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I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - Printable Version

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Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - ROSEMARY - 07-20-2018

The ocelot approached, warily watching as Atbash announced this strangely unforeseen news - usually when a political upheaval happened, undercurrents within the group prompted the change. Yet, as the ocelot heard the angry retorts from her fellow pirates, she understood this decision seemed to have come on suddenly, like a one-sided breakup. She tilted her head to the left as she regarded Atbash, analyzing the timid leader's aura with her cold gaze. An explosion of orange, not unlike fireworks, radiated out of the savannah's aura; clearly, she felt almost terrorized by the Typhoon. Glancing at Pincher and the rest of the pirates, she frowned slightly.

But Goldie spoke her conclusion right as she got to it, as the pale ocelot remembered that Caesar caused a bit of an issue - back before Jacob quit leadership. Turning her eerie four-eyed gaze back to Atbash, the soothsayer regarded the leader with a frigid stare, as though Rosemary were looking at puppy pissing itself rather than someone higher ranked. "If you make all your leadership decisions based on this pathetic fear, then I'm glad you dropped the alliance before we saw your yellow belly in battle," the spotted wildcat stated, her words caustic and popping against her monotone drawl.
[Image: dark_folk___deco_divider_by_thecandycoating-da9wot6.png]

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-20-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash had no idea that the founder had come to an agreement with The Typhoon regarding their political alignment. The growing group that forced was making Atbash grow more and more nervous about this entire situation, and her gaze lingered on Argus and Vandal as they spoke. "Listen, I-" She tried to defend herself once more, when Pincher started to speak. The she-cat shrunk back as the larger feline started to form ice on his claws, her ears pinning to the back of her head. She couldn't promise the supplies back, that was facts. Wasn't it better to be honest than to promise something that would likely never come? "Th-there was a lot going on in Snowbound at the time, we were still recovering ourselves." Another excuse, but again, it did hold some truth to it. Not completely, but Atbash was mostly trying to save her hide right now. The electricity that sparked from the Typhoon Captain's fur made her flinch, and it took all of her might not to cower in front of him or his group right now. I already probably look so pathetic to them. She thought to herself, mentally biting her bit. She had to keep whatever respect the group had left of her - which, admittedly, probably wasn't much.

"Caesar... is not the main reason why I'm doing this." Atbash spoke towards Goldenluxury, her words coming out as a slow drawl, as if she didn't want to admit it. And she really didn't, but it wasn't exactly secret that she had a horrible bond with her brother, was it? His attack happened and made it obvious they did not like each other, so there was no hiding that anymore. But at least Atbash could act like it wasn't the main reason, even if it was. As Rosemary talked, Atbash looked over at her, but said nothing. She didn't really have a response to say; what the strange four-eyed she-cat said was true. She did make most of her decisions based on fear, but her high positions did back this one up. Then again, that didn't mean very much, did it?
bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - PINCHER - 07-21-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher was ready to honestly flay the female as she spilled more excuses, his long dark charcoal tail lashing behind him as the male was just getting sick of hearing her empty words and snorted, upper lip slowly falling back as he forced himself into composure. He inhaled a small breath before using his air elemental power to push a strong heavy gust of air towards Atbash so she would stumble back, distancing himself so he wouldn't snap her neck. "Just shut the fuck up with your weak ass excuses. I don't want to hear anymore shit coming out of your mouth and if you use whatever information you gained from the Typhoon to benefit you or anyone in some way, trust me I'll personally come and find you. I don't give a fuck who comes in my way, I will rip your tongue out for wagging it." Pincher snarled, sparks still coming out of his body but not as intense as before, the towering demigod's eyes cold and merciless as if they were made out of ice. He wasn't stupid and he had known the risks of allies that would break off as neutrals. They both carried information and knowing how weak-willed Atbash was when pushed over the edge, Pincher knew there was the risk that she would be a snitch for them.

Yet, it wouldn't be much of a surprise for a group to attack them since the only land that could be used to enter the island was the three mile stretch, enough time for them to spot such a large group and he doubted that many knew the ways of the seas like the Typhoon so trying to ride the rough waves wouldn't be very intelligent of them. But Pincher knew that it was always a possibility, he just needed to eliminate them from his work. The jaguar remained in a stalking position, his claws digging into the ice beneath him as he glared towards the female. If she spoke one more word, he would attack and he didn't mind eating savannah for dinner, his forked tongue slipping out to lick his jaws. "Leave before I show you how good I am at skinning little bitches like you."

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - purgatory - 07-21-2018

Re: I KNOW WHAT YOU DID LAST SUMMER // open, Snowbound news - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-22-2018

i should've said what i hear
i should have let myself fear
Atbash let out a squeak as she was forced back from Pincher, her heart pounding as she watched sparks fly from the Captain. Her black eyes stared fearfully up at him, before she scrambled to her paws and whipped around, obviously heading back towards Snowbound. Yeah, you definitely did not need to tell her twice to get out of here.

bio | female | hailcaller [leader] of snowbound
© madi