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A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - Printable Version

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Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - TALIA P - 07-28-2018

The bond flutters in her grasp, fleeting with its minute movements as it strums with every step Malkyn takes away. The hellhound's turquoise gaze rises quickly from where she had been grooming her paws, sweeping across the tight little nook that they've taken to calling home to pinpoint the direction her wife is headed. When she's satisfied with the information she has, she gets up on all fours and quickly exists the nest, wings stretching outwards until her muscles are straining.

Life is simple in Tanglewood. She doesn't have to interact with a lot of people, and she has no responsibilities outside of her and Malkyn, just the way she likes it. Nothing is being expected of her, and there's nobody breathing down her neck - it's a nice place to hide out, she admits, a nice place to exist without having to worry about its repercussions.

Warmth surges softly through the bond as she begins to pick her way across the swamp by scampering onto the nearest mangrove and picking her way through the canopy. Even through tighter crevices, she squeezes her way across small gaps, using the bond as a lead towards her wife - it's impossible for her to get lost when the bond reaches across the vast distance to bring her home, to bring her to Malkyn.

When she reaches the group, she knows her wife can see what she sees, sharp eyes honing in on the two Ascendants at the border. Partners, by the look of it. Platonic? No, romantic - they are romantic partners, just like Malkyn and her. Lips pursed, she picks her way down from the mangrove before spreading her wings on the way down, softening her landing until her impact caused nothing more than a ripple across the swamp-waters. Bond tight within her grasp, Talia makes her approach to stand beside the other hellhound, gaze never leaving the strangers; a hint of curiosity continues to burn deep in the base of her throat.

Talia doesn't speak, waits instead for everybody else to finish - they're all talking, she doesn't want to pile on top of it. She instead waits her turn, tugging gently, subtly at the bond between her and Malkyn before continuing with her light, reassuring touches.

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - OWEN. - 07-28-2018

//Still making his account gahh kill me

Owen wasn't one to enjoy meeting others under these circumstances. He noticed the green velociraptor had wandered, and the german shepherd had taken off into a quick run. His fellow Tanglewooders, even though he travelled, were greeting ambassadors from the Ascendants. "Delta, stand down." The german shepherd's voice was a warning, his stance calm but refusing to give up authority. It was good that Delta was so protective of her territory, but not good that she was violent towards allies. Well, not that she'd know any better. "Ah, my name's Owen. That raptor's name is Delta." He quickly introduced, a bit rushed as he had to keep his focus on the threatening raptor.

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - axiom - 07-28-2018

The feral dinosaur smells the large hellhounds before they arrive, though she stands her ground behind the two Ascendants felines. The first of the odd beasts smelled male and certainly loomed with enough height over the rest of the mammals to make her assume he held dominance over the lot. His growl to her is certainly not forgotten, however, as she curls her upper lip back with a returning hiss of her own. Still, she got the message; the mammal scent marks made it obvious that this stretch of territory belonged to the mammal pack, and her presence wasn't welcome.

If she were with her sisters, she might consider challenging for the territory - but, without it, she hardly considered the fight worth it. The mud made her heavy feet sink into the ground, coating her claws in filth. With everything covered in this nonsense, she had a hard time picking out distinct smells from the place; hunting would be sour here, and she doubted the mammal pack would be the only competition. Other large beasts, more adapted to the murky environment, might linger deeper inside the territory.

Hearing her name and smelling her alpha's scent for the first time in months, her attention lapsed for a moment from the potential threats, as she looked to the smaller canine. Tail lashing, she huffed at him in acknowledgment, her feet taking a few steps back - though she remained facing the strange mammal pack. 

[ delta came with suit and marg -- she's been living in the ascendents for a while ! ]

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - OWEN. - 07-28-2018

//thank you for telling me bb! i got a bit confused but owen travels to keep an eye on the raptors for now. ^^ until i find the right place to put him, probably where delta or blue lives.

Owen let out a loud huff as he dipped his head in apology to the group of Tanglewood members, turning a stern gaze towards Delta. He knew it had been months, but did the Ascendents really bring her with them? Or did Delta just follow? Massive paws carried him forward, nodding to Suiteheart and Margaery to continue with the business they had with the Tanglewood. It seemed they had brought a basket, maybe he should bring one for the girls one day? That sounded good. He hadn't spent much time with his girls in a while, he felt quite bad about it. Then again, they were feral. He had to maintain his air of authority around them constantly, or else he could easily lose his position as Alpha. His amber eyes focused on the group, and the shepherd pulled on his scarf slightly to loosen it up.

Re: A DARK ALLEY AND A BAD IDEA ; ascendants ambassadors visit, o - Margaery - 07-28-2018

(me? showing up to my own thread late as heck bc i've been busy? it's more likely than you think)

For a moment, Margaery was silent. Especially recently, she couldn't seem to shake the nasty tendency to get lost in her own thoughts and the swamp... well, it provided her with an especially convenient escape. It reminded her of home, of a beautiful manor situated in a blossoming town that bordered the most wicked and ferocious of swamps. She didn't know if, in comparison to the one that spread out before her, it still held that title, but Margaery wasn't one to think of it any less fondly. She had to remind herself that she was here with a job to do, and Suiteheart's presence - both physically and through the bond - easily brought her back to reality, gray eyes blinking a few times as she processed the turnout they had produced.

[b]"Hello all!" She greeted easily, trying her best not to stare at the large arachnid that had come to greet them. He succeeded in reminding her of a time long ago, when she had possessed two tarantulas that she had loved dearly. The poor things had succumbed to death though and Margaery found herself missing them every day. Abathur was rather sentient though, whereas her own companions had not been. It was no matter though- his appearance alone still managed to usher forth an onslaught of memories. "My name is Margaery Mikaelson and this is my wife, Suiteheart. Hello, Morgan, it's nice to see you and oh- Delta?"

The utahraptor's appearance certainly threw her for a loop, gray eyes widening as she studied the massive reptile closely. She wondered why, of all people, Delta had chosen to follow them, but it seemed as if this strange german shepard seemed to possess the ability to wrangle her a bit. Interesting. "Oh... um..." Margaery paused, returning her attention to the Tanglers, "It's not a problem. And no, we don't need anything, love." The last bit of her words were directed at Malkyn, a sort of faint curiosity gleaming within her gaze as she regarded both she and Talia. She could sense something between the pair too, far from a platonic sort of love- no, no, they were involved romantically just as she and Suite were. "If that's all though," She added quickly, "Shall we be going, Suite?"