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THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - Printable Version

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Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - CAESAR CIPHER. - 07-16-2018

Caesar's gaze slowly slid to Rochelle as she approached and spoke. "I kidnapped her." The demon stated with a flick of his ear. He felt his claws slide against Pele's skin, and he heard her, of course, but his focus was on Rochelle right now. Unfortunately for him, he did have a major issue with only being able to focus on one thing at a time. "Oh, I can fight somebody my own size. I choose a kit. A child will make The Ascendants more alert, don't 'cha think?" He had a sly grin on his maw as he spoke this, clearly proud of what he had done - and what he was doing. Just as he was about to reply to Rochelle's last question, the wind was knocked out of him as Pele headbutted his chest.

Caesar had no idea Solveig was joining in at the moment, but ooh, did the child's attack irritate him. Unfortunately, the ability for him to control fire was still gone, but he still had his claws and teeth. Her horns pierced him a bit, but it didn't seem to bother him, even they did cut him. "You little shit." He hissed, as he aimed to swipe his paw at PELE again, this time trying to knock her down again.

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - ROSEMARY - 07-16-2018

Rosemary, likewise Solveig, thought of Goldie as she saw the Savannah cat getting pushed around by the yellowbellied officer. But she couldn't ignore it - the smell of burning flesh and the similarities between the two brought up too many memories of the time Goldie turned up with their degree burns on the beach. And how the child still refused to sit still and recover, so Rosemary was left bandaging those burns over and over and over again. The smell of burned flesh brought up terrible memories and feelings for her now. And, well, with a helpless female at the mercy of an inferior male and her own emotions swirling like a typhoon inside her skull, she felt compelled to act.

"That's enough," she hissed, attempting to slam a powerful gust of wind at Caesar to knock him away from Pele. Trying to worm her way between the younger Savannah cat and her adversary, Rosemary's fur bristled along her spine. She certainly was a tall and slender feline, even if she sucked at fighting. She still held enough faith in her magic that she could handle defending a small child from her least favorite male. "Back off, lemon," she snarled, her raspy voice backed with the cutting edge of a deep growl. 

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - ARGUS - 07-17-2018


[div style="background-color:#BG COLOR;width:90%; overflow: stretch;text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt;color: #E0EEEE;"] Unlike most of her clan mates, Argus saw a use in attacking a child, as horrid as it sounds. Although it was nothing as brutish as attempting to gain information from them- at least not at first. In fact Argus used to be very proficient at it, targeting weak minds such as a kid's and attempting to pull their side to their own corner. There was every use in attacking a kid as there was in attacking an adult, except with kids there was a fine line between getting information and loosing reputation with your peers. Kids did not know a lot of information about clan affairs beside anything a surface level spy could get. Leader, deputy, camp locations, the what-have yous.

And of course there was the moral dilemma, which was making itself known in the way their cremates reacted to the apparent term. "If you want to attack a high up have someone that's a higher position back you up Rose." The wolf responded, her eyes narrowing onto the scene with a mild distaste. Morality was such a tricky thing- some lean one way- other's lean another. What's right and what's wrong are based on perspective. Killing is killing- what matter if it's a kid that dies beside the lessened impact the life had?

"Of course, I'm sure you could be on your way home if you answered a few of our questions"Argus offered a way out to the kid, not letting their own voice betray one way or another that they were telling the truth- or better yet a lie. For Rosemary attacking caesar?

" Hey! Back off rosemary" While Argus could understand her view- enough to empathize if they could bring a way past the apathy for hurting kids. Argus wasn't going to allow anyone to start fighting now. Argus attempted to step between the wind that was meant to knock Caesar back. What could knock over a domestic was merely a strong breeze to the large quartermaster, that wasn't to say she wasn't prepared to deflect it, digging her claws deep enough into the ground to hopefully mute out the wind's effect if hit. Non the less their eyes narrowed at the attack. "You got a problem with a crew mate you bring it up with a higher up. Or am i going to have to bring Pincher into this?"

Re: THE JURY'S CORRUPT // open, capture + torture - Luca - 07-17-2018

Of course Luca would be drawn over by the ever tempting promise of drama on the air, although he hadn't expected to come across a scene quite like this. He had tortured children in the past - if Argus was who he thought she was, she knew that very well - but he only ever did something like that if the child had inconvenienced him first. From what he could pick up, Caesar had just plucked this kit up and dragged her away from her clan. Luca blinked as he sat down, watching the others argue among themselves as he curled his tail around his paws. He wasn't aware that the Typhoon was at odds with any of the other groups, but then again he was pretty new, so this could be a learning experience.

'Is this allowed?' He thought, watching the scene unfold before him. The responses Caesar got in response to capturing this Ascendant were so mixed that it made it hard to tell. Were they just mad because he captured a child, or were they mad that he captured anyone in general? Luca took great pleasure in capturing people, especially if they were big and strong. There was something to euphoric about being completely in control of someone double his size, but maybe that was just his inferiority complex talking. "Hey, maybe y'all should fight somewhere other than in front of the enemy. Y'know, put her somewhere else while we talk this over," Luca spoke, his husky voice wavering with something akin to amusement. If they wanted to communicate to the Ascendants the utter dissonance between their members, they were doing a great job.