Beasts of Beyond
EVOLUTION - joining - Printable Version

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Re: EVOLUTION - joining - ABATHUR . - 07-14-2018

Unknown population? That boded well. Probably meant that it was a little bigger than this subject was used to, so anywhere between fairly big to a highly populated city - or he was just reading too much into it. He was used to a certain amount of hustle and bustle anyways, the sort that kept him occupied so he didn't have to think about how messed up reality was, so he could deal with a large enough population. "Appreciate welcoming. What is subject's name?" He asked, keeping his sentences quick and curt, like he was used to. Unlike he was used to, though, he was very... small. It just felt different, he thought, having to sort of look up at everyone, even if he was a comparable enough size to domestic cats. Less powerful. Apparently he was too used to being in control. Oh, but the one who actually seemed to have her wits about him said something interesting. "Attack mode? No. Currently, subject Abathur poses no harm to subjects. Outnumbered, outsized, six to one. Would be difficult. Likely impossible. Without arachnophobic subject," he said, glancing Malphas's way, if anyone could tell in his empty, pupil-less eyes, "would still be five to one."

The next person was one of the curious crop, the ones more prone to asking questions about their current reality than retching in horror at the mere thought of a spider or simply being amused at all the scared imbeciles. He usually enjoyed those bunch, if only because he liked talking, even it didn't seem like it with his overly simplified speech. "Consider self fairly memorable, yes," he offhandedly commented, beginning to use his hind legs to brush off some of the muck that had coated his body. Ah, she was asking the egg sac size question. That was certainly an interesting one. "No, have no siblings. Spider form was not original body, but certainly most used. If self was born spider, would potentially have some similarly sized spiders, though not... In no location nearby." It was still up to him to figure out where he was, honestly. Oh, she was asking if he was joining? "For now, yes." He had no choice, really.

Last but not least was the arachnophobe, the drama queen, the person who needed a portable fainting couch just so they could express their fear in a reliable way. Apparently he was as territorial as a non-sapient feline; very interesting. "Apologies, did not mean to encroach on subject's expertise. Was only volunteering own usefulness. Negotiation, most useful tactic for avoiding death," the mygalamorph explained, trying to look over Malphas for anything he could use to calm the poor man down. Though despite his mental usage of poor, he had a lot of time garnering sympathy for him. "Unfortunately, not hallucinating. Would attempt to calm subject, but best tool was lost. Potentially unretrievable."

Though he had to admit, the living panic attack did have a point with his last statement there.

tags - "speech"

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - aya - 07-15-2018

[div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 55%; font-family: arial; font-size: 11pt; text-align: justify;"]Aya really liked the way this guy spoke. Straight to the point and lacking in flowery metaphors - or even, emotion at all. It was cool. What greatly interested her was that he hadn't always been a spider. "So - not to be rude, but like... What makes you look at a spider and say 'ah, yes, I want to be one of them'?"

The tortoiseshell took a step back, admittedly excited at the prospect of the spider staying in Tanglewood. She intended to befriend Abathur, and his frighteningly many eyes. In an attempt to not seem too eager, she took on a less excitable tone, and said to the spider, "Well, welcome to Tanglewood. It shouldn't take too long for word to spread of a giant-ass spider joining."

Re: EVOLUTION - joining - Luciferr - 07-20-2018

But Heed this lesson well,
When the weak court death, They find it -

Fen had stepped back to watch the ongoing reactions - oh so malphas disliked spiders? hm interesting information, he'd have to dangle one above the temperamental youth next time his mouth ran away with him...which was always usually, fen had to suppress a sigh, was foolish to hope he'd save his ire for the enemy - his ears flicked back to abathur when the spider seemed confused.

so the big beast shifted forwards a few paces and swatted some leaf litter and such carefully away - and the deadly spikes set to snap closed were revealed, to which he tilted his head "the maw" he gestured.

setting the thing into hiding away he nodded t the spider when finally one of them asked and the spider posed an affirmative - border meetings got crowded each day no? so many these days, truly tangles was a large family nowadays - and rumbled "welcome then Abathur - fenrisulfr Grimm" an introduction and no doubt the spider would prove interesting to have among them - especially with that speech pattern and wording, hm.

[sub]TANGLEWOOD - REGENT - TAGS - REF (9FT) - EXTREME[W]isker[/sub]