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A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - Printable Version

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Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - madster - 07-26-2018

henri grinned. with his life plan out on the table, he could hear the tone of caesar's voice changing, and henri could no longer feel his own fur standing on edge. he was safe, at least for now. his dull eyes focused on the sound, staring at caesar though seeing nothing. henri was completely blind- he couldn't even detect light behind the useless orbs in his skull. he didn't see black or white, he just had no input from his eyes whatsoever. it was impossible for the seeing to really understand.

he was educated on a person named atbash- he kept her name in his mind. of course, what use would she be if not converted and then disposed of? he had little desire to 'fuck with people' really, he just wanted them dead and out of his way, but there was this innate desire in him to please this man.

so his name was caesar cipher? the name made him feel warm, almost as if it was... familiar. henri didn't exactly believe in life after death- reincarnation wise, at least- so it was a strange and unwelcome feeling. "officer caesar," he repeated, the grin still present on his ghostly face. "my name is henri leonidas. they call me the blind prophet."

he paused for a moment, thinking. "is atbash an enemy of yours? is there anything specific you'd like me to do to her?" why did he want to please caesar? he was no longer a stranger, sure, and he had a rather hypnotizing voice, but henri couldn't put his tongue on it. was it because caesar was powerful? caesar made him feel afraid for once in his life of power and control. 

Re: A SENSE OF A CONTROL / private, caesar - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-27-2018

Dream demons had no use for believing in a religion when they technically could be consider one. Hell, Caesar even called himself the God of Chaos and the King of Nightmares. They were self-proclaimed titles, of course, the only thing that was truth about him was the fact he was a demon. Caesar straightened up a bit as Henri address him by his title and name, a wave of pleasure going through him as he heard those words. God, how he loved being called Officer Caesar - or Officer Cipher, if somebody preferred that. It was definitely a lot better than being called Lemonhead.

At the question regarding Atbash, Caesar snorted. "You could say that, I suppose." He replied. "She's my sister." Why not tell the guy? Besides, it wasn't exactly secret anymore. Not here, anyway. "Do whatever you like to her, just shatter her world." His words came in a dark growl, his claws mindlessly digging into the sand. It was funny how Henri was so damn willing to do everything for some random stranger he found, and yet here the guy was, obeying him like he was that Belial person. Caesar liked it.