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60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Printable Version

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Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - no more - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 420px; font-size:10px; font-family:verdana; text-align: justify;line-height: 110%; color:black"]They had never seen blood before, or at the very least that shed by a creature with some semblance of sentience. A gentle hum rose from the child and theirs came to flatten against their head, stomach churning uncomfortably. It was odd to find their response was such with their previous excitement over seeing the capture, especially when it was one who seemed so ill-suited to it, but such had not extended towards such thoughts. Surely this was not all, to see another wither in pain yet to be the one to inflict it in such a physical manner, it seemed beyond their reach though time might change that, their smile fading somewhat, gaining a hard edge.

And then there were more. Slowly their attention shifted between the two who came to stand close by them, noting both their responses were not as exuberant as that of their own, or at least that before blood had touched upon the sand, and their sister. It was Junior they finally settled on, turning their head to regard the older feline, brow furrowed in their own confusion. “He ain' one a us,” quickly Aita caught themself before the words became a question, for a time wondering at it themself, of the them vs us mentality which was present. They had known only The Typhoon for the short duration of their life, held no inkling of what the world was beyond it nor the customs it held, thinking it was all the same – a dog eat dog world where only the toughest were able to survive.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Character Graveyard. - 07-25-2018

Feeling the sudden jab by the female's horn, he would grit his teeth as she lowered her head so she would make eye contact with his own eyes. He would open his mouth, allowing his gritted teeth to show. Clearly- he was trying to intimidate her but it probably wouldn't work.

He would glance as she lightly nudged his side, a annoyed look in his red-eyes as she did this. Then she asked for his name. He would shake his head and attempt to lash out with one of his front paws and try to make the female fall face-first.
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Ah, Snowbound. Caesar grinned as he came over to watch the torture one of the newer pirates set up, his gaze clearly showing he was interested. "Snowbound's an enemy now." The Officer responded to Junior's question. "Declared us as neutrals, but we don't fuckin' do neutrals. Besides, their leader is a literal pussy." She was female, after all, but his words was mostly referring to how weak she was. "Rip him a new one, Fresh Meat." The demon spoke to Peachpit, giving her an approving nod.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - CELESTE G.M. - 07-25-2018

"Align himself incorrectly, I'd imagine." She gives her rather blunt response to Junior, watching as the strange maned wolf tried to defend himself against a unicorn. It certainly seemed like a juxtaposition to how Temulin thought a unicorn would act, but she knows better than to question something like this. Instead, she's more concerned about the child who shouldn't be witnessing this and Rinto, who seems wholly uncomfortable with the situation.

"No one will think less of you if you leave." She says it to Rinto, although she doesn't really believe that herself. If it's anything like her tribe, he'd be seen as weak. The siamese doesn't comment any further and watches as the wolf attempts to fight his way to what? Freedom? Some dignity? She's unsure just how much good defiance will do him in this situation.
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - emil - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]as it seemed most of those gathered answered junior's question, she kept quiet, eyes glancing over caesar and temulin as they approached. she smiled at the praise given by caesar, though it turned into an expression of surprise when a leg was kicked out beneath her. the graceful creature stumbled a bit, and though she came close to hitting the ground, her shoulder merely brushed it before she righted herself. peachpit frowned as she regained her composure, staring hard at the male for a moment before she attempted to once more slam her hooves into his side, harder this time, hoping to break a rib or something.

"that wasn't nice." peach said lightly. "i only asked you a question, you should answer." the unicorn aimed a rough jab at his chest with one hoof, ears flopping back in annoyance.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Character Graveyard. - 07-25-2018

Red-eyes narrowing, the young male would watch carefully and warily as Peachpit almost fell onto the ground, earning a huff of satisfaction from him. Even if he was heavily outnumbered, he could still fight, though not a lot. He would let out a pained groan after the unicorn roughly brought one of her hooves down onto his side, breaking one of his ribs in the process. He would spit out some more blood and stare upward at Peach.

"My name is Eijirou Kirishima." He growled, ears flattening back to the back of his head before he looked at Rinto, as if he was trying to convince the male to help him, even if he was an enemy of Snowbound.
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Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - ANDRAS - 07-25-2018

rinto made eye contact with kirishima, and felt regret coursing through him. he felt sick to his stomach, and his mind began to race. don't act like this is strange. this is the typhoon. you're a part of it now. you'd do this to somebody if they threatened your luca, he thought, talking to himself. rinto knew the typhoon was a dangerous and ruthless clan, but kirishima didn't even seem that old. was he even an adult, he wondered?

he should speak out. he was taught to stand for what he believed in, even if he stood alone, but was he in the wrong? was this snowbound member looking at them, hoping for a miracle? hoping somebody would save them?

"what did he do wrong? just being i-in snowbound? he's just a kid," he whined. "capturing is... alright, i guess, but do we have to torture h-him? in the middle of camp?" rinto pleaded, clearly not used to the ways of the typhoon.


"What's your damn point?" Caesar's attention snapped to Rinto when he spoke up, narrowing his eyes at the new Typhoonite. "They're enemies, pal. We don't show mercy on them, kid or not. They don't even have to do anything; this all for fun and games. To show who's the real ones in charge here." His claws were itching to hit Rinto if he was honest, but whatever, he supposed some people just wouldn't understand.

Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - Character Graveyard. - 07-25-2018

//Permission given to [member=183]izuku[/member] and [member=1262]TSUYU.[/member] to rescue Kirishima! owo

Kirishima would look in Caesar's direction, a frown on his maw as she listened to the male speak, though he quickly looked at his own-paws. So they were just torturing him just for fun? They're were no better then the villains back in his original world. Gritting his teeth, he would close his eyes.
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Re: 60 MINUTES — CAPTURE & TORTURE - emil - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; padding: 10px; height: auto; overflow: auto;"][div style="width: 400px; padding: 0px; line-height: 14px; text-align: justify; font-family: helvetica;"]kirishima. there it was. the unicorn stepped back and looked to rinto, giving the boy a frown. "is this not a pirate thing to do?" she said with a lash of her tail. "if you don't like it then you can leave." a quiet harrumph escaped her. it wasn't fun anymore, if all they were going to do was complain. peach looked back down at the maned wolf, and with another half-assed prod at him, she turned and trodded a few feet away. "whatever; i'm done anyway. do with him what you wish." she gave a pointed glare to the tabby and bleated in annoyance as she passed, opting to settle beneath a nearby palm tree to see what the others would do with him.