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GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - Printable Version

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Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - MOONMADE - 07-23-2018

[size=9pt]Moon, on the other hand, wouldn't touch exercise with a ten foot pole. To the trained eye, it shows; for a lion, he's feeble looking. No mass, no bulk. It's all slim shoulders and lanky limbs, some lean muscle here and there, but nothing that's the obvious product of training. He's just gifted in the looks department, and not much else.

As for her speaking of Roman, he's not too fond of that, either. Roman? Really? He was obviously some kinda' genius, with some questionable past, but was he really much to look at? Not to mention he was, like, twice their age. Moon purses his lips, eyeing Imperia out of the corner of his gaze. He's teasing again. "Yeah, sure," he says, sounding not on board with it at all, "You guys go ahead and pick a place and time. Just make sure you hold the champagne and love proclamations until after I'm put under anesthetic; that shit makes me queasy.

His feigned bitterness goes out the window, however, when he outright laughs at her response. The sound fills the room and bounces off the corners, a warm, pure thing. There's a slight echo and it's with that that he remembers where they are. Stuck in a room, in the most uncomfortable, unsettling place they could possibly be in, and yet they're somehow finding a way to make it enjoyable. Kudos to them. "Damn," he says, laughter still in his voice, "I'm really gonna' have to convert you to the corrupted, aren't I? You ever heard of sarcasm, puppy?" Of course she has, the wolf's cleverer than him in every way. But he thinks perhaps she's lacking in some street smarts, or whatever they call that. Maybe he can teach her how not to so damn gullible. "It's fine, I know I'm not looking like much of a snack, lately. Need some more meat on my bones, or whatever."

Genuinely, he doesn't fucking care. Sometimes he gets caught up in things. Memories, thoughts, his surroundings, the new people. It's not like he's on the verge of starving, but sometimes it'll all pile up and he'll just forget to do normal maintenance things to keep his body functioning. A passing thought, he makes some vague note to start eating properly, starting sleeping properly. Hell, maybe if Imperia were to invite him on one of them runs some day, he'd go. And pigs fly. "Would you rather... Okay, so say you had a remote, and it controlled your life. Would you rather have a pause button, or a rewind button?"

Re: GRAMMATICALLY INCORRECT + p, imperia - imperia - 07-25-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]/ i'm apologizing in advance because this is quite literally the worst post i've ever made in the history of BoB and i'm pretty peri went out of character in several areas and a lot of it is shitposting but idc bc i replied before i started having grandchildren

It is probably best never to mention exercise in front of Imperia. She possesses many opinions about it, especially when it is so important to one's health. The girl is not very athletic herself, but she is careful to maintain her personal strength to make sure she can defend herself or others if necessary. Plus, it's a fantastic stress reliever. When her mental health begins to deteriorate, Peri goes on long runs or explores the territory. She both disapproves of and fears other methods of coping, and, as long as it's done in moderation, no one can ever say that exercise is unhealthy.

If you wanted to go the psychological route, one could argue that Imperia's infatuation with Roman is based out of unresolved issues with an abusive and absent father figure. Because of the lack of love she received from an adult male in her youth, any older man who shows her even an ounce of respect becomes an object of adoration. But that's a little bit too dark. It's easier just to say that Peri is young and confuses positive feelings and admiration for love. And inversely, she struggles differentiating the romantic love from positive, yet platonic, feelings. Suffice to say that Peri feels a lot of things--so much so that she can barely tell the difference between all of them.

Even now, as Moon basically accuses her of having a crush, Peri immediately gets flustered and confused because for someone who reads an unhealthy amount of romance novels, she cannot identify when she has a crush. "T-that's not what I meant, and you know it!" she protests, flushing profusely. "I just think it would be cool to learn from someone who has actual experience." her voice grows soft. She feels shy and embarrassed, and cannot look Moon in the eye. "Just because I know of things doesn't mean I can actually do them in real life." Is that? An insecurity? A fear of failing due to lack of experience applying her own knowledge? Or maybe it's due to a lack of confidence. Who knows? At this point, it's basically just rambling.

She lightens up a bit when her companion starts laughing. Moon has a nice laugh, she thinks. A tiny smile flickers across her lovely visage, but she is still embarrassed and can scarcely even glance up from her paws. Imperia does not know how to respond to his teasing. She's far too flustered to even try to navigate his level of humor. But she does manage to respond to the second part. "Maybe if you groomed yourself a bit and put together a fitness routine, you'd look more like a--what did you call it?--a snack." see? She can tease and joke. It just has to be in the right moments. Honestly, Peri thinks that Moon looks wonderful just the way he is, but from what she's observed, much of his humor revolves around lighthearted teasing. It wouldn't make sense to respond with a compliment. But there is a sort of truthfulness within her response. An offer, perhaps, to help him out if Moon really is bothered by his appearance. And if given the chance, Peri would never pass up the opportunity to put someone on a healthy diet and fitness routine. She is very passionate about health.

The girl listens carefully to the next question. Hmmm, that's a good one. A pause or a rewind, huh? Imperia takes a moment to consider before replying. "I would like to be able to pause," she says with an affirmative nod, as if agreeing with her own words. "I mean, think about all the moments that pass us by and we take for granted. Beautiful sunsets, moments with friends, the first time you experience a new place. Some things are just so wonderful, so special, that it would be nice to pause and enjoy the moment just a little while longer." Those moments in the forest with her mother before she was bedridden. The very first time Peri laid eyes on the Ascendant's territory after achieving her freedom. Her first sunset that was not just stolen glances from the mouth of the cave.

All are worth experiencing just a little while longer. You never know when the happy times will go away, so it's important to enjoy them while they last. "And I think that all events happen for a reason, regardless if they're good or bad. They all teach you something; force you to grow or adapt. I feel like rewinding would just be more trouble in the end."