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Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - Printable Version

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Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - dead sons/daughters - 07-16-2018

a blind date? what in the devil's maw exactly was that? swashbuckler himself had to ask one of the fellows who gathered around here to know the exact meaning of "blind dates", and so far, swashie had gotten the idea that it was simply spending time to get to know other crewmates, as long as its platonic. he was more than up for that, really! so eagerly, he wrote on the slip of paper of his name, preferences, and what kind of date it is, happily skipping away after that, to think of other more important things, like map creation.

NAME: the names swashbuckler
DATE TYPE: both pls
PREFERENCES: someone who speaks with telepathy ( unless thats like too specific really; i dont mind )

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - SOLVEIG - 07-16-2018

Solveig had no interest in this whatsoever, but she had to admit that Jacob's call made her curious as to just how many members of the typhoon were interested. Above all, Solveig was a people watcher. It was what kept her alive most of her life; sizing someone up, anticipating their movements before they began to strike, attuned carefully to eat individual through mind and body-though, in truth, more the mind than anything else. When you could read someone's mind, at least in most cases, it made it a lot easier to anticipate what they might do next. The unfortunate aspect of that was that in battle, many didn't think of their next action, only their intent- but she was getting off track here.

In short, dating was not her thing. After Pincher, she was done. That was really all there was to it. She wasn't about to make the Typhoon into an island of ex-lovers surrounding her. Quietly moving up besides Jacob, she offered him a small nod as she gathered her paws to sit down, eyeing the box curiously for a moment, perhaps in some manner considering if she would do it.


Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - Luca - 07-17-2018

Blind dates, weren't they usually kind of awkward? Whenever he had participated in that sort of thing in the past, his partners almost always dropped out once they saw who they were paired with. Luca laughed to himself almost nervously, scratching idly at a cut beneath his fur. Should he sign up? There was always the chance that his partner would overlook his personality for his body, which was honestly the result that Lu was hoping for. Eventually he decided that he may as well. If he didn't end up getting laid, maybe he'd at least make a friend. He sauntered over with false confidence, chewing on his  lip as he filled in the required card.

Name: Luca
Date type: Both I guess
Preference: (Luca attempted to draw himself shrugging here, but it ended up looking more like a scribble)

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - Character Graveyard. - 07-17-2018

A blind date event? The perfect distraction from Wade. Vanessa had almost-immediately walked over when Jacob called out. She decided to take a seat next to Luca, who she gave a nod of her head to before she filled out her card.

Name: Vanessa
Type: Romanic
Preference: Any

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - cyantist - 07-17-2018

[align=center][div style="text-align:justify;width:55%;font-size:10pt;font-family:verdana"]Pelor, was this really what he was going to be doing with his time? Yes, it absolutely was. The wolf walked into the crowd, taking a card and filling in it with all the dread that he could possibly muster towards the situation. If he was paired with a pretty woman or a handsome man, perhaps it wouldn't be too bad. The likelihood was that, knowing Felix's luck, the whole thing would go terribly wrong anyways.

Name : Felix
Type : Romantic/Platonic
Preferences : no one under a year preferably, any gender

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - bubblegum - 07-18-2018

[Image: tiny_pixel_goldie.png]
goldenluxury "goldie" roux — female — the typhoon — tags
//retro sickness

goldie was always happy to get to know her crewmates. she found herself too young to be in a relationship yet - she hardly knew anything about flirting in general. besides, she sure as heck wasn't interested in anybody here. not like that, anyway. the girl simply felt it was useful to be close to her crewmates, and pleasant, assuming they were not rude or incredibly annoying. the girl figured she might as well sign up.

NAME. goldenluxury roux
TYPE. platonic
PREFERENCES. not really any! just please no jerks.

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - PINCHER - 07-18-2018

CAPTAIN PINCHER ROUX | resides in the typhoon and is the demigod of rough seas. he is a muscular dark gray jaguar with frigid glacier blue eyes, marked with scars and glowing tattoos. he is the head of the roux family and is currently engaged. he is known for being a charming strategist with dark secrets. be cautious around him. —— ⚓
Pincher remembered how his first blind dating event had gone in when he had went to see Jacob for the event in Snowbound. It had been decent and nice though he had been disappointed when he had not been able to have a date with Jacob but with Lilyspoise instead. She had been nice and rather lovely but he saw her only as a friend, nothing more. But then he had grown impatient and had wanted the attention of Jacob, grabbing the husky and taking him home to have their first kiss in the Deep Sea Dome. It was a rather wild event in his memory since Pincher didn't tend to behave so erratic unless he was absolutely driven by his emotions. And when he was around Jacob, he tended to think as much as he was used to, his body and mind relaxed and nothing worrying about anything else but to hang out with his boyfriend.

Upon hearing that Jacob was preparing for another blind dating event, Pincher decided he might as well join in hopes of getting to know others better. However, this time, he was not going to find any romance as the lithe towering figure of the storm gray jaguar followed shortly at Felix, his tar black ears pricking and swiveling towards the direction of Jacob, spotting him and heading towards the other male. A warm purr began to rumble in his throat as he lowered his head to plant a kiss on Jacob's lips before grabbing a paper and deciding this was a good opportunity to get to know a crewmate if he was chosen one. He glanced towards Goldie, glad to see she had decided to signup but he hoped she would get someone good though that offered many since Goldie was rather liked by everyone.

Name: Pincher
Type: Platonic
Preferences: Idgaf

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - rochelle - 07-18-2018

[align=center][div style="borderwidth=0px; text-align: justify; width: 550px; padding-bottom: 17px; overflow: stretch; border-bottom: 2px dashed;"]Rochelle wasn't ... no, she wasn't interested in anyone. She'd never been in a relationship before, however approached the blind dating event with curiousness. To be a part of this thing, well it was like she was hopping on the bandwagon, so hop she did. The lupine stepped forward, retrieving a note and scribbling down, without hesitation, her information. She smiled a little bit, albeit a tad uncomfortable with the idea of being thrown into a social situation with anyone. Rochelle just wanted to make a friend.

Name: Rochelle
Type: Platonic
Preference: None

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - tikki - 07-18-2018

quick track of the thread, can't think of an actual reply soooo

name: caecia
type: platonic
preference: none

Re: Can you feel // open+blind dating event // the love tonight - MARCELLUS - 07-19-2018

HEARTFELT PROMISES { .:*・°☆ } ——— [size=10pt]TAGS
A blind dating event? Oh lord save him. He wasn't sure what to do, what to say. Well, he knew what to do but on terms of saying something he was truly lost. He wasn't exactly the best when it came to dating because well, he barely knew anything in that department. He never went on a date before either and wasn't sure what exactly classified as a "date." Besides that, he was still in the closet believe it or not. What if he did put romantic? Would he have to specify what he was into? Girls, boys, the neither? He was into guys but frankly he wasn't ready to confront that side of him today and definitely not ever. So for right now he would settle for a platonic blind date and nothing more than that. He wasn't ready for romance yet anyways.

Considering Marcellus couldn't read or write, the king cheetah padded up to Jacob and whispered his answers to him, returning back to his spot to watch the others write in their answers.

Name Marcellus
Type Platonic
Preferences N/A