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Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - Printable Version

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Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (1/2 slots left) - Orion - 03-31-2018


Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (1/2 slots left) - Whisper - 03-31-2018

That'll be 1000g! I'll get working on it today!

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (1/3 slots left) - limerence - 03-31-2018


Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (2/3 slots left) - Bunstache - 04-01-2018

Gotta support my friendo

Screen name: Bunstache
What you'd like: Headshot
Character name: Buggedout
Personality / inspiration: To say the least, Buggy is an asshole. He degrades any and all in his sight that he deems to be an easy target and is easily frustrated by life in general. But despite this, it is little more than a mask to cover up a broken child still recovering from the world's harsh treatment. Those who see this side know he is rather naive and much more emotional in this raw state. I'm sorry, describing personalities isn't my forte
References:lanky build and strong features with a body covered with short, black, velvet-like fur and a white, fluffy mop of hair-like fur on top of his head. he has bright yellow eyes to match his father. his back is carefully lined with small, amethyst crystal formations and two deposits lay tucked in his head fur and is hard to see. He also wears a few pastel bandaids due to his frequent fights
Specifics: Any sort of pose, though a very done™ expression or glaring would be nice!
Other: you know i love your art c;;; !! Also, you can make the crystals on his head a bit more visible if you'd like!

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (2/3 slots left) - Whisper - 04-01-2018

(04-01-2018, 07:07 PM)Bunstache link Wrote: Gotta support my friendo

Screen name: Bunstache
What you'd like: Headshot
Character name: Buggedout
Personality / inspiration: To say the least, Buggy is an asshole. He degrades any and all in his sight that he deems to be an easy target and is easily frustrated by life in general. But despite this, it is little more than a mask to cover up a broken child still recovering from the world's harsh treatment. Those who see this side know he is rather naive and much more emotional in this raw state. I'm sorry, describing personalities isn't my forte
References:lanky build and strong features with a body covered with short, black, velvet-like fur and a white, fluffy mop of hair-like fur on top of his head. he has bright yellow eyes to match his father. his back is carefully lined with small, amethyst crystal formations and two deposits lay tucked in his head fur and is hard to see. He also wears a few pastel bandaids due to his frequent fights
Specifics: Any sort of pose, though a very done™ expression or glaring would be nice!
Other: you know i love your art c;;; !! Also, you can make the crystals on his head a bit more visible if you'd like!

Alright, I've got a few questions on the reference! So where are the head deposits, under his hears> Just above his eyes?

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (2/3 slots left) - Bunstache - 04-01-2018

They're right under his ears! Sorry I hadn't explained that fully ^^;

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (2/3 slots left) - Whisper - 04-01-2018

Alrighty! It comes out to 5000g- I'll probably shoot you a quick PM sketch of it just to make sure i got the design right before coloring it in!

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (2/3 slots left) - dreamiplier - 04-04-2018

ooooo shit gotta love me some gooooooood art™

Screen name: dreamiplier
What you'd like: icon
Character name: mike wheeler
Personality / inspiration: mike can be seen as an optimist, though more recently he comes off as stand-offish and rude towards others. undoubtedly loyal and brave, however, the boy shows that he is not afraid to stand up in what he believes and will tell anyone what he thinks or what is on his mind. he's hard to crack open, but once you do, you see a kindhearted, caring friend that truly cares about your well being and will do anything for you. very emotional, he is usually open about it towards his friends, and others if necessary. he is a creative thinker and very intelligent, though he actually doesn't know it or believe it. he can also be called "oblivious," and not aware of what other people are thinking. definitely a nerd (and a geek), he loves science and video games, and is always intrigued to learn more. however, due to recent events, he's more quiet and tends to stick to himself and not talk to others often. ( inspired by mike wheeler from stranger things, literally mike wheeler lmao )
References: mike is a creamy white feline with dark brown ears, which are curlier and fluffier than the rest of his pelt. though a rare sight for most felines, he has dark brown headfur, almost like human hair, curly and wild. his eyes are a dark chocolate brown, with light brown freckles scattered across his nose and cheeks. he can be seen wearing a dark blue sweatshirt, and an old digital watch on his right paw. he has very long, lanky legs, but his back right leg is missing due to being torn off by a raptor (which he does not know about). it is covered up in bandages and some stickers. he has a scar that begins over his right eye and goes down to his chest. ref, ref, ref
Specifics: whatever you think is best!! though i imagine him being more nervous or angsty or both tbh. the background could be the upside down or whatever you think suits best c:!
Other: i l o v e y o u r a r t

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open (2/3 slots left) - Whisper - 04-05-2018

Oof on mobile atm, but 1000g is your total!

Re: Struggle for muse - art shop: Open ( 1/3 Slots open ) - vvintersoldier - 04-06-2018

Screen name: Sky;;
What you'd like: icon/pixel
Character name: Roy Mustang
Personality / inspiration: Cunning, calculating, manipulative, cynical, egotistical, confident(perhaps over-confident at times)
deep down he can be quite friendly, loyal, and protective of his friends and family.
References: this is his ref: click
Specifics: Can he have like a cocky smirk on his face?? Like he looks confident with himself??
Other: Thank you so much !!