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Open World Human RP Planning - Printable Version

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Re: Open World Human RP Planning - Beatles. - 07-23-2018

Yeah having them in the shop would be a good idea! Because everyone runnign around with guns would be... a bad idea. Also, I'd just like to stress that (unless you're an action movie star or something) it's not easy to dodge a bullet. So if you shoot at someone, the person has a low chance of realistically dodging it. So we'd have to remind people to use guns sparingly and realistically, of course, as well as with other lethal powers.

And agreeing !! ^
We should poll these things out. I feel like it would make things go much faster and decisions can be made in a short amount of time.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - Orion - 07-24-2018

Lowkey annoyed because I had this all typed out and I accidentally clicked away to start on something else, causing me to lose progress.

Anyways, I'm going to back off of the Rift idea because if we say it exists without lore it'll be confusing for newer users to understand what it is exactly. I'm also going to state that we'll have a problem with the addition of more lore, stated by Beatles and Apricity.

When it comes to technology, I am open for radios and mp3's because I love the aesthetic of music in the background. Having a live band around 24/7 would be a pain in the ass. I'm partial though. I like having playlists for my characters to get into the mood of roleplaying them, so it would make sense on why I am biased.

Though, guns throw me off. While it can counter abilities, guns also have a tendency to never miss, especially with a skilled shooter. Putting it behind a paywall is something I'd like to avoid too.

I'll be hosting polls then! Here is our first:
What tech should be in the new human rp?

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - vellichor - 07-24-2018

definitely agreeing that having mp3s and whatnot would be nice so we don't have to have people playing music to get it lol. and oof yeah that's also true. tbh i don't have an intense opinion on guns bc i see the pros and cons of both sides so i think either wouldn't be a big deal ngl. i do agree they could get a little op and we'd def need restrictions if we had them tho and maybe something to handle how likely it is to hit them? or just permission from the other rper?? idk exactly

also i'd like to suggest maybe holding multiple polls at once? most of these will be for fairly small things (Time period, types of technology, transportation, etc.) and i feel like holding them separately with 2 days to vote on every single one will be a little drawn out for such simple things? Because if we do that even with 3 questions, that'd take just under a week which seems a little drawn out to me. plus we still need to vote on groups as well so i think the sooner we can get this bit of it done, the better. i don't want to rush it but if we can do multiple polls at once, i think that'd be really helpful.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - Beatles. - 07-24-2018

Agreeing ^ !!!!

There are pros and cons to guns. You can use them for lots of things, from plots to aesthetics to.. whatever. There would just need to be some restrictions on them so that people just don’t go around shooting everyone all willy-nilly

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - Luciferr - 07-24-2018

Id just like to know what kinda setting it is for sure myself?

Is this a fallout scenario minus guns post apocalyptic style - and maybe plus weird phenomena that caused it led to 'magic' and thus 'races/mutations' etc ?

Or is it the latter but everything isn't total ruin just the old world kinda collapsed? (Maybe like horizon zero dawn but with better tech minus guns etc idk)

I'm not sure what thoughts I can give until I'm sure on a picture hm.

But on the gun debate - I'm kinda ehhh on guns bc yeah they don't miss usually since they're well too fast to dodge ? But idk.

Maybe a good solution is like having crossbows/bows instead of gun projectile weaponry since it's basically medieval 'guns' in a way but aren't insta kill / can be dodged.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - ace - 07-24-2018

Ok I'm just gonna throw some ideas out there!

Since we have an open-world now, I think before we establish anything else we should pick our boarded groups so we can build territory and maps around that. I also agree with little to no lore, though I know we'd have to explain why powers exist etc. but with less lore it's easy for everyone to jump in and start roleplaying immediately without having to read up on everything that's already happened.

I don't think we should have guns at all, because to be honest it just doesn't sit right with me, it would be so easy to slip into being OP or powerplaying if guns are thrown into the mix, and it's too hard to govern, even if we make it super expensive in the shop. Also I just don't like the idea of having guns so easily bought, especially with the current political climate. If elemental powers become too much we can just remove elementals from human roleplay to make sure everyone is hovering at around the same level.

Other non-offensive technology like phones, radios, mp3 players sound pretty neat to me! Everyone loves music and I see no harm done in allowing characters to text each other or listen to music etc.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - fourteenth - 07-24-2018

okay guys, i've been reading through all of these beautifully thought out posts and realized the plan a friend and i began to brew was completely south of those presented but would love if everyone still heard me out!

upon a discussion on discord, i would like to present the idea of an alt. earth entirely. one where rather than our known world of cities and towns groups of people chose to form "clans", "tribes", or "guilds" of sorts based around sets of separate ideals. as time carried on, each group developed separately into their own identity. this would allow for any "genre" of character to flourish in the rp.

say one was more rooted in traditional, tribals ideals and remained as a minamlist clan. very based in the old ways without compromising themselves to the out side world and living as if it were still ancient greece/egyptian/babloyan times while others are far more advanced in their technology and ideas and chose to develop into true cities.

it would all depend and the group and the identity. one could be a thriving metropolis for technology (perhaps with the exception of guns in this alt earth) the other one of knights and kings and wizards. this would be intriguing as it would also offer quite a bit of strife. groups that chose to advance could look down on those which still remain in minalmistic ways of traditions. wars could occur over such arguments, bigger groups attempting to impose authority on smaller ones. a lot of ideas could be presented.

as far as powers go, i still enjoy the idea of a rift between worlds perhaps long ago that had caused people to have powers and it has become of a norm of society. or it could just be a fact of human evolution and life in every day alt. earth.

for lore, i think it should be up to a designated group on how their home was formed and the history behind them. for the world, little to none.

i'm just spit balling over here and this idea is not very fleshed idea, but thought it would be worth mentioning as it is an intriguing concept which would result in nearly all rpers being happy!

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - nefarius - 07-24-2018

[align=center][div style=" background-color: transparent; border: 0px solid black; width: 550px; min-height: 9px; font-family:; line-height: 110%; text-align: justify; color:; padding: 20px"]I don't have the patience to address every single argument to guns, but all I have to say is that we do need to balance out the playing field between people with powers and without. Using stone age technology like swords, spears, and knives will require close combat that someone with elementals will easily be able to block off and stall with their powers. It should go without saying that not every character will have these, as the powers are quite expensive and not readily available. So there should be defenses. If not guns, what else? Furthermore, guns are just as, if not less, powerful as elemental powers. I'm not into restricting players of either thing personally.

While I like Luciferr's idea of using bows in place of guns, I still have a hard time imagining anyone being able to combat those with elemental powers, or powers in general without some kind of weapon themselves. As someone who doesn't plan to go overboard with powers, I'd like my characters to - again - be able to defend themselves.

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - puzzles. - 07-25-2018

i think that, personally, this rebuild should focus on individual groups and making something that anyone can enjoy regardless of what they want out of the human rebuild. this post will be organized by topic, with my main point being bolded at the top of my argument. for the most part, though, i agree with fourteenth and ace. theyre smart ppl and i like their opinions c:

i'm not going to say necessarily that having no rp-wide lore is bad, but i think that a backstory itself would be a bad idea. keep the backstory to whatever we're going for and keep it simple and to the point, say: "[insert amount of time decided upon] ago, a rift opened up that brought in [description for powers, im kinda bad at this kinda thing lol] and caused [small desc of all the changes of things]." nothing more than a small blurb that is very self explanatory. this leads to my next point,

this section is mostly just gonna be me agreeing with four. i think that the groups being separated by "genres" of sorts is genius, and leads to conflict much more natural than what's currently set up with blackfall and griffingate. my current idea is 4 general group ideas; something more post-apocalyptic, something more fantasy, something more sci-fi (though it would probably end up more steampunk than anything considering the level of tech we'll likely be going with), and something thats more general. these could be further fleshed out, of course, but i feel like these 4 things are what different people would want from the rp.

so, to be honest, i really want a lot of tech available. mostly for aesthetic purposes. i also understand that a lot of people don't want much tech. so i've thought a while, and i think that this would be an interesting way to work with that. this is also going through the assumption that people want stuff like metal and electronics (wires, etc) to be rather rare. this part is gonna be especially long, so.... good luck, i'm sorry for writing a rather long wall of text. oh!! i should mention that this is not counting things like radios.

how about, instead of spending so-many gems for your character to have a phone or some other useful piece of equipment, they instead go through a plot where, for example, in one thread they find a busted-up or otherwise unworking phone, in another they find the amount of supplies necessary to work on it, in another they cooperate with a character to build it, and then after, say, another couple threads they finally get the phone functioning. this could be even multiple months of building up to this character creating a very useful (functional) technology, and while how i described it could seem rather one-character oriented, could have an entire group involved. that time might be decreased significantly by having everyone pitch in, for example.
i think we could all agree that having this plot happening for just about every single character on this site would be very repetitive, so why not make this something that takes a bit more than just going for it? while on some other sites i would be extremely hesitant to say this, but if anyone does like this, why not test having these plots be given an okay by staff? it would keep this growth, for both characters and the world of human rp as a whole, very significant, and if this doesn't work out than it could just be reversed. let's talk more about what i mean by growth.
with a character or group gaining a useful piece of technology, this would change the dynamics of that group with others significantly. a group could possibly intimidate another group with the technology, causing a fight that makes the intimidated group bring in an allied group, who might spend their time trying to build a better piece of tech to combat the first group's findings.
this could make for extremely interesting politics when combined with themed groups, while still allowing people in a specific group to avoid the tech if they want to.

i think that, personally, there are two outcomes: either the scale is pretty small, or vehicles are allowed through, perhaps, the above method. even both, if enough people like my ideas oml. i feel like a map will have to be inevitable, and if the scale is as it currently is (that being, over an entire continent), then vehicles will be necessary. personally, having a character have to take days to travel to another group, even on horseback, doesn't sit well with me, even with liquid time. keep the scale small is all i'm saying. no group needs to be larger than the size of a moderately-large city.

the most rudimentary idea of a gun was the "fire-lance" in the 900s; and handheld cannons existed in the 1100s, being the oldest type of firearm itself. even in europe, firearms had been used in the 1300s, and were regularly used in the ottoman empire's infantry by the late 1400s. therefore, you cannot have medieval weaponry without having guns, and by the 1600s these weapons weren't even that rudimentary, at least in terms of what had come before.
i think it would be a great idea to have guns be utilized in the same manner described above with advanced technology, and to cap off their power to the earliest flintlock rifles. let's revisit an idea, in fact.

this is going to focus on guns, although i feel like this includes the tech described above (which would include stuff like vehicles, possibly). lets say a character finds a gun and rebuilds it over the course of a week. sure, it could be usable, but it would also be very ineffective and dangerous to use; it could even blow up and harm the character trying to use it! i think that this would be a very interesting plotting device.

unlike ace, i feel like powers are a natural extension to things. while they can easily become overpowered, i feel that a character can utilize the current equipment agreed upon (without guns even being necessary) to defeat a character with elemental powers. there's nothing more i want to elaborate on about this, i just felt that it was necessary to bring up.

whew!! that was a lot of points, wasn't it? it was, in fact, over 1k words worth of points. thanks for reading my ideas, i've thought a lot about these and i feel like, granted people share the goal of making an interesting world both while roleplaying and in this discussion, they would work out alright.
i understand that some of these could be considered almost controversial and likely wouldn't be used, but i feel like, seeing as this is a discussion, they should definitely be heard. once again, thanks for reading :0!!

Re: Open World Human RP Planning - Orion - 07-25-2018

Possible Restrictions on Guns:
- Cannot be used in battle threads.
COUNTER: Even so, what would be the reason to not have guns in battle? If it proves to work, then why not use it... and why would be not? That'd be something we'd have to get around if that was to become a thing.
- Can only be used if the roleplayer has given permission.
COUNTER: This cannot include aiming. Only pre-plotted permissions.
- Can only use guns up to the 1900s (?)
COUNTER: Honestly, it'd be hard to enforce this and I am unsure of the capabilities of guns within these times.

Taking one thing at a time doesn't hurt either, but I do agree. Multiple polls would work better for now.

We voted earlier, deciding against post-apocalypse. Instead I would say this is more open world and urban fantasy oriented.

This is completely okay with me. I think we should definitely start picking groups. Seeing that some staff are off this weekend, I'll make sure to discuss a due date with them.

That's EXACTLY the glory of open world roleplay! I would love to have groups like these hanging around and interacting with one another. <3


No RP-Wide Backstory / Group Lore: Highly agreed. I do not have any needed or major comments on these.

NO SHOP ITEMS FOR TECH, NATURAL GROWTH INSTEAD: How would this be acknowledged staff-wise and oriented? We'd have to supervise this and set up rules. In most cases, I'd rather not do such a thing.

TECH IS RARE, MAKE THE PLOT RARE: See point above. Staff advised again, but I am highly open to these if my fellow staffers are. I'm just against giving others an advantage that others cannot have unless it involves a plot like this, which is why it works VERY well.

BUILDING UPON THE WORLD OF HUMAN RP: See above. Intimidation is great.

CONCERNING THE (too big) SCALE: Yep. Small areas or else I'd cry all over again.

GUNS AND THE HISTORY OF FIREARMS: Going to be honest, I did not know this. Though, I can definitely see your point. I think if we do allow the use of some long-range weapons we should limit it. Things like cannon balls, bows, throwing knives/spears, MAYBE a musket.

TIME SPENT EQUALS EFFECTIVENESS: I feel as if a roleplayer would want the plan to execute successfully so they would prevent harm. It's not as simple as flipping a coin and deciding, but instead there's plotted bias... if that makes one bit of sense. sleep is for the weak


Going to make a separate post w/ links and such to polls n whatever + discuss w/ staff on a due date.