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Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - rochelle - 07-23-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 520px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; font-family: verdana;"]One wish. That’s all she had. Fischer stepped towards the beginning of the end for the Calypso Carnival. She kept her steps soft, retrieving a lantern for herself. Gazing around, she caught the sight of her crewmates, family and friends, helping one another. It was like serenity had finally found it's way to this land. A faint smile traced itself way on to her face, eyes going round and misty, but returning to her own area as she began to write down her name.

One wish, that’s all she wanted to take. At first, at least. The wolf swallowed, second guessing herself. Then, at once, she knew. Peace and salvation for all. Fischer wrote, pursing her lips in an ardent expression before she rested back on her haunches before laying down beside her lantern, watching it. Her face was soft, nearly on the verge of joyous tears, but then something powerful came breaking through. Her eyes went hard, her smile strengthened. Maybe she wasn’t sure if she was deserving of peace and salvation herself, but she knew, as this lantern would be lit and sent off, Fischer would be rising again from the water, stronger and happier than before. She had to shrug off the past, and allow herself to truly be herself once more.

Why was she always so afraid of history writing itself over her? The shame, the guilt from what had happened in her old home, had nothing to do with what she did here. If anything, it would only push her to do the wrong things, to cower in the corner and not be there for her new home. There was a bold but fragile look on her face, bead dark eyes staring out into the ocean. She was not the trickle of rain water off a limp leaf, she was a rushing waterfall off the side of the most jagged cliff—soft and graceful but powerful and forceful, able to move on from before, able to provide for others. She was a waterfall.


Despite her keen sense of hearing and youthful speed, it would appear that Sylvina would gather upon the scene quite a while after her crewmates. In other circumstances she might have scolded herself for being late, however it was no bother being that she was more focused on the task at hand being involved with these weirdly shaped boxes. What were they? The young Bengal would observe her father and clan as they began tinkering with the foreign objects, seeming to write scribbles on the glowing sides. The word "Lantern" was thrown around a few times between the chattering creatures and the kit would declare within her mind that these things were none of other than that peculiar word. What was its purpose besides writing upon it? She'd begin padding throughout her clanmates with viridescent eyes taking in the setting.

Everyone seemed hard at work and sure of what they were doing. Since she was late, the initiation of words from Pincher hadn't reached her ears on what the purpose of the craft was. Sylvina would never stoop herself down to ask, though. Instead she would continue observing as everyone indulged themselves within their lanterns. Some talked with others, some were writing on another crewmate's lantern for them, and some were just completely silent and concentrated completely on themselves. Whatever was going on the young kit could conclude that it was a measure of seriousness.

Grabbing a lantern of her own, Sylvina would march up towards Pincher before releasing the object from her tiny jowls. "Can you write on this for me?" She'd ask in a hushed voice to her father. It was understandable that Sylvie couldn't read or write, yet she would never admit it or show herself asking for help in front of others.

Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - B.Y.T.E ! - 07-24-2018

Plane had some rough beginnings despite how he kept a rather cool and angstless appearance among his peers and comrades, the bag and goggles on his head just being one of many ways he buried things within himself despite how much he wanted to scream from the constant agony his thoughts brought him. Ghosts of his experiment victims, visions of his family looking down upon him for his lifestyle, paranoia that any of his bosses could be lurking around the corner just to slit his throat for the things he had done before he came hear. None of that compared to having to hide his atrocities from his own son, Rox and the family he had gained through the clan. He wanted to tell everyone how vile he was and yet he kept his cowardly mouth shut while he meandered around the clan. He hated it. He could really only wish for a better life and the opportunity had come in the rather odd form of this event for the festival, coaxing him into a sense of security as Captain dragged him to participate, though the independent child had bounded off before he sat down calmly with his own lantern in paw.

Would he actually do it though?

A sigh mused from behind the brown paper bag covering his face as he sat, coloring the lantern with crude hearts and science formulas to bide the time before he was able to peacefully write to himself without anyone to bug him about his wish. What would this wish be, you might ask? 'To make them happy.' A simple wish by appearance alone, but it held deep meaning to Planecrash as he stared idly at the paper before his attention was caught by his son's voice calling out to him in a softer tone than usual. The feline slinked forward to meet Cap, white eyes blinking through thick goggles as he stood over the smaller tom "Help, huh? What's the problem, buddy? I can always help with spelling since you know I'm a big nerd and all!" He joked lightly, nudging the boy carefully as he plopped down next to him.


Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - Luciferr - 07-24-2018

You will always be a monster, there is no turning back from it.
But what type of monster you become is entirely up to you -

ah wishes,

He'd long since given up hope on wishes, cynic that he was perhaps,

Wishes hadn't saved his brother,

Wishes hadn't saved his mother,

Wishes hadn't saved the younger siblings slaughtered,

They hadn't saved the step father who'd stepped in, they hadn't saved the uncle bound on strings, they hadn't saved his people who fought and bled and died for the sake of wishes, wishes hadn't stopped the end.

Wishes were a dangerous thing,

He felt so old

But he was weary and it had been long since he clung to any kind of hope,

Perhaps, perhaps...

Lucifer had retrieved his lantern, taking great care to scrawl the words across it gingerly in the very tip of a claw dipped in ink.

I wish for hope

[me=LUCIFER GRIMM.]@ this event: oh, the angst I can do.[/me]


Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - goodsprings - 07-24-2018

the young toms expression lightened as he saw his father approaching, unable to be missed with the unique accessory of the bag and goggles to match. captain met him a few inches up, pressing his cheek into the spindly toms chest before turning around, leading him back toward his chosen lantern.

"you're not a nerd!" he gasped, picking up the brush and the blue paint paired with it. "you're smart! i wanna be smart just like you, and use it to make good ships. maybe a robot ship that'll make it easier to navigate! compasses only do so much." cap definitely held his guardian to a high level of respect, not a negative word in his mind to describe the tom. he had taken it upon himself to raise cap, and gave him the opportunity to live a full life with all sorts of characters. something he would look back on one day and be thankful for.

" can you teach me how to spell mermaid friends? i think they're super cool, i want them to protect my ship from seabears." he explained, tail tip twitching as he imagined it. "oh! and to get really smart like you, so i won't be a bad pirate when i'm older."

✯ — male. the typhoon. easy. REF. BIO. — ✯


Make a wish? Ah, she had many wishes that she would like to make but also a healthy scepticism about them too. Perhaps she was getting bitter in her old age, but she had wished for many a thing that never happened. Still, there was no harm in setting off a boat - as adorable as they were.

Home. She writes it down carefully, although the writing is certainly nothing that anyone would probably recognise. It felt odd not resorting to her mother tongue all the time when she was in the Typhoon and common came... Ah, she was not talented in the use of common. All of her rituals were in the old tongue, as was her name, and her tribe's name and the plains themselves whispered in a language older than speech itself.

Oh - she was more homesick than she thought. The siamese sets the boat on the wave with a wistful smile, watching as it drifts off into the horizon. Perhaps the boat will go home.
[div style="text-align:center;width:55%;font-size:11pt;font-family:times new roman;padding-TOP: 3px;"][color=white]SO STILL THIS BROKEN MELODY AND HEREWITH SHOULDER THEE

Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - Character Graveyard. - 07-27-2018

Lantern wishes. How interesting. The former-Privateer would make her way over, a small smile on her maw as she took a seat. She was not one to wish for much that often, but she felt it was necessary to do this.

Grabbing a paintbrush and a navy-blue lantern, she would began to draw. It appeared to be a painting of her, Cronas and Wade, though she had painted Wade away from her and Cronas in the picture and the word "family" was painted on the lantern as well.

Vanessa would gently set the lantern atop the water and she would watch as it floated away from the beach.

Re: WISHING WELL — LANTERN WISHES - bubblegum - 07-27-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
the young girl was late, it seemed. to be fair, she was especially tired currently and felt dizzy. she had to take careful, slow steps as she moved towards her papa's call. she coughed a couple of times, arriving near blue and offering a warm smile to him. she wondered what he would wish for, but she would not stare to see, as she did not want to seem invasive. she knew how her brother preferred his privacy, after all. she would then turn her warm gaze to her papa, eyeing the lanterns and delicately picking one up with a brush before thinking.

goldie had many wishes. her most important wishes revolved around others. she would make those happen, though. she was determined to. though, she did have selfish desires, too. she repressed them. they weren't important. she didn't need them to happen and neither did anybody else. she didn't have time to make them happen - she had to make the important ones occur first.

she wants life to be perfect. she wants to make others proud. she wants to be important. she wants her crewmates to like her. she wants her family to love her. she wants affection. she wants to feel happy. these were all selfish desires that she did not need to make happen. she would be okay in the grand scheme of things if they didn't, after all. she was already given so much - how could she dare ask for more? they were not as important as what she would make happen - her real wishes.

goldie will be strong. she will be so strong and smart for everyone. goldie will be perfect. she wishes to achieve perfection for others and she is determined to. her being perfect for others is not the same as her own life being perfect. goldie will make life easier for everyone. she wishes to work hard for everyone else - hard enough that no one has to work themselves. goldie will make everyone happy. she will make life so good for everyone that they don't need to worry or feel bad. goldie will keep her family safe. she would fight for them as hard as possible. goldie will be the greatest daughter. goldie will make life perfect for everyone else.

she had a clear list of ideas of what she could write for the lanterns, but the question was, which would she choose? the girl stared towards the blank lantern with a focused, pensive expression. after a couple of moments, she decided to slowly write out "safe family and crew". that was most important - none of her crewmates should be in danger. she drew a shield with a heart in the center of it along with the wish. next, she would write "happy world". she decided if the whole world was happy, maybe there would be nothing to worry about and no one would ever be a jerk. that would solve many problems, she decided. she drew what would appear to be her closest family - jacob, pincher, and coldblue -  all smiling. and, finally, she would write "perfection".

what exactly she meant by this was sort of unclear. she drew the shield with the heart and her family, smiling, and then herself. she was the one holding the shield and she sent them heart symbols and happy faces. she would be perfect and make life perfect for them. that was her ultimate goal. she writes a small "goldie" in the bottom right corner and finishes, setting it gently down.