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BROKEN - open; injured stranger - Printable Version

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Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - ATBASH CIPHER. - 07-13-2018

”H-hey, we’re only trying to help you out,” Atbash started out, concern in her voice as she watched the stranger start to claw at himself, but as she stepped forward, Aizawa beat her to the punch - literally. The Hailcaller placed her paw down, blinking in surprise at what the grey lion had done. Aizawa!” She exclaimed, although her voice wasn’t stern or scolding. Her tone mostly showed her shock at what he had done, and she was looking at him with wide eyes. ”Was that really necessary?” Izuku has only asked once, after all, even though the guy had declined Izuku’s suggestion, Aizawa didn’t give the Frosthealer to explain why North needed to take his armor off. But at least he won’t complain anymore, right?


Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - arcy - 07-14-2018

.. problematic. Izuku's ears flatten further at the other's resistance. Oh dear. He couldn't .. treat them as well .. with the armor on. Maybe .. once they were more comfortable Izuku could convince them? Izuku isn't .. sure. He should probably find a way to get the other to rest, or at least to cooperate. But. Izuku didn't know .. how to do that. And ohhh god he's panicking. Mark, the raven, shows up but Izuku isn't sure how anybody could help and he just --.
"W -- wait --" Oh god. Pain relief, pain relief. In his head? Izuku reaches his front paws out, as though trying to take North's paws away from causing anymore damage, wings spreading to account for the sudden lack. But, the problem is that Izuku does not, in fact, have hands, and just ends up reaching out. Aizawa is talking. Izuku looks a little frantically at the lion. Unconscious -- oh. Oh no oh no. "Aizawa --!!" Izuku protests, a little hysterical. You can't just hit injured people oh my god what the fuck. And then it's kind of .. too late. Frantic as anything, Izuku, of course, shrieks, dropping back to his paws. "Oh my god that was so unnecessary there were so many other ways to do that --" Izuku rambles, wings flapping as feathers drift from his untended wings. It takes Izuku a minute to calm down, wild-eyed and probably not entirely put together. He swallows hard, shuffling his paws and not really noticing the hot pain going through his leg at the weight he puts on it. The feline shakes his head and huffs. At least they could .. bring him back now. "L .. let's just .. bring him back," Izuku offers, maybe a little dizzy and breathing a little unsteadily. He was okay, just .. not very well put-together. So far, his job as a Frosthealer was not going well. Right. How would they bring him back? .. Snow Leopards weren't too terribly heavy, Aizawa could probably still carry him with some difficult. Provided that the armor wasn't too much. .. Aizawa would .. probably be fine. Everyone else was .. a little too small to carry an actual Snow Leopard. I mean .. they were all just regular cats and prey animals. Wasn't that weird? Haha ..
what was i worth

Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - rhosmari - 07-15-2018

[align=center][div style="0px; width:450px; height:auto; text-align: justify; font-size: 8pt; line-height:13px; color:black;"]He hadn't expected to be attacked and really he wouldn't have been ready for it, not in his condition. He was jumbled up and all over the place, one face blending in with another. Pain consuming every motion he made or even when he wasn't moving at all. Perhaps thinking back on this one day he would see this as being his own personal hell but for now he was just there, trying to stay awake even though he didn't think he should and gratefully it seemed someone obliged his thoughts. The first hit sent his had smacking against the ground, the world shook and shimmered. Spinning roughly and without much pause. His eyes blinked rapidly over and over again but he wasn't hurting, no, he'd just gone numb to the pain that he was in and his jaws parted as if to speak before the second blow smashed his head against the ground harder. Blood trickled out of his mouth but his eyes had rolled back and he was out like a lamp, paws limply laid in front of him stained with his own blood but North was no longer going to be a problem for anyone that was here and that seemed to be the best news that anyone could have had today.

Re: BROKEN - open; injured stranger - guts - 07-15-2018

Really, Aizawa couldn't understand why everyone was freaking out. Well, he could, sort of. But still, he had done what needed to be done and he was being stubborn, after all. If he were still conscious, he'd just be in more pain, all while still protesting probably. With him out cold like this, it would be a lot easier to get the armor off and heal him. He simply shrugs at Atbash's and Izuku's frantic words, then nods when he says to bring him back to camp. He was starting to get cold.

He looks down at the unconscious leopard, hoping he hadn't actually killed him. That wouldn't be too good for his reputation. He had never killed a man before, and he didn't want this to be his first time. The lion bends down, shuffling North onto his back and using his wind elementals to maneuver his scarf around him, tightly securing him. He was a bit heavy with his armor, but he would manage. "Gather whatever he may have dropped. Let's go," he orders before beginning to walk back to the village they resided in.
