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all the best memories are hers — storage - Printable Version

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Re: all the best memories are hers — storage - elliot - 07-18-2018

gonna store some old clan guides. not necessarily for the clans themselves, but i might reuse concepts/code.  all text and code is mine.

Re: all the best memories are hers — storage - elliot - 07-21-2018



[color=black][size=10pt][font=arial]LightningClan, or StormClan as it was originally named, is a ruby fanclan with over 50,000 posts that was started back in 2011 by Faux. For almost a full year it was the most active pseudoclan on the site, accumulating around forty thousand posts on one thread, but then died out. Since then it has gone through multiple reboots, with on-and-off activity, but is once more attempting to get back on its feet.

HISTORY The history of LightningClan is actually quite rich, and can be traced back to a clan called FlameClan. In this clan, there were two cats by the names of Darkfire and Flameflare; the two were great friends and did nearly everything together. However, one day the leader, Briarstar, decided that due to the lack of kits each cat should be assigned a mate. Darkfire and Flameflare both thought this was outrageous and should not be allowed, and so gathered all the opposing cats in the Clan and decided something should be done. So, together, they ran off with a few others and created a Clan of their own, one that was fair and allowed cats to be with whoever they please. And so, LightningClan was born. Darkfire became Darkstar and led the clan with Flameflare as his deputy for many moons in peace with the other clans, as the golden age in the history of LightningClan.

But like all good things this did not last forever and LightningClan fell inactive. Many rose to power and tried to start it up once more, however it failed each time. An old leader, Roman, has taken the lead once more in the beginning of a new age. One with renewed strength and the ability to endure as we always have, re-writing LightningClan's history to become the great clan it once was as we speak.

TERRITORY LightningClan as switched territories multiple times, but they have currently settled high in the mountains, similar to those of the huangshan peaks in China. This range of mountains is incredibly beautiful and equally mysterious, almost always covered in a layer of mist. It storms often here, with rain often and thunderstorms also common, as their name sort of suggests. There is plenty of trees and growth up on the mountains, home to lots of prey.

Deep inside the mountains, LightningClan makes its home inside a tunnel system, connecting large caves through bridges and pathways like these. Most of the clan lives together, making their nests in one of the bigger caves, however members are free to wander about and claim places to sleep as they please. Their home is a treacherous one, yes, forcing the LightningClans to be agile and stick to the paths. Survival of the fittest, yes?

RANKS LightningClan is official, so if you roleplay a high position you are eligible for a badge.

The leader of the clan; has the final say in all decisions, and can hold meetings and promote or demote members.

Serves as the deputy or second-in-command. Can accept invitations and such, and can hold meetings and do most things, with permission from the Emperor, along with helping in big decisions.

Medicine cats and healers. Praised for their knowledge in herbs, these members are responsible for keeping members in good health, as well as interpreting religious signs and omens. Able to help in most decisions.

Trained by Sages to become Sages themselves, these members also aid in the healing of LightningClanners, along with being taught how to read omens. Limited say in most decisions.

Assistant deputies and the police force of the clan. Enforce rules and keep order within the group, and have limited say in most decisions but can accept invitations.

Mostly serve as messengers and scouts, these members know the passages of the mountains like the back of their own paws, and must be able to navigate the many tunnels to spread information. Are also responsible for the smaller duties, such as welcoming new members and keeping things light around the clan.

The main body of the clan; they hunt and fight for the others.

In training to become full warriors, they are given mentors and taught to hunt and fight from the age of six moons and up, until they seem fit to become warriors.

The young as well as those too old to serve any longer are taken care of by the rest of the clan.

FAQ If you have any questions, feel free to ask them here and someone will answer, but you may also pm any one of the high positions, as they are listed in the ranks.

Just jump in! Either start a joining thread in the Official Clan Roleplay board or just jump into any LC thread! However, please remember to label all threads as LightningClan in the title!

Most of LightningClan worships StarClan, but members are free to believe what they like.

They are currently a ProClan.

Currently pending.

Nope- LightningClan accepts all creatures! Just make sure you purchase your animal from the shop if it isn't free!

High positions are chosen icly, but if you're active and friendly there's a good change you'll get the spot!

Re: all the best memories are hers — storage - elliot - 07-21-2018

fyi lightningclan is dead to me and im never reviving it i just wanted the template but now that im looking at it its kinda ugly

Re: all the best memories are hers — storage - elliot - 07-21-2018

[Image: XJ2F2xJ.png]

INTRODUCTION  SunClan is a beach-dwelling ProClan with a reputation for being loud and full of life, known for their creativity and parties and close ties with those they consider friends — but be wary of your step, for once provoked they can be deadly.

  SunClan now resides in a small, colorful BEACH TOWN at the southern edges of a TROPICAL MOUNTAIN RANGE. The town itself is nestled quaintly onto the edge of a rocky outcrop that fades into beach the further one walks. Meetings are often held in an old marketplace/town square with a fountain in the center and members tend to take up residence in the bright buildings that line the streets of the village, though they are free to choose where they would like to sleep, be it one of the houses or elsewhere. After all, there's lots to explore here! The town is also home to a large CANAL, which then flows out to the ocean OVER THE CLIFFSIDE. Following the canal back into the territory, it is part of a river that winds back to the mountains and into a LAKE WITH MULTIPLE WATERFALLS, though the falls are taller than the image and below a rocky outcrop of the mountain. One of these waterfalls, when the sun is just right at dawn and dusk, lights up orange, and is often called the SUN FALLS. From atop the outcrop above the waterfalls and lake it is possible to see most of the territory and the town in the distance, which is why it has been dubbed SUNCLAN OUTLOOK.

Back to the south and the town, SunClan's cliff is known to have EXTREME TIDES. And when the tide goes out twice a day, it exposes MYSTERIOUS CRYSTAL CAVES below the town. However, these can only be reached at low tide, and staying inside too long can cause animals to drown as they flood once more. Futher along the shore the cliffside transitions into a long stretch of BEACH, with many CAVES and COVES. One cave specifically has an isolated pool within and a hole in the top that illuminates the water below at midday. This is called the SUNPOOL, and has special capabilities, allowing SunClan to contact Helios and ancestors. Deeper within the territory, the mountains are home to various other treasures. In the middle of the tropical range, there is an odd, gaping hole that leads down to a STRANGE, MOSSY ABYSS that is equally dangerous and beautiful. There is another hole in the mountains, though this is more of a HIDDEN UNDERGROUND POOL, embellished with vines and mossy cave walls. While astounding in beauty, be careful, for once in it's difficult to get out!

RANKS  Aenean sed elementum tortor, eu dapibus nunc. Vestibulum vel metus imperdiet, iaculis dolor et, faucibus tortor. Aenean suscipit scelerisque quam. Nunc suscipit lacinia ipsum at blandit.

LEADER The leader; their word is law. May do anything and is in charge of overseeing the clan.
Blank, played by blank

DEPUTY The right hand, second to only the Leader. Able to accept all invitations, ideas, and host raids without permission.
Blank, played by blank

SILVERBLOODS Assistant deputies and trusted council of the leader. May host raids, events, and accept invites without permission.
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank

SUNGUARDS A high position tasked with enforcing rules and suggesting ideas. May lead raids and accept invitations without permission.
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank

HEALER A high position tasked with keeping the clan in good health, often both physical and mental. Typically skilled in herbs. These members can also still move up to become a Silverblood.
Blank, played by blank

HEALER'S APPRENTICE A semi-high position and in training to become a full healer.
Blank, played by blank

KEEPERS A semi-high positon and stepping stone to further achievement. May accept invitations without permission.
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank

MEMBERS The bulk of the clan; unlimited and not considered a high/semi-high position. Can be made up of Warriors, Apprentices, Kits, Queens, Elders, and anything else members choose to dub themselves! Members are free to train in any field they'd like, be it medical, art, or something different!

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fancypost © faux | information © faux | images © owners

Re: all the best memories are hers — storage - elliot - 07-21-2018

omg that code is so old i need to fix it gfhngbdnhfgbsf

Re: all the best memories are hers — storage - elliot - 07-26-2018

[Image: EYR7V5y.png]

INTRODUCTION  Includes our exceedingly brief history thus far.  Curabitur ac erat quis leo ultrices accumsan id in quam. Suspendisse lacus massa, condimentum eget nibh hendrerit, euismod iaculis magna. Phasellus sit amet rutrum felis. Sed iaculis ullamcorper metus.

  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc auctor a neque sit amet venenatis. Donec scelerisque ex non blandit pulvinar. Etiam tempus placerat mauris vitae sollicitudin. Pellentesque ac enim sit amet sem placerat tincidunt at a ligula. Phasellus sed purus imperdiet, rhoncus nisi ac, dictum ligula. Fusce sed metus ullamcorper, iaculis nunc eget, auctor lacus. Vivamus fermentum, lorem vel dictum lacinia, eros diam viverra mi, eget facilisis lectus elit hendrerit eros. Cras faucibus vel odio ut aliquet. Mauris id nunc sed lectus hendrerit congue. Cras tristique, ipsum eget laoreet pellentesque, arcu lectus tempus magna, eu eleifend lorem lacus ut metus. Integer scelerisque neque vel ex imperdiet eleifend. Nullam sit amet sapien risus. Ut imperdiet maximus velit. Quisque malesuada sit amet ligula et egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Curabitur ac erat quis leo ultrices accumsan id in quam. Suspendisse lacus massa, condimentum eget nibh hendrerit, euismod iaculis magna. Phasellus sit amet rutrum felis. Sed iaculis ullamcorper metus. Nulla mattis accumsan lacus a efficitur. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris vel urna ante. Etiam ac dui volutpat, posuere erat eget, scelerisque augue.

RANKS  Aenean sed elementum tortor, eu dapibus nunc. Vestibulum vel metus imperdiet, iaculis dolor et, faucibus tortor. Aenean suscipit scelerisque quam. Nunc suscipit lacinia ipsum at blandit.

LEADER The leader; their word is law. Though their power is without limit, they are responsible for the success and well-being of the group.
Blank, played by blank

DEPUTY The right hand, second to only the _____. They are given a great deal of trust and are able to complete most tasks without permission.  Also responsible for stepping up the ___'s stead in their absence.
Blank, played by blank

ASSISTANT DEPUTY Assistant deputies and trusted council of the ____.  Each picks a specific cause to reign over when they step up and are responsible for cultivating their chosen field.
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank

HIGH POSITION A high position tasked with enforcing rules as well as generally being welcoming and involved.
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank

SEMI-HIGH POSITION A semi-high position and stepping stone to further achievement; tasked as a welcoming committee to newcomers.
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank
Blank, played by blank

MEMBERS The bulk of the clan; full-fledged members who may fulfill a variety of roles.  Unlimited and too many to list.

APPRENTICES Younger members in training to become ____s.  Unlimited and too many to list.

KITS The children of the group, too young to become ___s.  Unlimited and too many to list.

RELIGION & CUSTOMS  Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc auctor a neque sit amet venenatis. Donec scelerisque ex non blandit pulvinar. Etiam tempus placerat mauris vitae sollicitudin. Pellentesque ac enim sit amet sem placerat tincidunt at a ligula. Phasellus sed purus imperdiet, rhoncus nisi ac, dictum ligula. Fusce sed metus ullamcorper, iaculis nunc eget, auctor lacus. Vivamus fermentum, lorem vel dictum lacinia, eros diam viverra mi, eget facilisis lectus elit hendrerit eros. Cras faucibus vel odio ut aliquet. Mauris id nunc sed lectus hendrerit congue. Cras tristique, ipsum eget laoreet pellentesque, arcu lectus tempus magna, eu eleifend lorem lacus ut metus. Integer scelerisque neque vel ex imperdiet eleifend. Nullam sit amet sapien risus. Ut imperdiet maximus velit. Quisque malesuada sit amet ligula et egestas. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Re: all the best memories are hers — storage - jericho - 08-04-2018

Sunhaven makes their home in a small, floating seatown along the beach at the edge of a mountain range.  Click each underlined word for a visual reference!

The Town  The floating seatown is a wide array of little, buoyant houses and shops connected by a vast stretch of boardwalk.  Though they may bob and sway gently on the waves below, the structures are connected to the ocean floor below and are sturdy enough to withstand the worst of weather.  Most of the buildings are very colorful and are frequently painted over with murals by Sunhaveners, but each varies widely in both function and layout.  Albeit somewhat small and quaint and certainly unconventional, their camp contains most buildings that can be found in any typical town.  Landmarks in the town include the library, the art cafe, and the fountain.

town landmarks:
The Beach  Where the mountains meet the sea lies the beach, the section of Sunhaven's territory that acts as about three-fourths of their border (the other quarter, of course, being deep within the mountains).  Here there are many caves and coves, rife with mystery for the curious explorer.  Landmarks on the beach include the wharf, the warship, the greenhouse, the statues, and the grotto.

beach landmarks:
The Mountains  Sunhaven's mountain range is relatively shallow and springs forth with life due to its typically-warm climate.  Though not tropical by any means, most of the summits are not tall enough to be cold year-round.  The environment is a mix, dotted with forests and bushy expanses, though each colored with a wide variety of flora and fauna; additionally, nestled between the peaks meadows are often found.  Landmarks in the mountains include the peak, the orchard, the fjord, and the lake.

mountains landmarks:

Re: all the best memories are hers — storage - icarus. - 02-19-2020

digs this thread up. Here We Go Again I Guess
will add a character directory here once i figure out where i'm putting my bitch(es?)

edit: fuck wrong sub