Beasts of Beyond
destination tragedy ✧ Vixem's Coding Storage - Printable Version

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Dance, Fxcker, Dance ✧ Posting - Imortapose - 05-04-2018

© vixem.
    Lorizzle shizznit dolizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle amizzle, adipiscing elit. Nullam shit velizzle, shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle volutpat, suscipit quizzle, gravida vizzle, arcu. Pellentesque eget tortizzle. "I'm in the shizzle ghetto. Nizzle yippiyo dolizzle stuff we gonna chung tempor." Maurizzle gangsta nibh boom shackalack fizzle. Uhuh ... yih! fizzle tortizzle. Fizzle shit rhoncizzle nisi. In hac boom shackalack platea dictumst. Mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa dapibizzle. Nizzle tellizzle urna, pretizzle sure, check out this ac, fo shizzle my nizzle vitae, . Ass suscipit. Integizzle semper check out this i'm in the shizzle gizzle.

    Sizzle doggy tortizzle own yo' arcu bling bling consequizzle. "In bizzle, shiznit ac dignissim posuere, yo mamma lorem luctizzle pede, the bizzle you son of a bizzle augue sure velit. Pellentesque ac diam i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle elizzle varizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle. Curabitizzle turpizzle fo shizzle, its fo rizzle izzle, porta eleifend, break it down yippiyo, metizzle. Nunc doggy neque. Lorem ipsum mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa shut the shizzle up own yo', consectetizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle elizzle. Maecenizzle in away. Own yo' congue. Vestibulizzle pizzle erizzle tellivizzle velizzle crunk dictizzle. Yo mamma facilisizzle fizzle sizzle amet nibh. Cras crunk. Dang eu the bizzle bling bling neque lacinia shut the shizzle up." Aenizzle nizzle massa ghetto brizzle mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa away. Suspendisse enizzle fo shizzle my nizzle, bibendizzle doggy, ornare crazy, imperdizzle ass, lacizzle. Own yo' egizzle diam at massa adipiscing shit. Curabitizzle sure break yo neck, yall quis tellizzle ornare crunk.

    Bizzle nizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle. Phasellus my shizz, nulla eu crazy black, velizzle erat brizzle break it down, vel crunk nizzle phat vel nulla. Funky fresh izzle laorizzle felizzle. Etizzle rhoncus tempizzle magna. Shut the shizzle up get down get down ornare leo. Bizzle we gonna chung quam, rhoncus a, uhuh ... yih! in, faucibus shizzlin dizzle, crunk. That's the shizzle away i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle sure. Maecenas shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle gravida lectus. Fusce izzle tortizzle eget shizzlin dizzle uhuh ... yih! pulvinar. Shizzlin dizzle mollizzle fo shizzle cool. Nam egestas, metus a get down get down sollicitudizzle, uhuh ... yih! boofron aliquizzle urna, my shizz elementizzle velit purus shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle velizzle. Bling bling tristique enizzle shit ghetto. Sizzle crazy ligula et dui euismizzle euismizzle. Fo id lorizzle. Nizzle velizzle. Suspendisse shizznit nibh.

    Cool fo shizzle erizzle ut nizzle. Nullam congue. Vestibulum ghetto check out this dui. Gangsta sit break it down purizzle eu leo volutpizzle we gonna chung. Suspendisse daahng dawg. Nunc pimpin' i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle vitae the bizzle tincidunt aliquizzle. The bizzle daahng dawg tempor ante. Daahng dawg interdizzle erat izzle sem. black. Nizzle mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa tellus sizzle hizzle funky fresh dang. Nulla facilisi. quizzle quizzle a bizzle we gonna chung shizzlin dizzle. "Nullam we gonna chung dui owned velit. Cras shut the shizzle up metizzle sizzle fo shizzle my nizzle." Etizzle pretium uhuh ... yih! non break it down. Rizzle rutrizzle owned shizzlin dizzle.

[div style="margin: 0 auto; max-width: 500px; min-height: 400px; font-style: timesnewroman; font-size: 14px; text-align: justify; line-height: 12px;"][div style="min-height: 220px; background: url(; background-size: cover; border: 1px #73A15C solid;"][color=transparent](c) vixem.[/color][/div][div style="height: 40px; font-family: impact; font-size: 30pt; color: #73A15C; text-shadow: 2px 2px 2px black; line-height: -20px; text-align: right; padding-right: 18px; margin-top: -10px;"]GON FREECS[/div][div style="height: 20px; font-size: 13px; text-align: right; line-height: 9px; color: #73A15C; font-style: italic; margin-top: -18px;"][b]FRIENDS OR FOES, THEY'RE ALL THE SAME[/b][/div]
     Lorizzle shizznit dolizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle amizzle, adipiscing elit. Nullam shit velizzle, shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle volutpat, suscipit quizzle, gravida vizzle, arcu. Pellentesque eget tortizzle. [color=#73A15C][b]"I'm in the shizzle ghetto. Nizzle yippiyo dolizzle stuff we gonna chung tempor."[/b][/color] Maurizzle gangsta nibh boom shackalack fizzle. Uhuh ... yih! fizzle tortizzle. Fizzle shit rhoncizzle nisi. In hac boom shackalack platea dictumst. Mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa dapibizzle. Nizzle tellizzle urna, pretizzle sure, check out this ac, fo shizzle my nizzle vitae, . Ass suscipit. Integizzle semper check out this i'm in the shizzle gizzle.

     Sizzle doggy tortizzle own yo' arcu bling bling consequizzle. [color=#73A15C][b]"In bizzle, shiznit ac dignissim posuere, yo mamma lorem luctizzle pede, the bizzle you son of a bizzle augue sure velit. Pellentesque ac diam i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle elizzle varizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle. Curabitizzle turpizzle fo shizzle, its fo rizzle izzle, porta eleifend, break it down yippiyo, metizzle. Nunc doggy neque. Lorem ipsum mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa shut the shizzle up own yo', consectetizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle elizzle. Maecenizzle in away. Own yo' congue. Vestibulizzle pizzle erizzle tellivizzle velizzle crunk dictizzle. Yo mamma facilisizzle fizzle sizzle amet nibh. Cras crunk. Dang eu the bizzle bling bling neque lacinia shut the shizzle up."[/b][/color] Aenizzle nizzle massa ghetto brizzle mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa away. Suspendisse enizzle fo shizzle my nizzle, bibendizzle doggy, ornare crazy, imperdizzle ass, lacizzle. Own yo' egizzle diam at massa adipiscing shit. Curabitizzle sure break yo neck, yall quis tellizzle ornare crunk.

     Bizzle nizzle shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle. Phasellus my shizz, nulla eu crazy black, velizzle erat brizzle break it down, vel crunk nizzle phat vel nulla. Funky fresh izzle laorizzle felizzle. Etizzle rhoncus tempizzle magna. Shut the shizzle up get down get down ornare leo. Bizzle we gonna chung quam, rhoncus a, uhuh ... yih! in, faucibus shizzlin dizzle, crunk. That's the shizzle away i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle sure. Maecenas shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle gravida lectus. Fusce izzle tortizzle eget shizzlin dizzle uhuh ... yih! pulvinar. Shizzlin dizzle mollizzle fo shizzle cool. Nam egestas, metus a get down get down sollicitudizzle, uhuh ... yih! boofron aliquizzle urna, my shizz elementizzle velit purus shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle velizzle. Bling bling tristique enizzle shit ghetto. Sizzle crazy ligula et dui euismizzle euismizzle. Fo id lorizzle. Nizzle velizzle. Suspendisse shizznit nibh.

     Cool fo shizzle erizzle ut nizzle. Nullam congue. Vestibulum ghetto check out this dui. Gangsta sit break it down purizzle eu leo volutpizzle we gonna chung. Suspendisse daahng dawg. Nunc pimpin' i saw beyonces tizzles and my pizzle went crizzle vitae the bizzle tincidunt aliquizzle. The bizzle daahng dawg tempor ante. Daahng dawg interdizzle erat izzle sem. black. Nizzle mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa tellus sizzle hizzle funky fresh dang. Nulla facilisi. quizzle quizzle a bizzle we gonna chung shizzlin dizzle. [color=#73A15C][b]"Nullam we gonna chung dui owned velit. Cras shut the shizzle up metizzle sizzle fo shizzle my nizzle."[/b][/color] Etizzle pretium uhuh ... yih! non break it down. Rizzle rutrizzle owned shizzlin dizzle.[/div]

Heartstopper ✧ Signature - Imortapose - 06-09-2018

© Vixem
ʜᴜɴɢʀʏ ᴅᴏɢs ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʟᴏʏᴀʟ Moonbase Alpha - Plays Caera, Gon & Luthic

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: 210px; background:url(; background-size: fit; border: 1px black solid;"][color=transparent](c) Vixem[/color][/div]
[div style="width: 505px; font-family: calibri; font-size: 11pt; color: #FFEEC2; text-shadow: 2px 2px 1px black;"][size=12][b]ʜᴜɴɢʀʏ ᴅᴏɢs ᴀʀᴇ ɴᴇᴠᴇʀ ʟᴏʏᴀʟ [url=][abbr=Coding Storage][color=#FFEEC2]✧[/color][/abbr][/url][/b][/size] Moonbase Alpha - Plays [url=;u=123][color=#FFEEC2]Caera[/color][/url], [url=;u=224][color=#FFEEC2]Gon[/color][/url] & Luthic[/div][/align]

Best Friend ✧ Signature - Imortapose - 06-23-2018

[Image: markiplier_pixel_doll_by_mehrkyspace-d8x3jmt.gif]
and if you go ◂▾▸▴
i wanna go with you

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: 170px; font-family: georgia; font-size: 20pt; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #FCA1A4;"][div style="width: 100px; height: 150px; float: left;"][url=][img][/img][/url][/div][div style="width: 400px; height: 150px; padding-top: 64px; padding-left: 80px;"][align=left][b]and if you go[/b] [size=12]◂▾▸▴[/size]
i wanna go with you[/align][/div][/align]

[div style="width: 100px; height: 150px; float: left;"][Image: markiplier_pixel_doll_by_mehrkyspace-d8x3jmt.gif]
and if you go
[div style="font-size: 16pt; letter-spacing: 2px; color: #A94C50;"]
i wanna go with you

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: 170px; font-family: georgia;"][div style="width: 100px; height: 150px; float: left;"][url=][img][/img][/url][/div][div style="width: 400px; height: 150px; padding-top: 64px; padding-left: 80px; font-size: 20pt; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #FCA1A4;"][align=left][b]and if you go[/b][/align]
[div style="font-size: 16pt; letter-spacing: 2px; color: #A94C50;"][align=left][abbr=Caera, Gon, Luthic & Moonbase Alpha][i]i wanna go with you[/i][/abbr][/align][/div][/div][/align]

Best Friend - Viaven's Version - Imortapose - 06-23-2018

[Image: chaoticmonki_pixel_doll_by_mehrkyspace-d8x3jmm.gif]
and if you go ◂▾▸▴
i wanna go with you

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: 170px; font-family: georgia; letter-spacing: 4px; font-size: 20pt; color: #299F1E"][div style="width: 100px; height: 150px; float: left;"][url=][img][/img][/url][/div][div style="width: 400px; height: 150px; padding-top: 64px; padding-left: 80px;"][align=left][b]and if you go[/b] [size=12]◂▾▸▴[/size]
i wanna go with you[/div][/align]

[div style="width: 100px; height: 150px; float: left;"][Image: chaoticmonki_pixel_doll_by_mehrkyspace-d8x3jmm.gif]
[align=left]and if you go
[div style="font-size: 16pt; letter-spacing: 2px; color: #0F7D05;"]
i wanna go with you

[align=center][div style="width: 500px; height: 170px; font-family: georgia;"][div style="width: 100px; height: 150px; float: left;"][url=][img][/img][/url][/div][div style="width: 400px; height: 150px; padding-top: 64px; padding-left: 80px; font-size: 20pt; letter-spacing: 4px; color: #299F1E;"][align=left][b]and if you go[/b][/align]
[div style="font-size: 16pt; letter-spacing: 2px; color: #0F7D05;"][align=left][abbr=Fleur & Inactive][i]i wanna go with you[/i][/abbr][/align][/div][/div][/align]

Advanced Bio Questions ✧ Bio/Tags - Imortapose - 07-28-2018

Basic Information.
Name: Caera
——Pronunciation: Care-ah
——Nickname: None
——Name Meaning: "Spear" in Gaelic
——Previous Names: None
Residence: Tangle
——Previous Residences: Unknown
Rank: Member
——Previous Ranks: Unknown
——Wanted Ranks: None
Age: 9 months
——Physical Age: 8 months
——Spiritual Age: 14 months
Birth Date: answer
——Astrological Sign: answer
——Birth Height: answer
——Birth Weight: answer
——Birth Place: answer
——First Words: answer
Death Date: Tba
——Cause Of Deaths: answer
——Last Words: answer
Voice: Lexa // Alycia Debnam-Carey

Species: Dog-goat hybrid
——Breed: See above
Appearance Description: answer
——Fur Length: Long and curly
——Fur Colour: Multicoloured, like a galaxy
——Noticeable Marks: answer
——Eye Colour: Yellow
——Accessories: None
Body Build: Tall and chubby
——Height: 3'4"
——Weight: answer
Physical Disabilities: None

16Personalities Result: answer
Personality Description: answer
——Optimist, Realist, Or Pessimist?: Realist
——Introvert Or Extrovert?: Extrovert
——Coffee Or Tea?: Coffee
——Books Or Movies?: Movies
——Indoors Or Outdoors?: Outdoors
——Texting Or Calling?: Calling
Positive Traits: answer
——Best Quality: answer
——Helpful Habits: answer
Negative Traits: answer
——Worst Quality: answer
——Bad Habits: answer
Talents: answer
——Strongest Skill: answer
——Weakest Skill: answer
Likes: answer
Dislikes: answer

Relationship Status: Single
——Taken By: None
——Crushing On: None
——Maybe Crushing On: None
——Previous Loves: None
Romantic Attraction: Biromantic
Sexual Attraction: Bisexua
Close To Family?: No, she's on the run from her father
Children: None
——Children's Statuses: N/A
Parent(s): Radioactiveplague
——Parent's Statuses: Unknown
Siblings: None
——Sibling's Statuses: N/A
Best Friends: None
Friends: None
Acquaintances: Tanglewood
Enemies: None

History Description: answer
——Important Childhood Experiences: answer
——Important Teenage Experiences: answer
——Important Adulthood Experiences: answer
First Memory: answer
Experiences That Shaped Who They Are Today: answer
——Significant Belongings: answer

Combat Training: answer
——Physical Difficulty: Slightly above easy
——Mental Difficulty: Medium
——Fighting Style: Fire elementals and hand-on-hand combat
——Unique Moves: answer
——Weapon Of Choice: answer
Power Training: answer
——Powers: Fire Elemental
——Fire Elemental Mastery: Unmastered, 20%
Language Training: answer
——Known Languages: English
——Style Of Speech: Relaxed, casual
——Slang Used: Mobster/mafia slang

[b]Basic Information.[/b]
[i]Name[/i]: Caera
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Pronunciation[/i]: Care-ah
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Nickname[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Name Meaning[/i]: "Spear" in Gaelic
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Previous Names[/i]: None
[i]Residence[/i]: Tangle
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Previous Residences[/i]: Unknown
[i]Rank[/i]: Member
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Previous Ranks[/i]: Unknown
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Wanted Ranks[/i]: None
[i]Age[/i]: 9 months
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Physical Age[/i]: 8 months
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Spiritual Age[/i]: 14 months
[i]Birth Date[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Astrological Sign[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Birth Height[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Birth Weight[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Birth Place[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]First Words[/i]: answer
[i]Death Date[/i]: Tba
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Cause Of Deaths[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Last Words[/i]: answer
[i]Voice[/i]: Lexa // Alycia Debnam-Carey

[i]Species[/i]: Dog-goat hybrid
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Breed[/i]: See above
[i]Appearance Description[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Fur Length[/i]: Long and curly
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Fur Colour[/i]: Multicoloured, like a galaxy
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Noticeable Marks[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Eye Colour[/i]: Yellow
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Accessories[/i]: None
[i]Body Build[/i]: Tall and chubby
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Height[/i]: 3'4"
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Weight[/i]: answer
[i]Physical Disabilities[/i]: None

[i]16Personalities Result[/i]: answer
[i]Personality Description[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Optimist, Realist, Or Pessimist?[/i]: Realist
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Introvert Or Extrovert?[/i]: Extrovert
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Coffee Or Tea?[/i]: Coffee
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Books Or Movies?[/i]: Movies
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Indoors Or Outdoors?[/i]: Outdoors
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Texting Or Calling?[/i]: Calling
[i]Positive Traits[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Best Quality[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Helpful Habits[/i]: answer
[i]Negative Traits[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Worst Quality[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Bad Habits[/i]: answer
[i]Talents[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Strongest Skill[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Weakest Skill[/i]: answer
[i]Likes[/i]: answer
[i]Dislikes[/i]: answer

[i]Relationship Status[/i]: Single
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Taken By[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Crushing On[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Maybe Crushing On[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Previous Loves[/i]: None
[i]Romantic Attraction[/i]: Biromantic
[i]Sexual Attraction[/i]: Bisexua
[i]Close To Family?[/i]: No, she's on the run from her father
[i]Children[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Children's Statuses[/i]: N/A
[i]Parent(s)[/i]: Radioactiveplague
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Parent's Statuses[/i]: Unknown
[i]Siblings[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Sibling's Statuses[/i]: N/A
[i]Best Friends[/i]: None
[i]Friends[/i]: None
[i]Acquaintances[/i]: Tanglewood
[i]Enemies[/i]: None

[i]History Description[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Important Childhood Experiences[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Important Teenage Experiences[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Important Adulthood Experiences[/i]: answer
[i]First Memory[/i]: answer
[i]Experiences That Shaped Who They Are Today[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Significant Belongings[/i]: answer

[i]Combat Training[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Physical Difficulty[/i]: Slightly above easy
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Mental Difficulty[/i]: Medium
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Fighting Style[/i]: Fire elementals and hand-on-hand combat
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Unique Moves[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Weapon Of Choice[/i]: answer
[i]Power Training[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Powers[/i]: Fire Elemental
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Fire Elemental Mastery[/i]: Unmastered, 20%
[i]Language Training[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Known Languages[/i]: English
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Style Of Speech[/i]: Relaxed, casual
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Slang Used[/i]: Mobster/mafia slang

Re: destination tragedy ✧ Vixem's Coding Storage - Imortapose - 07-28-2018

gif by x on tumblr
Basic Information.
Name: Caera
——Pronunciation: Care-ah
——Nickname: None
——Name Meaning: "Spear" in Gaelic
——Previous Names: None
Residence: Tangle
——Previous Residences: Unknown
Rank: Member
——Previous Ranks: Unknown
——Wanted Ranks: None
Age: 9 months
——Physical Age: 8 months
——Spiritual Age: 14 months
Birth Date: answer
——Astrological Sign: answer
——Birth Height: answer
——Birth Weight: answer
——Birth Place: answer
——First Words: answer
Death Date: Tba
——Cause Of Deaths: answer
——Last Words: answer
Voice: Lexa // Alycia Debnam-Carey

Species: Dog-goat hybrid
——Breed: See above
Appearance Description: answer
——Fur Length: Long and curly
——Fur Colour: Multicoloured, like a galaxy
——Noticeable Marks: answer
——Eye Colour: Yellow
——Accessories: None
Body Build: Tall and chubby
——Height: 3'4"
——Weight: answer
Physical Disabilities: None

16Personalities Result: answer
Personality Description: answer
——Optimist, Realist, Or Pessimist?: Realist
——Introvert Or Extrovert?: Extrovert
——Coffee Or Tea?: Coffee
——Books Or Movies?: Movies
——Indoors Or Outdoors?: Outdoors
——Texting Or Calling?: Calling
Positive Traits: answer
——Best Quality: answer
——Helpful Habits: answer
Negative Traits: answer
——Worst Quality: answer
——Bad Habits: answer
Talents: answer
——Strongest Skill: answer
——Weakest Skill: answer
Likes: answer
Dislikes: answer

Relationship Status: Single
——Taken By: None
——Crushing On: None
——Maybe Crushing On: None
——Previous Loves: None
Romantic Attraction: Biromantic
Sexual Attraction: Bisexua
Close To Family?: No, she's on the run from her father
Children: None
——Children's Statuses: N/A
Parent(s): Radioactiveplague
——Parent's Statuses: Unknown
Siblings: None
——Sibling's Statuses: N/A
Best Friends: None
Friends: None
Acquaintances: Tanglewood
Enemies: None

History Description: answer
——Important Childhood Experiences: answer
——Important Teenage Experiences: answer
——Important Adulthood Experiences: answer
First Memory: answer
Experiences That Shaped Who They Are Today: answer
——Significant Belongings: answer

Combat Training: answer
——Physical Difficulty: Slightly above easy
——Mental Difficulty: Medium
——Fighting Style: Fire elementals and hand-on-hand combat
——Unique Moves: answer
——Weapon Of Choice: answer
Power Training: answer
——Powers: Fire Elemental
——Fire Elemental Mastery: Unmastered, 20%
Language Training: answer
——Known Languages: English
——Style Of Speech: Relaxed, casual
——Slang Used: Mobster/mafia slang
[td][div style="width: 150px; height: 150px; background: url(; background-size: 150px 150px; border: 1px black solid;"][color=transparent]gif by x on tumblr[/color][/div][/td]
[td][div style="margin-left: 20px; padding-top: 4px; width: 430px; height: 30px; background: #cf6767; border: 1px black solid; font-family: georgia; font-style: italic; font-size: 18px; color: black;"][align=center][b]LOST IN A WORLD THAT DOESN'T EXIST[/b][/align][/div]
[td][div style="margin-left: 20px; margin-top: 10px; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 5px; overflow: auto; width: 430px; height: 500px; background: #cf6767; border: 1px black solid; font-family: georgia; font-size: 12px; color: black;"][b]Basic Information.[/b]
[i]Name[/i]: Caera
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Pronunciation[/i]: Care-ah
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Nickname[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Name Meaning[/i]: "Spear" in Gaelic
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Previous Names[/i]: None
[i]Residence[/i]: Tangle
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Previous Residences[/i]: Unknown
[i]Rank[/i]: Member
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Previous Ranks[/i]: Unknown
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Wanted Ranks[/i]: None
[i]Age[/i]: 9 months
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Physical Age[/i]: 8 months
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Spiritual Age[/i]: 14 months
[i]Birth Date[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Astrological Sign[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Birth Height[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Birth Weight[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Birth Place[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]First Words[/i]: answer
[i]Death Date[/i]: Tba
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Cause Of Deaths[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Last Words[/i]: answer
[i]Voice[/i]: Lexa // Alycia Debnam-Carey

[i]Species[/i]: Dog-goat hybrid
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Breed[/i]: See above
[i]Appearance Description[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Fur Length[/i]: Long and curly
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Fur Colour[/i]: Multicoloured, like a galaxy
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Noticeable Marks[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Eye Colour[/i]: Yellow
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Accessories[/i]: None
[i]Body Build[/i]: Tall and chubby
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Height[/i]: 3'4"
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Weight[/i]: answer
[i]Physical Disabilities[/i]: None

[i]16Personalities Result[/i]: answer
[i]Personality Description[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Optimist, Realist, Or Pessimist?[/i]: Realist
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Introvert Or Extrovert?[/i]: Extrovert
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Coffee Or Tea?[/i]: Coffee
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Books Or Movies?[/i]: Movies
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Indoors Or Outdoors?[/i]: Outdoors
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Texting Or Calling?[/i]: Calling
[i]Positive Traits[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Best Quality[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Helpful Habits[/i]: answer
[i]Negative Traits[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Worst Quality[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Bad Habits[/i]: answer
[i]Talents[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Strongest Skill[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Weakest Skill[/i]: answer
[i]Likes[/i]: answer
[i]Dislikes[/i]: answer

[i]Relationship Status[/i]: Single
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Taken By[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Crushing On[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Maybe Crushing On[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Previous Loves[/i]: None
[i]Romantic Attraction[/i]: Biromantic
[i]Sexual Attraction[/i]: Bisexua
[i]Close To Family?[/i]: No, she's on the run from her father
[i]Children[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Children's Statuses[/i]: N/A
[i]Parent(s)[/i]: Radioactiveplague
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Parent's Statuses[/i]: Unknown
[i]Siblings[/i]: None
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Sibling's Statuses[/i]: N/A
[i]Best Friends[/i]: None
[i]Friends[/i]: None
[i]Acquaintances[/i]: Tanglewood
[i]Enemies[/i]: None

[i]History Description[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Important Childhood Experiences[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Important Teenage Experiences[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Important Adulthood Experiences[/i]: answer
[i]First Memory[/i]: answer
[i]Experiences That Shaped Who They Are Today[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Significant Belongings[/i]: answer

[i]Combat Training[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Physical Difficulty[/i]: Slightly above easy
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Mental Difficulty[/i]: Medium
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Fighting Style[/i]: Fire elementals and hand-on-hand combat
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Unique Moves[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Weapon Of Choice[/i]: answer
[i]Power Training[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Powers[/i]: Fire Elemental
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Fire Elemental Mastery[/i]: Unmastered, 20%
[i]Language Training[/i]: answer
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Known Languages[/i]: English
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Style Of Speech[/i]: Relaxed, casual
[color=transparent]——[/color][i]Slang Used[/i]: Mobster/mafia slang[/div][/td][/tr][/table]

Re: destination tragedy ✧ Vixem's Coding Storage - Imortapose - 08-31-2018

Lorizzle fizzle dolor sizzle amet, shit adipiscing i'm in the shizzle. Nullizzle break it down velizzle, things volutpizzle, owned quizzle, gravida vel, arcu. Pellentesque break it down tortizzle. Sed dizzle. Gizzle at shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle dapibus turpizzle tempus break it down. Maurizzle pellentesque shiznit izzle turpizzle. Sheezy izzle break it down. Pellentesque eleifend rhoncizzle shizznit. In hac stuff dope dictumst. Funky fresh dapibizzle. Own yo' sheezy urna, shiznit that's the shizzle, pizzle ac, bow wow wow vitae, nunc. Shit suscipizzle. My shizz sempizzle velit sizzle nizzle.

In fizzle daahng dawg non nisi. Pimpin' rhoncizzle, arcu fo shizzle malesuada facilisizzle, sizzle its fo rizzle aliquizzle sem, non auctizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle a est. Suspendisse volutpizzle my shizz augue. Sizzle egestas gangster izzle brizzle. Prizzle consectetuer its fo rizzle ma nizzle. Dawg gangsta, dizzle sit amizzle accumsan tincidunt, gangsta sizzle ultrices sem, izzle mofo erat nisi sit amet ass. Maecenizzle yo mamma tortizzle vel enizzle. Phasellizzle lobortizzle. Nulla lectus lacizzle, convallis da bomb, aliquizzle dizzle amizzle, pulvinizzle we gonna chung, augue. Vivamizzle pimpin'. Vestibulizzle shit ipsum fo shizzle in da bomb orci luctus izzle shizznit shiznit fo shizzle Curae; In eu elit pot black bibendizzle condimentizzle. Daahng dawg est tortor, uhuh ... yih! vel, ghetto vel, sheezy izzle, for sure. Crunk ass, tortizzle eget vehicula doggy, lorizzle justo ultricizzle lorem, izzle gizzle mi urna vitae you son of a bizzle.

Sizzle cool izzle, luctizzle fo shizzle my nizzle, tristique et, brizzle phat, yo. Pimpin' pharetra, nisi izzle facilisizzle malesuada, neque justo consequizzle doggy, bow wow wow fringilla libero erat izzle crunk. Class shiznit taciti check it out shiz litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenizzle. Yo check out this orci, scelerisque ghetto, iaculis vizzle, accumsan sheezy, elizzle. Nunc lacizzle. Check it out gizzle urna, accumsizzle its fo rizzle, feugizzle nizzle, molestie dawg, sapizzle. Fo condimentizzle. Aenean gizzle dolor nizzle fo shizzle mattizzle black. Mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa own yo' felis, laoreet izzle, fo shizzle quizzle, bow wow wow nizzle, we gonna chung. Maecenizzle izzle pede. I'm in the shizzle nibh. Shit enizzle. You son of a bizzle tellivizzle. Maecenas metus tellivizzle, sempizzle gangsta, dawg da bomb, doggy brizzle, lacizzle. Dope fo shizzle bling bling, sempizzle gangsta, dapibus owned, pretizzle ac, velizzle. Morbi dictizzle tellizzle quizzle pizzle stuff yippiyo.

[div style="float: left; overflow: hidden; width: 170px; height: 500px; background: #cf6767; border-top: 1px black solid; border-left: 1px black solid; border-bottom: 1px black solid;"][div style="margin-left: 9px; margin-top: 9px; width: 150px; height: 150px; background: url(; background-size: 150px 150px; border: 1px black solid;"][color=transparent]gif[/color][/div]
[div style="margin-left: 9px; margin-top: 9px; width: 150px; height: 150px; background: url(; background-size: 150px 150px; border: 1px black solid;"][color=transparent]gif[/color][/div]
[div style="margin-left: 9px; margin-top: 9px; width: 150px; height: 150px; background: url(; background-size: 150px 150px; border: 1px black solid;"][color=transparent]gif[/color][/div]
[div style="width: 150px; height: 10px; text-align: center; font-family: georgia; color: black; font-size: 15px;"][b]CAERA[/b][/div][/div][div style="width: 300px; height: 500px; border-right: 1px black solid; overflow: hidden;"][div style="padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 5px; padding-right: 15px; width: 323px; height: 500px; background: #cf6767; border-top: 1px black solid; border-bottom: 1px black solid; text-align: justify; font-family: calibri; color: black; overflow: auto;"]Lorizzle fizzle dolor sizzle amet, shit adipiscing i'm in the shizzle. Nullizzle break it down velizzle, things volutpizzle, owned quizzle, gravida vel, arcu. Pellentesque break it down tortizzle. Sed dizzle. Gizzle at shizzle my nizzle crocodizzle dapibus turpizzle tempus break it down. Maurizzle pellentesque shiznit izzle turpizzle. Sheezy izzle break it down. Pellentesque eleifend rhoncizzle shizznit. In hac stuff dope dictumst. Funky fresh dapibizzle. Own yo' sheezy urna, shiznit that's the shizzle, pizzle ac, bow wow wow vitae, nunc. Shit suscipizzle. My shizz sempizzle velit sizzle nizzle.

In fizzle daahng dawg non nisi. Pimpin' rhoncizzle, arcu fo shizzle malesuada facilisizzle, sizzle its fo rizzle aliquizzle sem, non auctizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle fo shizzle mah nizzle fo rizzle, mah home g-dizzle a est. Suspendisse volutpizzle my shizz augue. Sizzle egestas gangster izzle brizzle. Prizzle consectetuer its fo rizzle ma nizzle. Dawg gangsta, dizzle sit amizzle accumsan tincidunt, gangsta sizzle ultrices sem, izzle mofo erat nisi sit amet ass. Maecenizzle yo mamma tortizzle vel enizzle. Phasellizzle lobortizzle. Nulla lectus lacizzle, convallis da bomb, aliquizzle dizzle amizzle, pulvinizzle we gonna chung, augue. Vivamizzle pimpin'. Vestibulizzle shit ipsum fo shizzle in da bomb orci luctus izzle shizznit shiznit fo shizzle Curae; In eu elit pot black bibendizzle condimentizzle. Daahng dawg est tortor, uhuh ... yih! vel, ghetto vel, sheezy izzle, for sure. Crunk ass, tortizzle eget vehicula doggy, lorizzle justo ultricizzle lorem, izzle gizzle mi urna vitae you son of a bizzle.

Sizzle cool izzle, luctizzle fo shizzle my nizzle, tristique et, brizzle phat, yo. Pimpin' pharetra, nisi izzle facilisizzle malesuada, neque justo consequizzle doggy, bow wow wow fringilla libero erat izzle crunk. Class shiznit taciti check it out shiz litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenizzle. Yo check out this orci, scelerisque ghetto, iaculis vizzle, accumsan sheezy, elizzle. Nunc lacizzle. Check it out gizzle urna, accumsizzle its fo rizzle, feugizzle nizzle, molestie dawg, sapizzle. Fo condimentizzle. Aenean gizzle dolor nizzle fo shizzle mattizzle black. Mammasay mammasa mamma oo sa own yo' felis, laoreet izzle, fo shizzle quizzle, bow wow wow nizzle, we gonna chung. Maecenizzle izzle pede. I'm in the shizzle nibh. Shit enizzle. You son of a bizzle tellivizzle. Maecenas metus tellivizzle, sempizzle gangsta, dawg da bomb, doggy brizzle, lacizzle. Dope fo shizzle bling bling, sempizzle gangsta, dapibus owned, pretizzle ac, velizzle. Morbi dictizzle tellizzle quizzle pizzle stuff yippiyo.[/div][/div]

Re: destination tragedy ✧ Vixem's Coding Storage - Imortapose - 09-24-2018

Template Name (Click for preview) or [url=http://link to template on private code storage]Templates Name (Click for live preview)

Key features.
• Mobile Friendly or NOT Mobile Friendly
• ex Hidden Scroll
• ex Gif background
• ex Two lines for song lyrics

Template Example:

Re: destination tragedy ✧ Vixem's Coding Storage - Imortapose - 10-02-2018

[Image: bob_icon_by_immyjimmy-dcoel5f.png]

Custom Title: ✧ // sᴇᴛ ᴍʏ sɪɢʜᴛs ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇᴛᴛɪɴɢ sᴜɴ
Personal Text: ᴀᴋᴀ Imagination

Signature: **Code credit to [member=8]pumpjinary[/member] ! Link to her free template thread where you can find this siggy. <3
[glow=#987F78,2,300]YOUR GALAXY AND THE STARS, YOUR SKY[/glow]
[color=#87A0B1]———— [how will you embroider it] ————
[align=center][div style="width: 400px; height: auto; font-family: georgia; font-size: 11pt; color: #D2C7C5; line-height: 14px;"][glow=#987F78,2,300][b]YOUR GALAXY AND THE STARS, YOUR SKY[/b][/glow][/div][/align]
[align=center][div style="width: 312px; height: auto; font-family: georgia; font-size: 9pt; color: #D2C7C5; line-height: 14px; text-align: center;"][color=#87A0B1][s]————[/s] [[abbr=Plays Caera, Gon && Moonbase Alpha]how will you embroider it[/abbr]] [s]————[/s][/div][/align]

Re: destination tragedy ✧ Vixem's Coding Storage - Imortapose - 10-02-2018

hush now darling, don't say a word. demons calling, they'll eat your soul. i'm not sorry for what will come; what you don't know. hold your breath, dim the lights, i won't say you're safe this time. here and now, you're mine tonight. hush, hush. keep your pretty mouth shut. hush, hush. lose your innovation. i'll let you in on my dark side. show you what hell really feels like. ♡

[div style="margin-left: 25%; width: 100px; height: 100px; float: left; background: url(; border: 2px black solid;"][color=transparent].[/color][/div][div style="width: 350px; height: 100px; padding-left: 8px; font-size: 13pt; font-family: calibri; line-height: 12px; text-align: justify; overflow: hidden;"][i]hush[/i] now darling, [b]don't say a word[/b]. demons calling, [b]they'll eat your soul[/b]. i'm not sorry for what will come; what you don't know. hold your breath, [i]dim the lights[/i], i [b]won't say you're safe this time[/b]. here and now, [b]you're mine tonight[/b]. [i]hush, hush[/i]. keep your pretty mouth shut. [i]hush, hush[/i]. [b]lose your innovation.[/b] i'll let you in on my dark side. show you [b]what hell really feels like[/b]. ♡[/div]