She couldn't help but snicker at the term "redneck" to describe Tanglewood's residents. Maybe it was supposed to be an insult but they did live in a swamp after all.

"So, Quantum, Ja'sunna, Mimi, welcome to the Tanglewood swamp then. Not exactly the prettiest place on earth, I know, but the town isn't so bad. Less muddy." Her voice took on a sheepish tone as she admitted to the marsh's less than hospitable environment, glancing over at Stocking and then nodding with agreement at the point, mostly the malaria one. "Name's Arrow, even though no one asked, nor cares. If you wanna hang here for a bit no one will mind, we can try to figure out where this beach is." Beaches...she was hit with a vague memory of her trying to find something like that once. She ended up here, would've been funny if they'd all taken the same path. "Apparently it's easy to get lost on the way to the coast, right?"

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - DELILAH. - 07-29-2018


trans femme ♥ tanglewood ♥ 15 m/o
[div style="background-color:#F0B1DB;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;"]Was it normal for creatures to act like this when they want to join a group? Delilah had been raised with manners, despite being kidnapped by a mafia long ago. Of course, she didn't remember anything from back then other than her lost lover, but hey! All things would be okay, right?

Delilah was prone to be a worry wart, to overthink everything that will happen. Like in this moment? Delilah was fidgeting in place as one of the tigresses complimented her- that was a compliment, right?- about how adorable she was. She had never heard that from anyone, so she felt kind of.. Strange about it. Magenta eyes shut for a moment as the girl listened to her fellow Tanglers speak, thankful that they had more guts to stand up to the three women. Because she sure as Hell didn't.

The Evergarden girl wasn't good with introductions, as her name was usually forgotten eventually. These girls would leave anyways, they even said so. There was no point in getting attached. But, she also knew how rude it was to ignore someone and not introduce herself. So, raising her head, and pushing her body against Aya's own, the anxious feline spoke up in a louder, but nervous voice.

"Ah, yes.. Welcome.. Welcome to Tanglewood!" She stuttered, trying her best to muster that genuine, but anxiety-riddled smile of hers. She was like this when she met Cavalrychoir, but even then it was because the male scared the shit out of her. "My name is Delilah Evergarden. Call me Delilah." She spoke her name, the gentle roll of her tongue easy and unforgettable to herself.

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - Luciferr - 07-29-2018

Looking for a beast on rumour.

"smoked alligator sounds quite the delicacy, though I'd refrain from that - Beck doesn't like his alligators hurt" a dark sonorous drawl called out, the air tinged with the sudden scent of fire and ash as black claws laced with veins of magma bit into the soft earth of the clearing.

silver-ice eyes glanced around, as the canid form bristling with all manner of spikes and spines moved to join the group - watching for his comrades and eyeing the newcomers with some suspicion, he did not trust to easily - and a group of joiners was strange slightly.

still it seemed they had aligned themselves and given names, so the War god tipped his head "Fenrisulfr Grimm, a pleasure" he rumbled simply settling for watching the three sisters - three tigers as well, hm - interact with Delilah, arrow, stocking and Mirabella.

/short muse of, but hey welcome ! :0


Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - JA´SUNNA - 07-30-2018

There had been silence at first, but the locals are quick to pop up and start chittering here and chattering there and Ja'sunna is quick to get lost in the confines of her own head, studying each with a careful eye with her expression remaining neutral. They're quite an odd group, it seems, made up of mismatched creatures. She definitely didn't expect a cherry blossom girl prancing around in the stink of the mud, for example, and the scarred tigress hums in agreement at Mimi's observation. She certainly is cute, if not a little out of place.

She grunts at Arrow's comments about the lack of a beach and the possibility of a beast (she'd been looking forward to the beach, but oh well) and watches silently from the sidelines as they all interact... until someone's looking at her and her bun and heat quickly spreads across her face in embarrassment. Eyes wide, she lets out a soft huff in acknowledgement, unsure of how to take the complement, but waits for her siblings to respond regarding their appearance and what significant it holds in their culture.

Her head tips up, up, up at the arrival of Fenrisulf, lips pressing to her teeth in a defensive expression - she quickly pushes herself to the front, almost as if to put herself between him and her sisters, but then he's talking and greeting them and not attacking them and Ja'sunna's tail curls in indecisiveness. Attack? Defend? Leave him alone? She stays slightly forward, body tense as she waits for his next move. It's clear that he doesn't seem keen on attacking her and her sisters, but it's always better to be safe.

; apparently ja'sunna doesn't like talking and i never knew this about her but oH WHALE

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - goodsprings - 07-30-2018

↠↠the ivory female tilts her chin up and closes her eyes, a small smile remaining on her maw as she tries to look humble. she loves any sort of compliment thrown her way, and especially by adoring little creatures like them. mimi's sure they won't be a problem. they have taken beasts down ten times their own size, as long as they worked together through it. despite the disappointing news of there being no beach, she feels very welcome with the admiration. or perhaps its just the general attention women give her. either or.

her nose sniffs and her her neck begins to bristle. smoke and ash; a fire nearby? something attacking- no. oh yes.

la'miyla is all about ready to spring at fenrisulfr, her body lowered and back paws tensed to pounce until her older sister blocks her between them and the dragon. she gives a frustrated grunt before standing, the blood racing to her cheeks as she realizes this isn't... food. the beast they were hearing about was... their friend. "oh my." she murmurs, looking toward quantum. she was their ferocious matriarch, after all. though part of her wanted to remain friends with all the little swamp animals, they were so nice...

"well! i am just about ready to fall over myself. can someone lead me to the town? i would love a stuff drink before a good nap." mimi forces herself to calm down and keep that urge in her belly from getting her in trouble. she doesn't want to say anything to fen anyhow; not wanting to interact with him just yet... she instead looks to delilah, arrow, and stocking for answers.
Template by Quill

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - SOCKING - 07-30-2018

✯ — if you don't fuck with us then motherfuck you

the name instantly caused a light guffaw to escape stocking's mouth-- well, she wasn't wrong, really. they were rednecks, in a sense. living in a ratchet, dangerous marsh and just... existing really. but this place was becoming a home, a family to her. they had brought her in, saved her, and had proven to be all round tolerable people and not the assholes she was expecting.

stocking perked as the tigress asked for her name. "i'm stocking anarchy. pleasure to meet ya," some considered it to be an odd name, but then again. there were far weirder names out there. stocking considered her namesake to be one of the more mild and mundane ones out there. the feline noticed the other hadn't answered her question yet; but that was fine. no one was obligated to share what might be personal information. stocking vaguely wondered if there could be some history around their origin; whether good or bad.

stocking noticed that the one tiger her eyes had been attached too didn't seem to speak up. perhaps she was the quiet one of the group? she noticed that all these tigers had drastically different personalities. quantum spoke with the undertoned grandeur of a queen. la'miyla was more casual, slightly excitable. and... ja'sunna, was it? stocking honestly didn't know about her.

la'miyla speaks up suddenly, requesting entry to their town.

"why yes, of course ma'dam," stocking replies to one of the siblings in lighthearted tone. "if you follow me this way, you'll get to see our humble town." turning away with a beckoning tail and a smile, stocking looks behind once to ensure that her guests are following her.
✯ — female. tanglewood. moderate difficulty. REF. BIO. — ✯

Re: i hope y'all ready / o, stranger - Luciferr - 08-02-2018

He notes the sudden turn when he appears, the two sisters tensing seemingly all but ready to attack him - and he was sure they'd give their level best, but he wasn't some mindless beast or a fresh green recruit so they'd have their work cut out there if they did indeed try it.

But maybe it was reflex - and he couldn't blame that, he didn't exactly look like a friendly fluffy bunny (though Amunet did try what with the pastel scarves).

The dragonlike canid hums noncommitally simply inclining his head to the two, gaze sliding to stocking at her wor with a nod of agreement "stocking'll lead you through well enough - I can go on ahead and see about that drink for you" he mused lightly with a small snort - oh they had alcohol somewhere he was sure, after all a good number of them I boded at near every party or festival (fen was often the sober friend much to his chagrin when things got too raucous).
