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「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Printable Version

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Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 08-26-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]
Ayon's main plot/arc "Kismet" / most likely reapply it to a Komorebi character:

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 08-29-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]Planning to try roleplaying Ayon again because I fucking love my cryptic son so much and I am a complete fool for him, but I'll be restarting him and pretend whatever happened in Rosebloods didn't happen because eh. Stuff. So, if I do end up roleplaying Ayon again, here's a list of what I can do for Ayon with other things to keep in mind with him:

— Ask Ado and Asy if I can snatch a Death/Lirim kiddo? Definitely, Ayon being part void and death makes so much sense to his character.
— Buy the required powers before I roleplay Ayon; will open the graphic shop when I get my hands on Photoshop again
— Must get fire element, telepathy, teleportation, clairvoyance, shapeshift, and mental manipulation. // Powers I can get along the way: pretty much the rest of the powers, lmfao
— Have no loyalty towards clans/groups, and he pretty much wanders from here to there. If I do end up having a Death/Lirim child, Ayon's main group may be wherever the Break character will be. Maybe the Typhoon too, as plot with Cy to see if Ayon and Silus can get along and Silus can get him to join the group?
— Not going to be very active with Ayon because I want to focus on my life and personal project more, so, him being a nomad will be fine with me. Seeing what Cy is doing with their projects by roleplaying few of their characters that are based on the projects, maybe I can use Ayon to help me explore into Komorebi's universe?
— More to be added.

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 08-29-2018

❝ SAYONARA LULLABY ❞ ———————————————————————
Don't tell me the [b]truth . Your world is upside down
You keep pretending . Don't trust your friends

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 08-30-2018

WELCOME TO ————————————————————————————
All the beauty in your face, and all the anger seperates us
Smile when you're not afraid to die, but I'm afraid with each goodbye
[b]—————————————————————— DEVILAD'S GRAPHIC SHOP
[div style="width: 455px; margin-top: 8px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]Hello, hello, indeed, welcome to my shop where I make pretty coolio and extra af graphics with my own blood, sweat, and tears!! Heck yeah!!

[b]Before I get into the rules and everything else, at the moment, this shop is currently closed since I'm currently on vacation, yet I'll be returning home next Wednesday and get my wifi a bit afterward. Just wanna set everything up beforehand, so, they will be open somewhere in September. For now, you are more than welcome to track with the form in the spoiler for when the shop is officially open, but when it does, the first three people who posted with the forms ( quoted ) will get their slots!

— All site rules apply.
— Please, be patient with me. I have a life and personal project I want to focus on more than anything else, and with my ADHD, and how I often get distracted too easily, my attention of making these really something. I might get the request done after a couple hours or a day of receiving them, or I might get them after a few days, if not a week. So, do not rush nor nag me to finish them.
— Do not use the work that are not made for you, and do not in any way edit my work nor claim them as your own. At the moment, I'm still uncertain if I should have them watermarked with just my initial "CJP" somewhere very small, but if that will be the case, do not crop them out if it's at the edges. Otherwise, if anyone ask, refer to me, as if you post my work somewhere off site, credit me.
— If the slots is filled, feel free to post the forms in the spoilers, but when there's an open slot, please quote them.
— Send me the gems once I have stated I completed your work on here, which I will not post them until I have the full payment. I'm not positive I will add in everything you desire, especially with the extra features to the graphics, so if anything flops, expect me to ask you for the gems lower than the given price from what you ordered. Vice versa, with time, if the work takes me a longer time to finish them, be aware, I will ask you to pay higher no more than 2k to 5k extra.
— The character must have a faceclaim. Right now, I have no idea how well can I do Photoshop with animated characters, since I have only done so with real life people, but just to be sure, until I change this requirement, I ask you to please tell me both their animated and real life faceclaims.
— If you are unsatisfied with anything, please let me know, and depending on what it is, I will try to re-edit the work, or you can keep part/all of your gems if I can't follow your expectations.

Who Are You? * *
↳ 6,000 gems
Define Definition *
↳ 5,000 gems
Statistic Of (Redacted) *
↳ 3,000 gems
Moodboard ( note that if you want a moodboard, the more you put in what you associate the character in the form, the quicker and better quality your moodboard will be ) * *
↳ 2,000 gems
10-20 set of icons *
↳ 1,000 gems for 10 icons
↳ 1,500 gems for 15 icons
↳ 2,000 gems for 20 icons

ANIMATION ( note that I can't put in all kind of animation into the graphics, for an example, fire animation, so be sure to give me extra options you have in mind, but if I still can't do the rest, your final payment will be decreased a bit; and depending on what style is it, some may not be available for certain graphic options ) * *
↳ 500 gems
↳ 200 for each still doodle
↳ 500 for each animated doodle
↳ 500 for each body modification

— Open
— Open
— Open

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 09-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]TRANSFERRED FROM DISCORD ( TW: MENTIONS OF SUICIDE & DEATH ) —
"Alrighty, so, I'm thinking of that backstory I thought up for Ayon? I'm definitely going to make that as his official backstory. I think the only things I need to change is most likely taking down the "monochrome to seeing colours after meeting your soulmate" element of it because I'm planning to make Ayon have synthesis; Crederex wouldn't give up searching for Reagan after he died or the twelfth time; and, instead of Crederex, Shawn at the time, making a contract in order for Ayon to live after he was killed by a monster, he'd do that when Ayon was Reagan and he got murdered as he wanted Reagan to have the ability to reincarnation. He could've asked for Reagan to just be resurrected, but the Demon Crederex made the deal with, Hyuo, manipulated him to make things in his life more interesting, plus Crederex was desperate and could mainly think about bringing Reagan back, so he would ask for anything to get what he want.

Although, once Crederex became a Demon, he won't remember anything but the name, Reagan, with extremely vague description of that person, and few details of the time he made the contract, specifically he was asking someone ( Reagan ) to be able to reincarnate. So, I was thinking Crederex would want to look for this Reagan person, even though he doesn't remember why or how was he important to him, but he just had this knowing person means a lot of him, therefore, he had this desire to search for him. However, lifetime, Crederex finds a person he believes is Reagan, he never got his chance to tell him he was Shawn and he was Reagan when as soon as he thinks that person is Reagan, they usually die few hours afterward, and even if he wanted to tell him about it right away, it always happened at the wrong time when Reagan wouldn't be available. He definitely knows it'd be Reagan because they would die on November 30th, the time when Reagan was born.

After the twelfth incarnation of Reagan died, Crederex would still search for Reagan, he came across Sam who he originally thought was Reagan, but even after he dismissed it and saw her as someone else, he still ended up sticking with her because Sam was so supportive and kind to him, even if he was shitty at the time, but they did became best friends and after a few years, they realized they had a crush to each other and began to date. Also, I think instead of Reagan becoming a Demon in the end, Sam would be the one to be a Shaemon. I'd have to change Reagan's view towards Demons a bit to make it realistic to his character, but, yeah,

Continuing on, eventually, while Crederex was losing his hope of finding Reagan and Sam noticed his solemn and quiet demeanor, he spoke to Sam about the whole search on Reagan situation, and with Sam's help, they both figured out what was a puzzle by noting how each of Reagan's incarnation is based on a zodiac sign, and Sam expected there'd be an Ophiuchus!Reagan wandering around by now. That's when they come across who is now known as Ayon, and unlike any other of Ayon's incarnations, the moment Crederex sees Ayon, he can immediately tell it's Reagan.

As much as Crederex wanted to take the chance to tell Ayon everything right away, Sam suggested to wait it out and let Ayon be comfortable with them, otherwise, he'd most likely be afraid of them and never want to interact with them again, as she reassured him Ayon will be carefully watched to prevent death. Ayon became more comfortable with Crederex and Sam, and even considered them as his best friends after two years of interaction. Crederex and Sam had feelings for him after their second year and discussed of having Ayon be a part of their love relationship, as Crederex thought Reagan could've been his lover when he sensed such a strong familiarity in Ayon's personality and easily imaged they could have a similar personality.

OR instead of them developing feelings for Ayon after the second year, they all started dating a while after Ayon remembered literally everything about him and became a Demon by making a contract with Crederex.

To explain that scenario, Ayon have certain nightmares in certain months, and after he went through all of the nightmares for a year, he's given a message that starting on December 18th, each day, he have to have to kill himself in a similar situation each of his incarnation went through, otherwise something bad will happen to him. But right before the moment he would finally end his life, he'd wake up fully healthy and whatnot, but he actually haven't died as something stopped him.

On December 30th, he attempted to commit suicide jumping off of a high altitude. Sam and Crederex found out what's been happening to Ayon lately at the last minute, yet managed to stop him before Crederex explained to him in every details of what had happened to him. Before Ayon could respond to anything, that's when Hyuo came over with Ajin who turned into a snake monster and managed to kill Ayon, while Hyuo gave Crederex the memory of what happened to Reagan and himself when he goes by Shawn.

After Crederex and Sam took Ajin and Hyuo down, Ayon told Crederex he wanted to make a contract with him. Ayon never told Crederex and Sam he had the ability to see a partial of individual's hidden true form, so he knew Crederex was a Demon all along, yet he was afraid to talk to him and Sam about it because his ability had a very dark and sad past to it that made him believe if anyone had known, he'd be left behind.

Crederex had thought of making Ayon a Demon, but he feared at the thought of him having to go through so much suffering and hatred like he had, so if Ayon was in his last reincarnation, he may as well enjoy being with him while it lasted. Though, Ayon begged him to make up a deal, and Crederex gave up and asked him what he wanted. Ayon answered him to push him off of the cliff with a promise they would be together forever with Sam, and they never have to say goodbye to each other ever again. They kissed each other and after Ayon also kissed Sam, he was pushed off of the cliff, and instead of disappearing to his bedroom, he fell through a portal and reached to Hell.

Immediately, to intimate the Demons to get what Crederex and Sam want without putting up so much of a fight, they had Hyuo's and Ajin's heads and entered Hell to get Ayon back. Ayon was already a Demon by the time they arrive, but it'd still be nice to get him back as soon as possible, so they confronted those who would get in their ways and demanded to return Ayon. By the time Ayon was given back, he still remembered everything, and somehow managed to keep most of his personality, but Crederex and Sam didn't complain and they all returned home.

After they all discussed about what happened in the past and whatnot, and where their relationship stood then, they all officially became partners until several months later, they all proposed to each other, and there you have it. They're all still going through their own trauma, but they have each other, so everything will be okay."

Re: 「 HELLFIRE. ¦ STORAGE 」 - Devilad - 09-02-2018

[align=center][div style="width: 455px; text-align: justify; font-family: nyala; font-size: 8pt; letter-spacing: 1px; color: #000"]TRANSFERRED FROM DISCORD —
"Crederex and Sam never imagined Ayon would be...himself still, even after he was brought to Hell and tortured—or at least, they thought so.

Ayon was supposed to be a Demon, however, since the contract was made between him and Crederex, other than him having a new form, anything he does said otherwise.

They did noticed how quieter Ayon was; how softer he was from a smile to a voice. Oh, they cut through so easy for his thought or emotion to end the moment he shared them to the world.

They soon realized: Ayon had been tortured by the world for too long, in lifetime after lifetime, giving up his last breath twelve times, he believed he was still standing on it once he reached Hell.

Ayon was special because he knew how to keep his soul close, despite the agony burning his skin and unknown hands attempting to take it, even if it means he would be touched everywhere.

He learnt it best by being hurt. He only had himself, while he used his pain of being harmed, lied, manipulated—overall, a true definition of tragedy to guide him in life and beyond after death.

Therefore, the torture Ayon went through In Hell was just the same as he had gone through since his birth, and yet, he was full.

He was envied by the Demons and the Damned, as even a few powerful ones were so of his strength. Perhaps, a bit unsettled as well because how can one not fear Hell itself?

With Ayon, as Hell reigns supreme in his steps, he is the inferno in which falling stars are born."