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first love. joining - Printable Version

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Re: first love. joining - Beverly Resurgam. - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; text-align: justify; font-family: verdana; font-size: 13px;"]Like many others, Beverly had left her family. Well, not exactly - rather, she was abandoned at a young age, and learned to fend for herself. She didn't often think of running back to her mother and father as she had little to no memory of them, and had no real concept of a family. She supposed the Ascendants was the closest thing she had to a family or a home, though she wouldn't exactly venture to call it that.

Shortly after Versailles, the shorter girl arrived, dual-toned gaze scanning over the crowd. It was still full of mostly unfamiliar faces, and she wasn't sure how to feel about it. She'd hoped she'd know more of the members by now, but it seemed everyone was always coming and going and she wasn't interacting with anyone much. Perhaps she'd start making a better effort to know people.

"Heartseyes, huh? That's a really cute name," she complimented. "I'm Beverly, you can call me Bev. Welcome."

Re: first love. joining - HEARTEYES - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:verdana"]Hearteyes offers Suiteheart her own smile, tail whisking happily behind her. "Oh, I'm not a solo type at all. I'm an extrovert at heart! Groups are always the best, you know." She stops herself from rambling, drifting eyes going back to the molly, letting out a sheepish smile. [color=#ff66cc]"And, uh, yeah! I would love a tour. That would be awesome." She purrs, nodding her head decisively.

She's taken by surprise at the next statement, the image of her youngest sister left behind flashing in her mind. A long lost sister! What a thought. She forces out an airy giggle, acknowledging both Suiteheart and Margaery's words. "A tour of my new home with my new sister and new sister-in-law! This is awesome." Hearteyes jokes, finally getting enough courage to step over the border and into her new homes. It feels like a breath of fresh air, of new beginnings. The feeling spreads warmth through her chest. She can't help but let a bright smile, eyes almost closing with the force.

At the sound of Versailles' voice, the albino turns her attention to the newcomer, feeling her cheeks warm at the compliment. "Oh, oh, um! Thank you so much! It's nice to meet you, too. You have a very unique name." She meows, shuffling her paws into the dirt. Talking to pretty girls hasn't always been this hard, has it? She glances to the side of the molly to see Beverly, the warm feeling in her chest starting to spread. Wow, a lot of the members were coming to greet her! She wondered if it was always like this. She lowers her head at the next compliment, wishing she could hide her blushing face somewhere. "It's very nice to meet you, Beverly. Your, um, your eyes are very pretty." She manages, flashing the girl an embarrassed smile.

Re: first love. joining - VERSAILLESPALACE - 07-26-2018

She's easy to talk to, easy to approach. Versailles can already see Hearteyes weaving connections all around her, forming a web - casting to Suite, casting to Marg, casting to Beverly, to Gabe and Crownglass and Myliu. It's interesting, it's terrifying, it's something that Versailles wishes she could do. Already, gossamer threads of association are forming in the air, glinting in recognition, and she bites down on her tongue when she feels a surge of - of something rushing in her chest.

She wishes she could be more like her.

Her gaze switches back to Hearteyes' face, at her reaction to the compliment - followed by a compliment of her own. Versailles' reaction isn't too different from the other's. Almost instinctively, her free paw scuffs at the earth underneath, head ducking and ears folding back in embarrassment. Heat touches her face, along her nose - the golden speckles across the bridge of her muzzle glow very, very faintly. Under the sun, it's almost invisible. "Y - you're welcome, and thank you too."

It's a little too much for Versailles; she's quick to step back, just a little behind Suite and Margaery again, trusting the older Ascendants to show the newcomer around. She wishes she's more like Hearteyes - more like anybody else, to think about it, they're all somehow a bit more than her. Whenever her eyes close, she can almost see their connections contrasting sharply against the darkness of her lids. She takes a few steadying, dizzied breaths before walking away from the small gathering with a flick of her tail, a wordless goodbye.

Re: first love. joining - BASTILLEPAW - 07-26-2018

[Image: 2NB1bDh]
[Image: 2LFVCD6]
[Image: ru8sUY1.png]
[Image: 2LLq52q]
Running away from home was amazing easy for Bastille. He had never liked his mother's Clan, and maybe if he'd been less at odds with the world while he was there, he might have liked it better. But he'd just been one lone scrap of a kitten, wholly without family, lost in a sea of people who liked him for who his mother had been. He'd been angry and bitter and full of too many memories from lives that weren't his own. He'd cared nothing for those members. The soonest he could leave without someone claiming he was too young to be off on his own, he had, and he'd never looked back. He still didn't feel any remorse.

(He'd been worried, for a moment there, when he discovered that Vi was so close to him in age. Worried that maybe she had ended up back in that Clan, barely missing him. That maybe if he'd stayed, he could have grown up with her. But she hadn't returned to their mother's Clan, and for that he was glad: he could continue to feel no remorse for leaving.)

As he ambled up to the group on the border, it seemed that he was just missing her again. Bast's attention lingered on Vi as she slid away, and he bit back the urge to chase after her, reminding himself that there was a joiner to greet. Right. Responsibilities and shit. He turned his ice blue gaze onto this strange girl, and drawled, [b]"Well, welcome, then. I'm Bastille." A pause. He didn't really have much to add here, other than a casual, "So, where're you from?"
[B]ASTRAL SERAPH — THE ASCENDANTS — [color=#e2e2e2]TAGS[color=#e2e2e2]MOODBOARD[color=#e2e2e2]PLAYLIST