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Re: BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - guts - 07-16-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 51%; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; letter-spacing: -1px; font-family: georgia;"]Church didn't personally know a lot of the Ascendants members, since he was mostly doing whatever Carolina or Washington told him to do, which kept him busy most of the time. He only knew a few--Suiteheart, Margeary, Bastille--but that was about it. There was also that one girl at the beach that didn't want to swim, but he didn't really know her name. Started with a G or something. The only one he really knew was Caboose, and he annoyed the shit out of him. But he didn't really count, since he had known him before coming there. Anyways, he probably needed to get out more.

He pads over, eyeing the sweets. He would have liked to take one, but ultimately, there were many reasons why he shouldn't. He was a canine, first of all, and he couldn't eat through his helmet. For some reason he didn't feel like taking it off, at least not right now. So he takes a seat off to the side, speaking as it's his turn. "Hey, I'm Leonard Church, but everyone just calls me Church." he suddenly realized how many people here had a lot of talents and interests, his face warming up as he scrambles to come up with something. "Uh, I like..swimming and all that shit," real smooth.

//yoo, im guts!! i've been rping and writing for a while now. aside from that, i also like digital art. i'm rlly big into animals, psychology, and all that Nerdy stuff. even tho i dont play them often i like mmos and rpgs. in the future i'd like to possibly become a vet tech or anything else that deals with animals. hmu if u ever wanna talk or plot uwu



You spoke of roses- all I feel are thorns ・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]info
Elon pouts, unsure of how the hell she missed this and annoyed that she did. She blind or something? The cat's spent that time sitting under the tree meeting people herself when she could do it in this big thing? Well,  at least it might have been a bit more personal to do it one on one prior she supposes. [b]"Elon. A pleasure." She hopes they don't fall all over themselves in her presence; she knows well how cute she is. "I like walks, good food, music, uhm..." being a vain creature, cursing people, and other things she definitely won't admit. But wanting to sound all cool like everyone else she admits something that maybe isn't the best for those with knowledge of what it implies. "Uh, I can read Theban. I wouldn't even mind teaching someone else it if they'd like." She smirks, feeling all learned now and special though it's definitely undeserved. Speaking of food before, she should go see to that.

/ I'm XYLO and welcome to Jackass. I've got a few characters spritzed around that I play casually and I'm usually stuck in mobile posting hell, but I'm always open for plotting and threads all the plenty so hit me up

Re: BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - Roy Mustang - 07-16-2018

[Image: Jz5nvpm.png]
Recently, there has been a lot of names and faces that Roy couldn't put together. Lately, it's come to Roy's attention that a lot of people joined the Ascendants- Roy hasn't seen so many people come into their group until now. Roy was used to a small amount of people coming to join, there weren't many names he had to memorize or members that had to earn his trust. But now, there are more newcomers than he can count. For almost as long as Roy lived in the Ascendants, Roy never trusts newcomers easily. He wasn't about to open up to them and tell them his deepest, darkest secrets when he barely knows who he's talking to. If they wanted his trust, they have to work for it themselves. These newcomers weren't any different than the old ones, but he did believe the mass meet and greet was a good idea. At least he should be able to put a name to their faces now, and they should know who he is if they ever want to talk with Roy.

The melanistic bobcat made his way over, ears drawing back to his skull. He glanced at his groupmates for a moment, ears pricked up as he listened closely to their introductions. There were some faces he recognized, such as Marg, Bast, Imperia, & Hazel(to name a few), but there were also people here that he never spoke with or seen before. Sitting himself down on the ground, the Flame Alchemist decided it was his turn to speak. "I am Roy Mustang," He spoke up, eyes scanning the crowd, "I am currently a Lunar Lieutenant here." In Roy's mind, the position he held was in equivalent to a first lieutenant. "I am an Alchemist- I specialize in flame alchemy." Roy can perform other branches of alchemy if he wished to do so. He just doesn't do it often, considering he specialized in flame alchemy, the other branches of alchemy weren't in much of his interest like it.

[ Hi, I'm Sky!! I am a moderator here on BoB, and I roleplay Roy here!! Unfortunately I don't have any other characters(I can't handle more than one oof), but I used to RP Buckingham Barnes, Vladimir Murdock, Olivier Mira Armstrong, and Edward Elric! I'm currently 18 years old, and I turn 19 in two weeks. Some of my favorite things happen to be: drawing, writing, marvel, musicals, FMAB, and more! I am going to be a freshman in college this fall and my major is undecided! If you ever want to plot or chat, I'm in the Ascendants server, or you can dm directly at vvintersoldier#1710! ]

Re: BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - Suiteheart - 07-16-2018

Meet and greets. It had been a while since Suiteheart had participated in one of these. She tried to think about how long it had actually been, but her brain couldn't recall that. She supposed she had forgotten a lot of things since the emergence of her last nine lifetimes. Panic overtook her chest for a few fleeting moments as she wondered what else might have slipped her mind. She didn't want to forget anything. Taking a breath to steady herself, she padded towards the gathered group. 'No need for worries today.'

A smile traipsed her lips as she sat down next to Roy and listened to everyone introduce themselves. She knew everyone here on a first name basis, and she was glad to be getting familiar with those she didn't know a little bit better. Hell, with the influx of joiners the past few days, it was getting more and more difficult to know each of them personally. This was an amazing start, however.

Once the floor was open, she supposed it was her turn. "Suiteheart Folie-Mikaelson." She instantly began to pull thoughts together on what she might say. There were a lot of aspects to her, but what was the most important now? She wasn't sure. "I'm the Ecliptic Admiral here. I like anything and everything that has to do with music - as you can probably guess from me teaching Hazel about playing the ukulele. I also play guitar like a god, but that's another story. Anyhow, I love photography too. My favorite colors are red and blue-gray. And if anyone ever needs their ears pierced, I'm your gal."

[hey y'all, i'm grassina! i'm about to start my first year of college, and i'm pretty pumped to be studying political science. other than that, i love music with my entire soul. live concerts are probably one of my favorite things in the entire world. other than music, i love the walking dead, ghost adventures, pokemon, and writing. i'm always open for plots or chatting, so definitely hmu!]

[b]suiteheart folie-mikaelson . ecliptic admiral . the ascendants . tags
© [color=black]MADI


[Image: tumblr_o5qz24I7UM1ubj5sjo1_500.gif]

*retro to injury*

This was good for him. In the means that he had been trying to create a roster of those that were around, which had been pretty difficult as this place seemed to have gotten pretty populated as of late. Which Washington wasn't unused to since there had been times where he was stationed to fend off the enemy that they were going to war against or during a raid. They needed as much technology as they could get through. He wanted to make sure that he knew everyone as much as possible, while at the same time not really interacting with them all that much either. Washington had been busy himself too, as he had been working on the next step of making sure that they were going to turn back to being humans. He knew that Church wanted to go back to being human, and even if he was just a simulation trooper he wasn't going to let him down either. Washington had been watching off to the side, debating whether or not he was going to be able to join in. The Freelancer hadn't exactly told anyone what he liked doing, because he had been working the entire time that he got here.

The smilodon had no reason to really try and take breaks when he needed to get his body back into working order. Having heard the last person introduce themselves, the Freelancer began to make his way over. Having noted all the names that he heard so far so that he would be able to address others by name when they did come up. "My name is Agent Washington. I'm not from around here. I used to enjoy shooting but that isn't possible now." He never really had to talk about himself. Well, he did back when he was considered the rookie, but even then he just had to say that he liked cats and his name and where he was from. Soldiers usually didn't care about where someone came from or their interests all that much. They all believed that they were going to die in that War after all. The idea of something that resembled human food was certainly nice, but he doubted that he would be willing to eat it in front of everyone. He had yet to reveal what his face looked like to anyone, keeping it hidden for personal reasons.

(Hi there! My name is Sorrel and I have been roleplaying for almost 12 years now! I currently play Wash here who is a complete asshole but hopefully, that doesn't bother any of you! I'm really into anime, wildlife, and other shows as well. I occasionally draw whenever I can find the motivation too. I'm currently enrolled in college for a wildlife biology degree so if I disappear randomly its because I'm dealing with college junk. The other characters I'm known for playing over the years is Ichigo, Killua, Inuyasha, Wintercloud, and a couple more sprinkled here and there. My favorite color is blue and I love eating different pastries thanks to my massive sweet tooth. This asshole right here is always open for plots even if he doesn't seem to like anyone he'll grow to like it as its more of just a slow burn that's happening for his character development. I hope you all enjoy your stay here!)"speech"
Tags | Updated 06/26/18:

Re: BLACK PAPER MOON | MASS MEET AND GREET - trojan g. - 07-18-2018

do you believe you could change me? the way i changed you.

Mass meet and greets were good things, for most others. Some didn't really like large crowds, though so far it seemed as though most of those living in the clan didn't really care either way if they were in a large crowd of people or in a small group of just one or two. There didn't seem to be the random loner that liked to be by themselves, but it was always possible that Roman had missed them, as they usually were good at just hiding in the shadows. Looking around at everyone as he arrived, he had heard most of what was said, having not been too far away to begin with, being drawn over by the smell of food - he was surprised that he wasn't overweight with how much he loved to eat to be honest.

Waiting for everyone to be done speaking, he would finally speak himself, "My name is Romancolossium, but most just call me Roman since it's easier," The scarred feline would start out, thinking about what he was going to say. There wasn't much interesting about him that was lighthearted if he was being completely honest, most of his scars were from internal fights where he was accidentally caught on fire in specific areas, and the one scar that he had that had meaning was a branding from a place that none here would really know about. "I like to paint and do art," He would continue on, and it was true, when he was younger he had painted a "family portrait" of some sort of his whole clan that they had hung in the castle "And I know Latin as well, because of my father." Who his father was, he wouldn't mention, as that was something for another day.

[[ Hello! My name is tikki and I just turned 20 yesterday as of writing this! I'm going to be a junior in college and I am studying anthropology with a minor in biology with the end goal of focusing on smaller primates like lemurs and spider monkeys and such. I've had Roman since 2015 on a different site, and have been roleplaying since 2011/2012. I love to write and do watercolor as well as digital art, and play some video games. I listen to a lot of musical soundtracks, so if anyone has any that they'd like to talk about, I'm down for it lmao.

I've got too many pets. Two dogs, a cat, two rabbits, and a leopard gecko, and I love all of them. I'm taking my rabbit - a lop eared named Willow - to school with me in August, but everyone else has to stay at home which I kinda hate. I'm always open to message if anyone wants to talk about anything, whether it be good or bad, venting about onsite stuff or something happened at home. I'm here for anyone with anything, and I'll try to help where I can.