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YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - Printable Version

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Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-25-2018

All of this was nonsense. Absolute and utter bullshit. Caesar rolled his eyes as he listened to Captainpaw go on about this 'seabear', before he just had enough. "Seabears aren't real, dumbass." The demon responded. It wasn't a question, but it was definitely a statement he was going to share. "You're believing bullshit." This was directed towards everybody here, though mostly Vandal since she seemed to be the most intrigued by this.

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - ANDRAS - 07-25-2018

rinto listened in idly, not exactly believing in any of this. rinto, although young, was no idiot. his merry exterior was simply a facade hiding the cold and calculating interior. however, he decided not to say anything, instead just narrowing his eyes.

as caesar talked, he glanced over in the male's direction. rinto was not the world's biggest fan of the violent savannah, but what could he do? at least caesar was honest and spoke the words rinto would never say. when caesar finished, rinto flashed a rare genuine smile. caesar and rinto didn't quite get along, sure, but in this moment he agreed with him for once. "i've never heard of it, but..." he decided to at least be a little nicer about it. "you shouldn't worry, captain-kun! they might be so rare they're not a threat," he kept smiling, although was no longer amused. 

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - ADAKIAS - 07-26-2018

[div style="letter-spacing: 1px;"]i'll worship like a dog at the shrine of your lies ----- information
[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:45%;font-family:timesnewroman;font-size:11px"]Sylvina snapped her head towards Caesar as soon as the words escaped his mouth. Maw furrowing into a frown, the kit would quickly bring her form into a standing position and lock glaring optics upon the Savanah cat. ”Don’t call him a dumbass.” She’d declare with somewhat of a protective tone. She was slightly younger than Captainpaw and evidently gullible to his tale, yet the she-cat definitely was more friendly with the maine coon mix rather than her own grandfather. Cap played with her in Barracuda Bay that one day, what had Caesar done to win over her friendship? The two shared somewhat of the same personality traits whih would become more obvious as she grew up, yet at the current moment it wasn’t enough to bring affection towards the Officer.

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - CELESTE G.M. - 07-26-2018

"Thanks." The siamese smiles towards Vandal, a soft genuine one as she begins to pick at the cheese slowly. It tastes like home in her opinion, like gathering round a fire at night wrapped in furs and talking about stories. She can't help but hum in appreciation, all before she hears Caesar speak and huffs. Such a fucking killjoy, could he not let the child have his fun?

"If you don't believe him, you can always leave." She points out, raising her eyebrow towards the officer. Why is he here? She knows they're not real either, but she isn't about to crush a child's fun just because of that fact. "Who knows, the first person to not believe in something is always the first person devoured by the creature from what I've heard."
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - ARGUS - 07-26-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;text-transform:lowercase;"] Argus knew exactly where captainpaw had heard this story, sadly. Or not sadly. Depending on who you heard it from. Argus being a hoarder of good drinks did visit the tavern often- and they knew of the NPC that had told the tale, while they had never denied the identity of seabears, they may have... made a prank to give the illusion of a seabear attacking one of the NPC's, and lo and behold- the story was spreading around like a wild-fire.

aha, argus could hear caesar from here, and they had a clever little idea pop into their head just then. It was crutial to not be detected - argus aimed to cast an illusion to [member=590]CAESAR CIPHER.[/member] - of a beached bear with a shark tail stalking towards him. It's eyes were yellow and foam pooled out of it's mouth- stalking closer closer. until-

to the outside eye argus was walking behind caesar with a careful smile, nothing amiss beside the light glow of blue around their eyes. The quartermaster moved to bring their voice up- raising it an octave higher- while still remaining that same growled tone- "How are ya, Caesar?" If the illusion held till now- it would shatter with argus' words. The large wolf moving to halt any preemptive attack caesar would make at that point. Because it was predictable.

A cheerful, yet dismissive chuckle came from their maw no matter of the sucessful or failed trick. Now re-dulled red eyes turning their attention to captainpaw and the lesson. Being obvious to their officer's reactions beside an amused smile- if a little sheepish. "So- what do they look like then? Maybe I've seen one. Sounds awfully familiar..."

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - VANDAL R. - 07-26-2018

Vandal's quick to jump in. "Exactly! Who knows, maybe the seabear might just visit you th'next time you're on the shore," she points out to Caesar with a wave of her talon, nails clutching another block of cheese. When she realizes that she hasn't eaten it yet, she quickly pops it into her mouth and lets out a soft, satisfied groan. Gods, she loves cheese.

While Vandal doesn't necessarily believe that the seabear exists, she likes hearing Captainpaw paint a picture in his brain. He would've likely taken the idea and ran with it. It interests him how he came up with preventive measures, where those were derived from - she wonders how the apprentice came up them. From cubed cheese smelling revolting to 'seabears' or upside-down sombreros being an offensive gesture in their culture, Vandal's highly interested to what went into coming up with them.

Creating a culture from scratch is no joke, after all. Vandal likes Captainpaw's creativity, and is mostly here to hear him talk about his thoughts on the matter. Regardless if the seabear actually exists or not, she likes hearing her friend detail everything that he knows about the subject. At Argus' prompting, Vandal follows. "Yeah, Cap, is there anything else we should know about 'em?"

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-26-2018

"Good, maybe I can actually have some damn fun in this place." Caesar replied to Temulin with an annoyed huff, though as soon as he finished his words, his vision was suddenly focused on a bear just behind the group that was already formed. The Officer's tail puffed out as the 'bear' neared the group with his ears flattened. Hearing Argus made the demon whip around and aim a swipe at them, but of course he just hit nothing but air. The illusion disappeared, and Caesar realized that Argus had gotten into his mind somehow. "Stay outta my fucking head." He snarled at the Quartermaster, narrowing his eyes at them. God, how he needed his powers back. If he had them, he could've detected Argus, but without them, he was mentally vulnerable. It was the reason Rosemary could do so many of her attacks, although he was completely unaware of that.

Caesar shrugged off the fact that he looked panicked for a moment around his Crewmates, as if that entire thing didn't just happen. "Like I said, it'd be a thrill." The demon grunted in reply to Vandal.

Re: YOU WERE THE CLOCK ;; seabear prevention class - goodsprings - 07-26-2018

seeing vandal and temulin enjoy themselves, the beta couldn't help but giggle at the silly display. if he had known they were hungry, he might have included a small meal for everyone. they weren't too far from the tavern, though. luckily after this he could go indulge in his own cravings.

with the okay to go, he parted his jaws to speak, only to flinch as caesar continued on. captainpaw's ears pinned back, and his brows furrowed. why didn't he believe him? he was telling the truth, he was! there were dangerous things in the ocean that they didn't know about, and this was something captain didn't want his crewmates getting caught up in.

"they are real..." he grumbled, the fur along his spine rising defensively. "you're just jealous i know more about the ocean than an old dummy like you!" he declared with a frustrated huff, calico tail lashing back and forth. his ears perked and began to relax as the others piped up, sitting back down and his tail now at an irritated flicking.

"if someone is done interrupting me." he began, giving a pointed glare to caesar before retunring his gaze to the next items. "they are very large predators like i said before. their fins have super sharp claws to scratch and hurt you with, and very strong tails that can go as fast as eighty knots; that's ninety miles per hour. they have the head of a bear and with that super strong jaws to crush their prey with."

now to continue onto prevention. "seabears hunt mostly fish that glow and stuff. i forget what its called, but its a really big word that means the fish look pretty when its dark out or when they move. because of that, waving a flashlight around very quickly will attract them because it looks like their natural prey." he rolled the flashlight away from him toward the pile of clothes to bring back home later. planecrash would probably need it back soon.

"also! if you ever happen to see a seabear, do not stomp your feet. it's taken as a challenge to them. oh- and don't scream like a chimpanzee. it sounds like a weakened animal, and every natural predator takes advantage of those. do not run from a seabear, limp, or crawl away from it either. it shows weakness. there is only one way to protect yourself from a seabear.""

he padded toward an easel with a large whiteboard set on it, and pointed to the word written there. 'sercle'.

"a circle! drawing a circle in the dirt will immediately protect yourself from a seabear, and it will leave you alone to find a different meal. that's all everybody! any other questions?"

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯