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bad girlfriend - open / joining - Printable Version

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Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - deimos - 07-18-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]So many animals, gathered in one simple space. Mismatched eyes trailed the next figure to appear out of the underbrush, watching each other inspect the other. She wore a simple expression, one that didn't read for the inner turmoil of what happened with her abuser or the anger she felt just before. She exhaled heavily through her nose as the wolf spoke. "Rochelle. Of course, many people to meet this day." She replied, her head still up high and her rather large body lumbering in the direction she pointed.

Deldrach nodded. She didn't bother to watch the maned wolf's actions as she slipped down. Coming from the pride, she had seen aplenty of different animals with many different actions to take. Many of which, she was briefly amused by before hunting them down and eating them. Deldrach blinked at the thought, then shook it off. It didn't bother her- her past as a huntress for her father's pride, but rather what else happened. She let the thoughts drift, however, as the tense air about Felix grew worse.

Her eyes, unimpressed, flicked towards him. The air, having grown stale in his shifting mood, didn't prove her interest, but what he said changed her path. She stopped, her entire head rotating towards him. "Titles." She said, simply, her tone too hard to decipher- was it remorse, pity? "Abandon them, for they bring you nothing, Felix." Deldrach said, before turning away. She walked into the underbrush, her tail low to the ground- she wasn't concerned about any of them, it seemed.

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - PINCHER - 07-18-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher had never been one to suffer the consequences of being made into some baby popper like he had heard some females had to endure. It was disgusting even to a criminal like Pincher that males believed that women had no equality in this world when in full honesty, Pincher just frankly did not care who they were as long as they were willing to focus on their improvement alongside the Typhoon's. He knew a lot of members entered with dark pasts that were shattered with like broken pieces of a window that had once reflected light. He himself had been pushed into something he had not desired in his life. A murderer. A killer. One trained in the ways of hitmen abilities, seizing the Reaper's job and using it to push his father and his uncle another step closer into success. As time went by, he became used to the idea despite how the smell of blood would cause his body to tense until the point he was always stiff from the fear of a sudden attack being placed on him. That was how things were before he died.

When he had been resurrected by whatever the fuck had decided to bring him back to life, Pincher didn't feel as afraid or nervous. He still dealt with the unease of having to take a life but he had come to terms with it because he needed to. The creatures of the sea demanded him with their shrill cries within his head, demanding and beckoning him to complete the task. He didn't know the consequences if he stopped but then again, Pincher had always been one to test dark waters. But for now, he was not challenging the ones that had resurrected for he was relaxing a little far off where the others were, his body crouching beside a freshwater stream, his tongue lapping up the crystalline cool water before he head the voices become more prominent. He rose to a standing position, cyan blue eyes narrowing as his tongue poked out and caught the scent of a stranger as well as the fresh scent of torn bark. Was someone fucking around with the territory? The tips of his claws unsheathed as he prepared himself to fight off any trespasser but as he grew closer, the scents of his crew also mingled yet the scent of blood did not join in. Huh.

The ash gray male stepped into the area where the others were, his calculative cool blue eyes fluttering to each face until it landed on the stranger. A lioness that appeared to be speaking to his crew. The tall captain tipped his head ever so slightly to the side as he inspected her in a brief moment of silence as he caught sight of the wood that had been torn that was not far off from where Deldrach was. "I prefer joiners to not damage my property when they are welcomed." Pincher rumbled, low voice steady and even as the male remained still for a moment before giving a civil nod towards the female as he added "Name's Pincher, I am the captain of the crew. Welcome to the Typhoon....?" His voice trailed off when he realized he had not caught her name.

Re: bad girlfriend - open / joining - deimos - 07-18-2018

[Image: tumblr_opwgzxenNS1tvso1qo1_540.gif]
[div style="background-color: #210808; color: #9B5151; font-family: arial; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: 1px; text-align: justify; overflow: auto; width: 500px; height: 340px; padding: 10px;"]Her eyes shifted towards the final person to join them. They just kept coming. How many people would fit into the clearing before she managed to leave? However, this one carried himself different. No demons on his front, steady gaze- almost unblinking. But his gaze did not rest on her, but past her. Deldrach didn't bother glancing to the mess she had made, her body still and her tail level, parallel to the ground. She wouldn't back down, but she wouldn't bite the mess presented to her.

A small, apologetic smile graced her face, as he spoke. Her mismatched eyes, however, betrayed the warm nature that typically benefit that of a kind person- they were cool, distant almost. She knew her place, but she wouldn't allow him to disrespect her- for that matter, that went to all of those that stood around her, and those that dwelled back at whatever they called camp on this isle. "Apologies, of course. A simple misunderstanding." Deldrach returned, her tone as smooth as honey. "Deldrach. My name is Deldrach, Pincher." Her eyes flicked towards Felix for but a second, before nodding towards the path aforementioned. "If you'll allow me, I'll go get settled in."