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FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Printable Version

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Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - MirrorEdge - 07-17-2018

//I had my whole freaking thing written out and then I lost it
Thea's face fell as both the joiner, and Suiteheart, told her no.

While Shininglight and Washington dealt with trauma, in their own ways, Thea was blissfully unaware of the feelings that often came with taking a life, the horror, the guilt, the sadness. Maybe because of the way she had been raised, to believe as long as she won, anything was okay. To smile, and everything would be fine. So the pride and happiness that she had won where all she felt when taking somebody's life, to kill along with them their hopes and dreams, and carve a hole in the hearts of their loved ones. She just never experienced it.

That was the fairy tale she believed, even with the cracks around the edges. If she ever came to the realization that that was completely wrong, that everything she worked for, the dreams she had, the sacrifices she made, were for nothing but a false truth implanted in her head by her parents, it would probably break the young cub, who's mind and emotional state were already as fragile as glass as it was.

But it wasn't obvious, as Thea offered Shininglight a grin, and chirped, "Well, then, even if you don't wanna fight, mister, that's fine! Welcome to the Ascendents, anyways!"

Was it possible for somebody to have paws stained in blood, yet remain so childlike and carefree?

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Owlie - 07-17-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]There were warnings to his arrival and he guessed some of the members would have picked up on it by now. The sudden change of aura in the air- confident and proud, encouraging you on. The sudden swirling of leaves and particles, taking shape and forming a glowing blue lion in Jedi robes.

The lion’s figure squinted at first. His ears flicked up and down. Interest. Suspicion.


Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Shininglight - 07-17-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
He let his focus wander back to the white feline- the first to have bumped into him- before the flowers took it away again. The very mention of them made him want to turn his head, but Shining kept himself still, listening to the words that Suiteheart spoke. She mentioned gardens, and a camp. More flowers to see. That would be nice. He almost missed the last part of her reply. The smile on the tom's face slowly turned back to a neutral, almost sad expression. "These wounds aren't worth worrying over..." Shining muttered, glancing towards the ground. "They may bleed, but they always heal." No matter how deep they went, how much blood he lost... They'd find a way to patch themselves up.

He had other, more serious wounds to worry about, anyways.

Attention shifted once again to the cat that had hid behind Suiteheart. They introduced themselves as Nero. Quietly, softly, a bit of hesitation in his voice. Shining was the same. They said nothing further, so neither did he. Then came the sound of heavy footsteps. The clanking of some kind of metal. Shining glanced to his side and spotted an armored creature of sorts. Hard to make out exactly what it was- they were covered head to paw with that strange equipment. The eyes were hidden behind a shiny visor. His gaze traveled the length and height of the armored creature, frowning. Shining looked prepared to speak up, to mention something. That armor irked him. Why did they have it on?

He turned away as Thea spoke up. She seemed disappointed with the lack of a fight. In contrast, Shining still didn't look to appreciate her asking. Why would she want to? His thoughtful question would go unanswered, because yet another visitor interrupted and distracted his mind. So many creatures to keep track of... Not to mention his exhaustion. He'd have to deal with this last Ascendant before passing out, it seemed. But they stood out among the rest. In fact, they looked a little familiar. Shine's invisible brows concentrated closer together, trying to put a name to the face.

"You know my name. I know you. Forgotten, but the memory lingers."

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Owlie - 07-17-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]// oh thank god he didn’t recognize him I wanted to do this

Anakin reaches up to cover his mouth with a paw and made a heavy breathing noise. ”KSH..... KUH......” he thought he was funny, didn’t he? Anakin looked over Shininglight, too. He felt something was.... off. Something had changed.

Anakin had never understood anything about Shininglight. He was always closed off the Anakin and he had never paid much attention to him outside of his duties. He’d known Shininglight. He didn’t know him.

"Is Lessa with you?"

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Shininglight - 07-20-2018

[div style="font-family: constantia; font-size: 13px; text-align: justified; width: 70%; margin: auto;"]
The blue spirit before him looked familiar. If only Shining had been able to read auras, maybe the questions and gaps in his mind could be answered. That ability had been locked away, unfortunately- along with countless other powers. The feline was in a weak state, physically and mentally. He needed to recover somehow. Would it even be possible, at this point?

The spirit made some sort of noise. If it was hoping for a reaction, Shining gave it none. Nothing but a cold, mindless stare. He glanced towards the one named Suiteheart, wondering if it was time go, when the ghost spoke up again. It mentioned a name. One that triggered memories to violently rush through the feline's mind. Shining's mix-matched gaze shot back to Anakin.

"..." He felt for the chain, the link that had his soul tied to another. Every so often he would feel a tug from the other end, searching desperately. Recently, it had grown... stronger. "Close. Closer, every day."

Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Owlie - 07-20-2018

[div style="text-align: justify;"]Maybe that meant Lessa was not too far behind. And... his gag didn’t work. He dropped slightly, ears folded back and shaking his head, his big mane shifting with his head.
"It’s Anakin. I’m Anakin. Anakin Skywalker." he said, tilting his head with a slight frown. Something.... wasn’t right with the former leader and it unnerved him. He wasn’t going to ask right now, and he doubted that shininglight could give him a clear answer.


Re: FAR FROM THE STARS | Joining - Luciferr - 07-20-2018

And the sky was littered
with the corpses of stars,

He knew trauma - his whole family knew it by grace of age and the many tinges of tragedy alone.

and he would always be regretful he could not spare his sister's descendants the grudge brn from the very monster that so haunted their steps - that so wove the tragedy in all their lives,

it had taken his before after all, self sacrificial or not.

duotne eyes of rose quartz set in deep black and pure white light observed the scene carefully - severe face a solemn mask as he watched the blue spirit - seemingly familiar with this old soul, even if the other had forgotten him,

he'd seen this before, in the haunted eyes of a nephew thought lost to the monster - not lost it had turned out,

not that what the years had done to him under that creature was any better - he still remembered the shudders and paranoia that had followed his eldest nephew around, the flinches from every sudden movement and the calm facade that fell down when he believed closing off was the better than defending himself from accusations.

he'd also been in that position once - left bereft while his carcass, as for all intents and purposes he might as well have been then, was chained to the whim of the mad end - and when the chrysalis of red red red had been broken, he'd barely remebered himself in time to act.

the deity watched on quietly as he joined the others, starlit fur dipped in the ink of the galaxy painted across his form glowed idly in the late day and with the ruminations one ink and star speckled paw raised to absentmindedly paw at the section his collar covered - the scar.

he wouldn't interrupt unless addressed - the eldest grimm feeling the need to give the other two space.